Another Democrat 'Paradise': Driving Through Detroit At Night [VIDEO]...

Stupidest, most oblivious and racist dumbass dupe thread EVER. Great job!

Aw come on, there were some white Democrat degenerates there too. One of em got bowled over in a friendly game of 'Ghetto Bowling.' Watch the video numnuts.
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Investors are buying up those areas now investing
True, but the damage is so great, it will take decades to return to anything approaching normalcy.

Blacks are and have been leaving the city due to lack of housing, because they destroyed the housing. Huge tracks of vacant land exist in Detroit, which at one time was completely developed.

There's no lack of housing there's lack of people
You need to keep in mind I have no reason being a liberal. I'm white, successful, etc. If the GOP weren't so bad I would be a conservative. But the fact is they suck big balls and I don't buy it for a minute. Even though I have every reason to be conservative. I understand why you are a con but can you explain why I'm not buying it? I'm not black, poor, getting anything for free.

You may not be greedy ignorant or a racist but your party is. Maybe I have a liberal gene that makes me less of an asshole than the typical con.

Because you're brainwashed fool and a fraud..You think by being liberal that makes you a good person..A lot of Jews have the same problem
So did you see the news about the smash and grab at 12 oaks mall? We're you surprised they were black? So can you see my/our fear as more and more blacks venture out from the city? You may be OK living among that but I'm not. Call me a hypocrite, coward or whatever else you want, who wants to live with that?

Do you like or want to live with Muslims?

Now Saturday I saw a black family moved on the lake. They were having a party setting up a tent. The kids were running around. Do I mind that? God no.

But we already know crime will follow. Maybe the people who come to the party and see how much more there is to steal out here.

You know violent crime is out of control in Detroit and you know that crime now ventures out to our neighbors.

Thank god for dwb. My black buddy said he know murderers in Detroit. I asked him why they don't come out here and he says dwb. They think they stick out here. But the more blacks move out here the more bold black criminals will become.

I find it interesting the amount of violence you find acceptable. I told you my friends brother got murdered over an argument and you tell me he shouldn't have been arguing. Wow! You've been hardened. I'm glad my brother sends his kids to cranbrook

Investors are buying up those areas now investing
True, but the damage is so great, it will take decades to return to anything approaching normalcy.

Blacks are and have been leaving the city due to lack of housing, because they destroyed the housing. Huge tracks of vacant land exist in Detroit, which at one time was completely developed.

There's no lack of housing there's lack of people
You need to keep in mind I have no reason being a liberal. I'm white, successful, etc. If the GOP weren't so bad I would be a conservative. But the fact is they suck big balls and I don't buy it for a minute. Even though I have every reason to be conservative. I understand why you are a con but can you explain why I'm not buying it? I'm not black, poor, getting anything for free.

You may not be greedy ignorant or a racist but your party is. Maybe I have a liberal gene that makes me less of an asshole than the typical con.

Do you support social welfare programs where the one paying gets nothing for the cost incurred and the one getting something incurs no costs?
I have an amazing idea you will love. Let's say you can get social security at 65 years. If you take 1 year of welfare you can't retire until 66. If you need 5 then you retire at 70. Max you can do welfare is 5. That's paying it back. A loan. And uncle Sam wins if they die age 69.
Yikes! WTG Dems. Looks like fun. How long before all of America resembles Democrat Third World 'Paradise?'

And another race-baiting KKK thread.

We smell you bigot. Go back to Stormfag.

Detroit is great American city.

All real Americans should care about helping any great city big or small that has suffered hard economic times due to policies supported by BOTH parties.

If you aren't here to fix the problems, then you ARE the problem - bigots, homophobes, xenophobes, scum. to hell and say hi to your daddy Adolf when ya git there....
Yikes! WTG Dems. Looks like fun. How long before all of America resembles Democrat Third World 'Paradise?'

And another race-baiting KKK thread.

We smell you bigot. Go back to Stormfag.

Detroit is great American city.

All real Americans should care about helping any great city big or small that has suffered hard economic times due to policies supported by BOTH parties.

If you aren't here to fix the problems, then you ARE the problem - bigots, homophobes, xenophobes, scum. to hell and say hi to your daddy Adolf when ya git there....

Detroit is a hole. It was once a great city with the nation's highest per capita income and home ownership.
Yikes! WTG Dems. Looks like fun. How long before all of America resembles Democrat Third World 'Paradise?'

Did Republicans support the auto industry in Detroit?

'Democrat America': Possibly coming to a city near you. Good times. :eek-52:

This is why it is very effective when cons use race to divide us. It's very hard for us libs to defend places like Detroit.

But I love putting a spot light on this issue. It will show how social programs are needed and the right thing to do but it will also show blacks need to do a lot better for themselves.

I always tell the black community that they need to start taking Republicans advice. Don't vote GOP but take their advice.

When do you talk to the "Black community" ..on your
“Another Democrat 'Paradise': Driving Through Detroit At Night”

No, another rightwing straw man fallacy.
Look at the economic health of Detroit in the 50s & 60s when Democrat labor and trade policies helped create a powerful domestic manufacturing base tied to high Union wages.

If you do the research, if you study the 50s & 60s ....

You'll find spectacular economic growth coupled with high taxes and a robust regulatory structure (supported by Republican presidents like Eisenhower and Nixon). You'll find that the American working class had high paying jobs. Even better, you'll discover that the father's high wages meant that the mother could stay home and raise the kids (a.k.a. Pro Family, which is why presidents like Eisenhower and Nixon supported the New Deal).

Then research the Reagan/Thatcher movement which freed capital to scour the globe for the lowest labor costs. The result was deindustrialization in places like Detroit as production was shifted to freedom-hating tyrannies offering the world's cheapest labor (a.k.a highest profits). The American workers who lost those globalized jobs became debt slaves, borrowing ever more money to replace what never trickled down. Point is, Reaganomics created a dangerous concentration of money/power on top coupled with massive debt down below.

Globalization, by circumventing U.S. labor costs, made our noble capitalists rich enough to buy the US Government - but it hollowed out our inner cities, leaving behind a trail of ghettos and superfluous black populations that could not find work.

You can definitely blame the democrats, especially Clinton, who capitulated with the trade and labor policies of Reaganomics - but if you want to understand why Detroit devolved from a working class utopia into a crime-filled nightmare, you would do well to study the broader issues behind neoliberal globalization, which was a cornerstone of Reaganomics.

You'll discover a history that is both more interesting and complex than the talking points we are fed by talk radio.
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Look at the economic health of Detroit in the 50s & 60s when Democrat labor and trade policies helped create a powerful domestic manufacturing base tied to high Union wages.

If you do the research, if you study the 50s & 60s ....

You'll find spectacular economic growth coupled with high taxes and a robust regulatory structure (supported by Republican presidents like Eisenhower and Nixon). You'll find that the American working class had high paying jobs. Even better, you'll discover that the father's high wages meant that the mother could stay home and raise the kids (a.k.a. Pro Family, which is why presidents like Eisenhower and Nixon supported the New Deal).

Then research the Reagan/Thatcher movement which freed capital to scour the globe for the lowest labor costs. The result was deindustrialization in places like Detroit as production was shifted to freedom-hating tyrannies offering the world's cheapest labor (a.k.a highest profits). The American workers who lost those globalized jobs became debt slaves, borrowing ever more money to replace what never trickled down. Point is, Reaganomics created a dangerous concentration of money/power on top coupled with massive debt down below.

Globalization, by circumventing U.S. labor costs, made our noble capitalists rich enough to buy the US Government - but it hollowed out our inner cities, leaving behind a trail of ghettos and superfluous black populations that could not find work.

You can definitely blame the democrats, especially Clinton, who capitulated with the trade and labor policies of Reaganomics - but if you want to understand why Detroit devolved from a working class utopia into a crime-filled nightmare, you would do well to study the broader issues behind neoliberal globalization, which was a cornerstone of Reaganomics.

You'll discover a history that is both more interesting and complex than the talking points we are fed by talk radio.
Your point was but a small part of the reason for Detroit's decline.

You must know the history of Detroit to know why it declined. It had a major race riot in 1967, at the height of US auto manufacturing success. But even before the '67 riot, whites had been fleeing the city for the new gleaming suburbs since the late 1950s. Thanks to the many interstate highways that made access easy. After the riot, whites fled in greater numbers. Real estate prices crashed as did the tax base. Businesses who had depended on white customers for decades, closed. Employment opportunities shrank. HUD offered blacks homes for $1 thinking they would maintain them. They did not. Huge areas of once prosperous beautiful homes, turned into ghettos. Busing was implemented in the mid 1960s, resulting in more whites fleeing the city. Crime which had been very low for decades up to 1960, increased slowly then spiked by 1970, resulting in more whites fleeing. When Coleman Young was elected mayor in 1974 and infamously told whitey to hit 8 Mile (border line with white suburbs made famous by Eminem), white flight was complete. The city was by then 70-80% black.

All this happened well before Reagan ever walked into the oval office.
Yikes! WTG Dems. Looks like fun. How long before all of America resembles Democrat Third World 'Paradise?'
You bet. I grew up in Detroit and have seen it descend into the sewer during my lifetime.

About 10 years ago, a colleague and his wife from Boston came to Detroit for a wedding. The next day they wanted to see downtown Detroit, for some reason I can't remember. As we drove threw the city to get downtown, they got to see the devastation first hand. They were shocked.

The D party, along with other factors, turned a once great beautiful city into a dump.

Boston is doing great. It's a liberal Capitol .

This is typical righty propaganda .

First, every city is considerd dem controlled . So every city problem us the Dems fault .

2nd. Detriot is a mess for all kinds of reasons . But you won't ever see liberal cities like NY , Boston , Frisco being used as examples because they are successful .
Investors are buying up those areas now investing
True, but the damage is so great, it will take decades to return to anything approaching normalcy.

Blacks are and have been leaving the city due to lack of housing, because they destroyed the housing. Huge tracks of vacant land exist in Detroit, which at one time was completely developed.

There's no lack of housing there's lack of people
You need to keep in mind I have no reason being a liberal. I'm white, successful, etc. If the GOP weren't so bad I would be a conservative. But the fact is they suck big balls and I don't buy it for a minute. Even though I have every reason to be conservative. I understand why you are a con but can you explain why I'm not buying it? I'm not black, poor, getting anything for free.

You may not be greedy ignorant or a racist but your party is. Maybe I have a liberal gene that makes me less of an asshole than the typical con.

Do you support social welfare programs where the one paying gets nothing for the cost incurred and the one getting something incurs no costs?
I have an amazing idea you will love. Let's say you can get social security at 65 years. If you take 1 year of welfare you can't retire until 66. If you need 5 then you retire at 70. Max you can do welfare is 5. That's paying it back. A loan. And uncle Sam wins if they die age 69.

I have a better idea. Let those that want to opt out of the SS Ponzi scheme do so and invest their money the way they see fit. That way, if they die younger, their family gets the money and the government isn't involved. If they opt out but choose not to invest themselves, when they don't have anything at an older age, tough shit. They made the choice. For those that need financial help, let those that think they deserve another person's money give it to them instead of the government forcing it from those they think have too much.

In your scenario, it assumes they live long enough to pay back the "loan". What happens in situations where those getting welfare don't live to or past 65? Nothing yet they will have received something they didn't pay back. In my proposal, the bleeding hearts get what they think should happen with people being provided what they don't have and those thinking it should happen paying for it. SS isn't involved because people invested themselves. Accountability occurs because those that made bad choices now have to pay for those bad choices and not someone else.
True, but the damage is so great, it will take decades to return to anything approaching normalcy.

Blacks are and have been leaving the city due to lack of housing, because they destroyed the housing. Huge tracks of vacant land exist in Detroit, which at one time was completely developed.

There's no lack of housing there's lack of people
You need to keep in mind I have no reason being a liberal. I'm white, successful, etc. If the GOP weren't so bad I would be a conservative. But the fact is they suck big balls and I don't buy it for a minute. Even though I have every reason to be conservative. I understand why you are a con but can you explain why I'm not buying it? I'm not black, poor, getting anything for free.

You may not be greedy ignorant or a racist but your party is. Maybe I have a liberal gene that makes me less of an asshole than the typical con.

Do you support social welfare programs where the one paying gets nothing for the cost incurred and the one getting something incurs no costs?
I have an amazing idea you will love. Let's say you can get social security at 65 years. If you take 1 year of welfare you can't retire until 66. If you need 5 then you retire at 70. Max you can do welfare is 5. That's paying it back. A loan. And uncle Sam wins if they die age 69.

I have a better idea. Let those that want to opt out of the SS Ponzi scheme do so and invest their money the way they see fit. That way, if they die younger, their family gets the money and the government isn't involved. If they opt out but choose not to invest themselves, when they don't have anything at an older age, tough shit. They made the choice. For those that need financial help, let those that think they deserve another person's money give it to them instead of the government forcing it from those they think have too much.

In your scenario, it assumes they live long enough to pay back the "loan". What happens in situations where those getting welfare don't live to or past 65? Nothing yet they will have received something they didn't pay back. In my proposal, the bleeding hearts get what they think should happen with people being provided what they don't have and those thinking it should happen paying for it. SS isn't involved because people invested themselves. Accountability occurs because those that made bad choices now have to pay for those bad choices and not someone else.
That's great if they don't live past 65! If they got the max 5 years of welfare at age 20 then from 25-65 they paid into social security but then didn't get anything out of it in the end. Sure they got the 5 years of welfare but that's what we call a social safety net.

I don't know what you did for a living when you were younger but you had social safety nets behind you whether you took advantage of them or not. And I know lots of cons who thought they'd never need them and then did. And they took FULL advantage of them and justified it by saying, "i paid in". No shit you paid in. We all did. But not all of us are going to take advantage. That's what insurance is for.

Lots of Republicans started business' that failed and they were willing to try because those safety nets existed. Want to stop people from trying? Remove the nets.

I get it. You are an conservative as they come. Every man for himself!
There's no lack of housing there's lack of people
You need to keep in mind I have no reason being a liberal. I'm white, successful, etc. If the GOP weren't so bad I would be a conservative. But the fact is they suck big balls and I don't buy it for a minute. Even though I have every reason to be conservative. I understand why you are a con but can you explain why I'm not buying it? I'm not black, poor, getting anything for free.

You may not be greedy ignorant or a racist but your party is. Maybe I have a liberal gene that makes me less of an asshole than the typical con.

Do you support social welfare programs where the one paying gets nothing for the cost incurred and the one getting something incurs no costs?
I have an amazing idea you will love. Let's say you can get social security at 65 years. If you take 1 year of welfare you can't retire until 66. If you need 5 then you retire at 70. Max you can do welfare is 5. That's paying it back. A loan. And uncle Sam wins if they die age 69.

I have a better idea. Let those that want to opt out of the SS Ponzi scheme do so and invest their money the way they see fit. That way, if they die younger, their family gets the money and the government isn't involved. If they opt out but choose not to invest themselves, when they don't have anything at an older age, tough shit. They made the choice. For those that need financial help, let those that think they deserve another person's money give it to them instead of the government forcing it from those they think have too much.

In your scenario, it assumes they live long enough to pay back the "loan". What happens in situations where those getting welfare don't live to or past 65? Nothing yet they will have received something they didn't pay back. In my proposal, the bleeding hearts get what they think should happen with people being provided what they don't have and those thinking it should happen paying for it. SS isn't involved because people invested themselves. Accountability occurs because those that made bad choices now have to pay for those bad choices and not someone else.
That's great if they don't live past 65! If they got the max 5 years of welfare at age 20 then from 25-65 they paid into social security but then didn't get anything out of it in the end. Sure they got the 5 years of welfare but that's what we call a social safety net.

I don't know what you did for a living when you were younger but you had social safety nets behind you whether you took advantage of them or not. And I know lots of cons who thought they'd never need them and then did. And they took FULL advantage of them and justified it by saying, "i paid in". No shit you paid in. We all did. But not all of us are going to take advantage. That's what insurance is for.

Lots of Republicans started business' that failed and they were willing to try because those safety nets existed. Want to stop people from trying? Remove the nets.

I get it. You are an conservative as they come. Every man for himself!

I provided a way for a safety net where both of us get what we want. People you say should have what you want them to have get it because bleeding hearts like you pay for it and those of us that don't believe one person deserves another person's money aren't forced to fund it. We both get what we say we want. Why do you oppose it?

If I didn't use them, they weren't behind me. In fact, twice I could have used them and didn't because, as I said, no one owes me anything.

Welfare is not insurance. With insurance, you have to pay in to be part of a group in order to get out. If you don't buy the policy, you don't get what the policy provides if something happens.

Want to stop people from trying, keep the safety nets giving them a reason to not try.

You're as Liberal as they come. Someone not doing their share benefits because someone that is but doesn't benefit is forced to fund it.

Damn right I'm for myself. I have no problem doing so since it's not my responsibility in any way to do for someone that isn't doing for him/herself but can. If someone unwilling to do for him/herself thinks it's OK to look out for him/herself with someone else's money, you shouldn't have a single problem with the person earning it doing the same because it's their money.
Yikes! WTG Dems. Looks like fun. How long before all of America resembles Democrat Third World 'Paradise?'

And another race-baiting KKK thread.

We smell you bigot. Go back to Stormfag.

Detroit is great American city.

All real Americans should care about helping any great city big or small that has suffered hard economic times due to policies supported by BOTH parties.

If you aren't here to fix the problems, then you ARE the problem - bigots, homophobes, xenophobes, scum. to hell and say hi to your daddy Adolf when ya git there....

Yikes! WTG Dems. Looks like fun. How long before all of America resembles Democrat Third World 'Paradise?'

Did Republicans support the auto industry in Detroit?

'Democrat America': Possibly coming to a city near you. Good times. :eek-52:

This is why it is very effective when cons use race to divide us. It's very hard for us libs to defend places like Detroit.

But I love putting a spot light on this issue. It will show how social programs are needed and the right thing to do but it will also show blacks need to do a lot better for themselves.

I always tell the black community that they need to start taking Republicans advice. Don't vote GOP but take their advice.

When do you talk to the "Black community" ..on your

Preachy White Communists/Progressives. They love the poor and black folk, they just don't want them anywhere near them and their families. They move as far away from them as possible.
Yikes! WTG Dems. Looks like fun. How long before all of America resembles Democrat Third World 'Paradise?'
You bet. I grew up in Detroit and have seen it descend into the sewer during my lifetime.

About 10 years ago, a colleague and his wife from Boston came to Detroit for a wedding. The next day they wanted to see downtown Detroit, for some reason I can't remember. As we drove threw the city to get downtown, they got to see the devastation first hand. They were shocked.

The D party, along with other factors, turned a once great beautiful city into a dump.

Boston is doing great. It's a liberal Capitol .

This is typical righty propaganda .

First, every city is considerd dem controlled . So every city problem us the Dems fault .

2nd. Detriot is a mess for all kinds of reasons . But you won't ever see liberal cities like NY , Boston , Frisco being used as examples because they are successful . failed to comprehend my post.

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