Another Democrat 'Paradise': Driving Through Detroit At Night [VIDEO]...

Yikes! WTG Dems. Looks like fun. How long before all of America resembles Democrat Third World 'Paradise?'

I watched that. :(

Very sad and depressing.

Sure is. The Democrats have thoroughly destroyed that once great city. Americans better start becoming more concerned about them doing the same to the entire country. Because that's where we're currently headed. A Democrat Paradise could be coming to your city next. We're all only a few Democrats away from it happening in our communities.
The negroes should vote for the billionaire New Yorker friend of the Clintons who hired illegal aliens to build his stuff rather than hire negroes.
Yikes! WTG Dems. Looks like fun. How long before all of America resembles Democrat Third World 'Paradise?'
You bet. I grew up in Detroit and have seen it descend into the sewer during my lifetime.

About 10 years ago, a colleague and his wife from Boston came to Detroit for a wedding. The next day they wanted to see downtown Detroit, for some reason I can't remember. As we drove threw the city to get downtown, they got to see the devastation first hand. They were shocked.

The D party, along with other factors, turned a once great beautiful city into a dump.

Boston is doing great. It's a liberal Capitol .

This is typical righty propaganda .

First, every city is considerd dem controlled . So every city problem us the Dems fault .

2nd. Detriot is a mess for all kinds of reasons . But you won't ever see liberal cities like NY , Boston , Frisco being used as examples because they are successful .

No thanks, i'll pass on your definition of 'Successful.' But hey, you're welcome to move to Detroit anytime. Enjoy.
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The negroes should vote for the billionaire New Yorker friend of the Clintons who hired illegal aliens to build his stuff rather than hire negroes.

Why not? Can't get any worse than the Third World Hellholes Democrats continue to create. I would advise them to go ahead and try something different. They have nothing to lose.
Which Repubs didnt sign the trade deals leading up to this?

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Just remember folks, we're all only a couple Democrats away from our own communities becoming 'Democrat Paradises' like Detroit and Chicago. Don't allow it to happen.
What leftism, greedy politicians, and ignorance has wrought....

In 1960, the city of Detroit was the greatest manufacturing city that the world had ever seen. Nearly two million people lived there, and it had the highest per capita income in the United States. That may be hard to believe, because today it actually has one of the lowest per capita incomes of all of our major cities. Over the decades more than a million people have left the city, and thousands of abandoned homes have been torn down. But there are still tens of thousands of abandoned dwellings that remain standing, and some have sold for as little as one dollar in recent years. Once Detroit was the envy of the entire planet, but now it has become a global joke and in other countries they love to do news stories about “the ruins of Detroit” to show how rapidly America is rotting and decaying. Sadly, Detroit is far from alone, because there are other formerly great manufacturing cities that have declined just as fast as Detroit has.(Read More....)
Wow, don't know whether to laugh or cry at the 2:00 mark of the video. Pretty much sums up what the Democrats have done to so many once great U.S. Cities. Third World madness.
It is much worse than most Americans could ever imagine...

In the city of Detroit today, close to half the population is functionally illiterate, and one survey found that 60 percent of all children in the city are living in poverty. It has been reported that 40 percent of the street lights do not work, and as you can see from the video it is a very frightening place to be after dark.

And don’t count on the police to help you. The size of the police force in Detroit has been reduced by about 40 percent over the years, and it has been estimated that it takes the Detroit police an average of 58 minutes to respond to a call.

If it was just one major city where all of these things were happening, that would be bad enough.

Sadly, the truth is that what is happening in Detroit is happening all over the nation. In fact, St. Louis and Memphis now have higher gun crime rates than Detroit does
You need to keep in mind I have no reason being a liberal. I'm white, successful, etc. If the GOP weren't so bad I would be a conservative. But the fact is they suck big balls and I don't buy it for a minute. Even though I have every reason to be conservative. I understand why you are a con but can you explain why I'm not buying it? I'm not black, poor, getting anything for free.

You may not be greedy ignorant or a racist but your party is. Maybe I have a liberal gene that makes me less of an asshole than the typical con.

Do you support social welfare programs where the one paying gets nothing for the cost incurred and the one getting something incurs no costs?
I have an amazing idea you will love. Let's say you can get social security at 65 years. If you take 1 year of welfare you can't retire until 66. If you need 5 then you retire at 70. Max you can do welfare is 5. That's paying it back. A loan. And uncle Sam wins if they die age 69.

I have a better idea. Let those that want to opt out of the SS Ponzi scheme do so and invest their money the way they see fit. That way, if they die younger, their family gets the money and the government isn't involved. If they opt out but choose not to invest themselves, when they don't have anything at an older age, tough shit. They made the choice. For those that need financial help, let those that think they deserve another person's money give it to them instead of the government forcing it from those they think have too much.

In your scenario, it assumes they live long enough to pay back the "loan". What happens in situations where those getting welfare don't live to or past 65? Nothing yet they will have received something they didn't pay back. In my proposal, the bleeding hearts get what they think should happen with people being provided what they don't have and those thinking it should happen paying for it. SS isn't involved because people invested themselves. Accountability occurs because those that made bad choices now have to pay for those bad choices and not someone else.
That's great if they don't live past 65! If they got the max 5 years of welfare at age 20 then from 25-65 they paid into social security but then didn't get anything out of it in the end. Sure they got the 5 years of welfare but that's what we call a social safety net.

I don't know what you did for a living when you were younger but you had social safety nets behind you whether you took advantage of them or not. And I know lots of cons who thought they'd never need them and then did. And they took FULL advantage of them and justified it by saying, "i paid in". No shit you paid in. We all did. But not all of us are going to take advantage. That's what insurance is for.

Lots of Republicans started business' that failed and they were willing to try because those safety nets existed. Want to stop people from trying? Remove the nets.

I get it. You are an conservative as they come. Every man for himself!

I provided a way for a safety net where both of us get what we want. People you say should have what you want them to have get it because bleeding hearts like you pay for it and those of us that don't believe one person deserves another person's money aren't forced to fund it. We both get what we say we want. Why do you oppose it?

If I didn't use them, they weren't behind me. In fact, twice I could have used them and didn't because, as I said, no one owes me anything.

Welfare is not insurance. With insurance, you have to pay in to be part of a group in order to get out. If you don't buy the policy, you don't get what the policy provides if something happens.

Want to stop people from trying, keep the safety nets giving them a reason to not try.

You're as Liberal as they come. Someone not doing their share benefits because someone that is but doesn't benefit is forced to fund it.

Damn right I'm for myself. I have no problem doing so since it's not my responsibility in any way to do for someone that isn't doing for him/herself but can. If someone unwilling to do for him/herself thinks it's OK to look out for him/herself with someone else's money, you shouldn't have a single problem with the person earning it doing the same because it's their money.
I've seen so many cons in my day fail and then RUN to those safety nets. They talk shit when things are good but then understand the liberal point of view the minute they get in trouble.

I've also discovered that many of the cons I know DID use/benefit from safety nets. I would have to know your whole life story to explain and I don't even want to bother. It won't change you.

And yes, a high wire act that uses a safety net DOES use a safety net even if they don't fall. It's still there dude. It'd be a lot different walking across that wire if the net wasn't there. When you grew up, there was a net underneath you. Republicans have removed that net.
It is much worse than most Americans could ever imagine...

In the city of Detroit today, close to half the population is functionally illiterate, and one survey found that 60 percent of all children in the city are living in poverty. It has been reported that 40 percent of the street lights do not work, and as you can see from the video it is a very frightening place to be after dark.

And don’t count on the police to help you. The size of the police force in Detroit has been reduced by about 40 percent over the years, and it has been estimated that it takes the Detroit police an average of 58 minutes to respond to a call.

If it was just one major city where all of these things were happening, that would be bad enough.

Sadly, the truth is that what is happening in Detroit is happening all over the nation. In fact, St. Louis and Memphis now have higher gun crime rates than Detroit does
How are you going to stop poor illiterate women from having sex with poor illiterate men and then raising poor illiterate kids?
It is much worse than most Americans could ever imagine...

In the city of Detroit today, close to half the population is functionally illiterate, and one survey found that 60 percent of all children in the city are living in poverty. It has been reported that 40 percent of the street lights do not work, and as you can see from the video it is a very frightening place to be after dark.

And don’t count on the police to help you. The size of the police force in Detroit has been reduced by about 40 percent over the years, and it has been estimated that it takes the Detroit police an average of 58 minutes to respond to a call.

If it was just one major city where all of these things were happening, that would be bad enough.

Sadly, the truth is that what is happening in Detroit is happening all over the nation. In fact, St. Louis and Memphis now have higher gun crime rates than Detroit does

Yeah, you can see in the video that it's lawless Third World chaos. The 2:00 mark of the video kinda tells that story. But on a lighter note, how the hell did the dude manage to hang onto his 40? :laugh:
It is much worse than most Americans could ever imagine...

In the city of Detroit today, close to half the population is functionally illiterate, and one survey found that 60 percent of all children in the city are living in poverty. It has been reported that 40 percent of the street lights do not work, and as you can see from the video it is a very frightening place to be after dark.

And don’t count on the police to help you. The size of the police force in Detroit has been reduced by about 40 percent over the years, and it has been estimated that it takes the Detroit police an average of 58 minutes to respond to a call.

If it was just one major city where all of these things were happening, that would be bad enough.

Sadly, the truth is that what is happening in Detroit is happening all over the nation. In fact, St. Louis and Memphis now have higher gun crime rates than Detroit does
How are you going to stop poor illiterate women from having sex with poor illiterate men and then raising poor illiterate kids?
Are you aware that Detroit has a public school system?
Do you support social welfare programs where the one paying gets nothing for the cost incurred and the one getting something incurs no costs?
I have an amazing idea you will love. Let's say you can get social security at 65 years. If you take 1 year of welfare you can't retire until 66. If you need 5 then you retire at 70. Max you can do welfare is 5. That's paying it back. A loan. And uncle Sam wins if they die age 69.

I have a better idea. Let those that want to opt out of the SS Ponzi scheme do so and invest their money the way they see fit. That way, if they die younger, their family gets the money and the government isn't involved. If they opt out but choose not to invest themselves, when they don't have anything at an older age, tough shit. They made the choice. For those that need financial help, let those that think they deserve another person's money give it to them instead of the government forcing it from those they think have too much.

In your scenario, it assumes they live long enough to pay back the "loan". What happens in situations where those getting welfare don't live to or past 65? Nothing yet they will have received something they didn't pay back. In my proposal, the bleeding hearts get what they think should happen with people being provided what they don't have and those thinking it should happen paying for it. SS isn't involved because people invested themselves. Accountability occurs because those that made bad choices now have to pay for those bad choices and not someone else.
That's great if they don't live past 65! If they got the max 5 years of welfare at age 20 then from 25-65 they paid into social security but then didn't get anything out of it in the end. Sure they got the 5 years of welfare but that's what we call a social safety net.

I don't know what you did for a living when you were younger but you had social safety nets behind you whether you took advantage of them or not. And I know lots of cons who thought they'd never need them and then did. And they took FULL advantage of them and justified it by saying, "i paid in". No shit you paid in. We all did. But not all of us are going to take advantage. That's what insurance is for.

Lots of Republicans started business' that failed and they were willing to try because those safety nets existed. Want to stop people from trying? Remove the nets.

I get it. You are an conservative as they come. Every man for himself!

I provided a way for a safety net where both of us get what we want. People you say should have what you want them to have get it because bleeding hearts like you pay for it and those of us that don't believe one person deserves another person's money aren't forced to fund it. We both get what we say we want. Why do you oppose it?

If I didn't use them, they weren't behind me. In fact, twice I could have used them and didn't because, as I said, no one owes me anything.

Welfare is not insurance. With insurance, you have to pay in to be part of a group in order to get out. If you don't buy the policy, you don't get what the policy provides if something happens.

Want to stop people from trying, keep the safety nets giving them a reason to not try.

You're as Liberal as they come. Someone not doing their share benefits because someone that is but doesn't benefit is forced to fund it.

Damn right I'm for myself. I have no problem doing so since it's not my responsibility in any way to do for someone that isn't doing for him/herself but can. If someone unwilling to do for him/herself thinks it's OK to look out for him/herself with someone else's money, you shouldn't have a single problem with the person earning it doing the same because it's their money.
I've seen so many cons in my day fail and then RUN to those safety nets. They talk shit when things are good but then understand the liberal point of view the minute they get in trouble.

I've also discovered that many of the cons I know DID use/benefit from safety nets. I would have to know your whole life story to explain and I don't even want to bother. It won't change you.

And yes, a high wire act that uses a safety net DOES use a safety net even if they don't fall. It's still there dude. It'd be a lot different walking across that wire if the net wasn't there. When you grew up, there was a net underneath you. Republicans have removed that net.

Uh huh, your 'Safety Nets' are workin out great. Same ole tired Democrat buzz-words. But nothing ever changes, except for the worse. I don't want your 'Paradise.' You can keep it.
It is much worse than most Americans could ever imagine...

In the city of Detroit today, close to half the population is functionally illiterate, and one survey found that 60 percent of all children in the city are living in poverty. It has been reported that 40 percent of the street lights do not work, and as you can see from the video it is a very frightening place to be after dark.

And don’t count on the police to help you. The size of the police force in Detroit has been reduced by about 40 percent over the years, and it has been estimated that it takes the Detroit police an average of 58 minutes to respond to a call.

If it was just one major city where all of these things were happening, that would be bad enough.

Sadly, the truth is that what is happening in Detroit is happening all over the nation. In fact, St. Louis and Memphis now have higher gun crime rates than Detroit does

Yeah, you can see in the video that it's lawless Third World chaos. The 2:00 mark of the video kinda tells that story. But on a lighter note, how the hell did the dude manage to hang onto his 40? :laugh:
Yes the video is terrible...but Detroit has been this way for decades. It is not new and it is not third world. Detroit is also not alone. Nearly every major city in this country, has similar things going on.
It is much worse than most Americans could ever imagine...

In the city of Detroit today, close to half the population is functionally illiterate, and one survey found that 60 percent of all children in the city are living in poverty. It has been reported that 40 percent of the street lights do not work, and as you can see from the video it is a very frightening place to be after dark.

And don’t count on the police to help you. The size of the police force in Detroit has been reduced by about 40 percent over the years, and it has been estimated that it takes the Detroit police an average of 58 minutes to respond to a call.

If it was just one major city where all of these things were happening, that would be bad enough.

Sadly, the truth is that what is happening in Detroit is happening all over the nation. In fact, St. Louis and Memphis now have higher gun crime rates than Detroit does
How are you going to stop poor illiterate women from having sex with poor illiterate men and then raising poor illiterate kids?

Stop enabling them to continue to have children they can't afford by handing them someone else's money.
It is much worse than most Americans could ever imagine...

In the city of Detroit today, close to half the population is functionally illiterate, and one survey found that 60 percent of all children in the city are living in poverty. It has been reported that 40 percent of the street lights do not work, and as you can see from the video it is a very frightening place to be after dark.

And don’t count on the police to help you. The size of the police force in Detroit has been reduced by about 40 percent over the years, and it has been estimated that it takes the Detroit police an average of 58 minutes to respond to a call.

If it was just one major city where all of these things were happening, that would be bad enough.

Sadly, the truth is that what is happening in Detroit is happening all over the nation. In fact, St. Louis and Memphis now have higher gun crime rates than Detroit does
How are you going to stop poor illiterate women from having sex with poor illiterate men and then raising poor illiterate kids?

Stop enabling them to continue to have children they can't afford by handing them someone else's money.

Yes, another huge problem with our Welfare System. It encourages all the wrong behaviors. The System needs bigtime reform. It has to be reformed in such a way that weans folks off Government handouts.

Folks can't be encouraged to stay on Welfare permanently. That's how you get a Detroit, Chicago, and so on. People have to be encouraged to work hard and be productive Citizens. There has to be strict requirements and limits. That's the only logical way forward.
Do you support social welfare programs where the one paying gets nothing for the cost incurred and the one getting something incurs no costs?
I have an amazing idea you will love. Let's say you can get social security at 65 years. If you take 1 year of welfare you can't retire until 66. If you need 5 then you retire at 70. Max you can do welfare is 5. That's paying it back. A loan. And uncle Sam wins if they die age 69.

I have a better idea. Let those that want to opt out of the SS Ponzi scheme do so and invest their money the way they see fit. That way, if they die younger, their family gets the money and the government isn't involved. If they opt out but choose not to invest themselves, when they don't have anything at an older age, tough shit. They made the choice. For those that need financial help, let those that think they deserve another person's money give it to them instead of the government forcing it from those they think have too much.

In your scenario, it assumes they live long enough to pay back the "loan". What happens in situations where those getting welfare don't live to or past 65? Nothing yet they will have received something they didn't pay back. In my proposal, the bleeding hearts get what they think should happen with people being provided what they don't have and those thinking it should happen paying for it. SS isn't involved because people invested themselves. Accountability occurs because those that made bad choices now have to pay for those bad choices and not someone else.
That's great if they don't live past 65! If they got the max 5 years of welfare at age 20 then from 25-65 they paid into social security but then didn't get anything out of it in the end. Sure they got the 5 years of welfare but that's what we call a social safety net.

I don't know what you did for a living when you were younger but you had social safety nets behind you whether you took advantage of them or not. And I know lots of cons who thought they'd never need them and then did. And they took FULL advantage of them and justified it by saying, "i paid in". No shit you paid in. We all did. But not all of us are going to take advantage. That's what insurance is for.

Lots of Republicans started business' that failed and they were willing to try because those safety nets existed. Want to stop people from trying? Remove the nets.

I get it. You are an conservative as they come. Every man for himself!

I provided a way for a safety net where both of us get what we want. People you say should have what you want them to have get it because bleeding hearts like you pay for it and those of us that don't believe one person deserves another person's money aren't forced to fund it. We both get what we say we want. Why do you oppose it?

If I didn't use them, they weren't behind me. In fact, twice I could have used them and didn't because, as I said, no one owes me anything.

Welfare is not insurance. With insurance, you have to pay in to be part of a group in order to get out. If you don't buy the policy, you don't get what the policy provides if something happens.

Want to stop people from trying, keep the safety nets giving them a reason to not try.

You're as Liberal as they come. Someone not doing their share benefits because someone that is but doesn't benefit is forced to fund it.

Damn right I'm for myself. I have no problem doing so since it's not my responsibility in any way to do for someone that isn't doing for him/herself but can. If someone unwilling to do for him/herself thinks it's OK to look out for him/herself with someone else's money, you shouldn't have a single problem with the person earning it doing the same because it's their money.
I've seen so many cons in my day fail and then RUN to those safety nets. They talk shit when things are good but then understand the liberal point of view the minute they get in trouble.

I've also discovered that many of the cons I know DID use/benefit from safety nets. I would have to know your whole life story to explain and I don't even want to bother. It won't change you.

And yes, a high wire act that uses a safety net DOES use a safety net even if they don't fall. It's still there dude. It'd be a lot different walking across that wire if the net wasn't there. When you grew up, there was a net underneath you. Republicans have removed that net.

All you need to know is when what you say plenty of conservatives do presented itself, this one didn't run to the handouts. That I practice what I preach is all that matters. There's no reason to change if I'm already things how I say they should be done.

So as long as you know someone will be forced to offset YOUR choices if they aren't good one, you're willing to take chances because the responsibility of offsetting them doesn't belong to you. If people knew that they would have to be responsible for their own choices, maybe they would have the attitude of making dumb ones. My answer is to have people think about the choices they make and your response is to let them make bad choices because they don't have to pay for them.
It is much worse than most Americans could ever imagine...

In the city of Detroit today, close to half the population is functionally illiterate, and one survey found that 60 percent of all children in the city are living in poverty. It has been reported that 40 percent of the street lights do not work, and as you can see from the video it is a very frightening place to be after dark.

And don’t count on the police to help you. The size of the police force in Detroit has been reduced by about 40 percent over the years, and it has been estimated that it takes the Detroit police an average of 58 minutes to respond to a call.

If it was just one major city where all of these things were happening, that would be bad enough.

Sadly, the truth is that what is happening in Detroit is happening all over the nation. In fact, St. Louis and Memphis now have higher gun crime rates than Detroit does
How are you going to stop poor illiterate women from having sex with poor illiterate men and then raising poor illiterate kids?

Stop enabling them to continue to have children they can't afford by handing them someone else's money.

Yes, another huge problem with our Welfare System. It encourages all the wrong behaviors. The System needs bigtime reform. It has to be reformed in such a way that weans folks off Government handouts.

Folks can't be encouraged to stay on Welfare permanently. That's how you get a Detroit, Chicago, and so on. People have to be encouraged to work hard and be productive Citizens. There has to be strict requirements and limits. That's the only logical way forward.

As long as people know that someone else will be forced to offset their bad choices, they have no reason to stop making them.

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