Another Democrat 'Paradise': Driving Through Detroit At Night [VIDEO]...

It is much worse than most Americans could ever imagine...

In the city of Detroit today, close to half the population is functionally illiterate, and one survey found that 60 percent of all children in the city are living in poverty. It has been reported that 40 percent of the street lights do not work, and as you can see from the video it is a very frightening place to be after dark.

And don’t count on the police to help you. The size of the police force in Detroit has been reduced by about 40 percent over the years, and it has been estimated that it takes the Detroit police an average of 58 minutes to respond to a call.

If it was just one major city where all of these things were happening, that would be bad enough.

Sadly, the truth is that what is happening in Detroit is happening all over the nation. In fact, St. Louis and Memphis now have higher gun crime rates than Detroit does
How are you going to stop poor illiterate women from having sex with poor illiterate men and then raising poor illiterate kids?

Stop enabling them to continue to have children they can't afford by handing them someone else's money.

Yes, another huge problem with our Welfare System. It encourages all the wrong behaviors. The System needs bigtime reform. It has to be reformed in such a way that weans folks off Government handouts.

Folks can't be encouraged to stay on Welfare permanently. That's how you get a Detroit, Chicago, and so on. People have to be encouraged to work hard and be productive Citizens. There has to be strict requirements and limits. That's the only logical way forward.

As long as people know that someone else will be forced to offset their bad choices, they have no reason to stop making them.

Spot On. I'm now a firm advocate of Government finding work for Welfare recipients, and then requiring them to accept the work. That's how many nations around the world do it.

If we're gonna spend so much Tax Dollars on giving the Freebies, we should also spend a portion of it on finding work for recipients. If they choose not to accept the work, their benefits will be ended. We have to get folks working and being productive again.
It is much worse than most Americans could ever imagine...

In the city of Detroit today, close to half the population is functionally illiterate, and one survey found that 60 percent of all children in the city are living in poverty. It has been reported that 40 percent of the street lights do not work, and as you can see from the video it is a very frightening place to be after dark.

And don’t count on the police to help you. The size of the police force in Detroit has been reduced by about 40 percent over the years, and it has been estimated that it takes the Detroit police an average of 58 minutes to respond to a call.

If it was just one major city where all of these things were happening, that would be bad enough.

Sadly, the truth is that what is happening in Detroit is happening all over the nation. In fact, St. Louis and Memphis now have higher gun crime rates than Detroit does
How are you going to stop poor illiterate women from having sex with poor illiterate men and then raising poor illiterate kids?

Stop enabling them to continue to have children they can't afford by handing them someone else's money.

Yes, another huge problem with our Welfare System. It encourages all the wrong behaviors. The System needs bigtime reform. It has to be reformed in such a way that weans folks off Government handouts.

Folks can't be encouraged to stay on Welfare permanently. That's how you get a Detroit, Chicago, and so on. People have to be encouraged to work hard and be productive Citizens. There has to be strict requirements and limits. That's the only logical way forward.

As long as people know that someone else will be forced to offset their bad choices, they have no reason to stop making them.

Spot On. I'm now a firm advocate of Government finding work for Welfare recipients, and then requiring them to accept the work. That's how many nations around the world do it.

If we're gonna spend so much Tax Dollars on giving the Freebies, we should also spend a portion of it on finding work for recipients. If they choose not to accept the work, their benefits will be ended. We have to get folks working and being productive again.

I've proposed something that would solve the illegal immigration problem and the claim that people using government handouts can't find job but want to work. Deport the illegals and offer the welfare recipients the jobs illegals were doing. It doesn't matter whether or not they want to do the job but that a job is offered. If they refuse, no more handouts.

When many on handouts can get near or just as much doing nothing as they can working based on their skill level, they're not going to work.
How are you going to stop poor illiterate women from having sex with poor illiterate men and then raising poor illiterate kids?

Stop enabling them to continue to have children they can't afford by handing them someone else's money.

Yes, another huge problem with our Welfare System. It encourages all the wrong behaviors. The System needs bigtime reform. It has to be reformed in such a way that weans folks off Government handouts.

Folks can't be encouraged to stay on Welfare permanently. That's how you get a Detroit, Chicago, and so on. People have to be encouraged to work hard and be productive Citizens. There has to be strict requirements and limits. That's the only logical way forward.

As long as people know that someone else will be forced to offset their bad choices, they have no reason to stop making them.

Spot On. I'm now a firm advocate of Government finding work for Welfare recipients, and then requiring them to accept the work. That's how many nations around the world do it.

If we're gonna spend so much Tax Dollars on giving the Freebies, we should also spend a portion of it on finding work for recipients. If they choose not to accept the work, their benefits will be ended. We have to get folks working and being productive again.

I've proposed something that would solve the illegal immigration problem and the claim that people using government handouts can't find job but want to work. Deport the illegals and offer the welfare recipients the jobs illegals were doing. It doesn't matter whether or not they want to do the job but that a job is offered. If they refuse, no more handouts.

When many on handouts can get near or just as much doing nothing as they can working based on their skill level, they're not going to work.

Something to chew on. There's no doubt Illegal Immigration has to end. But i think the Government needs to take a more active role in finding jobs for recipients. In many other countries, Governments actively search for work. Those who choose not to accept the work, see their benefits ended.

The big problem is that our Government spends all of its time and money on handing the Freebies out. It doesn't spend any time on actively solving problems. It has to become more engaged in finding solutions, such as employment.
Stop enabling them to continue to have children they can't afford by handing them someone else's money.

Yes, another huge problem with our Welfare System. It encourages all the wrong behaviors. The System needs bigtime reform. It has to be reformed in such a way that weans folks off Government handouts.

Folks can't be encouraged to stay on Welfare permanently. That's how you get a Detroit, Chicago, and so on. People have to be encouraged to work hard and be productive Citizens. There has to be strict requirements and limits. That's the only logical way forward.

As long as people know that someone else will be forced to offset their bad choices, they have no reason to stop making them.

Spot On. I'm now a firm advocate of Government finding work for Welfare recipients, and then requiring them to accept the work. That's how many nations around the world do it.

If we're gonna spend so much Tax Dollars on giving the Freebies, we should also spend a portion of it on finding work for recipients. If they choose not to accept the work, their benefits will be ended. We have to get folks working and being productive again.

I've proposed something that would solve the illegal immigration problem and the claim that people using government handouts can't find job but want to work. Deport the illegals and offer the welfare recipients the jobs illegals were doing. It doesn't matter whether or not they want to do the job but that a job is offered. If they refuse, no more handouts.

When many on handouts can get near or just as much doing nothing as they can working based on their skill level, they're not going to work.

Something to chew on. There's no doubt Illegal Immigration has to end. But i think the Government needs to take a more active role in finding jobs for recipients. In many other countries, Governments actively search for work. Those who choose not to accept the work, see their benefits ended.

The big problem is that our Government spends all of its time and money on handing the Freebies out. It doesn't spend any time on actively solving problems. It has to become more engaged in finding solutions, such as employment.

The problem with the government taking that active of a role is they start creating more unnecessary government jobs. In the end, the costs is the same. There is a fine line that's easy to cross.

I have a suggestion for something they could do in return for the handouts. Where I live, we have a highway "adoption" program where various groups choose a 2 mile stretch of highway to clean where people have thrown trash on the side of the road. I say let the welfare recipients "adopt" them. It's a public roadway and public money they're receiving. I'm not concerned with whether there is a dollar for dollar match but that those receiving something do something for it.
Yes, another huge problem with our Welfare System. It encourages all the wrong behaviors. The System needs bigtime reform. It has to be reformed in such a way that weans folks off Government handouts.

Folks can't be encouraged to stay on Welfare permanently. That's how you get a Detroit, Chicago, and so on. People have to be encouraged to work hard and be productive Citizens. There has to be strict requirements and limits. That's the only logical way forward.

As long as people know that someone else will be forced to offset their bad choices, they have no reason to stop making them.

Spot On. I'm now a firm advocate of Government finding work for Welfare recipients, and then requiring them to accept the work. That's how many nations around the world do it.

If we're gonna spend so much Tax Dollars on giving the Freebies, we should also spend a portion of it on finding work for recipients. If they choose not to accept the work, their benefits will be ended. We have to get folks working and being productive again.

I've proposed something that would solve the illegal immigration problem and the claim that people using government handouts can't find job but want to work. Deport the illegals and offer the welfare recipients the jobs illegals were doing. It doesn't matter whether or not they want to do the job but that a job is offered. If they refuse, no more handouts.

When many on handouts can get near or just as much doing nothing as they can working based on their skill level, they're not going to work.

Something to chew on. There's no doubt Illegal Immigration has to end. But i think the Government needs to take a more active role in finding jobs for recipients. In many other countries, Governments actively search for work. Those who choose not to accept the work, see their benefits ended.

The big problem is that our Government spends all of its time and money on handing the Freebies out. It doesn't spend any time on actively solving problems. It has to become more engaged in finding solutions, such as employment.

The problem with the government taking that active of a role is they start creating more unnecessary government jobs. In the end, the costs is the same. There is a fine line that's easy to cross.

I have a suggestion for something they could do in return for the handouts. Where I live, we have a highway "adoption" program where various groups choose a 2 mile stretch of highway to clean where people have thrown trash on the side of the road. I say let the welfare recipients "adopt" them. It's a public roadway and public money they're receiving. I'm not concerned with whether there is a dollar for dollar match but that those receiving something do something for it.

I just feel it can't be only about handing Freebies out. Government needs to help find solutions to the problems. That's how you get folks off Entitlements. Finding job opportunities for recipients is one way to do that. Those who refuse the work, will have to say goodbye to their Freebies.
As long as people know that someone else will be forced to offset their bad choices, they have no reason to stop making them.

Spot On. I'm now a firm advocate of Government finding work for Welfare recipients, and then requiring them to accept the work. That's how many nations around the world do it.

If we're gonna spend so much Tax Dollars on giving the Freebies, we should also spend a portion of it on finding work for recipients. If they choose not to accept the work, their benefits will be ended. We have to get folks working and being productive again.

I've proposed something that would solve the illegal immigration problem and the claim that people using government handouts can't find job but want to work. Deport the illegals and offer the welfare recipients the jobs illegals were doing. It doesn't matter whether or not they want to do the job but that a job is offered. If they refuse, no more handouts.

When many on handouts can get near or just as much doing nothing as they can working based on their skill level, they're not going to work.

Something to chew on. There's no doubt Illegal Immigration has to end. But i think the Government needs to take a more active role in finding jobs for recipients. In many other countries, Governments actively search for work. Those who choose not to accept the work, see their benefits ended.

The big problem is that our Government spends all of its time and money on handing the Freebies out. It doesn't spend any time on actively solving problems. It has to become more engaged in finding solutions, such as employment.

The problem with the government taking that active of a role is they start creating more unnecessary government jobs. In the end, the costs is the same. There is a fine line that's easy to cross.

I have a suggestion for something they could do in return for the handouts. Where I live, we have a highway "adoption" program where various groups choose a 2 mile stretch of highway to clean where people have thrown trash on the side of the road. I say let the welfare recipients "adopt" them. It's a public roadway and public money they're receiving. I'm not concerned with whether there is a dollar for dollar match but that those receiving something do something for it.

I just feel it can't be only about handing Freebies out. Government needs to help find solutions to the problems. That's how you get folks off Entitlements. Finding job opportunities for recipients is one way to do that. Those who refuse the work, will have to say goodbye to their Freebies.

Do you believe the government played a role in causing the problems of the welfare state?
Spot On. I'm now a firm advocate of Government finding work for Welfare recipients, and then requiring them to accept the work. That's how many nations around the world do it.

If we're gonna spend so much Tax Dollars on giving the Freebies, we should also spend a portion of it on finding work for recipients. If they choose not to accept the work, their benefits will be ended. We have to get folks working and being productive again.

I've proposed something that would solve the illegal immigration problem and the claim that people using government handouts can't find job but want to work. Deport the illegals and offer the welfare recipients the jobs illegals were doing. It doesn't matter whether or not they want to do the job but that a job is offered. If they refuse, no more handouts.

When many on handouts can get near or just as much doing nothing as they can working based on their skill level, they're not going to work.

Something to chew on. There's no doubt Illegal Immigration has to end. But i think the Government needs to take a more active role in finding jobs for recipients. In many other countries, Governments actively search for work. Those who choose not to accept the work, see their benefits ended.

The big problem is that our Government spends all of its time and money on handing the Freebies out. It doesn't spend any time on actively solving problems. It has to become more engaged in finding solutions, such as employment.

The problem with the government taking that active of a role is they start creating more unnecessary government jobs. In the end, the costs is the same. There is a fine line that's easy to cross.

I have a suggestion for something they could do in return for the handouts. Where I live, we have a highway "adoption" program where various groups choose a 2 mile stretch of highway to clean where people have thrown trash on the side of the road. I say let the welfare recipients "adopt" them. It's a public roadway and public money they're receiving. I'm not concerned with whether there is a dollar for dollar match but that those receiving something do something for it.

I just feel it can't be only about handing Freebies out. Government needs to help find solutions to the problems. That's how you get folks off Entitlements. Finding job opportunities for recipients is one way to do that. Those who refuse the work, will have to say goodbye to their Freebies.

Do you believe the government played a role in causing the problems of the welfare state?

Yes. But Entitlements aren't going away. They're here to stay. So now we have to find ways for the Government to discourage folks from staying on Entitlements permanently. It has to take an active role in weaning em off them. It'll be well-worth the time and money it takes to do so.
I've proposed something that would solve the illegal immigration problem and the claim that people using government handouts can't find job but want to work. Deport the illegals and offer the welfare recipients the jobs illegals were doing. It doesn't matter whether or not they want to do the job but that a job is offered. If they refuse, no more handouts.

When many on handouts can get near or just as much doing nothing as they can working based on their skill level, they're not going to work.

Something to chew on. There's no doubt Illegal Immigration has to end. But i think the Government needs to take a more active role in finding jobs for recipients. In many other countries, Governments actively search for work. Those who choose not to accept the work, see their benefits ended.

The big problem is that our Government spends all of its time and money on handing the Freebies out. It doesn't spend any time on actively solving problems. It has to become more engaged in finding solutions, such as employment.

The problem with the government taking that active of a role is they start creating more unnecessary government jobs. In the end, the costs is the same. There is a fine line that's easy to cross.

I have a suggestion for something they could do in return for the handouts. Where I live, we have a highway "adoption" program where various groups choose a 2 mile stretch of highway to clean where people have thrown trash on the side of the road. I say let the welfare recipients "adopt" them. It's a public roadway and public money they're receiving. I'm not concerned with whether there is a dollar for dollar match but that those receiving something do something for it.

I just feel it can't be only about handing Freebies out. Government needs to help find solutions to the problems. That's how you get folks off Entitlements. Finding job opportunities for recipients is one way to do that. Those who refuse the work, will have to say goodbye to their Freebies.

Do you believe the government played a role in causing the problems of the welfare state?

Yes. But Entitlements aren't going away. They're here to stay. So now we have to find ways for the Government to discourage folks from staying on Entitlements permanently. It has to take an active role in weaning em off them. It'll be well-worth the time and money it takes to do so.

How can an entity you say caused the problems solve them? If they can solve them, doesn't logic dictate they wouldn't have caused them to start with.

A good example is the school district where I live. Plenty of former administrators run for the school board. NONE get elected because people here have realized that putting someone in a position to solve problems they created is futile and would be like having the fox guard the hen house.

It has nothing to do with jobs. Stop sending the checks and whether or not they have a job isn't part of the consideration.
Actually welfare has work requirements and time limits . There's also education and vocational training .

That shit goes back to clintons reform act .
Something to chew on. There's no doubt Illegal Immigration has to end. But i think the Government needs to take a more active role in finding jobs for recipients. In many other countries, Governments actively search for work. Those who choose not to accept the work, see their benefits ended.

The big problem is that our Government spends all of its time and money on handing the Freebies out. It doesn't spend any time on actively solving problems. It has to become more engaged in finding solutions, such as employment.

The problem with the government taking that active of a role is they start creating more unnecessary government jobs. In the end, the costs is the same. There is a fine line that's easy to cross.

I have a suggestion for something they could do in return for the handouts. Where I live, we have a highway "adoption" program where various groups choose a 2 mile stretch of highway to clean where people have thrown trash on the side of the road. I say let the welfare recipients "adopt" them. It's a public roadway and public money they're receiving. I'm not concerned with whether there is a dollar for dollar match but that those receiving something do something for it.

I just feel it can't be only about handing Freebies out. Government needs to help find solutions to the problems. That's how you get folks off Entitlements. Finding job opportunities for recipients is one way to do that. Those who refuse the work, will have to say goodbye to their Freebies.

Do you believe the government played a role in causing the problems of the welfare state?

Yes. But Entitlements aren't going away. They're here to stay. So now we have to find ways for the Government to discourage folks from staying on Entitlements permanently. It has to take an active role in weaning em off them. It'll be well-worth the time and money it takes to do so.

How can an entity you say caused the problems solve them? If they can solve them, doesn't logic dictate they wouldn't have caused them to start with.

A good example is the school district where I live. Plenty of former administrators run for the school board. NONE get elected because people here have realized that putting someone in a position to solve problems they created is futile and would be like having the fox guard the hen house.

It has nothing to do with jobs. Stop sending the checks and whether or not they have a job isn't part of the consideration.

I hear what you're sayin, but the massive Entitlements are here to stay. I do agree with you on much of what you say. It's time to stop encouraging all the wrong behaviors. At some point, the Freebies have to end. We have to wean folks off their Entitlement addiction. Working hard and being productive is the only solution.

Folks who don't wanna work, will most likely end up engaging in criminal activity. It's what the Bible says about 'Idle Hands.' They're the 'Devil's Workshop.' When people have to be responsible and show up for a day's work, they're less likely to have time to engage in criminal activities. They tend to just head home and rest up with the family. We gotta get the People working and being responsible. It's the only way.
The problem with the government taking that active of a role is they start creating more unnecessary government jobs. In the end, the costs is the same. There is a fine line that's easy to cross.

I have a suggestion for something they could do in return for the handouts. Where I live, we have a highway "adoption" program where various groups choose a 2 mile stretch of highway to clean where people have thrown trash on the side of the road. I say let the welfare recipients "adopt" them. It's a public roadway and public money they're receiving. I'm not concerned with whether there is a dollar for dollar match but that those receiving something do something for it.

I just feel it can't be only about handing Freebies out. Government needs to help find solutions to the problems. That's how you get folks off Entitlements. Finding job opportunities for recipients is one way to do that. Those who refuse the work, will have to say goodbye to their Freebies.

Do you believe the government played a role in causing the problems of the welfare state?

Yes. But Entitlements aren't going away. They're here to stay. So now we have to find ways for the Government to discourage folks from staying on Entitlements permanently. It has to take an active role in weaning em off them. It'll be well-worth the time and money it takes to do so.

How can an entity you say caused the problems solve them? If they can solve them, doesn't logic dictate they wouldn't have caused them to start with.

A good example is the school district where I live. Plenty of former administrators run for the school board. NONE get elected because people here have realized that putting someone in a position to solve problems they created is futile and would be like having the fox guard the hen house.

It has nothing to do with jobs. Stop sending the checks and whether or not they have a job isn't part of the consideration.

I hear what you're sayin, but the massive Entitlements are here to stay. I agree with you on much of what you say. It's time to stop encouraging all the wrong behaviors. At some point, the Freebies have to end. We have to wean folks off their Entitlement addiction. Working hard and being productive is the only solution.

Folks who don't wanna work, will most likely end up engaging in criminal activity. It's what the Bible says about 'Idle Hands.' They're the 'Devil's Workshop.' When people have to be responsible and show up for a day's work, they're less likely to have time to engage in criminal activities. They tend to just head home and rest up with the family. We gotta get the People working and being responsible. It's the only way.

You don't wean them off. You stop them. Whether or not they're offered a job has nothing to do with handing them someone else's money. They weren't weaned onto them.

As for those committing criminal activity, look to Luke 11:21.
It is much worse than most Americans could ever imagine...

In the city of Detroit today, close to half the population is functionally illiterate, and one survey found that 60 percent of all children in the city are living in poverty. It has been reported that 40 percent of the street lights do not work, and as you can see from the video it is a very frightening place to be after dark.

And don’t count on the police to help you. The size of the police force in Detroit has been reduced by about 40 percent over the years, and it has been estimated that it takes the Detroit police an average of 58 minutes to respond to a call.

If it was just one major city where all of these things were happening, that would be bad enough.

Sadly, the truth is that what is happening in Detroit is happening all over the nation. In fact, St. Louis and Memphis now have higher gun crime rates than Detroit does
How are you going to stop poor illiterate women from having sex with poor illiterate men and then raising poor illiterate kids?

Stop enabling them to continue to have children they can't afford by handing them someone else's money.

Yes, another huge problem with our Welfare System. It encourages all the wrong behaviors. The System needs bigtime reform. It has to be reformed in such a way that weans folks off Government handouts.

Folks can't be encouraged to stay on Welfare permanently. That's how you get a Detroit, Chicago, and so on. People have to be encouraged to work hard and be productive Citizens. There has to be strict requirements and limits. That's the only logical way forward.
Can't 100% argue with you guys here. That's why this is such an effective wedge issue during an election year. It's a message that can resonate with even the most liberal of us white people. Yes, Detroit's a mess. Yes, we should ween people off welfare.

But will I vote GOP or for Trump? Nope.
It is much worse than most Americans could ever imagine...

In the city of Detroit today, close to half the population is functionally illiterate, and one survey found that 60 percent of all children in the city are living in poverty. It has been reported that 40 percent of the street lights do not work, and as you can see from the video it is a very frightening place to be after dark.

And don’t count on the police to help you. The size of the police force in Detroit has been reduced by about 40 percent over the years, and it has been estimated that it takes the Detroit police an average of 58 minutes to respond to a call.

If it was just one major city where all of these things were happening, that would be bad enough.

Sadly, the truth is that what is happening in Detroit is happening all over the nation. In fact, St. Louis and Memphis now have higher gun crime rates than Detroit does
How are you going to stop poor illiterate women from having sex with poor illiterate men and then raising poor illiterate kids?

Stop enabling them to continue to have children they can't afford by handing them someone else's money.

Yes, another huge problem with our Welfare System. It encourages all the wrong behaviors. The System needs bigtime reform. It has to be reformed in such a way that weans folks off Government handouts.

Folks can't be encouraged to stay on Welfare permanently. That's how you get a Detroit, Chicago, and so on. People have to be encouraged to work hard and be productive Citizens. There has to be strict requirements and limits. That's the only logical way forward.
Can't 100% argue with you guys here. That's why this is such an effective wedge issue during an election year. It's a message that can resonate with even the most liberal of us white people. Yes, Detroit's a mess. Yes, we should ween people off welfare.

But will I vote GOP or for Trump? Nope.

That's like saying you know you have a medical problem but you're not going to see a doctor but expect it to get better.
Yikes! WTG Dems. Looks like fun. How long before all of America resembles Democrat Third World 'Paradise?'

Did Republicans support the auto industry in Detroit?

'Democrat America': Possibly coming to a city near you. Good times. :eek-52:

This is why it is very effective when cons use race to divide us. It's very hard for us libs to defend places like Detroit.

But I love putting a spot light on this issue. It will show how social programs are needed and the right thing to do but it will also show blacks need to do a lot better for themselves.

I always tell the black community that they need to start taking Republicans advice. Don't vote GOP but take their advice.

When do you talk to the "Black community" ..on your

Today this black guy was explaining how the line between grosse point and Detroit perfectly illustrates how white privilege does exist and how disadvantaged detroiters are compared to their neighbors. It isn't liberal policies that make life so much worse for those blacks in Detroit. Grosse pointe isn't better because Republicans run it. It's better because people on one side have money and people on the other side don't.
And grosse pointers aren't having kids in poverty and then raising those kids fatherless. That's not grosse points fault poor detroiters do that
Look at the economic health of Detroit in the 50s & 60s when Democrat labor and trade policies helped create a powerful domestic manufacturing base tied to high Union wages.

If you do the research, if you study the 50s & 60s ....

You'll find spectacular economic growth coupled with high taxes and a robust regulatory structure (supported by Republican presidents like Eisenhower and Nixon). You'll find that the American working class had high paying jobs. Even better, you'll discover that the father's high wages meant that the mother could stay home and raise the kids (a.k.a. Pro Family, which is why presidents like Eisenhower and Nixon supported the New Deal).

Then research the Reagan/Thatcher movement which freed capital to scour the globe for the lowest labor costs. The result was deindustrialization in places like Detroit as production was shifted to freedom-hating tyrannies offering the world's cheapest labor (a.k.a highest profits). The American workers who lost those globalized jobs became debt slaves, borrowing ever more money to replace what never trickled down. Point is, Reaganomics created a dangerous concentration of money/power on top coupled with massive debt down below.

Globalization, by circumventing U.S. labor costs, made our noble capitalists rich enough to buy the US Government - but it hollowed out our inner cities, leaving behind a trail of ghettos and superfluous black populations that could not find work.

You can definitely blame the democrats, especially Clinton, who capitulated with the trade and labor policies of Reaganomics - but if you want to understand why Detroit devolved from a working class utopia into a crime-filled nightmare, you would do well to study the broader issues behind neoliberal globalization, which was a cornerstone of Reaganomics.

You'll discover a history that is both more interesting and complex than the talking points we are fed by talk radio.
We had no competition post WWII ..Europe and Japan were being rebuilt there was no Chinese manufacturing. We now have a world wide economy. You cant compared today to the 50s and 60s genius:slap:
Yikes! WTG Dems. Looks like fun. How long before all of America resembles Democrat Third World 'Paradise?'

Did Republicans support the auto industry in Detroit?

'Democrat America': Possibly coming to a city near you. Good times. :eek-52:

This is why it is very effective when cons use race to divide us. It's very hard for us libs to defend places like Detroit.

But I love putting a spot light on this issue. It will show how social programs are needed and the right thing to do but it will also show blacks need to do a lot better for themselves.

I always tell the black community that they need to start taking Republicans advice. Don't vote GOP but take their advice.

When do you talk to the "Black community" ..on your

Today this black guy was explaining how the line between grosse point and Detroit perfectly illustrates how white privilege does exist and how disadvantaged detroiters are compared to their neighbors. It isn't liberal policies that make life so much worse for those blacks in Detroit. Grosse pointe isn't better because Republicans run it. It's better because people on one side have money and people on the other side don't.

People on one side have jobs, strong families, they take care of their neighborhoods ...get it straight fraud:slap:
Did Republicans support the auto industry in Detroit?

'Democrat America': Possibly coming to a city near you. Good times. :eek-52:
This is why it is very effective when cons use race to divide us. It's very hard for us libs to defend places like Detroit.

But I love putting a spot light on this issue. It will show how social programs are needed and the right thing to do but it will also show blacks need to do a lot better for themselves.

I always tell the black community that they need to start taking Republicans advice. Don't vote GOP but take their advice.
When do you talk to the "Black community" ..on your
Today this black guy was explaining how the line between grosse point and Detroit perfectly illustrates how white privilege does exist and how disadvantaged detroiters are compared to their neighbors. It isn't liberal policies that make life so much worse for those blacks in Detroit. Grosse pointe isn't better because Republicans run it. It's better because people on one side have money and people on the other side don't.

People on one side have jobs, strong families, they take care of their neighborhoods ...get it straight fraud:slap:
I don't know why you got to be hostle ya little jew
It is much worse than most Americans could ever imagine...

In the city of Detroit today, close to half the population is functionally illiterate, and one survey found that 60 percent of all children in the city are living in poverty. It has been reported that 40 percent of the street lights do not work, and as you can see from the video it is a very frightening place to be after dark.

And don’t count on the police to help you. The size of the police force in Detroit has been reduced by about 40 percent over the years, and it has been estimated that it takes the Detroit police an average of 58 minutes to respond to a call.

If it was just one major city where all of these things were happening, that would be bad enough.

Sadly, the truth is that what is happening in Detroit is happening all over the nation. In fact, St. Louis and Memphis now have higher gun crime rates than Detroit does
How are you going to stop poor illiterate women from having sex with poor illiterate men and then raising poor illiterate kids?

Stop enabling them to continue to have children they can't afford by handing them someone else's money.

Yes, another huge problem with our Welfare System. It encourages all the wrong behaviors. The System needs bigtime reform. It has to be reformed in such a way that weans folks off Government handouts.

Folks can't be encouraged to stay on Welfare permanently. That's how you get a Detroit, Chicago, and so on. People have to be encouraged to work hard and be productive Citizens. There has to be strict requirements and limits. That's the only logical way forward.

There was a limit put on welfare in MI I think it's 10yrs for your lifetime.
'Democrat America': Possibly coming to a city near you. Good times. :eek-52:
This is why it is very effective when cons use race to divide us. It's very hard for us libs to defend places like Detroit.

But I love putting a spot light on this issue. It will show how social programs are needed and the right thing to do but it will also show blacks need to do a lot better for themselves.

I always tell the black community that they need to start taking Republicans advice. Don't vote GOP but take their advice.
When do you talk to the "Black community" ..on your
Today this black guy was explaining how the line between grosse point and Detroit perfectly illustrates how white privilege does exist and how disadvantaged detroiters are compared to their neighbors. It isn't liberal policies that make life so much worse for those blacks in Detroit. Grosse pointe isn't better because Republicans run it. It's better because people on one side have money and people on the other side don't.

People on one side have jobs, strong families, they take care of their neighborhoods ...get it straight fraud:slap:
I don't know why you got to be hostle ya little jew

This little Jew could kick your ass boy..Im hostile because you don't know what the hell your talking about...and you keep doing it

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