Another empty threat?

I’m sure this must be fake in your eyes, too.

Mar 27

: We are now on pace for over 100,000 apprehensions and encounters with migrants—with 90% (90,000) crossing the border illegally between ports of entry. March will be the highest month in over a decade.

Mar 26

#BorderPatrol recorded more than 3,700 apprehensions along the Southwest Border yesterday—the largest single day total in more than a decade.

we have already been over those. that is what happens when you pull a man off the job that is doing a great job.
Let me know when it actually forms and heads this way.

We were told by FoxNews back in Jan that one was coming...I think we are still waiting.

Has MSNBC or CNN not reported that we don't have enough beds for all of the illegal aliens and that they are being housed under bridges?

Ilhan Omar Blames ‘White Nationalism’ for Border Crisis Forcing Outdoor Detention of Migrants
by Kristinn Taylor March 29, 2019

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), who came to the U.S. as a refugee from Somalia when she was a child, is blaming “white nationalism” for Customs and Border Patrol being overwhelmed by massive illegal alien migration at the Southern border that has forced the agency to temporarily detain migrants outdoors while being processed.

Ilhan Omar Blames 'White Nationalism' for Border Crisis Forcing Outdoor Detention of Migrants

Before you whine about my source, please include your proof that this is not happening. Come on Golfing Gator, step up!
Let me know when it actually forms and heads this way.

We were told by FoxNews back in Jan that one was coming...I think we are still waiting.

I really believe you need to either 1. Stop posting, or 2. information someplace besides CNN and MSNBC.

Mexico braces for new caravan of Central American migrants

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico is bracing for the possible arrival of the “mother of all caravans,” even as doubts arise over whether the group of Central American migrants will be all that big.

Interior Secretary Olga Sanchez Cordero has said a caravan of migrants from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala could be forming.

“We have information that a new caravan is forming in Honduras, that they’re calling ‘the mother of all caravans,’ and they are thinking it could have more than 20,000 people,” Sanchez Cordero said Wednesday.
Mexico braces for new caravan of Central American migrants
I’m not sure Mexico could do what he is asking....
They could do what he's asking if they wanted to.
Their immigration laws are Draconian compared to ours.
Every one of those people could disappear into a Mexican prison and never come out it they weren't in cahoots with the Central Americans.
Trump threatens to close border 'next week' if Mexico doesn't 'immediately stop' flood of illegal immigrants

So, Trump tweeted he will close the southern border next week if Mexico does not stop illegals from entering the US.

Will he do it?

What would be the damage to the economy from such an action?

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 billion dollars worth of goods flow back and forth across that border each and every day.
HE should....he should shut it right down.

Agree 100%, best idea he has ever had lol.
Let me know when it actually forms and heads this way.

We were told by FoxNews back in Jan that one was coming...I think we are still waiting.

Has MSNBC or CNN not reported that we don't have enough beds for all of the illegal aliens and that they are being housed under bridges?

Ilhan Omar Blames ‘White Nationalism’ for Border Crisis Forcing Outdoor Detention of Migrants
by Kristinn Taylor March 29, 2019

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), who came to the U.S. as a refugee from Somalia when she was a child, is blaming “white nationalism” for Customs and Border Patrol being overwhelmed by massive illegal alien migration at the Southern border that has forced the agency to temporarily detain migrants outdoors while being processed.

Ilhan Omar Blames 'White Nationalism' for Border Crisis Forcing Outdoor Detention of Migrants

Before you whine about my source, please include your proof that this is not happening. Come on Golfing Gator, step up!
i thought it wasn't a crisis...
Talking to libtards about illegal immigration and the crisis at the border is a complete waste of time!
Let me know when it actually forms and heads this way.

We were told by FoxNews back in Jan that one was coming...I think we are still waiting.

I really believe you need to either 1. Stop posting, or 2. information someplace besides CNN and MSNBC.

Mexico braces for new caravan of Central American migrants

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico is bracing for the possible arrival of the “mother of all caravans,” even as doubts arise over whether the group of Central American migrants will be all that big.

Interior Secretary Olga Sanchez Cordero has said a caravan of migrants from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala could be forming.

“We have information that a new caravan is forming in Honduras, that they’re calling ‘the mother of all caravans,’ and they are thinking it could have more than 20,000 people,” Sanchez Cordero said Wednesday.
Mexico braces for new caravan of Central American migrants

That is what the press told us back in Jan...have you seen any caravans.

Why do you blindly believe the media?

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That is what the press told us back in Jan...have you seen any caravans.

Why do you blindly believe the media?

Perhaps you should switch over to something besides MSNBC and CNN. You would learn there are hordes both at the border and who are being held in temporary locations UNDER BRIDGES! You don't know, do you? How quaint!
Trump threatens to close border 'next week' if Mexico doesn't 'immediately stop' flood of illegal immigrants

So, Trump tweeted he will close the southern border next week if Mexico does not stop illegals from entering the US.

Will he do it?

What would be the damage to the economy from such an action?

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 billion dollars worth of goods flow back and forth across that border each and every day.

Comrade, how should we deal with the assault on our southern border by your party and the foreign allies you have in the attack you are waging on America?
Trump threatens to close border 'next week' if Mexico doesn't 'immediately stop' flood of illegal immigrants

So, Trump tweeted he will close the southern border next week if Mexico does not stop illegals from entering the US.

Will he do it?

What would be the damage to the economy from such an action?

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 billion dollars worth of goods flow back and forth across that border each and every day.

Comrade, how should we deal with the assault on our southern border by your party and the foreign allies you have in the attack you are waging on America?
Stop waging wars on democratically elected governments in Central America and elsewhere.

Do the crime, do the time.
I'll bet any nutbag here "avatar of choice for a month" that Trump will not close the border.

He may or may not. But in either case, he's sending a message to Congress to work with him instead of against him all the time; showing them that he does have legal options he can exercise without their consent. But given the pigheadedness of our current Congress, I think it will eventually come down to that.
Trump threatens to close border 'next week' if Mexico doesn't 'immediately stop' flood of illegal immigrants

So, Trump tweeted he will close the southern border next week if Mexico does not stop illegals from entering the US.

Will he do it?

What would be the damage to the economy from such an action?

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 billion dollars worth of goods flow back and forth across that border each and every day.

Comrade, how should we deal with the assault on our southern border by your party and the foreign allies you have in the attack you are waging on America?
Stop waging wars on democratically elected governments in Central America and elsewhere.

Do the crime, do the time.

And which governments are those?

First off, we are waging no wars at all in central America. Secondly, Maduro sure the fuck isn't "democratically elected."
Trump threatens to close border 'next week' if Mexico doesn't 'immediately stop' flood of illegal immigrants

So, Trump tweeted he will close the southern border next week if Mexico does not stop illegals from entering the US.

Will he do it?

What would be the damage to the economy from such an action?

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 billion dollars worth of goods flow back and forth across that border each and every day.

Comrade, how should we deal with the assault on our southern border by your party and the foreign allies you have in the attack you are waging on America?
Stop waging wars on democratically elected governments in Central America and elsewhere.

Do the crime, do the time.

And which governments are those?

First off, we are waging no wars at all in central America. Secondly, Maduro sure the fuck isn't "democratically elected."
Honduras. And yes, Maduro is democratically elected.
Trump threatens to close border 'next week' if Mexico doesn't 'immediately stop' flood of illegal immigrants

So, Trump tweeted he will close the southern border next week if Mexico does not stop illegals from entering the US.

Will he do it?

What would be the damage to the economy from such an action?

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 billion dollars worth of goods flow back and forth across that border each and every day.
Impossible to know.

Trump’s dishonesty, Trump’s incessant lying, Trump’s contempt for sound responsible governance – it’s pointless to speculate.
I'll bet any nutbag here "avatar of choice for a month" that Trump will not close the border.

He may or may not. But in either case, he's sending a message to Congress to work with him instead of against him all the time; showing them that he does have legal options he can exercise without their consent. But given the pigheadedness of our current Congress, I think it will eventually come down to that.

Clown boy, he threatened Mexico, not congress.

He had his chance to fund that wall WHEN THE GOP CONTROLLED BOTH HOUSES, but he couldn’t get support nor negotiate a deal. He’s a shitty negotiator. That is why just about everything that he has done has been done by executive action or order.

Worst president ever.
[QUOTE="Uncensored2008, post: 22104715, member: 27995"

First off, we are waging no wars at all in central America. Secondly, Maduro sure the fuck isn't "democratically elected."[/QUOTE]Ah, but you have to understand Democratic Socialism and it's principles.
I'll bet any nutbag here "avatar of choice for a month" that Trump will not close the border.

He may or may not. But in either case, he's sending a message to Congress to work with him instead of against him all the time; showing them that he does have legal options he can exercise without their consent. But given the pigheadedness of our current Congress, I think it will eventually come down to that.

Clown boy, he threatened Mexico, not congress.

He had his chance to fund that wall WHEN THE GOP CONTROLLED BOTH HOUSES, but he couldn’t get support nor negotiate a deal. He’s a shitty negotiator. That is why just about everything that he has done has been done by executive action or order.

Worst president ever.

The economy says you're completely wrong. So do all the records he's broken for unemployment in nearly every category.

No, I didn't say he threatened Congress, I said he's sending a message. He is threatening Mexico because closing the border would mean financial chaos for them. They have no problem allowing people to come here, particularly people for work so they can bring back the American dollars. If that stops along with American tourism, the country is Fd. Closing the border will likely mean no trucks in or out either, although I'm not sure about that one yet.
I'll bet any nutbag here "avatar of choice for a month" that Trump will not close the border.

He may or may not. But in either case, he's sending a message to Congress to work with him instead of against him all the time; showing them that he does have legal options he can exercise without their consent. But given the pigheadedness of our current Congress, I think it will eventually come down to that.

Clown boy, he threatened Mexico, not congress.

He had his chance to fund that wall WHEN THE GOP CONTROLLED BOTH HOUSES, but he couldn’t get support nor negotiate a deal. He’s a shitty negotiator. That is why just about everything that he has done has been done by executive action or order.

Worst president ever.
Most of the politicians wanted a wall over the years. Then they didn't.
Trump threatens to close border 'next week' if Mexico doesn't 'immediately stop' flood of illegal immigrants

So, Trump tweeted he will close the southern border next week if Mexico does not stop illegals from entering the US.

Will he do it?

What would be the damage to the economy from such an action?

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 billion dollars worth of goods flow back and forth across that border each and every day.
------------------------------------ economy threat is the last thing i care about but he has already threatened a couple times that i have heard and i don't like it . Sounds like BS to me .

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