Another example

LOL Retard. You brought up Biden and false allegations on this thread and now you want me to stay on topic?

Sorry retard. You don’t get off that easy. You supported an openly pedophile pervert who cavorted with Epstein and now you accuse Biden of being one?

You fucking sexual pervert. You get off fantasizing about the orange pervert, don’t you? You sick fucking retard.

The only ones accusing xiden of being a pervert are his children. Well, them and the media, with all the documented cases where he fondled and sniffed children at official functions.

Is this the same Biden that whupped the trumptards twice so far? Imagine what he would have done if he was 20 years younger.
Imagine what republicans could do if the media was honest. God help any woman within his reach if the pervert was 20 years younger. When are media minions and loyal Bidenistas going to look at Biden's incompetence and obvious mental degeneration? When he presses the freaking button?

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