Another family friendly pit bull story

Soggy appears to be brain dead.

ahh.. is this where ravi pulls a ravi while mani eases onto her warm forearm?


I guess pointing out how laughable it was to bring tigers and alligators into this thread was a bit much for ya, eh? It's a good think that house cat attacks are pretty much predicted by the actions of a tyranosaurus rex.. I mean.. I'd hate to blame a shitty pet owner for rearing a mean fucking cat when, CLEARLY, feral fucking animals are a better scapegoat!

Well then. It appears that I've uncovered an area where you're capable of the same level of blind, close-minded, pig-headed ignorance that I've come to expect from Allie and Shogun. I'm not sure whether to be happy or sad about that. :neutral:

Am I supposed to give a fuck?

What are you? Are you WildOn today?

ahh.. is this where ravi pulls a ravi while mani eases onto her warm forearm?


I guess pointing out how laughable it was to bring tigers and alligators into this thread was a bit much for ya, eh? It's a good think that house cat attacks are pretty much predicted by the actions of a tyranosaurus rex.. I mean.. I'd hate to blame a shitty pet owner for rearing a mean fucking cat when, CLEARLY, feral fucking animals are a better scapegoat!

No, I just got tired of thinking you were capable of rational thought. Have you a shark in your pond? Piranha's perhaps? Didn't thinks so. But koi are okay.
Over 2/3 of the fatal attacks were by dogs that were not trained to be aggresive. But I know, facts that prove him wrong are like kryptonite to Soggy! :rofl:
Here's an idea. Why don't one of you pit bull lovers call Vicks and ask him why he used pits for dog fights and not golden retrievers?

I bet he's got all kinds of insight to give you.

Is Michael Vicks your authority on dog behavior?
I am too.

I just can't believe you and Soggy would be so pig headed as to claim that an untrained golden is just as risky as an untrained pit bull. That's just plain retarded.

And I can't believe you continue your fear mongering crusade against a breed of animal and turn a blind eye to the need for stricter laws concerning mistreatment and neglectful and/or abusive training of dogs.

As the father of two young children , I would think finding practical and common sense solutions to finding ways to reduce death and injury due to dog bites would be an important issue for you. Yet you persist in posting newspaper articles designed to inspire unfounded fears in people and to detract from the need to address the issue following the advice of experts in the field.

I can believe (and even expect ) it from Soggy. But not you Ang. You usually seem quite reasonable.

I am reasonable and that is why you need to listen to my advice and get educated on the issue.
As a side note...

Here is something that sort of bothered me when I watched the show on the Michael Vick dogs that were "saved." Basically this: These dogs were given special, preferential treatment simply because they were attached to a sensational newstory. Meanwhile, thousands of dogs get put down in shelters everyday. Dogs that could be placed in homes without any of the same "re-training" and training of the owners, etc etc etc. The amount of time and money spent saving these 66 celebrity dogs, could have been used to save probably 4 times as many other dogs. But hey, at least now the Pit defenders out there have this great story to cling to when logic, reason and the eyeball test keep smacking them in the face like a friggin 2x4.
No, I just got tired of thinking you were capable of rational thought. Have you a shark in your pond? Piranha's perhaps? Didn't thinks so. But koi are okay.

you don't know that people have fucking PIRAHANAS for pets? That, GASP, pythons HAVE killed their owners? What exactly the fuck does that say about a domesticated breed of dog? nothing. Just like TIGERS and ALLIGATORS and SHARKS and fucking DINOSAURS have no bearing on this conversation

Over 2/3 of the fatal attacks were by dogs that were not trained to be aggresive. But I know, facts that prove him wrong are like kryptonite to Soggy! :rofl:

again, post a link or post # to those stats and i'll show you why you dont know what the fuck you are talking about.
No, you really should ask him. I bet he can get quite philosophical about it for you.

Where did I say GRs don't fight?

Is the public's perception of dangerous dogs the only reason you are against breed specific laws?

I said it before. I am against breed specific laws because I can't find a single reputable professional scientific organization that supports them. Almost all of them have come out to denounce them. The laws make no sense, are based on nothing but unfounded fears and actually make the situation worse.
I am reasonable and that is why you need to listen to my advice and get educated on the issue.

No offense, but when you refuse to acknowledge the fact that breeding influences behavior, and specifically the risk of undesirable behavior, then your reasonableness is necessarily called into question.
you don't know that people have fucking PIRAHANAS for pets? That, GASP, pythons HAVE killed their owners? What exactly the fuck does that say about a domesticated breed of dog? nothing. Just like TIGERS and ALLIGATORS and SHARKS and fucking DINOSAURS have no bearing on this conversation


People who have pythons and little kids are idiots as well.

Pirahanas are a non-issue, they're in tanks, and unless you're bathing the babies with them, they aren't a threat.

But if you have a dog that's known to be an aggressive and dangerous dog, and your kid gets killed, you should be held accountable. It isn't just a fluke.
again, post a link or post # to those stats and i'll show you why you dont know what the fuck you are talking about.

I've already done enough of your research for you. And you've shown no interest in educating yourself.

I can't teach a cat how to fly, so I'm not going to bother to try. :cool:
I never claimed that and you didn't answer my question.

Okay, for the sake of argument, let's assume the rest of what you say is true, but given that are all equally likely to be aggressive, etc...why shouldn't we treat that breed specific lethal jaw as LETHAL?

Are large jawed dogs a specific breed now? Are all large jawed dogs even registered as a certain breed?

How does reacting to a dogs appearance do anything to promote awareness of the need to neuter males and to give dogs proper care and socialization? It focuses on a dogs appearance and not on it's known behavior. It leads people to want to have all pit bulls, regardless of whether they've ever demonstrated vicious behavior, killed.

Men are generally stronger than women and studies would seem to suggest that thier higher testosterone levels make them more prone to violence, should we treat men as lethal?
It's about the TRAITS that are ENHANCED through SELECTIVE BREEDING.

Rotties and Pits are bred to be aggressive and deadly.

Accept it and move on. So long as you're aware of it and deal with them accordingly I, for one, am not interested in passing any laws regarding what sort of dog you own.
Don't forget genetics. Some dogs are more agressive from birth and it has nothing to do with training or lack of it.

Some horses have personalities which make them dangerous for certain inexperienced people, or children.

Dogs are the same way.

That is true. Some dogs are born with mutations and deformities in the brain that make them what I guess we would call insane.

Nothing indicates that this is a phenomenon particular to pit bulls, but it does occur more frequently with inbred dogs, dog of any breed.
People who have pythons and little kids are idiots as well.

Pirahanas are a non-issue, they're in tanks, and unless you're bathing the babies with them, they aren't a threat.

But if you have a dog that's known to be an aggressive and dangerous dog, and your kid gets killed, you should be held accountable. It isn't just a fluke.

fair enough. HOLD THE OWNER ACCOUNTABLE. But don't pretend that the owner, and their method of training their dogs, are secondary merely to the fucking breed.

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