Another Ferguson cop caught lying

He was so drugged out he may not have known what was happening.

Was Michael Brown Alleged Pot Use Probable Cause To Commit A Crime
Is bravery from a blunt still bravery?

Well, just how drugged was brown? Given his limited income, the probability that he could purchase and consume enough marijuana to appreciably alter the judgement of a man his size is quite small. Besides, I have not seen any evidence that links marijuana to individual aggressiveness. Alcohol yes! But not marijuana.

Marijuana psychosis

As expected, your link led me to another wild goose chase. The link says nothing about marijuana being an agent for inducing aggression. Excessive use of pot has been shown to develop psychosis in some individuals. From that perspective, you may have some modicum of an argument. Now, show me where psychotic behavior is linked to aggressiveness or stimulates a bellicose nature.
Two things are known. Michael Brown was high at the time of this incident. Michael Brown exhibited aggressive conduct twice. Once when he assaulted the clerk and again when he fought with officer Wilson ultimately charging at him.

Your position is that Michael Brown may have been aggressive but that had nothing to do with his pot use. Is that a fair representation?

The alternative is that Michael Brown was not aggressive at all. He was behaving normally for him. Marijuana did not cause him to be aggressive. It caused his judgment to be impaired so that he could not control his normally aggressive behavior.

Please don't say that marijuana has never been known to impair judgment.

I will concede Michael Brown exhibited mildly aggressive behavior towards the store owner and, according to Wilson and controversial sporadic testimony of some of the witnesses, displayed extreme aggression towards Wilson. You seem to be convinced that Brown's actions were the result of marijuana use. I reject that argument for the following reasons.

1. I think it is safe to assume that Brown was more or less a habitual marijuana user. That being the case, if indeed he was such a user, that uncontrolled aggression must have surfaced over and over again. Where are the police reports supporting that premise?

2. Again, I say that Brown, being an unemployed teen, probably had limited funds and wasn't likely able to afford a large enough quantity of marijuana to smoke and appreciably alter his judgement. Pay attention to that adverb" appreciably," you either ignored it or missed it last time.

There are myriad events that could have set brown off that day. Anything from being rejected by a girl, losing a bet, or just being in a bad mood are prime motives that could be explored to explain his behavior.
Marijuana isn't likely the catalyst that sent him spiraling over the edge. We will probably never know what did. But given the visuals, we do know that the man child called Michael Brown, died like a warrior: as fearless as a raging bull...charging ahead in the face of imminent death.

Let his monument stand as a tribute to a fallen warrior who perished on his own terms.

You will never know how many police reports there might be on Michael Brown. As has been pointed out as a juvenile those records are sealed. As far as his being of limited funds that has never kept an addict away from drugs, or anything else they want. Clean up the garbage in the street. Shooting the likes of thugs like Michael Brown is nothing more than putting any other vicious animal down.
Well, just how drugged was brown? Given his limited income, the probability that he could purchase and consume enough marijuana to appreciably alter the judgement of a man his size is quite small. Besides, I have not seen any evidence that links marijuana to individual aggressiveness. Alcohol yes! But not marijuana.

Marijuana psychosis

As expected, your link led me to another wild goose chase. The link says nothing about marijuana being an agent for inducing aggression. Excessive use of pot has been shown to develop psychosis in some individuals. From that perspective, you may have some modicum of an argument. Now, show me where psychotic behavior is linked to aggressiveness or stimulates a bellicose nature.
Two things are known. Michael Brown was high at the time of this incident. Michael Brown exhibited aggressive conduct twice. Once when he assaulted the clerk and again when he fought with officer Wilson ultimately charging at him.

Your position is that Michael Brown may have been aggressive but that had nothing to do with his pot use. Is that a fair representation?

The alternative is that Michael Brown was not aggressive at all. He was behaving normally for him. Marijuana did not cause him to be aggressive. It caused his judgment to be impaired so that he could not control his normally aggressive behavior.

Please don't say that marijuana has never been known to impair judgment.

A few more things we know too. He was not shot in the back as purported by the media. He did not yell don't shoot. At least 7 witnesses contradicted the ONE witness who claimed he was walking away. That ONE witness was his friend who was high with him, and was his partner when they strong armed the tiny little store owner. Could you imagine if that Indian store owner was strong armed by a white skinhead, and then that skinhead's white friends burned down the business?

Oh never mind. We all know.

Fucking liberals have ruined everything with their patronizing, double standards, hypocrisy and stupidity.

The only witness who states Brown didn't have his hands in the air or kneeling down when shot is Wilson... Every other witness disagrees with Wilson.
You read that on the internet did you?
Well, just how drugged was brown? Given his limited income, the probability that he could purchase and consume enough marijuana to appreciably alter the judgement of a man his size is quite small. Besides, I have not seen any evidence that links marijuana to individual aggressiveness. Alcohol yes! But not marijuana.

Marijuana psychosis

As expected, your link led me to another wild goose chase. The link says nothing about marijuana being an agent for inducing aggression. Excessive use of pot has been shown to develop psychosis in some individuals. From that perspective, you may have some modicum of an argument. Now, show me where psychotic behavior is linked to aggressiveness or stimulates a bellicose nature.
Two things are known. Michael Brown was high at the time of this incident. Michael Brown exhibited aggressive conduct twice. Once when he assaulted the clerk and again when he fought with officer Wilson ultimately charging at him.

Your position is that Michael Brown may have been aggressive but that had nothing to do with his pot use. Is that a fair representation?

The alternative is that Michael Brown was not aggressive at all. He was behaving normally for him. Marijuana did not cause him to be aggressive. It caused his judgment to be impaired so that he could not control his normally aggressive behavior.

Please don't say that marijuana has never been known to impair judgment.

A few more things we know too. He was not shot in the back as purported by the media. He did not yell don't shoot. At least 7 witnesses contradicted the ONE witness who claimed he was walking away. That ONE witness was his friend who was high with him, and was his partner when they strong armed the tiny little store owner. Could you imagine if that Indian store owner was strong armed by a white skinhead, and then that skinhead's white friends burned down the business?

Oh never mind. We all know.

Fucking liberals have ruined everything with their patronizing, double standards, hypocrisy and stupidity.

The only witness who states Brown didn't have his hands in the air or kneeling down when shot is Wilson... Every other witness disagrees with Wilson.

You fucking liar.

One of the ongoing narratives about the Michael Brown case has been the “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” rallying cry, which is predicated on the notion that he had indeed been shot with his hands in the air. Beyond the physical evidence, let’s examine what witnesses had to say – many of them African-American*:

  • 5/9 witnesses who responded said that Brown charged Wilson.
  • 10/13 witnesses said that Brown interacted with Wilson at his police car.
  • 5/9 witnesses said that Wilson fired on Brown repeatedly while the latter was “down.”
  • 5/6 witnesses said Brown put his hands at his waist.
  • 12/14 witnesses said Brown was facing Wilson when he was shot.
  • 12/16 witnesses said Brown was running away and was fired upon.
  • 6/9 said that Brown was kneeling when fired upon.* (note: physical evidence seriously conflicts)
  • 12/14 said that Brown had his hands up when he was fired upon.
Obviously, there appear to be some internal contradictions. Let’s start breaking this down. Witnesses 22, 35, 41, 45 and 46 said Brown was kneeling while being shot upon, instantly throwing doubt upon their testimony.

Testimony that says that Brown was running away when shot at cannot be confirmed due to lack of physical evidence that any bullets struck Brown in the back. In any event, Brown was not shot in the back, so this is not the way that he was killed. Nearly all agree that Brown was shot facing Wilson, and those who commented tend to say Brown charged Wilson.

So, what about “hands up”? Someone (full credit currently unavailable) has actually taken the pains to attempt a “correction” of the PBS chart:

One Clear Chart Shows All the Conflicting Witness Testimony on Ferguson. This Puts One Myth to Rest.

This chart suggests that the statements about Michael Brown having his hands up were not definitive (read the witness testimonies, law enforcement interviews, and see the physical evidence here).

In other words, Brown may have at some point motioned his arms upward, but did not “surrender” himself.

But perhaps the final word on the “hands up, don’t shoot” narrative comes by way of the Washington Post. Paul Cassell explains why the testimony of Dorian Johnson, the accomplice of Brown in the convenience store robbery, and the apparent originator of the “hands up, don’t shoot” narrative, is so non-credible:

So Johnson’s story was his friend raised his hands in a surrender position, turned around and then, as he was in the process of saying he was unarmed, was gunned down before he had time to move more than a step toward the officer.
The difficulty with this version is that it simply fails to match the physical evidence. With apologies for referring to a bloody photograph — which an unsqueamish reader can view here — a 20 to 22 foot trail of what appeared to be Mike Brown’s blood was on the road (next to evidence markers 19 and 20), leading back directly to where Wilson was … and to where Mike Brown’s body was fatally shot. That trail of blood shows that Brown was moving towards Wilson for far more than “a step” — and thus the dramatic ending to Johnson’s account is simply incredible.

The bottom line is that the physical evidence contradicts the “hands up, don’t shoot” mantra and corroborates the stories of witnesses who claim Brown was charging at Wilson when he was shot. Given that there was a struggle at Wilson’s car, plausibly over his gun, is it really a surprise the grand jury rendered a ‘no bill’ of indictment?

One Clear Chart Shows All the Conflicting Witness Testimony on Ferguson. This Puts One Myth to Rest.

The fucking liberal media are a bunch of fucking liars. This case is done. Liberals are wrong again. What do the pieces of smelly shit do? They act like the fucking diabolical pieces of snot nosed children they are. The intolerant pieces of shit who can never accept the truth. Not at any level.

As expected, your link led me to another wild goose chase. The link says nothing about marijuana being an agent for inducing aggression. Excessive use of pot has been shown to develop psychosis in some individuals. From that perspective, you may have some modicum of an argument. Now, show me where psychotic behavior is linked to aggressiveness or stimulates a bellicose nature.
Two things are known. Michael Brown was high at the time of this incident. Michael Brown exhibited aggressive conduct twice. Once when he assaulted the clerk and again when he fought with officer Wilson ultimately charging at him.

Your position is that Michael Brown may have been aggressive but that had nothing to do with his pot use. Is that a fair representation?

The alternative is that Michael Brown was not aggressive at all. He was behaving normally for him. Marijuana did not cause him to be aggressive. It caused his judgment to be impaired so that he could not control his normally aggressive behavior.

Please don't say that marijuana has never been known to impair judgment.

A few more things we know too. He was not shot in the back as purported by the media. He did not yell don't shoot. At least 7 witnesses contradicted the ONE witness who claimed he was walking away. That ONE witness was his friend who was high with him, and was his partner when they strong armed the tiny little store owner. Could you imagine if that Indian store owner was strong armed by a white skinhead, and then that skinhead's white friends burned down the business?

Oh never mind. We all know.

Fucking liberals have ruined everything with their patronizing, double standards, hypocrisy and stupidity.

The only witness who states Brown didn't have his hands in the air or kneeling down when shot is Wilson... Every other witness disagrees with Wilson.
You read that on the internet did you?

Dumbass read the my post just above it...

The thing Tipsycatlover you don't see, when you say :
"Shooting the likes of thugs like Michael Brown is nothing more than putting any other vicious animal down"

It is extremely bigoted... You don't know Micheal Brown's Juvenile record. You don't know much but believe he should have been shot because you refer to him as an 'animal'. You identify him as a sub human with no proof...

I am sorry to say your post tells us much more about you than it does about Micheal Brown.
The last thing we need is more decisive racism, especially from law enforcement.

Needless to say, there's no excuse for him lying.

Out of all this, I really hope law enforcement cleans up their corruption and racism but I doubt it will happen. They'll just get better at lying and hiding their lies.

How about maybe out of all this black people will stop breaking the law and then challenging the cops when they say put your hands behind your back?

I would like to send you into the hood for a year and have you be a police officer in these high crime neighborhoods and then whenever you stop anyone for anything they call it racism and profiling every time.

Criminals never like being stopped and questioned by the police. I don't LOVE the cops but I respect them and I am respectful to them when I see them.

How about black people clean up the streets of Ferguson and stop raising thugs? My god I watch the Detroit News everyday and you would not believe how much is going on in black inner cities.

Stop pointing the fingers at the cops. The cops are not why these black neighborhoods have such high crime. Instead of you focusing on the cops, why don't you focus on lowering the crime rate? Cops aren't nice to the citizens of Beverly Hills because they are white. They are nice because they aren't dealing with crack heads that will kill you the minute you let your guard down.

As expected, your link led me to another wild goose chase. The link says nothing about marijuana being an agent for inducing aggression. Excessive use of pot has been shown to develop psychosis in some individuals. From that perspective, you may have some modicum of an argument. Now, show me where psychotic behavior is linked to aggressiveness or stimulates a bellicose nature.
Two things are known. Michael Brown was high at the time of this incident. Michael Brown exhibited aggressive conduct twice. Once when he assaulted the clerk and again when he fought with officer Wilson ultimately charging at him.

Your position is that Michael Brown may have been aggressive but that had nothing to do with his pot use. Is that a fair representation?

The alternative is that Michael Brown was not aggressive at all. He was behaving normally for him. Marijuana did not cause him to be aggressive. It caused his judgment to be impaired so that he could not control his normally aggressive behavior.

Please don't say that marijuana has never been known to impair judgment.

A few more things we know too. He was not shot in the back as purported by the media. He did not yell don't shoot. At least 7 witnesses contradicted the ONE witness who claimed he was walking away. That ONE witness was his friend who was high with him, and was his partner when they strong armed the tiny little store owner. Could you imagine if that Indian store owner was strong armed by a white skinhead, and then that skinhead's white friends burned down the business?

Oh never mind. We all know.

Fucking liberals have ruined everything with their patronizing, double standards, hypocrisy and stupidity.

The only witness who states Brown didn't have his hands in the air or kneeling down when shot is Wilson... Every other witness disagrees with Wilson.

You fucking liar.

One of the ongoing narratives about the Michael Brown case has been the “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” rallying cry, which is predicated on the notion that he had indeed been shot with his hands in the air. Beyond the physical evidence, let’s examine what witnesses had to say – many of them African-American*:

  • 5/9 witnesses who responded said that Brown charged Wilson.
  • 10/13 witnesses said that Brown interacted with Wilson at his police car.
  • 5/9 witnesses said that Wilson fired on Brown repeatedly while the latter was “down.”
  • 5/6 witnesses said Brown put his hands at his waist.
  • 12/14 witnesses said Brown was facing Wilson when he was shot.
  • 12/16 witnesses said Brown was running away and was fired upon.
  • 6/9 said that Brown was kneeling when fired upon.* (note: physical evidence seriously conflicts)
  • 12/14 said that Brown had his hands up when he was fired upon.
Obviously, there appear to be some internal contradictions. Let’s start breaking this down. Witnesses 22, 35, 41, 45 and 46 said Brown was kneeling while being shot upon, instantly throwing doubt upon their testimony.

Testimony that says that Brown was running away when shot at cannot be confirmed due to lack of physical evidence that any bullets struck Brown in the back. In any event, Brown was not shot in the back, so this is not the way that he was killed. Nearly all agree that Brown was shot facing Wilson, and those who commented tend to say Brown charged Wilson.

So, what about “hands up”? Someone (full credit currently unavailable) has actually taken the pains to attempt a “correction” of the PBS chart:

One Clear Chart Shows All the Conflicting Witness Testimony on Ferguson. This Puts One Myth to Rest.

This chart suggests that the statements about Michael Brown having his hands up were not definitive (read the witness testimonies, law enforcement interviews, and see the physical evidence here).

In other words, Brown may have at some point motioned his arms upward, but did not “surrender” himself.

But perhaps the final word on the “hands up, don’t shoot” narrative comes by way of the Washington Post. Paul Cassell explains why the testimony of Dorian Johnson, the accomplice of Brown in the convenience store robbery, and the apparent originator of the “hands up, don’t shoot” narrative, is so non-credible:

So Johnson’s story was his friend raised his hands in a surrender position, turned around and then, as he was in the process of saying he was unarmed, was gunned down before he had time to move more than a step toward the officer.
The difficulty with this version is that it simply fails to match the physical evidence. With apologies for referring to a bloody photograph — which an unsqueamish reader can view here — a 20 to 22 foot trail of what appeared to be Mike Brown’s blood was on the road (next to evidence markers 19 and 20), leading back directly to where Wilson was … and to where Mike Brown’s body was fatally shot. That trail of blood shows that Brown was moving towards Wilson for far more than “a step” — and thus the dramatic ending to Johnson’s account is simply incredible.

The bottom line is that the physical evidence contradicts the “hands up, don’t shoot” mantra and corroborates the stories of witnesses who claim Brown was charging at Wilson when he was shot. Given that there was a struggle at Wilson’s car, plausibly over his gun, is it really a surprise the grand jury rendered a ‘no bill’ of indictment?

One Clear Chart Shows All the Conflicting Witness Testimony on Ferguson. This Puts One Myth to Rest.

The fucking liberal media are a bunch of fucking liars. This case is done. Liberals are wrong again. What do the pieces of smelly shit do? They act like the fucking diabolical pieces of snot nosed children they are. The intolerant pieces of shit who can never accept the truth. Not at any level.

I'm a liberal and agree with you 100%. Of course I'm white. I think this argument is more a black argument than a liberal one. They have always said cops pick on them. In a lot of ways and in a lot of cases, I might agree. But this isn't one of them. This is a young black man who challenged a cop to a fight.

I think it is time black people join the rest of us in having a little fear/respect for the cops.
As expected, your link led me to another wild goose chase. The link says nothing about marijuana being an agent for inducing aggression. Excessive use of pot has been shown to develop psychosis in some individuals. From that perspective, you may have some modicum of an argument. Now, show me where psychotic behavior is linked to aggressiveness or stimulates a bellicose nature.
Two things are known. Michael Brown was high at the time of this incident. Michael Brown exhibited aggressive conduct twice. Once when he assaulted the clerk and again when he fought with officer Wilson ultimately charging at him.

Your position is that Michael Brown may have been aggressive but that had nothing to do with his pot use. Is that a fair representation?

The alternative is that Michael Brown was not aggressive at all. He was behaving normally for him. Marijuana did not cause him to be aggressive. It caused his judgment to be impaired so that he could not control his normally aggressive behavior.

Please don't say that marijuana has never been known to impair judgment.

A few more things we know too. He was not shot in the back as purported by the media. He did not yell don't shoot. At least 7 witnesses contradicted the ONE witness who claimed he was walking away. That ONE witness was his friend who was high with him, and was his partner when they strong armed the tiny little store owner. Could you imagine if that Indian store owner was strong armed by a white skinhead, and then that skinhead's white friends burned down the business?

Oh never mind. We all know.

Fucking liberals have ruined everything with their patronizing, double standards, hypocrisy and stupidity.

The only witness who states Brown didn't have his hands in the air or kneeling down when shot is Wilson... Every other witness disagrees with Wilson.
You read that on the internet did you?

Dumbass read the my post just above it...

The thing Tipsycatlover you don't see, when you say :
"Shooting the likes of thugs like Michael Brown is nothing more than putting any other vicious animal down"

It is extremely bigoted... You don't know Micheal Brown's Juvenile record. You don't know much but believe he should have been shot because you refer to him as an 'animal'. You identify him as a sub human with no proof...

I am sorry to say your post tells us much more about you than it does about Micheal Brown.

Fuck you, you patronizing racist piece of shit. Your salty tears are so tasty. Nothing backs up your claims, and there is more than enough evidence to support that the thug was the thug we claim he is.

More than enough, including the video that the FAT FUCKING THUG strong arming a 4 foot 9 inch store owner, whose store was then burned by......"people." (Funny how initially the media tried to keep that video from the public. I wonder why they tried to keep it from the public. LOL)

Not one shred of physical evidence supports that he had his hands up or that his back was turned as YOU FUCKING PEOPLE LIE ABOUT.

Then again, I really do not know why I am wasting MY TIME trying to convince you of anything. You reject the truth at all levels.

So, let me part this fucking drawn out debate that you brainwashed pawns of the democratic race dividing party lost a long time ago by saying......GO FUCK YOURSELF you patronizing racist ignorant moron.

As expected, your link led me to another wild goose chase. The link says nothing about marijuana being an agent for inducing aggression. Excessive use of pot has been shown to develop psychosis in some individuals. From that perspective, you may have some modicum of an argument. Now, show me where psychotic behavior is linked to aggressiveness or stimulates a bellicose nature.
Two things are known. Michael Brown was high at the time of this incident. Michael Brown exhibited aggressive conduct twice. Once when he assaulted the clerk and again when he fought with officer Wilson ultimately charging at him.

Your position is that Michael Brown may have been aggressive but that had nothing to do with his pot use. Is that a fair representation?

The alternative is that Michael Brown was not aggressive at all. He was behaving normally for him. Marijuana did not cause him to be aggressive. It caused his judgment to be impaired so that he could not control his normally aggressive behavior.

Please don't say that marijuana has never been known to impair judgment.

A few more things we know too. He was not shot in the back as purported by the media. He did not yell don't shoot. At least 7 witnesses contradicted the ONE witness who claimed he was walking away. That ONE witness was his friend who was high with him, and was his partner when they strong armed the tiny little store owner. Could you imagine if that Indian store owner was strong armed by a white skinhead, and then that skinhead's white friends burned down the business?

Oh never mind. We all know.

Fucking liberals have ruined everything with their patronizing, double standards, hypocrisy and stupidity.

The only witness who states Brown didn't have his hands in the air or kneeling down when shot is Wilson... Every other witness disagrees with Wilson.

You fucking liar.

One of the ongoing narratives about the Michael Brown case has been the “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” rallying cry, which is predicated on the notion that he had indeed been shot with his hands in the air. Beyond the physical evidence, let’s examine what witnesses had to say – many of them African-American*:

  • 5/9 witnesses who responded said that Brown charged Wilson.
  • 10/13 witnesses said that Brown interacted with Wilson at his police car.
  • 5/9 witnesses said that Wilson fired on Brown repeatedly while the latter was “down.”
  • 5/6 witnesses said Brown put his hands at his waist.
  • 12/14 witnesses said Brown was facing Wilson when he was shot.
  • 12/16 witnesses said Brown was running away and was fired upon.
  • 6/9 said that Brown was kneeling when fired upon.* (note: physical evidence seriously conflicts)
  • 12/14 said that Brown had his hands up when he was fired upon.
Obviously, there appear to be some internal contradictions. Let’s start breaking this down. Witnesses 22, 35, 41, 45 and 46 said Brown was kneeling while being shot upon, instantly throwing doubt upon their testimony.

Testimony that says that Brown was running away when shot at cannot be confirmed due to lack of physical evidence that any bullets struck Brown in the back. In any event, Brown was not shot in the back, so this is not the way that he was killed. Nearly all agree that Brown was shot facing Wilson, and those who commented tend to say Brown charged Wilson.

So, what about “hands up”? Someone (full credit currently unavailable) has actually taken the pains to attempt a “correction” of the PBS chart:

One Clear Chart Shows All the Conflicting Witness Testimony on Ferguson. This Puts One Myth to Rest.

This chart suggests that the statements about Michael Brown having his hands up were not definitive (read the witness testimonies, law enforcement interviews, and see the physical evidence here).

In other words, Brown may have at some point motioned his arms upward, but did not “surrender” himself.

But perhaps the final word on the “hands up, don’t shoot” narrative comes by way of the Washington Post. Paul Cassell explains why the testimony of Dorian Johnson, the accomplice of Brown in the convenience store robbery, and the apparent originator of the “hands up, don’t shoot” narrative, is so non-credible:

So Johnson’s story was his friend raised his hands in a surrender position, turned around and then, as he was in the process of saying he was unarmed, was gunned down before he had time to move more than a step toward the officer.
The difficulty with this version is that it simply fails to match the physical evidence. With apologies for referring to a bloody photograph — which an unsqueamish reader can view here — a 20 to 22 foot trail of what appeared to be Mike Brown’s blood was on the road (next to evidence markers 19 and 20), leading back directly to where Wilson was … and to where Mike Brown’s body was fatally shot. That trail of blood shows that Brown was moving towards Wilson for far more than “a step” — and thus the dramatic ending to Johnson’s account is simply incredible.

The bottom line is that the physical evidence contradicts the “hands up, don’t shoot” mantra and corroborates the stories of witnesses who claim Brown was charging at Wilson when he was shot. Given that there was a struggle at Wilson’s car, plausibly over his gun, is it really a surprise the grand jury rendered a ‘no bill’ of indictment?

One Clear Chart Shows All the Conflicting Witness Testimony on Ferguson. This Puts One Myth to Rest.

The fucking liberal media are a bunch of fucking liars. This case is done. Liberals are wrong again. What do the pieces of smelly shit do? They act like the fucking diabolical pieces of snot nosed children they are. The intolerant pieces of shit who can never accept the truth. Not at any level.

the iijreveiw is a rag, it is neither a review or independent... You show be ashamed to use that piece of trash.

"The site is funded by Alex Skatell (former staffer for the National Republican Senatorial Committee) and Phil Musser (a former Tim Pawlenty adviser). It’s owned by Media Group of America, a conservative LLC which also runs consulting firm IMGE (which has worked with clients like Boeing and BMW) as well as Gravity, which manages technology and data for campaigns

Its editor-in-chief is Bert “Bubba” Atkinson and has a staff of fewer than 10 people. As two tweets from “Bubba” indicate, the IJR appears to be aggressively attacking Upworthy:"

And you are comparing that to PBS NewsHour... they wouldn't print iijreview stuff on the toliet roll in PBS...

You are finally scraping the bottom of the barrel... You purpose this as some sort of scientific research and you are left looking like an idiot...
Look at your editor Bubba Atkinson ijreviewBubba Twitter... A failed accountant who just spout angry RW crap...
The last thing we need is more decisive racism, especially from law enforcement.

Needless to say, there's no excuse for him lying.

Out of all this, I really hope law enforcement cleans up their corruption and racism but I doubt it will happen. They'll just get better at lying and hiding their lies.

How about maybe out of all this black people will stop breaking the law and then challenging the cops when they say put your hands behind your back?

I would like to send you into the hood for a year and have you be a police officer in these high crime neighborhoods and then whenever you stop anyone for anything they call it racism and profiling every time.

Criminals never like being stopped and questioned by the police. I don't LOVE the cops but I respect them and I am respectful to them when I see them.

How about black people clean up the streets of Ferguson and stop raising thugs? My god I watch the Detroit News everyday and you would not believe how much is going on in black inner cities.

Stop pointing the fingers at the cops. The cops are not why these black neighborhoods have such high crime. Instead of you focusing on the cops, why don't you focus on lowering the crime rate? Cops aren't nice to the citizens of Beverly Hills because they are white. They are nice because they aren't dealing with crack heads that will kill you the minute you let your guard down.

So your pro collective punishment rant is over then.

By the way collective punishment is a war crime...

As expected, your link led me to another wild goose chase. The link says nothing about marijuana being an agent for inducing aggression. Excessive use of pot has been shown to develop psychosis in some individuals. From that perspective, you may have some modicum of an argument. Now, show me where psychotic behavior is linked to aggressiveness or stimulates a bellicose nature.
Two things are known. Michael Brown was high at the time of this incident. Michael Brown exhibited aggressive conduct twice. Once when he assaulted the clerk and again when he fought with officer Wilson ultimately charging at him.

Your position is that Michael Brown may have been aggressive but that had nothing to do with his pot use. Is that a fair representation?

The alternative is that Michael Brown was not aggressive at all. He was behaving normally for him. Marijuana did not cause him to be aggressive. It caused his judgment to be impaired so that he could not control his normally aggressive behavior.

Please don't say that marijuana has never been known to impair judgment.

A few more things we know too. He was not shot in the back as purported by the media. He did not yell don't shoot. At least 7 witnesses contradicted the ONE witness who claimed he was walking away. That ONE witness was his friend who was high with him, and was his partner when they strong armed the tiny little store owner. Could you imagine if that Indian store owner was strong armed by a white skinhead, and then that skinhead's white friends burned down the business?

Oh never mind. We all know.

Fucking liberals have ruined everything with their patronizing, double standards, hypocrisy and stupidity.

The only witness who states Brown didn't have his hands in the air or kneeling down when shot is Wilson... Every other witness disagrees with Wilson.
You read that on the internet did you?

Dumbass read the my post just above it...

The thing Tipsycatlover you don't see, when you say :
"Shooting the likes of thugs like Michael Brown is nothing more than putting any other vicious animal down"

It is extremely bigoted... You don't know Micheal Brown's Juvenile record. You don't know much but believe he should have been shot because you refer to him as an 'animal'. You identify him as a sub human with no proof...

I am sorry to say your post tells us much more about you than it does about Micheal Brown.
Act like an animal get treated like an animal. Simple. Was Brown sub-human? You betcha.
Two things are known. Michael Brown was high at the time of this incident. Michael Brown exhibited aggressive conduct twice. Once when he assaulted the clerk and again when he fought with officer Wilson ultimately charging at him.

Your position is that Michael Brown may have been aggressive but that had nothing to do with his pot use. Is that a fair representation?

The alternative is that Michael Brown was not aggressive at all. He was behaving normally for him. Marijuana did not cause him to be aggressive. It caused his judgment to be impaired so that he could not control his normally aggressive behavior.

Please don't say that marijuana has never been known to impair judgment.

A few more things we know too. He was not shot in the back as purported by the media. He did not yell don't shoot. At least 7 witnesses contradicted the ONE witness who claimed he was walking away. That ONE witness was his friend who was high with him, and was his partner when they strong armed the tiny little store owner. Could you imagine if that Indian store owner was strong armed by a white skinhead, and then that skinhead's white friends burned down the business?

Oh never mind. We all know.

Fucking liberals have ruined everything with their patronizing, double standards, hypocrisy and stupidity.

The only witness who states Brown didn't have his hands in the air or kneeling down when shot is Wilson... Every other witness disagrees with Wilson.
You read that on the internet did you?

Dumbass read the my post just above it...

The thing Tipsycatlover you don't see, when you say :
"Shooting the likes of thugs like Michael Brown is nothing more than putting any other vicious animal down"

It is extremely bigoted... You don't know Micheal Brown's Juvenile record. You don't know much but believe he should have been shot because you refer to him as an 'animal'. You identify him as a sub human with no proof...

I am sorry to say your post tells us much more about you than it does about Micheal Brown.

Innocent until proven guilty seems to have gone out the window there.
Fuck you, you patronizing racist piece of shit. Your salty tears are so tasty. Nothing backs up your claims, and there is more than enough evidence to support that the thug was the thug we claim he is.

More than enough, including the video that the FAT FUCKING THUG strong arming a 4 foot 9 inch store owner, whose store was then burned by......"people." (Funny how initially the media tried to keep that video from the public. I wonder why they tried to keep it from the public. LOL)

Not one shred of physical evidence supports that he had his hands up or that his back was turned as YOU FUCKING PEOPLE LIE ABOUT.

Then again, I really do not know why I am wasting MY TIME trying to convince you of anything. You reject the truth at all levels.

So, let me part this fucking drawn out debate that you brainwashed pawns of the democratic race dividing party lost a long time ago by saying......GO FUCK YOURSELF you patronizing racist ignorant moron.

I describe someone as an 'animal'... But I am accused of being racist when I point it out.

You then go into a series of accusations which unlike you I used a reputable source for my assertions... You don't like I point out your rag a biased piece of manure written by Hard Right funded lobby group...

Get serious... How many pulitzers has Bubba to his name?
A few more things we know too. He was not shot in the back as purported by the media. He did not yell don't shoot. At least 7 witnesses contradicted the ONE witness who claimed he was walking away. That ONE witness was his friend who was high with him, and was his partner when they strong armed the tiny little store owner. Could you imagine if that Indian store owner was strong armed by a white skinhead, and then that skinhead's white friends burned down the business?

Oh never mind. We all know.

Fucking liberals have ruined everything with their patronizing, double standards, hypocrisy and stupidity.

The only witness who states Brown didn't have his hands in the air or kneeling down when shot is Wilson... Every other witness disagrees with Wilson.
You read that on the internet did you?

Dumbass read the my post just above it...

The thing Tipsycatlover you don't see, when you say :
"Shooting the likes of thugs like Michael Brown is nothing more than putting any other vicious animal down"

It is extremely bigoted... You don't know Micheal Brown's Juvenile record. You don't know much but believe he should have been shot because you refer to him as an 'animal'. You identify him as a sub human with no proof...

I am sorry to say your post tells us much more about you than it does about Micheal Brown.

Innocent until proven guilty seems to have gone out the window there.
Fuck you, you patronizing racist piece of shit. Your salty tears are so tasty. Nothing backs up your claims, and there is more than enough evidence to support that the thug was the thug we claim he is.

More than enough, including the video that the FAT FUCKING THUG strong arming a 4 foot 9 inch store owner, whose store was then burned by......"people." (Funny how initially the media tried to keep that video from the public. I wonder why they tried to keep it from the public. LOL)

Not one shred of physical evidence supports that he had his hands up or that his back was turned as YOU FUCKING PEOPLE LIE ABOUT.

Then again, I really do not know why I am wasting MY TIME trying to convince you of anything. You reject the truth at all levels.

So, let me part this fucking drawn out debate that you brainwashed pawns of the democratic race dividing party lost a long time ago by saying......GO FUCK YOURSELF you patronizing racist ignorant moron.

I describe someone as an 'animal'... But I am accused of being racist when I point it out.

You then go into a series of accusations which unlike you I used a reputable source for my assertions... You don't like I point out your rag a biased piece of manure written by Hard Right funded lobby group...

Get serious... How many pulitzers has Bubba to his name?

The fucking grand jury testimony is a credible source you sorry sack of ignorant liberal patronizing racist shit.

Your facts that you cried about WERE ALL LIES you sack of shit.

You are nothing but a fucking pawn who cannot think for himself. A typical spoiled sack of shit who pouts and cries when things do not go your way.

EVERY FUCKING BIT OF PHYSICAL EVIDENCE contradicts everything you fucking liars claimed. ALL OF IT! EVERY BIT OF IT!

Those are the fucking facts you miserable waste of never ending shit.

Did you not get the fucking clue when I told you this debate is long over? You are all wrong now, like you were wrong then. Then again, you miserable sacks of lying shit are wrong about EVERYTHING.

You can cry about sources this or that. You fucking quote and follow fucking AL sharpton, you dumb fucking hypocritical ignorant moron. I would not waste a piss to piss on your grave. Now, go get your pats on your back from the fellow pawns of the democrat race dividing party.

The only witness who states Brown didn't have his hands in the air or kneeling down when shot is Wilson... Every other witness disagrees with Wilson.
You read that on the internet did you?

Dumbass read the my post just above it...

The thing Tipsycatlover you don't see, when you say :
"Shooting the likes of thugs like Michael Brown is nothing more than putting any other vicious animal down"

It is extremely bigoted... You don't know Micheal Brown's Juvenile record. You don't know much but believe he should have been shot because you refer to him as an 'animal'. You identify him as a sub human with no proof...

I am sorry to say your post tells us much more about you than it does about Micheal Brown.

Innocent until proven guilty seems to have gone out the window there.
Fuck you, you patronizing racist piece of shit. Your salty tears are so tasty. Nothing backs up your claims, and there is more than enough evidence to support that the thug was the thug we claim he is.

More than enough, including the video that the FAT FUCKING THUG strong arming a 4 foot 9 inch store owner, whose store was then burned by......"people." (Funny how initially the media tried to keep that video from the public. I wonder why they tried to keep it from the public. LOL)

Not one shred of physical evidence supports that he had his hands up or that his back was turned as YOU FUCKING PEOPLE LIE ABOUT.

Then again, I really do not know why I am wasting MY TIME trying to convince you of anything. You reject the truth at all levels.

So, let me part this fucking drawn out debate that you brainwashed pawns of the democratic race dividing party lost a long time ago by saying......GO FUCK YOURSELF you patronizing racist ignorant moron.

I describe someone as an 'animal'... But I am accused of being racist when I point it out.

You then go into a series of accusations which unlike you I used a reputable source for my assertions... You don't like I point out your rag a biased piece of manure written by Hard Right funded lobby group...

Get serious... How many pulitzers has Bubba to his name?

The fucking grand jury testimony is a credible source you sorry sack of ignorant liberal patronizing racist shit.

Your facts that you cried about WERE ALL LIES you sack of shit.

You are nothing but a fucking pawn who cannot think for himself. A typical spoiled sack of shit who pouts and cries when things do not go your way.

EVERY FUCKING BIT OF PHYSICAL EVIDENCE contradicts everything you fucking liars claimed. ALL OF IT! EVERY BIT OF IT!

Those are the fucking facts you miserable waste of never ending shit.

Did you not get the fucking clue when I told you this debate is long over? You are all wrong now, like you were wrong then. Then again, you miserable sacks of lying shit are wrong about EVERYTHING.

You can cry about sources this or that. You fucking quote and follow fucking AL sharpton, you dumb fucking hypocritical ignorant moron. I would not waste a piss to piss on your grave. Now, go get your pats on your back from the fellow pawns of the democrat race dividing party.


Local Police, Local Examiner, Local DA.... All independent....

Lets see what the Feds say...

At the end of the day and unarm guy was shot in the street... Your claim with very little to back you up is that the guy (who we believe have no aggressive drugs in his system) was an animal and was attacking a cop with a gun (for what seems no reason)...

Personally I think Wilson did things that led him to this position which weren't the best.. I think he was scared and he shot Brown because of that... Did Brown deserve that? Probably not.

But describing people as 'animals' is just the kind of bigoted thing you like to say... It show us more about you than Mike Brown.
You read that on the internet did you?

Dumbass read the my post just above it...

The thing Tipsycatlover you don't see, when you say :
"Shooting the likes of thugs like Michael Brown is nothing more than putting any other vicious animal down"

It is extremely bigoted... You don't know Micheal Brown's Juvenile record. You don't know much but believe he should have been shot because you refer to him as an 'animal'. You identify him as a sub human with no proof...

I am sorry to say your post tells us much more about you than it does about Micheal Brown.

Innocent until proven guilty seems to have gone out the window there.
Fuck you, you patronizing racist piece of shit. Your salty tears are so tasty. Nothing backs up your claims, and there is more than enough evidence to support that the thug was the thug we claim he is.

More than enough, including the video that the FAT FUCKING THUG strong arming a 4 foot 9 inch store owner, whose store was then burned by......"people." (Funny how initially the media tried to keep that video from the public. I wonder why they tried to keep it from the public. LOL)

Not one shred of physical evidence supports that he had his hands up or that his back was turned as YOU FUCKING PEOPLE LIE ABOUT.

Then again, I really do not know why I am wasting MY TIME trying to convince you of anything. You reject the truth at all levels.

So, let me part this fucking drawn out debate that you brainwashed pawns of the democratic race dividing party lost a long time ago by saying......GO FUCK YOURSELF you patronizing racist ignorant moron.

I describe someone as an 'animal'... But I am accused of being racist when I point it out.

You then go into a series of accusations which unlike you I used a reputable source for my assertions... You don't like I point out your rag a biased piece of manure written by Hard Right funded lobby group...

Get serious... How many pulitzers has Bubba to his name?

The fucking grand jury testimony is a credible source you sorry sack of ignorant liberal patronizing racist shit.

Your facts that you cried about WERE ALL LIES you sack of shit.

You are nothing but a fucking pawn who cannot think for himself. A typical spoiled sack of shit who pouts and cries when things do not go your way.

EVERY FUCKING BIT OF PHYSICAL EVIDENCE contradicts everything you fucking liars claimed. ALL OF IT! EVERY BIT OF IT!

Those are the fucking facts you miserable waste of never ending shit.

Did you not get the fucking clue when I told you this debate is long over? You are all wrong now, like you were wrong then. Then again, you miserable sacks of lying shit are wrong about EVERYTHING.

You can cry about sources this or that. You fucking quote and follow fucking AL sharpton, you dumb fucking hypocritical ignorant moron. I would not waste a piss to piss on your grave. Now, go get your pats on your back from the fellow pawns of the democrat race dividing party.


Local Police, Local Examiner, Local DA.... All independent....

Lets see what the Feds say...

At the end of the day and unarm guy was shot in the street... Your claim with very little to back you up is that the guy (who we believe have no aggressive drugs in his system) was an animal and was attacking a cop with a gun (for what seems no reason)...

Personally I think Wilson did things that led him to this position which weren't the best.. I think he was scared and he shot Brown because of that... Did Brown deserve that? Probably not.

But describing people as 'animals' is just the kind of bigoted thing you like to say... It show us more about you than Mike Brown.
Cowboy Ted you got me wondering about something that no one has mentioned. Did Wilson know Brown? Had they ever interacted with each other? No one has brought up the question of whether Wilson might have been a dirty cop who may have been on the take, with Michael Brown as a client who refused to pay or something like that. That certainly would explain the fisticuffs and struggle for the gun that followed the initial confrontation. I am not saying that was the case but that perspective was not considered at all. Given that Ferguson is a small town, it seems more than likely that Wilson would know an easily identifiable trouble maker like Brown. Just how intricate was that knowledge and to what degree were the two involved beyond public scrutiny?
Dumbass read the my post just above it...

The thing Tipsycatlover you don't see, when you say :
"Shooting the likes of thugs like Michael Brown is nothing more than putting any other vicious animal down"

It is extremely bigoted... You don't know Micheal Brown's Juvenile record. You don't know much but believe he should have been shot because you refer to him as an 'animal'. You identify him as a sub human with no proof...

I am sorry to say your post tells us much more about you than it does about Micheal Brown.

Innocent until proven guilty seems to have gone out the window there.
Fuck you, you patronizing racist piece of shit. Your salty tears are so tasty. Nothing backs up your claims, and there is more than enough evidence to support that the thug was the thug we claim he is.

More than enough, including the video that the FAT FUCKING THUG strong arming a 4 foot 9 inch store owner, whose store was then burned by......"people." (Funny how initially the media tried to keep that video from the public. I wonder why they tried to keep it from the public. LOL)

Not one shred of physical evidence supports that he had his hands up or that his back was turned as YOU FUCKING PEOPLE LIE ABOUT.

Then again, I really do not know why I am wasting MY TIME trying to convince you of anything. You reject the truth at all levels.

So, let me part this fucking drawn out debate that you brainwashed pawns of the democratic race dividing party lost a long time ago by saying......GO FUCK YOURSELF you patronizing racist ignorant moron.

I describe someone as an 'animal'... But I am accused of being racist when I point it out.

You then go into a series of accusations which unlike you I used a reputable source for my assertions... You don't like I point out your rag a biased piece of manure written by Hard Right funded lobby group...

Get serious... How many pulitzers has Bubba to his name?

The fucking grand jury testimony is a credible source you sorry sack of ignorant liberal patronizing racist shit.

Your facts that you cried about WERE ALL LIES you sack of shit.

You are nothing but a fucking pawn who cannot think for himself. A typical spoiled sack of shit who pouts and cries when things do not go your way.

EVERY FUCKING BIT OF PHYSICAL EVIDENCE contradicts everything you fucking liars claimed. ALL OF IT! EVERY BIT OF IT!

Those are the fucking facts you miserable waste of never ending shit.

Did you not get the fucking clue when I told you this debate is long over? You are all wrong now, like you were wrong then. Then again, you miserable sacks of lying shit are wrong about EVERYTHING.

You can cry about sources this or that. You fucking quote and follow fucking AL sharpton, you dumb fucking hypocritical ignorant moron. I would not waste a piss to piss on your grave. Now, go get your pats on your back from the fellow pawns of the democrat race dividing party.


Local Police, Local Examiner, Local DA.... All independent....

Lets see what the Feds say...

At the end of the day and unarm guy was shot in the street... Your claim with very little to back you up is that the guy (who we believe have no aggressive drugs in his system) was an animal and was attacking a cop with a gun (for what seems no reason)...

Personally I think Wilson did things that led him to this position which weren't the best.. I think he was scared and he shot Brown because of that... Did Brown deserve that? Probably not.

But describing people as 'animals' is just the kind of bigoted thing you like to say... It show us more about you than Mike Brown.
Cowboy Ted you got me wondering about something that no one has mentioned. Did Wilson know Brown? Had they ever interacted with each other? No one has brought up the question of whether Wilson might have been a dirty cop who may have been on the take, with Michael Brown as a client who refused to pay or something like that. That certainly would explain the fisticuffs and struggle for the gun that followed the initial confrontation. I am not saying that was the case but that perspective was not considered at all. Given that Ferguson is a small town, it seems more than likely that Wilson would know an easily identifiable trouble maker like Brown. Just how intricate was that knowledge and to what degree were the two involved beyond public scrutiny?

Holy shit
Dumbass read the my post just above it...

The thing Tipsycatlover you don't see, when you say :
"Shooting the likes of thugs like Michael Brown is nothing more than putting any other vicious animal down"

It is extremely bigoted... You don't know Micheal Brown's Juvenile record. You don't know much but believe he should have been shot because you refer to him as an 'animal'. You identify him as a sub human with no proof...

I am sorry to say your post tells us much more about you than it does about Micheal Brown.

Innocent until proven guilty seems to have gone out the window there.
Fuck you, you patronizing racist piece of shit. Your salty tears are so tasty. Nothing backs up your claims, and there is more than enough evidence to support that the thug was the thug we claim he is.

More than enough, including the video that the FAT FUCKING THUG strong arming a 4 foot 9 inch store owner, whose store was then burned by......"people." (Funny how initially the media tried to keep that video from the public. I wonder why they tried to keep it from the public. LOL)

Not one shred of physical evidence supports that he had his hands up or that his back was turned as YOU FUCKING PEOPLE LIE ABOUT.

Then again, I really do not know why I am wasting MY TIME trying to convince you of anything. You reject the truth at all levels.

So, let me part this fucking drawn out debate that you brainwashed pawns of the democratic race dividing party lost a long time ago by saying......GO FUCK YOURSELF you patronizing racist ignorant moron.

I describe someone as an 'animal'... But I am accused of being racist when I point it out.

You then go into a series of accusations which unlike you I used a reputable source for my assertions... You don't like I point out your rag a biased piece of manure written by Hard Right funded lobby group...

Get serious... How many pulitzers has Bubba to his name?

The fucking grand jury testimony is a credible source you sorry sack of ignorant liberal patronizing racist shit.

Your facts that you cried about WERE ALL LIES you sack of shit.

You are nothing but a fucking pawn who cannot think for himself. A typical spoiled sack of shit who pouts and cries when things do not go your way.

EVERY FUCKING BIT OF PHYSICAL EVIDENCE contradicts everything you fucking liars claimed. ALL OF IT! EVERY BIT OF IT!

Those are the fucking facts you miserable waste of never ending shit.

Did you not get the fucking clue when I told you this debate is long over? You are all wrong now, like you were wrong then. Then again, you miserable sacks of lying shit are wrong about EVERYTHING.

You can cry about sources this or that. You fucking quote and follow fucking AL sharpton, you dumb fucking hypocritical ignorant moron. I would not waste a piss to piss on your grave. Now, go get your pats on your back from the fellow pawns of the democrat race dividing party.


Local Police, Local Examiner, Local DA.... All independent....

Lets see what the Feds say...

At the end of the day and unarm guy was shot in the street... Your claim with very little to back you up is that the guy (who we believe have no aggressive drugs in his system) was an animal and was attacking a cop with a gun (for what seems no reason)...

Personally I think Wilson did things that led him to this position which weren't the best.. I think he was scared and he shot Brown because of that... Did Brown deserve that? Probably not.

But describing people as 'animals' is just the kind of bigoted thing you like to say... It show us more about you than Mike Brown.
Cowboy Ted you got me wondering about something that no one has mentioned. Did Wilson know Brown? Had they ever interacted with each other? No one has brought up the question of whether Wilson might have been a dirty cop who may have been on the take, with Michael Brown as a client who refused to pay or something like that. That certainly would explain the fisticuffs and struggle for the gun that followed the initial confrontation. I am not saying that was the case but that perspective was not considered at all. Given that Ferguson is a small town, it seems more than likely that Wilson would know an easily identifiable trouble maker like Brown. Just how intricate was that knowledge and to what degree were the two involved beyond public scrutiny?

Your words, and it seems that you like to test your very much hypothetical corrupt thinking to the max on this case but why ? It just can't go Wilson's way now can it for you, I mean it just can't right ? Is it all because it may wash years of corrupt thinking out into the open now, and maybe expose the long time intimidated federal governments role for whom will do just about anything to eternally coddle a group for whom thinks it needs eternal coddling by the feds forever and ever Amen?

Do you think that this will somehow wash everything down the drain if all is exposed now because Wilson was right and Michael Brown was in the wrong, but the town got burned down anyways ? These things could expose the agenda for all to see if not careful right ? I mean wow what exposure this has been too, so just keep on projecting as you do, because we all are watching, learning and listening to you here, and it is interesting to watch such stuff like this go on in the mind for which you write from.
Well, just how drugged was brown? Given his limited income, the probability that he could purchase and consume enough marijuana to appreciably alter the judgement of a man his size is quite small. Besides, I have not seen any evidence that links marijuana to individual aggressiveness. Alcohol yes! But not marijuana.

Marijuana psychosis

As expected, your link led me to another wild goose chase. The link says nothing about marijuana being an agent for inducing aggression. Excessive use of pot has been shown to develop psychosis in some individuals. From that perspective, you may have some modicum of an argument. Now, show me where psychotic behavior is linked to aggressiveness or stimulates a bellicose nature.
Two things are known. Michael Brown was high at the time of this incident. Michael Brown exhibited aggressive conduct twice. Once when he assaulted the clerk and again when he fought with officer Wilson ultimately charging at him.

Your position is that Michael Brown may have been aggressive but that had nothing to do with his pot use. Is that a fair representation?

The alternative is that Michael Brown was not aggressive at all. He was behaving normally for him. Marijuana did not cause him to be aggressive. It caused his judgment to be impaired so that he could not control his normally aggressive behavior.

Please don't say that marijuana has never been known to impair judgment.

I will concede Michael Brown exhibited mildly aggressive behavior towards the store owner and, according to Wilson and controversial sporadic testimony of some of the witnesses, displayed extreme aggression towards Wilson. You seem to be convinced that Brown's actions were the result of marijuana use. I reject that argument for the following reasons.

1. I think it is safe to assume that Brown was more or less a habitual marijuana user. That being the case, if indeed he was such a user, that uncontrolled aggression must have surfaced over and over again. Where are the police reports supporting that premise?

2. Again, I say that Brown, being an unemployed teen, probably had limited funds and wasn't likely able to afford a large enough quantity of marijuana to smoke and appreciably alter his judgement. Pay attention to that adverb" appreciably," you either ignored it or missed it last time.

There are myriad events that could have set brown off that day. Anything from being rejected by a girl, losing a bet, or just being in a bad mood are prime motives that could be explored to explain his behavior.
Marijuana isn't likely the catalyst that sent him spiraling over the edge. We will probably never know what did. But given the visuals, we do know that the man child called Michael Brown, died like a warrior: as fearless as a raging bull...charging ahead in the face of imminent death.

Let his monument stand as a tribute to a fallen warrior who perished on his own terms.

You will never know how many police reports there might be on Michael Brown. As has been pointed out as a juvenile those records are sealed. As far as his being of limited funds that has never kept an addict away from drugs, or anything else they want. Clean up the garbage in the street. Shooting the likes of thugs like Michael Brown is nothing more than putting any other vicious animal down.

Police reports on juveniles in Missouri can he releases on deceased persons. That debate took place months ago. Where were you? Here is the link:
The Epidemic of Racial Crimes in America Page 10 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Innocent until proven guilty seems to have gone out the window there.
Fuck you, you patronizing racist piece of shit. Your salty tears are so tasty. Nothing backs up your claims, and there is more than enough evidence to support that the thug was the thug we claim he is.

More than enough, including the video that the FAT FUCKING THUG strong arming a 4 foot 9 inch store owner, whose store was then burned by......"people." (Funny how initially the media tried to keep that video from the public. I wonder why they tried to keep it from the public. LOL)

Not one shred of physical evidence supports that he had his hands up or that his back was turned as YOU FUCKING PEOPLE LIE ABOUT.

Then again, I really do not know why I am wasting MY TIME trying to convince you of anything. You reject the truth at all levels.

So, let me part this fucking drawn out debate that you brainwashed pawns of the democratic race dividing party lost a long time ago by saying......GO FUCK YOURSELF you patronizing racist ignorant moron.

I describe someone as an 'animal'... But I am accused of being racist when I point it out.

You then go into a series of accusations which unlike you I used a reputable source for my assertions... You don't like I point out your rag a biased piece of manure written by Hard Right funded lobby group...

Get serious... How many pulitzers has Bubba to his name?

The fucking grand jury testimony is a credible source you sorry sack of ignorant liberal patronizing racist shit.

Your facts that you cried about WERE ALL LIES you sack of shit.

You are nothing but a fucking pawn who cannot think for himself. A typical spoiled sack of shit who pouts and cries when things do not go your way.

EVERY FUCKING BIT OF PHYSICAL EVIDENCE contradicts everything you fucking liars claimed. ALL OF IT! EVERY BIT OF IT!

Those are the fucking facts you miserable waste of never ending shit.

Did you not get the fucking clue when I told you this debate is long over? You are all wrong now, like you were wrong then. Then again, you miserable sacks of lying shit are wrong about EVERYTHING.

You can cry about sources this or that. You fucking quote and follow fucking AL sharpton, you dumb fucking hypocritical ignorant moron. I would not waste a piss to piss on your grave. Now, go get your pats on your back from the fellow pawns of the democrat race dividing party.


Local Police, Local Examiner, Local DA.... All independent....

Lets see what the Feds say...

At the end of the day and unarm guy was shot in the street... Your claim with very little to back you up is that the guy (who we believe have no aggressive drugs in his system) was an animal and was attacking a cop with a gun (for what seems no reason)...

Personally I think Wilson did things that led him to this position which weren't the best.. I think he was scared and he shot Brown because of that... Did Brown deserve that? Probably not.

But describing people as 'animals' is just the kind of bigoted thing you like to say... It show us more about you than Mike Brown.
Cowboy Ted you got me wondering about something that no one has mentioned. Did Wilson know Brown? Had they ever interacted with each other? No one has brought up the question of whether Wilson might have been a dirty cop who may have been on the take, with Michael Brown as a client who refused to pay or something like that. That certainly would explain the fisticuffs and struggle for the gun that followed the initial confrontation. I am not saying that was the case but that perspective was not considered at all. Given that Ferguson is a small town, it seems more than likely that Wilson would know an easily identifiable trouble maker like Brown. Just how intricate was that knowledge and to what degree were the two involved beyond public scrutiny?

Your words, and it seems that you like to test your very much hypothetical corrupt thinking to the max on this case but why ? It just can't go Wilson's way now can it for you, I mean it just can't right ? Is it all because it may wash years of corrupt thinking out into the open now, and maybe expose the long time intimidated federal governments role for whom will do just about anything to eternally coddle a group for whom thinks it needs eternal coddling by the feds forever and ever Amen?

Do you think that this will somehow wash everything down the drain if all is exposed now because Wilson was right and Michael Brown was in the wrong, but the town got burned down anyways ? These things could expose the agenda for all to see if not careful right ? I mean wow what exposure this has been too, so just keep on projecting as you do, because we all are watching, learning and listening to you here, and it is interesting to watch such stuff like this go on in the mind for which you write from.

This is only a message board Beagle9. It is not a courtroom where all the evidence inherent in a particular discussion is readily available to all. Most posters, including you, tend to research any given issue subjectively and therefore bypass pertinent information that might alter your preconceptions. It wouldn't have mattered if Brown was an alter boy who was shot for jaywalking. If the Blacks protested it, you would find some justification to defend the White officer who shot him. Alternatively, you would likely remain silent rather than admit cops sometimes kill unnecessarily; especially if the deceased is Black. All that is needed to convince you of the officer's innocence is the word of the cop or a White witness. Then you wonder why black Christians won't accept that.

The dominant society has, for the most part, resisted every effort Christian Blacks have made to assimilate. Your word of choice for the government's response to White hostility against decent Blacks is "coddling."Well, call it what you wish, that "coddling" was necessary; and, judging by the resident white haters on USMB, there is NO doubt that need persists today. BTW, a better term would be" protection" of a down trodden minority against the tyranny of a hateful and hostile majority. Will you concede that?
Dumbass read the my post just above it...

The thing Tipsycatlover you don't see, when you say :
"Shooting the likes of thugs like Michael Brown is nothing more than putting any other vicious animal down"

It is extremely bigoted... You don't know Micheal Brown's Juvenile record. You don't know much but believe he should have been shot because you refer to him as an 'animal'. You identify him as a sub human with no proof...

I am sorry to say your post tells us much more about you than it does about Micheal Brown.

Innocent until proven guilty seems to have gone out the window there.
Fuck you, you patronizing racist piece of shit. Your salty tears are so tasty. Nothing backs up your claims, and there is more than enough evidence to support that the thug was the thug we claim he is.

More than enough, including the video that the FAT FUCKING THUG strong arming a 4 foot 9 inch store owner, whose store was then burned by......"people." (Funny how initially the media tried to keep that video from the public. I wonder why they tried to keep it from the public. LOL)

Not one shred of physical evidence supports that he had his hands up or that his back was turned as YOU FUCKING PEOPLE LIE ABOUT.

Then again, I really do not know why I am wasting MY TIME trying to convince you of anything. You reject the truth at all levels.

So, let me part this fucking drawn out debate that you brainwashed pawns of the democratic race dividing party lost a long time ago by saying......GO FUCK YOURSELF you patronizing racist ignorant moron.

I describe someone as an 'animal'... But I am accused of being racist when I point it out.

You then go into a series of accusations which unlike you I used a reputable source for my assertions... You don't like I point out your rag a biased piece of manure written by Hard Right funded lobby group...

Get serious... How many pulitzers has Bubba to his name?

The fucking grand jury testimony is a credible source you sorry sack of ignorant liberal patronizing racist shit.

Your facts that you cried about WERE ALL LIES you sack of shit.

You are nothing but a fucking pawn who cannot think for himself. A typical spoiled sack of shit who pouts and cries when things do not go your way.

EVERY FUCKING BIT OF PHYSICAL EVIDENCE contradicts everything you fucking liars claimed. ALL OF IT! EVERY BIT OF IT!

Those are the fucking facts you miserable waste of never ending shit.

Did you not get the fucking clue when I told you this debate is long over? You are all wrong now, like you were wrong then. Then again, you miserable sacks of lying shit are wrong about EVERYTHING.

You can cry about sources this or that. You fucking quote and follow fucking AL sharpton, you dumb fucking hypocritical ignorant moron. I would not waste a piss to piss on your grave. Now, go get your pats on your back from the fellow pawns of the democrat race dividing party.


Local Police, Local Examiner, Local DA.... All independent....

Lets see what the Feds say...

At the end of the day and unarm guy was shot in the street... Your claim with very little to back you up is that the guy (who we believe have no aggressive drugs in his system) was an animal and was attacking a cop with a gun (for what seems no reason)...

Personally I think Wilson did things that led him to this position which weren't the best.. I think he was scared and he shot Brown because of that... Did Brown deserve that? Probably not.

But describing people as 'animals' is just the kind of bigoted thing you like to say... It show us more about you than Mike Brown.
Cowboy Ted you got me wondering about something that no one has mentioned. Did Wilson know Brown? Had they ever interacted with each other? No one has brought up the question of whether Wilson might have been a dirty cop who may have been on the take, with Michael Brown as a client who refused to pay or something like that. That certainly would explain the fisticuffs and struggle for the gun that followed the initial confrontation. I am not saying that was the case but that perspective was not considered at all. Given that Ferguson is a small town, it seems more than likely that Wilson would know an easily identifiable trouble maker like Brown. Just how intricate was that knowledge and to what degree were the two involved beyond public scrutiny?

I wouldn't speculate that much but you do make some very valid points. There is only 21,000 living in the town, if Mike Brown was actually a trouble maker then they would have known him easily.

I think there is a lot of information we haven't seen... I understand it is very hard for a Local DA who relies on the cops day in day out to then turn around and prosecute one of them.

I am from Ireland and if a cop shoots a citizen we take it very serious. Cops are there to protect and serve, not shoot citizens of the state...
I did some digging and the last person killed by Irish Police is in 2000 (yes, 14 years ago). Welcome to a gun free society.
Death of John Carthy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The guy was mentally unstable and charged out is door with a shotgun. The investigation cost $12m (this included paying the FBI to help) and a tribunal. The family got about $0.5m.

This is an issue about the rights of an individual to live free without fear from the police killing you. They are there to protect.
Innocent until proven guilty seems to have gone out the window there.
Fuck you, you patronizing racist piece of shit. Your salty tears are so tasty. Nothing backs up your claims, and there is more than enough evidence to support that the thug was the thug we claim he is.

More than enough, including the video that the FAT FUCKING THUG strong arming a 4 foot 9 inch store owner, whose store was then burned by......"people." (Funny how initially the media tried to keep that video from the public. I wonder why they tried to keep it from the public. LOL)

Not one shred of physical evidence supports that he had his hands up or that his back was turned as YOU FUCKING PEOPLE LIE ABOUT.

Then again, I really do not know why I am wasting MY TIME trying to convince you of anything. You reject the truth at all levels.

So, let me part this fucking drawn out debate that you brainwashed pawns of the democratic race dividing party lost a long time ago by saying......GO FUCK YOURSELF you patronizing racist ignorant moron.

I describe someone as an 'animal'... But I am accused of being racist when I point it out.

You then go into a series of accusations which unlike you I used a reputable source for my assertions... You don't like I point out your rag a biased piece of manure written by Hard Right funded lobby group...

Get serious... How many pulitzers has Bubba to his name?

The fucking grand jury testimony is a credible source you sorry sack of ignorant liberal patronizing racist shit.

Your facts that you cried about WERE ALL LIES you sack of shit.

You are nothing but a fucking pawn who cannot think for himself. A typical spoiled sack of shit who pouts and cries when things do not go your way.

EVERY FUCKING BIT OF PHYSICAL EVIDENCE contradicts everything you fucking liars claimed. ALL OF IT! EVERY BIT OF IT!

Those are the fucking facts you miserable waste of never ending shit.

Did you not get the fucking clue when I told you this debate is long over? You are all wrong now, like you were wrong then. Then again, you miserable sacks of lying shit are wrong about EVERYTHING.

You can cry about sources this or that. You fucking quote and follow fucking AL sharpton, you dumb fucking hypocritical ignorant moron. I would not waste a piss to piss on your grave. Now, go get your pats on your back from the fellow pawns of the democrat race dividing party.


Local Police, Local Examiner, Local DA.... All independent....

Lets see what the Feds say...

At the end of the day and unarm guy was shot in the street... Your claim with very little to back you up is that the guy (who we believe have no aggressive drugs in his system) was an animal and was attacking a cop with a gun (for what seems no reason)...

Personally I think Wilson did things that led him to this position which weren't the best.. I think he was scared and he shot Brown because of that... Did Brown deserve that? Probably not.

But describing people as 'animals' is just the kind of bigoted thing you like to say... It show us more about you than Mike Brown.
Cowboy Ted you got me wondering about something that no one has mentioned. Did Wilson know Brown? Had they ever interacted with each other? No one has brought up the question of whether Wilson might have been a dirty cop who may have been on the take, with Michael Brown as a client who refused to pay or something like that. That certainly would explain the fisticuffs and struggle for the gun that followed the initial confrontation. I am not saying that was the case but that perspective was not considered at all. Given that Ferguson is a small town, it seems more than likely that Wilson would know an easily identifiable trouble maker like Brown. Just how intricate was that knowledge and to what degree were the two involved beyond public scrutiny?

I wouldn't speculate that much but you do make some very valid points. There is only 21,000 living in the town, if Mike Brown was actually a trouble maker then they would have known him easily.

I think there is a lot of information we haven't seen... I understand it is very hard for a Local DA who relies on the cops day in day out to then turn around and prosecute one of them.

I am from Ireland and if a cop shoots a citizen we take it very serious. Cops are there to protect and serve, not shoot citizens of the state...
I did some digging and the last person killed by Irish Police is in 2000 (yes, 14 years ago). Welcome to a gun free society.
Death of John Carthy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The guy was mentally unstable and charged out is door with a shotgun. The investigation cost $12m (this included paying the FBI to help) and a tribunal. The family got about $0.5m.

This is an issue about the rights of an individual to live free without fear from the police killing you. They are there to protect.

He makes some valid points. I swear to God every fucking liberal is a complete waste of brainwashed patronizing racist shit.

Fuck you.

LOL at you being wrong about everything.

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