Another Ferguson cop caught lying

so what a strange thread.

Ferguson officials suspend and are investigating a police officer who said something he shouldn't have and then lied to investigators about it, and not one liberal (that I've seen) has came in here and congratulated the Ferguson PD for doing the right thing here, instead more bitching about the "blue line"
I describe someone as an 'animal'... But I am accused of being racist when I point it out.

You then go into a series of accusations which unlike you I used a reputable source for my assertions... You don't like I point out your rag a biased piece of manure written by Hard Right funded lobby group...

Get serious... How many pulitzers has Bubba to his name?

The fucking grand jury testimony is a credible source you sorry sack of ignorant liberal patronizing racist shit.

Your facts that you cried about WERE ALL LIES you sack of shit.

You are nothing but a fucking pawn who cannot think for himself. A typical spoiled sack of shit who pouts and cries when things do not go your way.

EVERY FUCKING BIT OF PHYSICAL EVIDENCE contradicts everything you fucking liars claimed. ALL OF IT! EVERY BIT OF IT!

Those are the fucking facts you miserable waste of never ending shit.

Did you not get the fucking clue when I told you this debate is long over? You are all wrong now, like you were wrong then. Then again, you miserable sacks of lying shit are wrong about EVERYTHING.

You can cry about sources this or that. You fucking quote and follow fucking AL sharpton, you dumb fucking hypocritical ignorant moron. I would not waste a piss to piss on your grave. Now, go get your pats on your back from the fellow pawns of the democrat race dividing party.


Local Police, Local Examiner, Local DA.... All independent....

Lets see what the Feds say...

At the end of the day and unarm guy was shot in the street... Your claim with very little to back you up is that the guy (who we believe have no aggressive drugs in his system) was an animal and was attacking a cop with a gun (for what seems no reason)...

Personally I think Wilson did things that led him to this position which weren't the best.. I think he was scared and he shot Brown because of that... Did Brown deserve that? Probably not.

But describing people as 'animals' is just the kind of bigoted thing you like to say... It show us more about you than Mike Brown.
Cowboy Ted you got me wondering about something that no one has mentioned. Did Wilson know Brown? Had they ever interacted with each other? No one has brought up the question of whether Wilson might have been a dirty cop who may have been on the take, with Michael Brown as a client who refused to pay or something like that. That certainly would explain the fisticuffs and struggle for the gun that followed the initial confrontation. I am not saying that was the case but that perspective was not considered at all. Given that Ferguson is a small town, it seems more than likely that Wilson would know an easily identifiable trouble maker like Brown. Just how intricate was that knowledge and to what degree were the two involved beyond public scrutiny?

I wouldn't speculate that much but you do make some very valid points. There is only 21,000 living in the town, if Mike Brown was actually a trouble maker then they would have known him easily.

I think there is a lot of information we haven't seen... I understand it is very hard for a Local DA who relies on the cops day in day out to then turn around and prosecute one of them.

I am from Ireland and if a cop shoots a citizen we take it very serious. Cops are there to protect and serve, not shoot citizens of the state...
I did some digging and the last person killed by Irish Police is in 2000 (yes, 14 years ago). Welcome to a gun free society.
Death of John Carthy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The guy was mentally unstable and charged out is door with a shotgun. The investigation cost $12m (this included paying the FBI to help) and a tribunal. The family got about $0.5m.

This is an issue about the rights of an individual to live free without fear from the police killing you. They are there to protect.

He makes some valid points. I swear to God every fucking liberal is a complete waste of brainwashed patronizing racist shit.

Fuck you.

LOL at you being wrong about everything.

Well JQ did point out in a 21,000 population town the local law enforcement knows people who have broken the law in the past.

It kind of brings up a lot of questions concerning your assumptions...

I know that your only answer is 'Fuck you' but that is because that is as far as your intellect goes and been confronted by reasoned debate involves you getting aggressive. Much like in the death of Eric Garner.

Now there is a general rule in debating any subject (as I learnt in University). If your opponent say 'Fuck you', you kind of won.
The fucking grand jury testimony is a credible source you sorry sack of ignorant liberal patronizing racist shit.

Your facts that you cried about WERE ALL LIES you sack of shit.

You are nothing but a fucking pawn who cannot think for himself. A typical spoiled sack of shit who pouts and cries when things do not go your way.

EVERY FUCKING BIT OF PHYSICAL EVIDENCE contradicts everything you fucking liars claimed. ALL OF IT! EVERY BIT OF IT!

Those are the fucking facts you miserable waste of never ending shit.

Did you not get the fucking clue when I told you this debate is long over? You are all wrong now, like you were wrong then. Then again, you miserable sacks of lying shit are wrong about EVERYTHING.

You can cry about sources this or that. You fucking quote and follow fucking AL sharpton, you dumb fucking hypocritical ignorant moron. I would not waste a piss to piss on your grave. Now, go get your pats on your back from the fellow pawns of the democrat race dividing party.


Local Police, Local Examiner, Local DA.... All independent....

Lets see what the Feds say...

At the end of the day and unarm guy was shot in the street... Your claim with very little to back you up is that the guy (who we believe have no aggressive drugs in his system) was an animal and was attacking a cop with a gun (for what seems no reason)...

Personally I think Wilson did things that led him to this position which weren't the best.. I think he was scared and he shot Brown because of that... Did Brown deserve that? Probably not.

But describing people as 'animals' is just the kind of bigoted thing you like to say... It show us more about you than Mike Brown.
Cowboy Ted you got me wondering about something that no one has mentioned. Did Wilson know Brown? Had they ever interacted with each other? No one has brought up the question of whether Wilson might have been a dirty cop who may have been on the take, with Michael Brown as a client who refused to pay or something like that. That certainly would explain the fisticuffs and struggle for the gun that followed the initial confrontation. I am not saying that was the case but that perspective was not considered at all. Given that Ferguson is a small town, it seems more than likely that Wilson would know an easily identifiable trouble maker like Brown. Just how intricate was that knowledge and to what degree were the two involved beyond public scrutiny?

I wouldn't speculate that much but you do make some very valid points. There is only 21,000 living in the town, if Mike Brown was actually a trouble maker then they would have known him easily.

I think there is a lot of information we haven't seen... I understand it is very hard for a Local DA who relies on the cops day in day out to then turn around and prosecute one of them.

I am from Ireland and if a cop shoots a citizen we take it very serious. Cops are there to protect and serve, not shoot citizens of the state...
I did some digging and the last person killed by Irish Police is in 2000 (yes, 14 years ago). Welcome to a gun free society.
Death of John Carthy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The guy was mentally unstable and charged out is door with a shotgun. The investigation cost $12m (this included paying the FBI to help) and a tribunal. The family got about $0.5m.

This is an issue about the rights of an individual to live free without fear from the police killing you. They are there to protect.

He makes some valid points. I swear to God every fucking liberal is a complete waste of brainwashed patronizing racist shit.

Fuck you.

LOL at you being wrong about everything.

Well JQ did point out in a 21,000 population town the local law enforcement knows people who have broken the law in the past.

It kind of brings up a lot of questions concerning your assumptions...

I know that your only answer is 'Fuck you' but that is because that is as far as your intellect goes and been confronted by reasoned debate involves you getting aggressive. Much like in the death of Eric Garner.

Now there is a general rule in debating any subject (as I learnt in University). If your opponent say 'Fuck you', you kind of won.

Fucking liberals.
I am not an apologist for Brown's shoplifting and subsequent minor assault on the shopkeeper, nor do I condone the alleged behavior that preceded his death. Those issues have nothing to do with the courage he exhibited in the face of his mortal enemy. Thug or not, Brown was a raging bull with plenty of testosterone. In that regard he was a fine example of the black fighting man, regardless of his previous minor infractions.

Perhaps we need to dispatch many more of your Raging Bulls, if they rob, rough up innocents, and attack the police!
An armed combatant generally always has an unfair advantage over an unarmed opponent.
Brown's behavior may have been foremost in causing his untimely demise but I can respect the way he went out. To be truthful, some white men have shown similar intestinal fortitude when facing cops or on the battlefield. Again, in confrontations with cops, I may not condone the behavior that got them shot, but
When a man faces death with what appears to be courage, I applaud him. BTW, some policemen have been just as courageous under fire, but they were armed.

I would think a man, KNOWING he was OUTGUNNED, would acquiesce to superior power, he had nothing to prove but his recklessness, and undoubtedly, after beating the officer, his IMMORTALITY when facing this opponent! He simply thought the officer would NEVER shoot him!
Indeed, it is quite reasonable to think that a man out gunned would submit but we cannot know what thoughts dominated Michael Brown's psyche when he charged the officer. I don't think he could ignore the biting sting of the flesh wounds on his arm or misinterpret the loud retort of gunfire and the whizzing of bullets as a sign the officer would not shoot him.

No, Micheal Brown knew he was under fire and he faced that fact with remarkable courage .

He was so drugged out he may not have known what was happening.

Was Michael Brown Alleged Pot Use Probable Cause To Commit A Crime
Brown’s consumption of cannabis raises the possibility of “paranoia,” “hallucinations,” and maybe even a “psychotic episode

Is bravery from a blunt still bravery?

You've heard of liquid courage, why not smoky courage?
The fucking grand jury testimony is a credible source you sorry sack of ignorant liberal patronizing racist shit.

Your facts that you cried about WERE ALL LIES you sack of shit.

You are nothing but a fucking pawn who cannot think for himself. A typical spoiled sack of shit who pouts and cries when things do not go your way.

EVERY FUCKING BIT OF PHYSICAL EVIDENCE contradicts everything you fucking liars claimed. ALL OF IT! EVERY BIT OF IT!

Those are the fucking facts you miserable waste of never ending shit.

Did you not get the fucking clue when I told you this debate is long over? You are all wrong now, like you were wrong then. Then again, you miserable sacks of lying shit are wrong about EVERYTHING.

You can cry about sources this or that. You fucking quote and follow fucking AL sharpton, you dumb fucking hypocritical ignorant moron. I would not waste a piss to piss on your grave. Now, go get your pats on your back from the fellow pawns of the democrat race dividing party.


Local Police, Local Examiner, Local DA.... All independent....

Lets see what the Feds say...

At the end of the day and unarm guy was shot in the street... Your claim with very little to back you up is that the guy (who we believe have no aggressive drugs in his system) was an animal and was attacking a cop with a gun (for what seems no reason)...

Personally I think Wilson did things that led him to this position which weren't the best.. I think he was scared and he shot Brown because of that... Did Brown deserve that? Probably not.

But describing people as 'animals' is just the kind of bigoted thing you like to say... It show us more about you than Mike Brown.
Cowboy Ted you got me wondering about something that no one has mentioned. Did Wilson know Brown? Had they ever interacted with each other? No one has brought up the question of whether Wilson might have been a dirty cop who may have been on the take, with Michael Brown as a client who refused to pay or something like that. That certainly would explain the fisticuffs and struggle for the gun that followed the initial confrontation. I am not saying that was the case but that perspective was not considered at all. Given that Ferguson is a small town, it seems more than likely that Wilson would know an easily identifiable trouble maker like Brown. Just how intricate was that knowledge and to what degree were the two involved beyond public scrutiny?

I wouldn't speculate that much but you do make some very valid points. There is only 21,000 living in the town, if Mike Brown was actually a trouble maker then they would have known him easily.

I think there is a lot of information we haven't seen... I understand it is very hard for a Local DA who relies on the cops day in day out to then turn around and prosecute one of them.

I am from Ireland and if a cop shoots a citizen we take it very serious. Cops are there to protect and serve, not shoot citizens of the state...
I did some digging and the last person killed by Irish Police is in 2000 (yes, 14 years ago). Welcome to a gun free society.
Death of John Carthy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The guy was mentally unstable and charged out is door with a shotgun. The investigation cost $12m (this included paying the FBI to help) and a tribunal. The family got about $0.5m.

This is an issue about the rights of an individual to live free without fear from the police killing you. They are there to protect.

He makes some valid points. I swear to God every fucking liberal is a complete waste of brainwashed patronizing racist shit.

Fuck you.

LOL at you being wrong about everything.

Well JQ did point out in a 21,000 population town the local law enforcement knows people who have broken the law in the past.

It kind of brings up a lot of questions concerning your assumptions...

I know that your only answer is 'Fuck you' but that is because that is as far as your intellect goes and been confronted by reasoned debate involves you getting aggressive. Much like in the death of Eric Garner.

Now there is a general rule in debating any subject (as I learnt in University). If your opponent say 'Fuck you', you kind of won.

Not always, but that's besides the point anyway.

We do know that Brown assaulted a LEO, nothing else is relevant in regards to his shooting.
so what a strange thread.

Ferguson officials suspend and are investigating a police officer who said something he shouldn't have and then lied to investigators about it, and not one liberal (that I've seen) has came in here and congratulated the Ferguson PD for doing the right thing here, instead more bitching about the "blue line"

It is like there job.

Do they thank you for there pay?
so what a strange thread.

Ferguson officials suspend and are investigating a police officer who said something he shouldn't have and then lied to investigators about it, and not one liberal (that I've seen) has came in here and congratulated the Ferguson PD for doing the right thing here, instead more bitching about the "blue line"

It is like there job.

Correct and they did and are doing it, proving that the stupid idea that they don't prosecute fellow cops is stupid.
so what a strange thread.

Ferguson officials suspend and are investigating a police officer who said something he shouldn't have and then lied to investigators about it, and not one liberal (that I've seen) has came in here and congratulated the Ferguson PD for doing the right thing here, instead more bitching about the "blue line"

It is like there job.

Do they thank you for there pay?



The fucking grand jury testimony is a credible source you sorry sack of ignorant liberal patronizing racist shit.

Your facts that you cried about WERE ALL LIES you sack of shit.

You are nothing but a fucking pawn who cannot think for himself. A typical spoiled sack of shit who pouts and cries when things do not go your way.

EVERY FUCKING BIT OF PHYSICAL EVIDENCE contradicts everything you fucking liars claimed. ALL OF IT! EVERY BIT OF IT!

Those are the fucking facts you miserable waste of never ending shit.

Did you not get the fucking clue when I told you this debate is long over? You are all wrong now, like you were wrong then. Then again, you miserable sacks of lying shit are wrong about EVERYTHING.

You can cry about sources this or that. You fucking quote and follow fucking AL sharpton, you dumb fucking hypocritical ignorant moron. I would not waste a piss to piss on your grave. Now, go get your pats on your back from the fellow pawns of the democrat race dividing party.


Local Police, Local Examiner, Local DA.... All independent....

Lets see what the Feds say...

At the end of the day and unarm guy was shot in the street... Your claim with very little to back you up is that the guy (who we believe have no aggressive drugs in his system) was an animal and was attacking a cop with a gun (for what seems no reason)...

Personally I think Wilson did things that led him to this position which weren't the best.. I think he was scared and he shot Brown because of that... Did Brown deserve that? Probably not.

But describing people as 'animals' is just the kind of bigoted thing you like to say... It show us more about you than Mike Brown.
Cowboy Ted you got me wondering about something that no one has mentioned. Did Wilson know Brown? Had they ever interacted with each other? No one has brought up the question of whether Wilson might have been a dirty cop who may have been on the take, with Michael Brown as a client who refused to pay or something like that. That certainly would explain the fisticuffs and struggle for the gun that followed the initial confrontation. I am not saying that was the case but that perspective was not considered at all. Given that Ferguson is a small town, it seems more than likely that Wilson would know an easily identifiable trouble maker like Brown. Just how intricate was that knowledge and to what degree were the two involved beyond public scrutiny?

I wouldn't speculate that much but you do make some very valid points. There is only 21,000 living in the town, if Mike Brown was actually a trouble maker then they would have known him easily.

I think there is a lot of information we haven't seen... I understand it is very hard for a Local DA who relies on the cops day in day out to then turn around and prosecute one of them.

I am from Ireland and if a cop shoots a citizen we take it very serious. Cops are there to protect and serve, not shoot citizens of the state...
I did some digging and the last person killed by Irish Police is in 2000 (yes, 14 years ago). Welcome to a gun free society.
Death of John Carthy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The guy was mentally unstable and charged out is door with a shotgun. The investigation cost $12m (this included paying the FBI to help) and a tribunal. The family got about $0.5m.

This is an issue about the rights of an individual to live free without fear from the police killing you. They are there to protect.

He makes some valid points. I swear to God every fucking liberal is a complete waste of brainwashed patronizing racist shit.

Fuck you.

LOL at you being wrong about everything.

Well JQ did point out in a 21,000 population town the local law enforcement knows people who have broken the law in the past.

It kind of brings up a lot of questions concerning your assumptions...

I know that your only answer is 'Fuck you' but that is because that is as far as your intellect goes and been confronted by reasoned debate involves you getting aggressive. Much like in the death of Eric Garner.

Now there is a general rule in debating any subject (as I learnt in University). If your opponent say 'Fuck you', you kind of won.
The word is not "University". It is 'university'.
The word is not "learnt". It is 'learned'.
The word is not "say". It is 'says'.
What university did you attend? The University of Uranus?
Another illiterate moron.
so what a strange thread.

Ferguson officials suspend and are investigating a police officer who said something he shouldn't have and then lied to investigators about it, and not one liberal (that I've seen) has came in here and congratulated the Ferguson PD for doing the right thing here, instead more bitching about the "blue line"

It is like there job.

Correct and they did and are doing it, proving that the stupid idea that they don't prosecute fellow cops is stupid.

I am just point out that doing your job is not something we should be thanking people for doing, they get paid...

Also doing your job once doesn't mean you did every time... This incident is a disciplinary issue, Wilson involved the DA Office...

I was pointing out that there is close ties between the DA and the Police...
Local Police, Local Examiner, Local DA.... All independent....

Lets see what the Feds say...

At the end of the day and unarm guy was shot in the street... Your claim with very little to back you up is that the guy (who we believe have no aggressive drugs in his system) was an animal and was attacking a cop with a gun (for what seems no reason)...

Personally I think Wilson did things that led him to this position which weren't the best.. I think he was scared and he shot Brown because of that... Did Brown deserve that? Probably not.

But describing people as 'animals' is just the kind of bigoted thing you like to say... It show us more about you than Mike Brown.
Cowboy Ted you got me wondering about something that no one has mentioned. Did Wilson know Brown? Had they ever interacted with each other? No one has brought up the question of whether Wilson might have been a dirty cop who may have been on the take, with Michael Brown as a client who refused to pay or something like that. That certainly would explain the fisticuffs and struggle for the gun that followed the initial confrontation. I am not saying that was the case but that perspective was not considered at all. Given that Ferguson is a small town, it seems more than likely that Wilson would know an easily identifiable trouble maker like Brown. Just how intricate was that knowledge and to what degree were the two involved beyond public scrutiny?

I wouldn't speculate that much but you do make some very valid points. There is only 21,000 living in the town, if Mike Brown was actually a trouble maker then they would have known him easily.

I think there is a lot of information we haven't seen... I understand it is very hard for a Local DA who relies on the cops day in day out to then turn around and prosecute one of them.

I am from Ireland and if a cop shoots a citizen we take it very serious. Cops are there to protect and serve, not shoot citizens of the state...
I did some digging and the last person killed by Irish Police is in 2000 (yes, 14 years ago). Welcome to a gun free society.
Death of John Carthy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The guy was mentally unstable and charged out is door with a shotgun. The investigation cost $12m (this included paying the FBI to help) and a tribunal. The family got about $0.5m.

This is an issue about the rights of an individual to live free without fear from the police killing you. They are there to protect.

He makes some valid points. I swear to God every fucking liberal is a complete waste of brainwashed patronizing racist shit.

Fuck you.

LOL at you being wrong about everything.

Well JQ did point out in a 21,000 population town the local law enforcement knows people who have broken the law in the past.

It kind of brings up a lot of questions concerning your assumptions...

I know that your only answer is 'Fuck you' but that is because that is as far as your intellect goes and been confronted by reasoned debate involves you getting aggressive. Much like in the death of Eric Garner.

Now there is a general rule in debating any subject (as I learnt in University). If your opponent say 'Fuck you', you kind of won.
The word is not "University". It is 'university'.
The word is not "learnt". It is 'learned'.
The word is not "say". It is 'says'.
What university did you attend? The University of Uranus?
Another illiterate moron.

Spelling & Grammar you must have been the best boy.

Now since that has very little to do with my argument, I presume you have no answer and thus are in fact losers.

I have actually attended two universities...

Also dumbass, I said university as a pronoun and thus capitalised it.
'Learnt' is a perfectly good word. - Learnt or learned - Oxford Dictionaries

And my arguement is kind of validated now...
I describe someone as an 'animal'... But I am accused of being racist when I point it out.

You then go into a series of accusations which unlike you I used a reputable source for my assertions... You don't like I point out your rag a biased piece of manure written by Hard Right funded lobby group...

Get serious... How many pulitzers has Bubba to his name?

The fucking grand jury testimony is a credible source you sorry sack of ignorant liberal patronizing racist shit.

Your facts that you cried about WERE ALL LIES you sack of shit.

You are nothing but a fucking pawn who cannot think for himself. A typical spoiled sack of shit who pouts and cries when things do not go your way.

EVERY FUCKING BIT OF PHYSICAL EVIDENCE contradicts everything you fucking liars claimed. ALL OF IT! EVERY BIT OF IT!

Those are the fucking facts you miserable waste of never ending shit.

Did you not get the fucking clue when I told you this debate is long over? You are all wrong now, like you were wrong then. Then again, you miserable sacks of lying shit are wrong about EVERYTHING.

You can cry about sources this or that. You fucking quote and follow fucking AL sharpton, you dumb fucking hypocritical ignorant moron. I would not waste a piss to piss on your grave. Now, go get your pats on your back from the fellow pawns of the democrat race dividing party.


Local Police, Local Examiner, Local DA.... All independent....

Lets see what the Feds say...

At the end of the day and unarm guy was shot in the street... Your claim with very little to back you up is that the guy (who we believe have no aggressive drugs in his system) was an animal and was attacking a cop with a gun (for what seems no reason)...

Personally I think Wilson did things that led him to this position which weren't the best.. I think he was scared and he shot Brown because of that... Did Brown deserve that? Probably not.

But describing people as 'animals' is just the kind of bigoted thing you like to say... It show us more about you than Mike Brown.
Cowboy Ted you got me wondering about something that no one has mentioned. Did Wilson know Brown? Had they ever interacted with each other? No one has brought up the question of whether Wilson might have been a dirty cop who may have been on the take, with Michael Brown as a client who refused to pay or something like that. That certainly would explain the fisticuffs and struggle for the gun that followed the initial confrontation. I am not saying that was the case but that perspective was not considered at all. Given that Ferguson is a small town, it seems more than likely that Wilson would know an easily identifiable trouble maker like Brown. Just how intricate was that knowledge and to what degree were the two involved beyond public scrutiny?

Your words, and it seems that you like to test your very much hypothetical corrupt thinking to the max on this case but why ? It just can't go Wilson's way now can it for you, I mean it just can't right ? Is it all because it may wash years of corrupt thinking out into the open now, and maybe expose the long time intimidated federal governments role for whom will do just about anything to eternally coddle a group for whom thinks it needs eternal coddling by the feds forever and ever Amen?

Do you think that this will somehow wash everything down the drain if all is exposed now because Wilson was right and Michael Brown was in the wrong, but the town got burned down anyways ? These things could expose the agenda for all to see if not careful right ? I mean wow what exposure this has been too, so just keep on projecting as you do, because we all are watching, learning and listening to you here, and it is interesting to watch such stuff like this go on in the mind for which you write from.

This is only a message board Beagle9. It is not a courtroom where all the evidence inherent in a particular discussion is readily available to all. Most posters, including you, tend to research any given issue subjectively and therefore bypass pertinent information that might alter your preconceptions. It wouldn't have mattered if Brown was an alter boy who was shot for jaywalking. If the Blacks protested it, you would find some justification to defend the White officer who shot him.

Now there you go projecting again, and worse you are assigning to me your idea that I am a racist, when in fact I am not a racist, nor can you link me as being a racist, nor can you prove me as being a racist, but yet you can solve the case in Michael Browns favor without having all your so called pertinent information that you claim I needed ? If I don't have it, then that means you don't have it either, so who is the real biased racist here ? I think that would be you Mr. Q.

Alternatively, you would likely remain silent rather than admit cops sometimes kill unnecessarily; especially if the deceased is Black. All that is needed to convince you of the officer's innocence is the word of the cop or a White witness. Then you wonder why black Christians won't accept that.

Trying to label me a racist without any proof of that being true, well is unacceptable, but you as a racist can't help yourself now can you ? Just keep on projecting and get it all out of your brainwashed system finally, it will do you good come the new year maybe.
The fucking grand jury testimony is a credible source you sorry sack of ignorant liberal patronizing racist shit.

Your facts that you cried about WERE ALL LIES you sack of shit.

You are nothing but a fucking pawn who cannot think for himself. A typical spoiled sack of shit who pouts and cries when things do not go your way.

EVERY FUCKING BIT OF PHYSICAL EVIDENCE contradicts everything you fucking liars claimed. ALL OF IT! EVERY BIT OF IT!

Those are the fucking facts you miserable waste of never ending shit.

Did you not get the fucking clue when I told you this debate is long over? You are all wrong now, like you were wrong then. Then again, you miserable sacks of lying shit are wrong about EVERYTHING.

You can cry about sources this or that. You fucking quote and follow fucking AL sharpton, you dumb fucking hypocritical ignorant moron. I would not waste a piss to piss on your grave. Now, go get your pats on your back from the fellow pawns of the democrat race dividing party.


Local Police, Local Examiner, Local DA.... All independent....

Lets see what the Feds say...

At the end of the day and unarm guy was shot in the street... Your claim with very little to back you up is that the guy (who we believe have no aggressive drugs in his system) was an animal and was attacking a cop with a gun (for what seems no reason)...

Personally I think Wilson did things that led him to this position which weren't the best.. I think he was scared and he shot Brown because of that... Did Brown deserve that? Probably not.

But describing people as 'animals' is just the kind of bigoted thing you like to say... It show us more about you than Mike Brown.
Cowboy Ted you got me wondering about something that no one has mentioned. Did Wilson know Brown? Had they ever interacted with each other? No one has brought up the question of whether Wilson might have been a dirty cop who may have been on the take, with Michael Brown as a client who refused to pay or something like that. That certainly would explain the fisticuffs and struggle for the gun that followed the initial confrontation. I am not saying that was the case but that perspective was not considered at all. Given that Ferguson is a small town, it seems more than likely that Wilson would know an easily identifiable trouble maker like Brown. Just how intricate was that knowledge and to what degree were the two involved beyond public scrutiny?

Your words, and it seems that you like to test your very much hypothetical corrupt thinking to the max on this case but why ? It just can't go Wilson's way now can it for you, I mean it just can't right ? Is it all because it may wash years of corrupt thinking out into the open now, and maybe expose the long time intimidated federal governments role for whom will do just about anything to eternally coddle a group for whom thinks it needs eternal coddling by the feds forever and ever Amen?

Do you think that this will somehow wash everything down the drain if all is exposed now because Wilson was right and Michael Brown was in the wrong, but the town got burned down anyways ? These things could expose the agenda for all to see if not careful right ? I mean wow what exposure this has been too, so just keep on projecting as you do, because we all are watching, learning and listening to you here, and it is interesting to watch such stuff like this go on in the mind for which you write from.

This is only a message board Beagle9. It is not a courtroom where all the evidence inherent in a particular discussion is readily available to all. Most posters, including you, tend to research any given issue subjectively and therefore bypass pertinent information that might alter your preconceptions. It wouldn't have mattered if Brown was an alter boy who was shot for jaywalking. If the Blacks protested it, you would find some justification to defend the White officer who shot him.

Now there you go projecting again, and worse you are assigning to me your idea that I am a racist, when in fact I am not a racist, nor can you link me as being a racist, nor can you prove me as being a racist, but yet you can solve the case in Michael Browns favor without having all your so called pertinent information that you claim I needed ? If I don't have it, then that means you don't have it either, so who is the real biased racist here ? I think that would be you Mr. Q.

Alternatively, you would likely remain silent rather than admit cops sometimes kill unnecessarily; especially if the deceased is Black. All that is needed to convince you of the officer's innocence is the word of the cop or a White witness. Then you wonder why black Christians won't accept that.

Trying to label me a racist without any proof of that being true, well is unacceptable, but you as a racist can't help yourself now can you ? Just keep on projecting and get it all out of your brainwashed system finally, it will do you good come the new year maybe.

Here is the thing. You are completely wasting your time trying to be logical with any of these pawns of the democrats. The bottom line is the democrats and race profiteers do not care one bit about the facts, the truth, or what really happened.

They only care about a narrative being pushed, and they have a complicate like minded media who are as bent to push socialism. They are guilty of creating the news they want. The omit facts, skew statistics, and hype whatever information. The fact it becomes convoluted is also something they count on. Just so long as the tired 50 year narrative and race INDUSTRY remains in tact, they have done their job in maintaining that voting base that are ignorant as the day is long.

Victimology is key to their race dividing, gender dividing, and class dividing tactics. They seduce the gullible arrogant morons on the left that they are some sort of robin hood and the evil white republicans are the fat racist greedy monsters who are to blame for EVERYTHING. They are nothing but talking points and cliches of the 50 year strategy of the democrats. If you listen to them long enough, they may very well blame Booooosh for the extinction of the dinosaurs for oil. I mean Hugo Chavez, one of their heroes, blamed capitalism for no life on Mars.

They are insidious liars. They are not worthy of respect. You are pissing in the wind.

Having said that, I like your posts.
If for no other reason than to serve as a tribute to his courage under fire, Brown's monument should stand as tall as those monuments dedicated to Confederate soldiers. Brown died like a soldier: on his feet and charging unarmed straight ahead, looking his enemy right in the eye. What a man! I would rather have that image indelibly printed on the mind of an enemy than one of an obsequious sniveling coward down on his knees begging for his life. Yep, it was the way Brown faced death in front of his enemy that counts. And make no mistake, the cops in Ferguson are the enemies of the blacks who live in and enter their jurisdiction. It has been that way a very long time.

Courage under fire, ...Rob a store, rough up the clerk 5 minutes before, hit a police officer, and to this delusional poster it's COURAGE! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::cuckoo:
I am not an apologist for Brown's shoplifting and subsequent minor assault on the shopkeeper, nor do I condone the alleged behavior that preceded his death. Those issues have nothing to do with the courage he exhibited in the face of his mortal enemy. Thug or not, Brown was a raging bull with plenty of testosterone. In that regard he was a fine example of the black fighting man, regardless of his previous minor infractions.

Perhaps we need to dispatch many more of your Raging Bulls, if they rob, rough up innocents, and attack the police!
We? :lol:
If for no other reason than to serve as a tribute to his courage under fire, Brown's monument should stand as tall as those monuments dedicated to Confederate soldiers. Brown died like a soldier: on his feet and charging unarmed straight ahead, looking his enemy right in the eye. What a man! I would rather have that image indelibly printed on the mind of an enemy than one of an obsequious sniveling coward down on his knees begging for his life. Yep, it was the way Brown faced death in front of his enemy that counts. And make no mistake, the cops in Ferguson are the enemies of the blacks who live in and enter their jurisdiction. It has been that way a very long time.

Courage under fire, ...Rob a store, rough up the clerk 5 minutes before, hit a police officer, and to this delusional poster it's COURAGE! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::cuckoo:
I am not an apologist for Brown's shoplifting and subsequent minor assault on the shopkeeper, nor do I condone the alleged behavior that preceded his death. Those issues have nothing to do with the courage he exhibited in the face of his mortal enemy. Thug or not, Brown was a raging bull with plenty of testosterone. In that regard he was a fine example of the black fighting man, regardless of his previous minor infractions.

Perhaps we need to dispatch many more of your Raging Bulls, if they rob, rough up innocents, and attack the police!
We? :lol:
Apparently you don't know WE!...Who would have thought!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
If they actually make and actual statue or actual monument of that fat criminal thug, I may very well make it a goal of mine to travel there with the expressed goal to...."whip out bobo" and take a long whiz on it.
The fucking grand jury testimony is a credible source you sorry sack of ignorant liberal patronizing racist shit.

Your facts that you cried about WERE ALL LIES you sack of shit.

You are nothing but a fucking pawn who cannot think for himself. A typical spoiled sack of shit who pouts and cries when things do not go your way.

EVERY FUCKING BIT OF PHYSICAL EVIDENCE contradicts everything you fucking liars claimed. ALL OF IT! EVERY BIT OF IT!

Those are the fucking facts you miserable waste of never ending shit.

Did you not get the fucking clue when I told you this debate is long over? You are all wrong now, like you were wrong then. Then again, you miserable sacks of lying shit are wrong about EVERYTHING.

You can cry about sources this or that. You fucking quote and follow fucking AL sharpton, you dumb fucking hypocritical ignorant moron. I would not waste a piss to piss on your grave. Now, go get your pats on your back from the fellow pawns of the democrat race dividing party.


Local Police, Local Examiner, Local DA.... All independent....

Lets see what the Feds say...

At the end of the day and unarm guy was shot in the street... Your claim with very little to back you up is that the guy (who we believe have no aggressive drugs in his system) was an animal and was attacking a cop with a gun (for what seems no reason)...

Personally I think Wilson did things that led him to this position which weren't the best.. I think he was scared and he shot Brown because of that... Did Brown deserve that? Probably not.

But describing people as 'animals' is just the kind of bigoted thing you like to say... It show us more about you than Mike Brown.
Cowboy Ted you got me wondering about something that no one has mentioned. Did Wilson know Brown? Had they ever interacted with each other? No one has brought up the question of whether Wilson might have been a dirty cop who may have been on the take, with Michael Brown as a client who refused to pay or something like that. That certainly would explain the fisticuffs and struggle for the gun that followed the initial confrontation. I am not saying that was the case but that perspective was not considered at all. Given that Ferguson is a small town, it seems more than likely that Wilson would know an easily identifiable trouble maker like Brown. Just how intricate was that knowledge and to what degree were the two involved beyond public scrutiny?

Your words, and it seems that you like to test your very much hypothetical corrupt thinking to the max on this case but why ? It just can't go Wilson's way now can it for you, I mean it just can't right ? Is it all because it may wash years of corrupt thinking out into the open now, and maybe expose the long time intimidated federal governments role for whom will do just about anything to eternally coddle a group for whom thinks it needs eternal coddling by the feds forever and ever Amen?

Do you think that this will somehow wash everything down the drain if all is exposed now because Wilson was right and Michael Brown was in the wrong, but the town got burned down anyways ? These things could expose the agenda for all to see if not careful right ? I mean wow what exposure this has been too, so just keep on projecting as you do, because we all are watching, learning and listening to you here, and it is interesting to watch such stuff like this go on in the mind for which you write from.

This is only a message board Beagle9. It is not a courtroom where all the evidence inherent in a particular discussion is readily available to all. Most posters, including you, tend to research any given issue subjectively and therefore bypass pertinent information that might alter your preconceptions. It wouldn't have mattered if Brown was an alter boy who was shot for jaywalking. If the Blacks protested it, you would find some justification to defend the White officer who shot him.

Now there you go projecting again, and worse you are assigning to me your idea that I am a racist, when in fact I am not a racist, nor can you link me as being a racist, nor can you prove me as being a racist, but yet you can solve the case in Michael Browns favor without having all your so called pertinent information that you claim I needed ? If I don't have it, then that means you don't have it either, so who is the real biased racist here ? I think that would be you Mr. Q.

Alternatively, you would likely remain silent rather than admit cops sometimes kill unnecessarily; especially if the deceased is Black. All that is needed to convince you of the officer's innocence is the word of the cop or a White witness. Then you wonder why black Christians won't accept that.

Trying to label me a racist without any proof of that being true, well is unacceptable, but you as a racist can't help yourself now can you ? Just keep on projecting and get it all out of your brainwashed system finally, it will do you good come the new year maybe.

I have not branded you as a racist, per se`. If anything, l have simply caused you to reveal your solidarity with the America Taliban who call themselves right wing conservatives. The RW conservative gang to which you belong is chock full of racists. The KKK, The American Nazi Party and
seemingly every White hate group out there, has rallied under the narrow umbrella of neo-RW conservatism. Is there any reason to exclude you from guilt by association?
If they actually make and actual statue or actual monument of that fat criminal thug, I may very well make it a goal of mine to travel there with the expressed goal to...."whip out bobo" and take a long whiz on it.
Please, I am begging you to do it! But I would suggest you arrange a police escort beforehand. It's fools like you that keep the black on whites murder rate so high. I guess you just want to be one of those statistics.

Pissing on things is what DAWGs do! And I am not referring to canines. The acronym refers to
Dumb Ass White Guys (gals may be substituted for guys when applicable).

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