Another Ferguson cop caught lying

If for no other reason than to serve as a tribute to his courage under fire, Brown's monument should stand as tall as those monuments dedicated to Confederate soldiers. Brown died like a soldier: on his feet and charging unarmed straight ahead, looking his enemy right in the eye. What a man! I would rather have that image indelibly printed on the mind of an enemy than one of an obsequious sniveling coward down on his knees begging for his life. Yep, it was the way Brown faced death in front of his enemy that counts. And make no mistake, the cops in Ferguson are the enemies of the blacks who live in and enter their jurisdiction. It has been that way a very long time.

Courage under fire, ...Rob a store, rough up the clerk 5 minutes before, hit a police officer, and to this delusional poster it's COURAGE! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::cuckoo:
I am not an apologist for Brown's shoplifting and subsequent minor assault on the shopkeeper, nor do I condone the alleged behavior that preceded his death. Those issues have nothing to do with the courage he exhibited in the face of his mortal enemy. Thug or not, Brown was a raging bull with plenty of testosterone. In that regard he was a fine example of the black fighting man, regardless of his previous minor infractions.
Why would the cop be his mortal enemy ? Was it because he was a trouble maker or worried about the law because he was a trouble maker ? Maybe it was something he was taught by his family, and therefore it came back to haunt because their son is now dead.
If for no other reason than to serve as a tribute to his courage under fire, Brown's monument should stand as tall as those monuments dedicated to Confederate soldiers. Brown died like a soldier: on his feet and charging unarmed straight ahead, looking his enemy right in the eye. What a man! I would rather have that image indelibly printed on the mind of an enemy than one of an obsequious sniveling coward down on his knees begging for his life. Yep, it was the way Brown faced death in front of his enemy that counts. And make no mistake, the cops in Ferguson are the enemies of the blacks who live in and enter their jurisdiction. It has been that way a very long time.
I think they should construct a 60' 'Memorial Against Terrorism and Racist Hate', dedicated to all the Asians & Arabs who were terrorized and who had their homes and businesses burned to the ground by Ferguson's black racist terrorists. It's the least our federal government could do for America's immigrants.
If for no other reason than to serve as a tribute to his courage under fire, Brown's monument should stand as tall as those monuments dedicated to Confederate soldiers. Brown died like a soldier: on his feet and charging unarmed straight ahead, looking his enemy right in the eye. What a man! I would rather have that image indelibly printed on the mind of an enemy than one of an obsequious sniveling coward down on his knees begging for his life. Yep, it was the way Brown faced death in front of his enemy that counts. And make no mistake, the cops in Ferguson are the enemies of the blacks who live in and enter their jurisdiction. It has been that way a very long time.

Courage under fire, ...Rob a store, rough up the clerk 5 minutes before, hit a police officer, and to this delusional poster it's COURAGE! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::cuckoo:
I am not an apologist for Brown's shoplifting and subsequent minor assault on the shopkeeper, nor do I condone the alleged behavior that preceded his death. Those issues have nothing to do with the courage he exhibited in the face of his mortal enemy. Thug or not, Brown was a raging bull with plenty of testosterone. In that regard he was a fine example of the black fighting man, regardless of his previous minor infractions.

"Courage under fire." What a fucking laugh. These murdering Crip punks wouldn't know courage under fire if it slapped them upside their yaps.
If for no other reason than to serve as a tribute to his courage under fire, Brown's monument should stand as tall as those monuments dedicated to Confederate soldiers. Brown died like a soldier: on his feet and charging unarmed straight ahead, looking his enemy right in the eye. What a man! I would rather have that image indelibly printed on the mind of an enemy than one of an obsequious sniveling coward down on his knees begging for his life. Yep, it was the way Brown faced death in front of his enemy that counts. And make no mistake, the cops in Ferguson are the enemies of the blacks who live in and enter their jurisdiction. It has been that way a very long time.

Courage under fire, ...Rob a store, rough up the clerk 5 minutes before, hit a police officer, and to this delusional poster it's COURAGE! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::cuckoo:
The point he made is that this is no less a war for not being recognized. Brown made a raid against an enemy when he robbed that store. He showed courage when confronted by an armed enemy.

It's a war. Get used to it.

War is when a group trie to command a territory. By all means take the ghetto.

what sort of war strategy involves burning your own shit to the ground

If for no other reason than to serve as a tribute to his courage under fire, Brown's monument should stand as tall as those monuments dedicated to Confederate soldiers. Brown died like a soldier: on his feet and charging unarmed straight ahead, looking his enemy right in the eye. What a man! I would rather have that image indelibly printed on the mind of an enemy than one of an obsequious sniveling coward down on his knees begging for his life. Yep, it was the way Brown faced death in front of his enemy that counts. And make no mistake, the cops in Ferguson are the enemies of the blacks who live in and enter their jurisdiction. It has been that way a very long time.

Courage under fire, ...Rob a store, rough up the clerk 5 minutes before, hit a police officer, and to this delusional poster it's COURAGE! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::cuckoo:
I am not an apologist for Brown's shoplifting and subsequent minor assault on the shopkeeper, nor do I condone the alleged behavior that preceded his death. Those issues have nothing to do with the courage he exhibited in the face of his mortal enemy. Thug or not, Brown was a raging bull with plenty of testosterone. In that regard he was a fine example of the black fighting man, regardless of his previous minor infractions.

Perhaps we need to dispatch many more of your Raging Bulls, if they rob, rough up innocents, and attack the police!
An armed combatant generally always has an unfair advantage over an unarmed opponent.
Brown's behavior may have been foremost in causing his untimely demise but I can respect the way he went out. To be truthful, some white men have shown similar intestinal fortitude when facing cops or on the battlefield. Again, in confrontations with cops, I may not condone the behavior that got them shot, but
When a man faces death with what appears to be courage, I applaud him. BTW, some policemen have been just as courageous under fire, but they were armed.
If for no other reason than to serve as a tribute to his courage under fire, Brown's monument should stand as tall as those monuments dedicated to Confederate soldiers. Brown died like a soldier: on his feet and charging unarmed straight ahead, looking his enemy right in the eye. What a man! I would rather have that image indelibly printed on the mind of an enemy than one of an obsequious sniveling coward down on his knees begging for his life. Yep, it was the way Brown faced death in front of his enemy that counts. And make no mistake, the cops in Ferguson are the enemies of the blacks who live in and enter their jurisdiction. It has been that way a very long time.

Courage under fire, ...Rob a store, rough up the clerk 5 minutes before, hit a police officer, and to this delusional poster it's COURAGE! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::cuckoo:
I am not an apologist for Brown's shoplifting and subsequent minor assault on the shopkeeper, nor do I condone the alleged behavior that preceded his death. Those issues have nothing to do with the courage he exhibited in the face of his mortal enemy. Thug or not, Brown was a raging bull with plenty of testosterone. In that regard he was a fine example of the black fighting man, regardless of his previous minor infractions.

Perhaps we need to dispatch many more of your Raging Bulls, if they rob, rough up innocents, and attack the police!
An armed combatant generally always has an unfair advantage over an unarmed opponent.
Brown's behavior may have been foremost in causing his untimely demise but I can respect the way he went out. To be truthful, some white men have shown similar intestinal fortitude when facing cops or on the battlefield. Again, in confrontations with cops, I may not condone the behavior that got them shot, but
When a man faces death with what appears to be courage, I applaud him. BTW, some policemen have been just as courageous under fire, but they were armed.

I would think a man, KNOWING he was OUTGUNNED, would acquiesce to superior power, he had nothing to prove but his recklessness, and undoubtedly, after beating the officer, his IMMORTALITY when facing this opponent! He simply thought the officer would NEVER shoot him!
If for no other reason than to serve as a tribute to his courage under fire, Brown's monument should stand as tall as those monuments dedicated to Confederate soldiers. Brown died like a soldier: on his feet and charging unarmed straight ahead, looking his enemy right in the eye. What a man! I would rather have that image indelibly printed on the mind of an enemy than one of an obsequious sniveling coward down on his knees begging for his life. Yep, it was the way Brown faced death in front of his enemy that counts. And make no mistake, the cops in Ferguson are the enemies of the blacks who live in and enter their jurisdiction. It has been that way a very long time.

Courage under fire, ...Rob a store, rough up the clerk 5 minutes before, hit a police officer, and to this delusional poster it's COURAGE! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::cuckoo:
The point he made is that this is no less a war for not being recognized. Brown made a raid against an enemy when he robbed that store. He showed courage when confronted by an armed enemy.

It's a war. Get used to it.

War is when a group trie to command a territory. By all means take the ghetto.

what sort of war strategy involves burning your own shit to the ground

Ask the Russkies, they stopped Hitler that way.
If for no other reason than to serve as a tribute to his courage under fire, Brown's monument should stand as tall as those monuments dedicated to Confederate soldiers. Brown died like a soldier: on his feet and charging unarmed straight ahead, looking his enemy right in the eye. What a man! I would rather have that image indelibly printed on the mind of an enemy than one of an obsequious sniveling coward down on his knees begging for his life. Yep, it was the way Brown faced death in front of his enemy that counts. And make no mistake, the cops in Ferguson are the enemies of the blacks who live in and enter their jurisdiction. It has been that way a very long time.

Courage under fire, ...Rob a store, rough up the clerk 5 minutes before, hit a police officer, and to this delusional poster it's COURAGE! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::cuckoo:
The point he made is that this is no less a war for not being recognized. Brown made a raid against an enemy when he robbed that store. He showed courage when confronted by an armed enemy.

It's a war. Get used to it.

War is when a group trie to command a territory. By all means take the ghetto.

what sort of war strategy involves burning your own shit to the ground

Ask the Russkies, they stopped Hitler that way.

perhaps they will continue to use that method --LOL

i also like that running into a barrage of gunfire method to

quite useful

If for no other reason than to serve as a tribute to his courage under fire, Brown's monument should stand as tall as those monuments dedicated to Confederate soldiers. Brown died like a soldier: on his feet and charging unarmed straight ahead, looking his enemy right in the eye. What a man! I would rather have that image indelibly printed on the mind of an enemy than one of an obsequious sniveling coward down on his knees begging for his life. Yep, it was the way Brown faced death in front of his enemy that counts. And make no mistake, the cops in Ferguson are the enemies of the blacks who live in and enter their jurisdiction. It has been that way a very long time.

Courage under fire, ...Rob a store, rough up the clerk 5 minutes before, hit a police officer, and to this delusional poster it's COURAGE! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::cuckoo:
The point he made is that this is no less a war for not being recognized. Brown made a raid against an enemy when he robbed that store. He showed courage when confronted by an armed enemy.

It's a war. Get used to it.

War is when a group trie to command a territory. By all means take the ghetto.

what sort of war strategy involves burning your own shit to the ground

Ask the Russkies, they stopped Hitler that way.

LOL Hitler defeated Hitler, if the fool would have waited to attack the Soviet Union, there tactic would not have worked.

Oh PS there, the Soviet Union had the NAZIs outnumbered 200:1.

Do the blacks have police out numbered 200:1?
If for no other reason than to serve as a tribute to his courage under fire, Brown's monument should stand as tall as those monuments dedicated to Confederate soldiers. Brown died like a soldier: on his feet and charging unarmed straight ahead, looking his enemy right in the eye. What a man! I would rather have that image indelibly printed on the mind of an enemy than one of an obsequious sniveling coward down on his knees begging for his life. Yep, it was the way Brown faced death in front of his enemy that counts. And make no mistake, the cops in Ferguson are the enemies of the blacks who live in and enter their jurisdiction. It has been that way a very long time.

Courage under fire, ...Rob a store, rough up the clerk 5 minutes before, hit a police officer, and to this delusional poster it's COURAGE! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::cuckoo:
I am not an apologist for Brown's shoplifting and subsequent minor assault on the shopkeeper, nor do I condone the alleged behavior that preceded his death. Those issues have nothing to do with the courage he exhibited in the face of his mortal enemy. Thug or not, Brown was a raging bull with plenty of testosterone. In that regard he was a fine example of the black fighting man, regardless of his previous minor infractions.

Perhaps we need to dispatch many more of your Raging Bulls, if they rob, rough up innocents, and attack the police!
An armed combatant generally always has an unfair advantage over an unarmed opponent.
Brown's behavior may have been foremost in causing his untimely demise but I can respect the way he went out. To be truthful, some white men have shown similar intestinal fortitude when facing cops or on the battlefield. Again, in confrontations with cops, I may not condone the behavior that got them shot, but
When a man faces death with what appears to be courage, I applaud him. BTW, some policemen have been just as courageous under fire, but they were armed.

I would think a man, KNOWING he was OUTGUNNED, would acquiesce to superior power, he had nothing to prove but his recklessness, and undoubtedly, after beating the officer, his IMMORTALITY when facing this opponent! He simply thought the officer would NEVER shoot him!
Indeed, it is quite reasonable to think that a man out gunned would submit but we cannot know what thoughts dominated Michael Brown's psyche when he charged the officer. I don't think he could ignore the biting sting of the flesh wounds on his arm or misinterpret the loud retort of gunfire and the whizzing of bullets as a sign the officer would not shoot him.

No, Micheal Brown knew he was under fire and he faced that fact with remarkable courage .
Courage under fire, ...Rob a store, rough up the clerk 5 minutes before, hit a police officer, and to this delusional poster it's COURAGE! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::cuckoo:
I am not an apologist for Brown's shoplifting and subsequent minor assault on the shopkeeper, nor do I condone the alleged behavior that preceded his death. Those issues have nothing to do with the courage he exhibited in the face of his mortal enemy. Thug or not, Brown was a raging bull with plenty of testosterone. In that regard he was a fine example of the black fighting man, regardless of his previous minor infractions.

Perhaps we need to dispatch many more of your Raging Bulls, if they rob, rough up innocents, and attack the police!
An armed combatant generally always has an unfair advantage over an unarmed opponent.
Brown's behavior may have been foremost in causing his untimely demise but I can respect the way he went out. To be truthful, some white men have shown similar intestinal fortitude when facing cops or on the battlefield. Again, in confrontations with cops, I may not condone the behavior that got them shot, but
When a man faces death with what appears to be courage, I applaud him. BTW, some policemen have been just as courageous under fire, but they were armed.

I would think a man, KNOWING he was OUTGUNNED, would acquiesce to superior power, he had nothing to prove but his recklessness, and undoubtedly, after beating the officer, his IMMORTALITY when facing this opponent! He simply thought the officer would NEVER shoot him!
Indeed, it is quite reasonable to think that a man out gunned would submit but we cannot know what thoughts dominated Michael Brown's psyche when he charged the officer. I don't think he could ignore the biting sting of the flesh wounds on his arm or misinterpret the loud retort of gunfire and the whizzing of bullets as a sign the officer would not shoot him.

No, Micheal Brown knew he was under fire and he faced that fact with remarkable courage .

Courage under fire, ...Rob a store, rough up the clerk 5 minutes before, hit a police officer, and to this delusional poster it's COURAGE! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::cuckoo:
The point he made is that this is no less a war for not being recognized. Brown made a raid against an enemy when he robbed that store. He showed courage when confronted by an armed enemy.

It's a war. Get used to it.

War is when a group trie to command a territory. By all means take the ghetto.

what sort of war strategy involves burning your own shit to the ground

Ask the Russkies, they stopped Hitler that way.

LOL Hitler defeated Hitler, if the fool would have waited to attack the Soviet Union, there tactic would not have worked.

Oh PS there, the Soviet Union had the NAZIs outnumbered 200:1.

Do the blacks have police out numbered 200:1?
Oh, I was just being a bit facetious. A little humor has healing powers. But the Russian strategy did work. The Nazis were counting on those resources but that did not happen since the Russians burned everything as they retreated. My answer was intended to address a stupid assumption that blacks were burning their own stuff.
I am not an apologist for Brown's shoplifting and subsequent minor assault on the shopkeeper, nor do I condone the alleged behavior that preceded his death. Those issues have nothing to do with the courage he exhibited in the face of his mortal enemy. Thug or not, Brown was a raging bull with plenty of testosterone. In that regard he was a fine example of the black fighting man, regardless of his previous minor infractions.

Perhaps we need to dispatch many more of your Raging Bulls, if they rob, rough up innocents, and attack the police!
An armed combatant generally always has an unfair advantage over an unarmed opponent.
Brown's behavior may have been foremost in causing his untimely demise but I can respect the way he went out. To be truthful, some white men have shown similar intestinal fortitude when facing cops or on the battlefield. Again, in confrontations with cops, I may not condone the behavior that got them shot, but
When a man faces death with what appears to be courage, I applaud him. BTW, some policemen have been just as courageous under fire, but they were armed.

I would think a man, KNOWING he was OUTGUNNED, would acquiesce to superior power, he had nothing to prove but his recklessness, and undoubtedly, after beating the officer, his IMMORTALITY when facing this opponent! He simply thought the officer would NEVER shoot him!
Indeed, it is quite reasonable to think that a man out gunned would submit but we cannot know what thoughts dominated Michael Brown's psyche when he charged the officer. I don't think he could ignore the biting sting of the flesh wounds on his arm or misinterpret the loud retort of gunfire and the whizzing of bullets as a sign the officer would not shoot him.

No, Micheal Brown knew he was under fire and he faced that fact with remarkable courage .

Courage under fire, ...Rob a store, rough up the clerk 5 minutes before, hit a police officer, and to this delusional poster it's COURAGE! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::cuckoo:
I am not an apologist for Brown's shoplifting and subsequent minor assault on the shopkeeper, nor do I condone the alleged behavior that preceded his death. Those issues have nothing to do with the courage he exhibited in the face of his mortal enemy. Thug or not, Brown was a raging bull with plenty of testosterone. In that regard he was a fine example of the black fighting man, regardless of his previous minor infractions.

Perhaps we need to dispatch many more of your Raging Bulls, if they rob, rough up innocents, and attack the police!
An armed combatant generally always has an unfair advantage over an unarmed opponent.
Brown's behavior may have been foremost in causing his untimely demise but I can respect the way he went out. To be truthful, some white men have shown similar intestinal fortitude when facing cops or on the battlefield. Again, in confrontations with cops, I may not condone the behavior that got them shot, but
When a man faces death with what appears to be courage, I applaud him. BTW, some policemen have been just as courageous under fire, but they were armed.

I would think a man, KNOWING he was OUTGUNNED, would acquiesce to superior power, he had nothing to prove but his recklessness, and undoubtedly, after beating the officer, his IMMORTALITY when facing this opponent! He simply thought the officer would NEVER shoot him!
Indeed, it is quite reasonable to think that a man out gunned would submit but we cannot know what thoughts dominated Michael Brown's psyche when he charged the officer. I don't think he could ignore the biting sting of the flesh wounds on his arm or misinterpret the loud retort of gunfire and the whizzing of bullets as a sign the officer would not shoot him.

No, Micheal Brown knew he was under fire and he faced that fact with remarkable courage .
You're stupid. Permanent Ignore.
Perhaps we need to dispatch many more of your Raging Bulls, if they rob, rough up innocents, and attack the police!
An armed combatant generally always has an unfair advantage over an unarmed opponent.
Brown's behavior may have been foremost in causing his untimely demise but I can respect the way he went out. To be truthful, some white men have shown similar intestinal fortitude when facing cops or on the battlefield. Again, in confrontations with cops, I may not condone the behavior that got them shot, but
When a man faces death with what appears to be courage, I applaud him. BTW, some policemen have been just as courageous under fire, but they were armed.

I would think a man, KNOWING he was OUTGUNNED, would acquiesce to superior power, he had nothing to prove but his recklessness, and undoubtedly, after beating the officer, his IMMORTALITY when facing this opponent! He simply thought the officer would NEVER shoot him!
Indeed, it is quite reasonable to think that a man out gunned would submit but we cannot know what thoughts dominated Michael Brown's psyche when he charged the officer. I don't think he could ignore the biting sting of the flesh wounds on his arm or misinterpret the loud retort of gunfire and the whizzing of bullets as a sign the officer would not shoot him.

No, Micheal Brown knew he was under fire and he faced that fact with remarkable courage .


Only to you!


Do you get the connection between gun, dead Thug, and trying to take the gun?
Courage under fire, ...Rob a store, rough up the clerk 5 minutes before, hit a police officer, and to this delusional poster it's COURAGE! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::cuckoo:
I am not an apologist for Brown's shoplifting and subsequent minor assault on the shopkeeper, nor do I condone the alleged behavior that preceded his death. Those issues have nothing to do with the courage he exhibited in the face of his mortal enemy. Thug or not, Brown was a raging bull with plenty of testosterone. In that regard he was a fine example of the black fighting man, regardless of his previous minor infractions.

Perhaps we need to dispatch many more of your Raging Bulls, if they rob, rough up innocents, and attack the police!
An armed combatant generally always has an unfair advantage over an unarmed opponent.
Brown's behavior may have been foremost in causing his untimely demise but I can respect the way he went out. To be truthful, some white men have shown similar intestinal fortitude when facing cops or on the battlefield. Again, in confrontations with cops, I may not condone the behavior that got them shot, but
When a man faces death with what appears to be courage, I applaud him. BTW, some policemen have been just as courageous under fire, but they were armed.

I would think a man, KNOWING he was OUTGUNNED, would acquiesce to superior power, he had nothing to prove but his recklessness, and undoubtedly, after beating the officer, his IMMORTALITY when facing this opponent! He simply thought the officer would NEVER shoot him!
Indeed, it is quite reasonable to think that a man out gunned would submit but we cannot know what thoughts dominated Michael Brown's psyche when he charged the officer. I don't think he could ignore the biting sting of the flesh wounds on his arm or misinterpret the loud retort of gunfire and the whizzing of bullets as a sign the officer would not shoot him.

No, Micheal Brown knew he was under fire and he faced that fact with remarkable courage .

He was so drugged out he may not have known what was happening.

Was Michael Brown Alleged Pot Use Probable Cause To Commit A Crime
Brown’s consumption of cannabis raises the possibility of “paranoia,” “hallucinations,” and maybe even a “psychotic episode

Is bravery from a blunt still bravery?

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