Zone1 Another GARBAGE translation is why people believe the LIE that God endorses slavery

Did you have to be told not to hold others in bondage? If you did have to be told, how surprised were you?

I would also argue it is in the Commandments: Thou shalt not steal.

Did you have to be told not to kill?
What was one of the first things that happened in the Bible? Cain killed Abel. Apparently God made a "note to self" for when he gave Moses the Commandments.

Do you need to be told not to worship false idols?

Given the millions who have been held in bondage, making it a sin would have made sense

Exodus 21:1-2 esv​

21 “Now these are the rules that you shall set before them. 2 When you buy a Hebrew slave,[a] he shall serve six years, and in the seventh he shall go out free, for nothing.

Exodus 21:1-2 YLT
And these [are] the judgments which thou dost set before them:
2 `When thou buyest a Hebrew servant -- six years he doth serve, and in the seventh he goeth out as a freeman for nought;
Sorry, this isn't going to work. The Bible gives instructions. on how to perform slavery properly.
Do you need to be told not to worship false idols?

Given the millions who have been held in bondage, making it a sin would have made sense
We are to put God first. Power, wealth, and possessions come after. Back in Biblical times, people believed if they carved a small totem (say of a lion) and carried it with them, the power of a lion would be with them. God is not a thing, He is a being in His own right.

In Biblical times selling oneself into servitude made sense--it was hiring oneself out. Also, when conquering another tribe, placing people in servitude was better than killing them or driving them out into the desert.

From there it became a downward spiral. Biblical servitude was a far cry from plantation slavery of the 1800s. Even before Christ, the Israelites had pretty much abandoned slavery due to their own laws on how to treat foreigners.
Look at the material He had to work with ... "No dorking your mother, sister, aunt" ... what kind of people need to be told to not dork their own mother? ..
The same primitive, superstitious, terrified, illiterate people who produced the horrid morality and ethics found in the Bible.
I never met a Christian that believed God Endorsed slavery or at least argued it, and I live in the south and raised in the church.

Christians never revolted against slavery - but slavery is just simple not compatible with the Christian faith. Most simple example: How is my brother able to be my slave? And the expression "servant of god" has also nothing to do with slavery. God makes free.

But if Christians live in a society where slavery exists then this is also not any problem: A slaveholder is able to follow the Christian rules. But in this case slavery is again incompatible with the Christian faith. Example: If my slave = my brother is sick - what will I do? His job if it needs to be done - whatelse? After some time it will be difficult to find out who is master and who is slave.

The racist slavery in the colonies was by the way a very special form of slavery. A slave in ancient Rome for example was easily able to come free and to become a citizen of Rome. And the most strange thing: In Europe existed no slavery when Europeans again introduced slavery in the colonies of the new world.
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The same primitive, superstitious, terrified, illiterate people who produced the horrid morality and ethics found in the Bible.

The same primitive, superstitious, terrified, illiterate people like you? Sure existed slavery for example in ancient Egypt. What has this to do with the bible except that it is reported about? The belief in god is the main theme of the bible.

Not on Christian reasons but on reason of human rights. On the other side are also the human rights "god given human rights" for Christians and not "self made human rights" (as many try to redefine human rights today). For sure slavery and slave trade in Europe died out the more Christians lived in Europe.
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Not on Christian reasons but on reason of human rights. On the other side are also the human rights "god given human rights" for Christians and not "self made human rights" like many try to redefine human rights today. For sure slavery and slave trade in Europe died out the more Christians lived in Europe.

There are as many versions of the bible as there are versions of Heinz condiments pretty much.

And that's why need discernment in order to not be deceived and misled by inaccurate Bible translations. I have the impression that you're not here for a friendly, honest, give-and-take, discussion of God's word.
There are actually 2 versions of slavery system run by the Jews back then, the Jewish one for the Hebrews and the secular one inherited from the world. Back then slavery was accepted by the most moral humans in this world. God allows the secular one to exist simply because if the most moral humans in this world can enslave the Jews legitimately, there's no point for the Jews not to adapt the "eye for eye, and tooth for tooth" policy. While the Jewish slavery system is just a labor system to help out the poor who have to sell themselves as slaves, if not to their fellow Hebrews then to the gentiles.

The bottomline is,

Leviticus 25:42 (NIV):
Because the Israelites are my servants, whom I brought out of Egypt, they must not be sold as slaves.

Hebrews are not allowed to truly enslave Hebrews.

Leviticus 25:39-41 (NIV):
If any of your fellow Israelites become poor and sell themselves to you, do not make them work as slaves.
They are to be treated as hired workers or temporary residents among you; they are to work for you until the Year of Jubilee.
Then they and their children are to be released, and they will go back to their own clans and to the property of their ancestors.

Rules were thus setup in accordance to the above, for both the Jewish and secular slavery system. And when the Jews started to abuse the system, God asked Jeremiah to call off it as a whole.

Jeremiah 34:8-9 (NIV):
The word came to Jeremiah from the LORD after King Zedekiah had made a covenant with all the people in Jerusalem to proclaim freedom for the slaves.
Everyone was to free their Hebrew slaves, both male and female; no one was to hold a fellow Hebrew in bondage.
Sorry, this isn't going to work. The Bible gives instructions. on how to perform slavery properly.
Indentured servitude. Which was quite common back then. And they established standards that were heads and shoulder above their neighbors. Context is everything.
The same primitive, superstitious, terrified, illiterate people who produced the horrid morality and ethics found in the Bible.
Leave it to you to criticize how important information and wisdom was passed down by ancient man. I'm wondering what you have accomplished that would make you feel justified in criticizing men whose writings have stood the test of time. You will be forgotten the day after you are buried.

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