Zone1 Another GARBAGE translation is why people believe the LIE that God endorses slavery

I didn't do that.

I said they didn't have much knowledge. Can't pass down what you don't have.

Same goes for wisdom.
You did, you just didn't realize that that was what you were doing. They knew the universe was created 6,000 years before science knew it. That's not nothing.
Same goes for wisdom.
I'd say that man knowing right from wrong and rationalizing he didn't do wrong when he did is quite a wise observation. Every argument you make is a moral argument. You prove God exists with every argument you make. That's how deeply fairness is embedded into you.
Now THERE is a fairy tale.

Thank goodness for far superior, secular enlightenment and morals. Which brought us here quite in spite of the various primitive mythologies.
It's the best selling book of all time by a wide margin. It's not surprising that someone like you who is incredibly unenlightened would see it this way. You are like the walking poster child for the dunning effect.

This movement was motivated from Christians and Humanists. I was very astonished when I took a look now and I found out that in the colony Rhode Island the baptist Roger Williams declared slavery for to be illegal in 1652 - and indeed I can see now under the expression "abolition" - which I heard the first time now - that the fight against slavery in the USA was motivtated in very most cases from Protestant Christians. I did also not understand that the very famous book "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was written from a Presbyterian Christian. The long fight against slavery - which had been in the end successful - of so many US-American Christians is impressing me.

God bless you and everyone who you love K9Buck.

And you thought I was un-Christian. Bless your heart.

I think you are malicious and Catholics are per se not malicious. Some call us even "naive". Indeed not only some - very most call us naive. Nevertheless thank you for this nice blessing - independent from your spirit behind this words.
No, I am much smarter, more knowledgeable, and I have far superior morals and ethics than any primitive, superstitious human that wrote the Bible.

I would call this words in German "ein ungesundes Selbstvertrauen" (="an unhealthy self-confidence") and in English "the typical ignorant arrogance of people who do not [like to] know what they really try to speak about".

Thanks for asking.

My pleasure.

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I think you are malicious and Catholics are per se not malicious. Some call us even "naive". Indeed not only some - very most call us naive. Nevertheless thank you for this nice blessing - independent from your spirit behind this words.
So in other words you can't name one single belief of mine that is un-Christian.

I happen to believe that you are the malicious one. You've been attacking me for pages. So by your logic your beliefs are un-Christian.

Catholic education part

If you call someone "unenlightened" then enlighten if you are enlightened or try to change this situation together with the other one and not against this one. But do not say: "I am enlightend - but you are not enlightened" = "I am good - but you are bad".

Now continue on your own with your own Catholic education and start to learn from the own mistakes - because adults nornally don't like to be educated from other adults.
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So in other words you can't name one single belief of mine that is un-Christian.

I happen to believe that you are the malicious one. You've been attacking me for pages. So by your logic your beliefs are un-Christian.

Aha. Did you tell me now what I think? ... Hmmm ... And isn't it not a little malicious to tell others what they think and how wrong it is what they think? ... What do you think? ... [CE part]

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Catholic education part

If you call someone "unenlightened" then enlighten if you are enlightened or try to change this situation together with the other one and not against this one. But do not say: "I am enlightend - but you are not enlightened" = "I am good - but you are bad".

Now continue on your own with your own Catholic education and start to learn from the own mistakes - because adults nornally don't like to be educated from other adults.
Like I have said before, worry about your own soul. My soul is my concern. I don't get in God's way. You shouldn't either. You aren't God.
Aha. Did you tell me now what I think? ... Hmmm ... And isn't it not a little malicious to tell others what they think and how wrong it is what they think? ... What do you think? ... [CE part]

I'm not sure how you made that leap in logic. You seem to be looking for a fight. And have been for quite some time now.
So why did they use the word "slave"? There's a MASSIVE difference between a slave and a servant.
Indentured servant is similar to slave from what I understand?

When owners bought slaves or indentured servants, they were buying the slave/indentured servant by paying the debt that servant owed to another person.

With slaves during the era, they were mostly criminals serving time or due to serve imprisonment....that were bought...

This is what i was lead to believe about the time period....?

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