Another Good Month On The Jobs Front...unemployment Drops To 5.9%

Which brings us full circle now that bigchoadbreathnc finally understands that "employment" figures are NOT the same as "labor force participation" figures...

Poor, brain-dead, Conservatives. Math is always so fuzzy to them.

Total Employed
1/2009: 142,152,000
9/2014: 146,600,000

Earth to brain-dead Conservative ... 146.6 million is greater than 142.2 million
only a brain dead obama supporter would believe that shit.
Well the numbers come from the BLS... and even you said numbers from the BLS are NOT cooked. So it's true -- there are more people working today than there were when Bush left office.

And stupid since you can't comprehend the links I posted came from the BLS you are dismissed back to morons class.
Your link was to the labor force participation rate, which bears no indication on the employment numbers I posted. You're still not man enough :gay: to dismiss me.
It was from the BLS dumb ass I have you so fucked up you have become pathetic.
Queeny is that all you have left? Fucking little faggot can't logically look at the numbers from both charts and see the numbers don't match.
Uh-oh, looks like I hit a nerve! :eek:

Of course the numbers don't match ... they're from two different data sets, representing two different queries. One representing workers, which shows there are more people working now than when Bush left office; and another showing that labor force participtation is lower today than when Bush became president. that's what Liberals have been telling you all along.

But the good news, rightard, is it appears you finally get it. :clap:
Hit a nerve? you couldn't hit shit even if you were shit.
No, clearly from your response, I know I hit a nerve. Guess you're a little too sensitive about being called out of the closet. :eek:
You haven't hit anything maybe wishful thinking on your part.
Your earlier bellicose response belies your denials now.
You're pathetic, take a gun and blow well can't say that because you don't have a brain if you do have one it's been hardly used.
So you are suggesting that the majority, if not all, of the troops that come home, have remained unemployed?

Do you have any evidence to support that theory? Other than correlation equals causation....

Because... honestly, having worked with dozens of companies, companies LOVE to hire military personnel. If there is any fast-track to employment, it's having a military record on your resume.
I am suggesting no such thing, not even remotely!!!!!

Active military are not counted as part of the noninstitutional civilian population, which is the denominator in the calculation of the LPR, so the more military on active duty, the smaller the denominator and the higher the LPR. It is another example of how demographics effects the LPR independent of economic conditions, which is why the LPR is such a lousy economic indicator!!!!

But here's my problem.....

You are thus assuming that there was a significant increase in active duty military personnel. Significant enough to effect the civilian population numbers, and thus increase the LPR.

I don't see that as being true. Do you have evidence that's true?

Because everything that I see suggests the opposite. In raw numbers, active duty was lower in the 2003, than it had been in decades.

As a percentage of the population, military enrollment is lower than ever before.


Both would seem to indicate that the number of active duty troops, being at the lowest levels in American history, relative to the population, that we would expect the lowest labor participation rates in US history throughout the 00s. Instead, it's not nearly that bad.

So on what bases, what empirical evidence do you have of your claim?
But you are not counting the nearly 200,000 National Guard and reserves who made up over 40% of the active duty military in Iraq and over 50% in Afghanistan. That is more than enough to keep the LPR from falling for the few years it was holding steady during the Bush Regime.


200,000? That's a ton.... Like 0.0006% of the population....

According to the OECD, the total working population was 190 Million as of 2007. That would make those 200,000 at least 0.001% of the working population of the US.

Unless you have some other evidence to add, the national guard deal isn't convincing to me.
So when you have 300,000 regular military and 200,00 guard on active duty in the ME, that removes half a million from the DENOMINATOR of the LPR which will raise the LPR between .2% and .3%, which kept Bush's LPR steady around 66% for the duration of the ME wars after it had been falling steadily from the 67.2% he inherited. Once Obama came in you had the combined effect of the 500,000 military being gradually drawn down and gradually increasing the denominator and the Boomers who just started retiring decreasing the numerator. Now that nearly all the military have been drawn down from active duty in the ME you just have the Boomers retiring and the decline in the LPR has slowed down. For example, In Obama's first 2.5 years the LPR fell 1.7%, but in his last 2.5 years the LPR fell only 1.3%.

0.3%? First, just using math, that still does not make logical sense. The swing during the Bush years, was at most 1% change in LPR.

How does 0.3% change 1% of the working population?

Second, the swing from 2009 to 2013, was almost 5%. How does a 0.3% change, cause a 5% swing?

Third, if you want to blame deployment at all, that's fine, but then how could you claim that under Bush the deployment swing was 1%, and during Obama the deployment swing was 5%? If deployment caused the change under Bush, and ending deployment caused the change under Obama, wouldn't we expect the swing to be even lower?

Remember, the population removed to go fight the war, is relatively static. You don't send 200 soldiers out, and end up with 1,000 returning. But the population has increased during the war.

Yet the swing that you claim is due to the troops returning, is larger, then the swing caused by them leaving. That's illogical.

Fourthly, bringing troops back from deployment, doesn't mean they are not enlisted anymore. My brother-in-law when he got back from Iraq, was just as much an enlisted military man. He just wasn't deployed. As you said.... active duty. Many of the people deployed for war, were active duty before the war began, and many were active duty after the war was 'over' or ended by Bush or Obama.

In other words, I doubt there was any statistically relevant swing in LPR at all.

If you have evidence to the contrary, I'd love to see it.

Now the people retiring, that part I agree with. But the question is why? Is it possible that policies have made it so that retiring is desirable, and economic motivations are such, that more people are retiring than in the past? Because I have a hard time believing that baby boomers were just working hard and then suddenly in 2009, they magically all decided "hey Obama is pres, let's all retire now!".

I don't think that's a valid position.
I know this might cause dad a coronary. I hope they don't find him face down on the keyboard still clutching his Obama doll.

Budget Explainer How Much Do Americans Pay in Federal Taxes

80% of the population owns 5% of the wealth.

Who Rules America Wealth Income and Power

The middle class has been eviscerated.

As soon as the money is given to the poor, it is immediately turned around and enters the economy. Once the wealthy get their hands on the money, it goes OUT of CIRCULATION....and the economy stagnates.

Obviously you've been sleeping for the last 6 years. The Obama administration tried the stimulus AND gave extension after federal unemployment extension, as the economy now stands, it IS stagnant. We have low paying jobs, college grads working far below what their degree allows them to earn, and those seeking full-time having to settle for part-time work for economic reasons.

Wake up!!! How many long-term high income career jobs has this administration been able to provide the middle class? All your graphs and time wasted on this thread and you can't even provide proof that answers that one single question. Show me THOSE facts of the number of high income career jobs vs. this administration simply "getting by" for a few more years of part-time or short term temporary jobs.
Can you say...."baby boomers?"....idiot.
Dumb ass they haven't retired and those who left the work force came back
Ass hat.
They haven't retired?? Imbecile, there were almost 3 million baby boomers who retired last year alone. You really are as dumb as they come. But then again, you are a Bush voter. :afro:
You're really stupid to keep coming back for this ass beating you're getting. MOST have not retired link was posted dumb ass. you are dismissed.
You're too stupid for words, even for a lowly Bush voter. Who said "most" baby boomers retired? Who said "most" had to retire to lower the labor force participation rate? You have no argument because you're too fucking stupid to make one. Meanwhile, last year we had 2.8 million people drop out of the labor force and we had 2.9 million baby boomer retire. Only a brain-dead rightarded single-brain cell Conservative Bush voter would think baby boomers aren't dragging down the labor force participation rate. :eusa_doh: And I use the word "think" lightly because you don't think .... you're a knee-jerk reactionary.
Stupid is all you will ever be. I'm laughing my ass off at you. I've made my point and you have flopped like a drunken sailor on shore leave.
And your point still does nothing to diminish the fact that more people are working today than there were when Bush left office.
Which brings us full circle now that bigchoadbreathnc finally understands that "employment" figures are NOT the same as "labor force participation" figures...

Poor, brain-dead, Conservatives. Math is always so fuzzy to them.

Total Employed
1/2009: 142,152,000
9/2014: 146,600,000

Earth to brain-dead Conservative ... 146.6 million is greater than 142.2 million
only a brain dead obama supporter would believe that shit.
Well the numbers come from the BLS... and even you said numbers from the BLS are NOT cooked. So it's true -- there are more people working today than there were when Bush left office.

And stupid since you can't comprehend the links I posted came from the BLS you are dismissed back to morons class.
Your link was to the labor force participation rate, which bears no indication on the employment numbers I posted. You're still not man enough :gay: to dismiss me.
It was from the BLS dumb ass I have you so fucked up you have become pathetic.
You are truly retarded. So what that you4 numbers are from the BLS? So are mine.
Lowering Corp tax to 28% and taking out loopholes and using the money for infrastructure. HMM. Of course the party of NO refused

Why are we wasting Federal taxpayer dollars for temporary projects that are given to the STATE to pay to maintain through tolls and taxes? How about encouraging private sector businesses to spend their own money, allow businesses to obtain loans instead of attacking banks by our government, and look for high paying long term jobs?

The middle class didn't end up with household income LOWER than when the recovery began because the stimulus worked. That's a factual record I'd be embarrassed as President to allow the middle class to accept while giving BS speeches on how great the economy is doing.

Remember those shovel ready jobs? They weren't so "shovel ready" as the President had hoped for, now were they? You still want to hold up and wave that "Mission Accomplished" banner for Obama?
only a brain dead obama supporter would believe that shit.
Well the numbers come from the BLS... and even you said numbers from the BLS are NOT cooked. So it's true -- there are more people working today than there were when Bush left office.

And stupid since you can't comprehend the links I posted came from the BLS you are dismissed back to morons class.
Your link was to the labor force participation rate, which bears no indication on the employment numbers I posted. You're still not man enough :gay: to dismiss me.
It was from the BLS dumb ass I have you so fucked up you have become pathetic.
You are truly retarded. So what that you4 numbers are from the BLS? So are mine.
I've danced circles around you dumb ass I bet when you rode the short bus you thought it was your own private transportation
Dumb ass they haven't retired and those who left the work force came back
Ass hat.
They haven't retired?? Imbecile, there were almost 3 million baby boomers who retired last year alone. You really are as dumb as they come. But then again, you are a Bush voter. :afro:
You're really stupid to keep coming back for this ass beating you're getting. MOST have not retired link was posted dumb ass. you are dismissed.
You're too stupid for words, even for a lowly Bush voter. Who said "most" baby boomers retired? Who said "most" had to retire to lower the labor force participation rate? You have no argument because you're too fucking stupid to make one. Meanwhile, last year we had 2.8 million people drop out of the labor force and we had 2.9 million baby boomer retire. Only a brain-dead rightarded single-brain cell Conservative Bush voter would think baby boomers aren't dragging down the labor force participation rate. :eusa_doh: And I use the word "think" lightly because you don't think .... you're a knee-jerk reactionary.
Stupid is all you will ever be. I'm laughing my ass off at you. I've made my point and you have flopped like a drunken sailor on shore leave.
And your point still does nothing to diminish the fact that more people are working today than there were when Bush left office.
Cooked numbers will make anything work.
Lowering Corp tax to 28% and taking out loopholes and using the money for infrastructure. HMM. Of course the party of NO refused

Why are we wasting Federal taxpayer dollars for temporary projects that are given to the STATE to pay to maintain through tolls and taxes? How about encouraging private sector businesses to spend their own money, allow businesses to obtain loans instead of attacking banks by our government, and look for high paying long term jobs?

The middle class didn't end up with household income LOWER than when the recovery began because the stimulus worked. That's a factual record I'd be embarrassed as President to allow the middle class to accept while giving BS speeches on how great the economy is doing.

Remember those shovel ready jobs? They weren't so "shovel ready" as the President had hoped for, now were they? You still want to hold up and wave that "Mission Accomplished" banner for Obama?
The private sector is doing just fine. After 55 consecutive months of growth as 10.3 million jobs have been added, we are in the longest stretch recorded of job growth in the history of the U.S.
They haven't retired?? Imbecile, there were almost 3 million baby boomers who retired last year alone. You really are as dumb as they come. But then again, you are a Bush voter. :afro:
You're really stupid to keep coming back for this ass beating you're getting. MOST have not retired link was posted dumb ass. you are dismissed.
You're too stupid for words, even for a lowly Bush voter. Who said "most" baby boomers retired? Who said "most" had to retire to lower the labor force participation rate? You have no argument because you're too fucking stupid to make one. Meanwhile, last year we had 2.8 million people drop out of the labor force and we had 2.9 million baby boomer retire. Only a brain-dead rightarded single-brain cell Conservative Bush voter would think baby boomers aren't dragging down the labor force participation rate. :eusa_doh: And I use the word "think" lightly because you don't think .... you're a knee-jerk reactionary.
Stupid is all you will ever be. I'm laughing my ass off at you. I've made my point and you have flopped like a drunken sailor on shore leave.
And your point still does nothing to diminish the fact that more people are working today than there were when Bush left office.
Cooked numbers will make anything work.
Retard, my numbers are from the BLS ... the same source as your numbers. Do you ever say anything that's not stupid?
Well the numbers come from the BLS... and even you said numbers from the BLS are NOT cooked. So it's true -- there are more people working today than there were when Bush left office.

And stupid since you can't comprehend the links I posted came from the BLS you are dismissed back to morons class.
Your link was to the labor force participation rate, which bears no indication on the employment numbers I posted. You're still not man enough :gay: to dismiss me.
It was from the BLS dumb ass I have you so fucked up you have become pathetic.
You are truly retarded. So what that you4 numbers are from the BLS? So are mine.
I've danced circles around you dumb ass I bet when you rode the short bus you thought it was your own private transportation
And yet you have failed miserably to show there are fewer people employed today as there were when Bush left office. Seems all you post are your hallucinations. :dunno:
Lowering Corp tax to 28% and taking out loopholes and using the money for infrastructure. HMM. Of course the party of NO refused

Why are we wasting Federal taxpayer dollars for temporary projects that are given to the STATE to pay to maintain through tolls and taxes? How about encouraging private sector businesses to spend their own money, allow businesses to obtain loans instead of attacking banks by our government, and look for high paying long term jobs?

The middle class didn't end up with household income LOWER than when the recovery began because the stimulus worked. That's a factual record I'd be embarrassed as President to allow the middle class to accept while giving BS speeches on how great the economy is doing.

Remember those shovel ready jobs? They weren't so "shovel ready" as the President had hoped for, now were they? You still want to hold up and wave that "Mission Accomplished" banner for Obama?
The private sector is doing just fine. After 55 consecutive months of growth as 10.3 million jobs have been added, we are in the longest stretch recorded of job growth in the history of the U.S.
55 what? lol

RealClearMarkets - President Obama and the Myth About 4.5 Million New Jobs
And stupid since you can't comprehend the links I posted came from the BLS you are dismissed back to morons class.
Your link was to the labor force participation rate, which bears no indication on the employment numbers I posted. You're still not man enough :gay: to dismiss me.
It was from the BLS dumb ass I have you so fucked up you have become pathetic.
You are truly retarded. So what that you4 numbers are from the BLS? So are mine.
I've danced circles around you dumb ass I bet when you rode the short bus you thought it was your own private transportation
And yet you have failed miserably to show there are fewer people employed today as there were when Bush left office. Seems all you post are your hallucinations. :dunno:
dumb ass I have not failed to you or anyone else keep smoking that crack
You're really stupid to keep coming back for this ass beating you're getting. MOST have not retired link was posted dumb ass. you are dismissed.
You're too stupid for words, even for a lowly Bush voter. Who said "most" baby boomers retired? Who said "most" had to retire to lower the labor force participation rate? You have no argument because you're too fucking stupid to make one. Meanwhile, last year we had 2.8 million people drop out of the labor force and we had 2.9 million baby boomer retire. Only a brain-dead rightarded single-brain cell Conservative Bush voter would think baby boomers aren't dragging down the labor force participation rate. :eusa_doh: And I use the word "think" lightly because you don't think .... you're a knee-jerk reactionary.
Stupid is all you will ever be. I'm laughing my ass off at you. I've made my point and you have flopped like a drunken sailor on shore leave.
And your point still does nothing to diminish the fact that more people are working today than there were when Bush left office.
Cooked numbers will make anything work.
Retard, my numbers are from the BLS ... the same source as your numbers. Do you ever say anything that's not stupid?
And my numbers are also from the BLS dumb ass.
Lowering Corp tax to 28% and taking out loopholes and using the money for infrastructure. HMM. Of course the party of NO refused

Why are we wasting Federal taxpayer dollars for temporary projects that are given to the STATE to pay to maintain through tolls and taxes? How about encouraging private sector businesses to spend their own money, allow businesses to obtain loans instead of attacking banks by our government, and look for high paying long term jobs?

The middle class didn't end up with household income LOWER than when the recovery began because the stimulus worked. That's a factual record I'd be embarrassed as President to allow the middle class to accept while giving BS speeches on how great the economy is doing.

Remember those shovel ready jobs? They weren't so "shovel ready" as the President had hoped for, now were they? You still want to hold up and wave that "Mission Accomplished" banner for Obama?
The private sector is doing just fine. After 55 consecutive months of growth as 10.3 million jobs have been added, we are in the longest stretch recorded of job growth in the history of the U.S.
55 what? lol

RealClearMarkets - President Obama and the Myth About 4.5 Million New Jobs
Holy fuck, you demented freak. Your article is more than 2 years old. :eusa_doh: Do you ever say anything that isn't stupid?
Last edited:
You're too stupid for words, even for a lowly Bush voter. Who said "most" baby boomers retired? Who said "most" had to retire to lower the labor force participation rate? You have no argument because you're too fucking stupid to make one. Meanwhile, last year we had 2.8 million people drop out of the labor force and we had 2.9 million baby boomer retire. Only a brain-dead rightarded single-brain cell Conservative Bush voter would think baby boomers aren't dragging down the labor force participation rate. :eusa_doh: And I use the word "think" lightly because you don't think .... you're a knee-jerk reactionary.
Stupid is all you will ever be. I'm laughing my ass off at you. I've made my point and you have flopped like a drunken sailor on shore leave.
And your point still does nothing to diminish the fact that more people are working today than there were when Bush left office.
Cooked numbers will make anything work.
Retard, my numbers are from the BLS ... the same source as your numbers. Do you ever say anything that's not stupid?
And my numbers are also from the BLS dumb ass.
Well if my numbers are cooked, then so are yours. They're from the same source, brain-dead rightie.
Lowering Corp tax to 28% and taking out loopholes and using the money for infrastructure. HMM. Of course the party of NO refused

Why are we wasting Federal taxpayer dollars for temporary projects that are given to the STATE to pay to maintain through tolls and taxes? How about encouraging private sector businesses to spend their own money, allow businesses to obtain loans instead of attacking banks by our government, and look for high paying long term jobs?

The middle class didn't end up with household income LOWER than when the recovery began because the stimulus worked. That's a factual record I'd be embarrassed as President to allow the middle class to accept while giving BS speeches on how great the economy is doing.

Remember those shovel ready jobs? They weren't so "shovel ready" as the President had hoped for, now were they? You still want to hold up and wave that "Mission Accomplished" banner for Obama?
The private sector is doing just fine. After 55 consecutive months of growth as 10.3 million jobs have been added, we are in the longest stretch recorded of job growth in the history of the U.S.

Why don't you present some facts showing how many of them are actually high paying long term career jobs?

As I previously shown 46% of college grads are working less at jobs that don't require a college degree. You can try and post a very broad stroke general statement like 10 million jobs, but it doesn't mean a thing when the simple fact is this administration can't differentiate between full-time and part-time, long term and temporary.... those 10 million overall jobs in one administration doesn't impress me. I have known several people that have worked 3 short term jobs in the last 6 years, that doesn't mean we have 3 unemployed individuals receiving jobs during those same 6 years and are STILL working - as this administration would love to have you believe.
I know this might cause dad a coronary. I hope they don't find him face down on the keyboard still clutching his Obama doll.

Budget Explainer How Much Do Americans Pay in Federal Taxes

80% of the population owns 5% of the wealth.

Who Rules America Wealth Income and Power

The middle class has been eviscerated.

As soon as the money is given to the poor, it is immediately turned around and enters the economy. Once the wealthy get their hands on the money, it goes OUT of CIRCULATION....and the economy stagnates.

Obviously you've been sleeping for the last 6 years. The Obama administration tried the stimulus AND gave extension after federal unemployment extension, as the economy now stands, it IS stagnant. We have low paying jobs, college grads working far below what their degree allows them to earn, and those seeking full-time having to settle for part-time work for economic reasons.

Wake up!!! How many long-term high income career jobs has this administration been able to provide the middle class? All your graphs and time wasted on this thread and you can't even provide proof that answers that one single question. Show me THOSE facts of the number of high income career jobs vs. this administration simply "getting by" for a few more years of part-time or short term temporary jobs.

Weird, you mean 10+ million PRIVATE sector jobs created AFTER Obama passed Obamacares Feb 2010, is 'stagnant' AFTER Dubya lost 1,000,000+ PRIVATE sector jobs in 8 years with his 'job creator policiers? lol

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

NOW you want to advocate it's up to Gov't, specifically the Prez to create " high income career jobs"? lol WEIRD, After the longest SUSTAINED lowest tax 'burden' on the 'job creators', where they are paying about half the effective rates of the 1940's and 1950's, WE aren't getting much bang for the buck, right?

Jul 14 2014

Here's What Obama's 'Part-Time America' Really Looks Like

The president's critics love this talking point. But since 2010, full-time jobs are up 7.6 million, and part-time jobs have declined by more than 900,000.
Here s What Obama s Part-Time America Really Looks Like - The Atlantic

The Spectacular Myth of Obama's Part-Time America—in 5 Graphs

The Spectacular Myth of Obama s Part-Time America mdash in 5 Graphs - The Atlantic

Neo-Liberalism/Conservatives is/has destroyed the American Economy in favor of the so called "Job Creator"... In reality are "Job Exporters"...

"Dynastic wealth, the enemy of a meritocracy, is on the rise. Equality of opportunity has been on the decline. A progressive and meaningful estate tax is needed to curb the movement of a democracy toward plutocracy." Warren Buffett

Seattle venture capitalist Nick Hanauer

Hanauer said he doesn't consider himself a "job creator." If no one can afford to buy what he's selling, the jobs his companies create will evaporate, he reasons. In his view, what the nation needs is more money in the hands of regular consumers.

"A higher minimum wage is a very simple and elegant solution to the death spiral of falling demand that is the signature feature of our economy,"

Leo Hindery Jr., the New York City media and investing mogul, is one of hundreds of wealthy people directly asking Congress to raise their taxes as a member of Patriotic Millionaires.

The 66-year-old argues that giving rich people tax breaks makes no economic sense because people like him don't put their extra dollars back into the economy.

"Do you think I don't own every piece of clothing, every automobile? I already have it. You spend money. Rich people just get richer," he told the AP.

Hindery credits his Jesuit upbringing with giving him the tools to look beyond his own economic advantages.

"How can we believe in the American dream when 10 percent of the people have half the nation's income? It's immoral, I think it's unethical, but I also think that it's bad economics,"..."The only people who can take exception to this argument are people who want to get super rich and don't care what happens to the nation as a whole."
Lowering Corp tax to 28% and taking out loopholes and using the money for infrastructure. HMM. Of course the party of NO refused

Why are we wasting Federal taxpayer dollars for temporary projects that are given to the STATE to pay to maintain through tolls and taxes? How about encouraging private sector businesses to spend their own money, allow businesses to obtain loans instead of attacking banks by our government, and look for high paying long term jobs?

The middle class didn't end up with household income LOWER than when the recovery began because the stimulus worked. That's a factual record I'd be embarrassed as President to allow the middle class to accept while giving BS speeches on how great the economy is doing.

Remember those shovel ready jobs? They weren't so "shovel ready" as the President had hoped for, now were they? You still want to hold up and wave that "Mission Accomplished" banner for Obama?
The private sector is doing just fine. After 55 consecutive months of growth as 10.3 million jobs have been added, we are in the longest stretch recorded of job growth in the history of the U.S.

Why don't you present some facts showing how many of them are actually high paying long term career jobs?

As I previously shown 46% of college grads are working less at jobs that don't require a college degree. You can try and post a very broad stroke general statement like 10 million jobs, but it doesn't mean a thing when the simple fact is this administration can't differentiate between full-time and part-time, long term and temporary.... those 10 million overall jobs in one administration doesn't impress me. I have known several people that have worked 3 short term jobs in the last 6 years, that doesn't mean we have 3 unemployed individuals receiving jobs during those same 6 years and are STILL working - as this administration would love to have you believe.
Umm, over this unprecedented 55 month streak, there are fewer part time jobs than when the streak began. As far as what they pay or how long they last ... that is not a metric measured. But the vast majority are full time jobs and the numbers are growing.

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