Another GOP Official Corroborates Claim That Graham Asked That Ballots To Be Tossed

I dont think they were all cast legally
Trump is trying to toss hundreds of thousands of ballots in some cities. You think hundreds of thousands of people didn’t cast their ballot legally?
I think they didnt cast their vote at all

some criminal hired by the DNC cast that vote for them
Why do you think that?
If there was evidence for it, wouldn’t Trump’s legal team be arguing that in court?
Another GOP Official Corroborates Claim That Graham Asked That Ballots To Be Tossed

Were they legal votes?
Dammit, does nobody understand what was being asked here? To answer your questions, YES. YES, Graham was asking that legally cast ballots be thrown out. He said,

First, audit the mail-in ballots. Check for mistakes, however minor, that could invalidate the ballot.

OK, I give you this one. If the ballots can be deemed "illegal", even by a minor infraction, then so be it, toss them out.

Then toss out ALL the ballots from the counties with the highest percentage of mistakes.

What the hell? Are you freakin kidding me? That is all the ballots, even the legally cast ballots. That is beyond the pale, there is nothing these Republican monsters won't do to keep a grasp on power. It is unamerican, unpatriotic, insulting to the men and women that gave their life for this country, and a complete slap in the face of every single one of the founders. The only thing more insulting is individuals that support that action, or refuse to see the atrocity in it.

YEP, couldn't agree more! There is nothing more insulting, more un-American than that, except for:
  1. Using the IRS to purposefully block your opponent's organizations so you win a 2nd term!
  2. Using the DNC to purposefully block your opponent no matter how many votes he got so you win nomination!
  3. Creating a fraudulent dossier and lying to the FISA court to start a baseless investigation to obstruct an administration.
  4. Spending three years and 40 million dollars to tie up and perpetrate false charges.
  5. Using clandestine methods to spy on a president and leak national security info to a newspaper.
  6. Using corrupted intelligence agencies to cover up and destroy felony investigations and evidence to put a criminal in a presidential race.
  7. Manufacturing a fake whistleblower in secrecy to start an investigation of an innocent aboveboard phone call.
  8. Making baseless accusations against a president in order to orchestrate groundless impeachment charges you couldn't win.
  9. Fomenting violence, hate, riots, job loss and a socioeconomic crisis to crush and demoralize a populace, then blame it on the incumbent.
  10. Using Canadian software designed for third world countries to flip votes while manufacturing ballots holding up an election until you could be sure you could push an unqualified candidate just high enough in the right places to install him over the real winner.
Another GOP Official Corroborates Claim That Graham Asked That Ballots To Be Tossed

Were they legal votes?
Dammit, does nobody understand what was being asked here? To answer your questions, YES. YES, Graham was asking that legally cast ballots be thrown out. He said,

First, audit the mail-in ballots. Check for mistakes, however minor, that could invalidate the ballot.

OK, I give you this one. If the ballots can be deemed "illegal", even by a minor infraction, then so be it, toss them out.

Then toss out ALL the ballots from the counties with the highest percentage of mistakes.

What the hell? Are you freakin kidding me? That is all the ballots, even the legally cast ballots. That is beyond the pale, there is nothing these Republican monsters won't do to keep a grasp on power. It is unamerican, unpatriotic, insulting to the men and women that gave their life for this country, and a complete slap in the face of every single one of the founders. The only thing more insulting is individuals that support that action, or refuse to see the atrocity in it.

YEP, couldn't agree more! There is nothing more insulting, more un-American than that, except for:
  1. Using the IRS to purposefully block your opponent's organizations so you win a 2nd term!
  2. Using the DNC to purposefully block your opponent no matter how many votes he got so you win nomination!
  3. Creating a fraudulent dossier and lying to the FISA court to start a baseless investigation to obstruct an administration.
  4. Spending three years and 40 million dollars to tie up and perpetrate false charges.
  5. Using clandestine methods to spy on a president and leak national security info to a newspaper.
  6. Using corrupted intelligence agencies to cover up and destroy felony investigations and evidence to put a criminal in a presidential race.
  7. Manufacturing a fake whistleblower in secrecy to start an investigation of an innocent aboveboard phone call.
  8. Making baseless accusations against a president in order to orchestrate groundless impeachment charges you couldn't win.
  9. Fomenting violence, hate, riots, job loss and a socioeconomic crisis to crush and demoralize a populace, then blame it on the incumbent.
  10. Using Canadian software designed for third world countries to flip votes while manufacturing ballots holding up an election until you could be sure you could push an unqualified candidate just high enough in the right places to install him over the real winner.

I know you are proud pf yourself for that screed but it only reveals your obsession with "fake news" and inability to adequately process information. In the first case, the IRS has every right to investigate organizations that openly advocate NOT paying taxes. In the third case, that dossier was originally funded by REPUBLICAN opposition research. Numbers 4 and 5 have been proven wrong. That investigation you spoke up led to real indictments, convictions, and jail time. Number 6 is just stupid. Number seven is ridiculous, there was nothing about that phone call that was innocent or above board. Number 8 is laughable. The impeachment charges were well grounded and you might not realize that it was the only impeachment trial in the history of the United States that a member from the impeached person's own party actually voted for his conviction. And number 9? The Democratic party must be some powerful individuals, without control of the Senate or the Executive office, or even the judicial branch, they were able to orchestrate that? Stupid, just beyond stupid. We are having a socioeconomic crisis because Trump has made it his calling, to divide this nation along racial grounds, and he totally mishandled the Coronovirus pandemic. But ten just places you among the fringe of the fringe, desperately attempting to latch on to something, anything, that could someone make the reality of a nation "firing" a totally inept president, go away.
I know you are proud pf yourself for that screed but it only reveals your obsession with . . .

^^^^^ tl;dr. I note you cannot even address or refute a single thing I said. Typical.

This thread is comedy gold.

Hey, another person comes forward and says that Trump won BY HUGE NUMBERS. Who, you might ask? It doesn't matter. Only that someone actually said it. Forget the fact that it was Eric Trump. SOMEBODY said it, so it MUST be true, right OP???

(you stupid fuck)

"A staffer for Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger said Tuesday that he participated in a controversial phone call with Sen. Lindsey Graham and said he heard Graham ask if state officials could throw out ballots. Sterling said on Tuesday, “What I heard was basically discussions about absentee ballots and if a potentially … if there was a percentage of signatures that weren’t really, truly matching, is there some point we could get to, we could say somebody went to a courtroom could say well, let’s throw (out) all these ballots -- “There is no physical ability for this office to do anything along those lines,” Sterling continued, referring to throwing out absentee ballots that have already been deemed legal by local election officials."

I don't know who this Sterling guy is -- but he clearly needs to be shown a lesson -- Raffensberger and his family have already received death threats -- maybe its time that this Sterling guy gets some death threats too -- until they get with the program and swing this election in Trump's can't pull off a coup if you are a coward, it takes bravery!!
CNN? What's the point?
Because they weren't voting for Trump.
in a fair election biden might get more votes in some deep blue counties

but when he gets ALL the votes something is wrong
I am referring to the votes during the recount

and votes “discovered” during the audit

they NEVER break in biden’s favor

All of the clerical “errors” if uncounted would hurt trump

does that seem like coincidence to you?

it doesnt seem like it to me
How would you feel about the Dems going into Repub states, & just selecting some county's who's votes were close and asking for a recount?

"A staffer for Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger said Tuesday that he participated in a controversial phone call with Sen. Lindsey Graham and said he heard Graham ask if state officials could throw out ballots. Sterling said on Tuesday, “What I heard was basically discussions about absentee ballots and if a potentially … if there was a percentage of signatures that weren’t really, truly matching, is there some point we could get to, we could say somebody went to a courtroom could say well, let’s throw (out) all these ballots -- “There is no physical ability for this office to do anything along those lines,” Sterling continued, referring to throwing out absentee ballots that have already been deemed legal by local election officials."

I don't know who this Sterling guy is -- but he clearly needs to be shown a lesson -- Raffensberger and his family have already received death threats -- maybe its time that this Sterling guy gets some death threats too -- until they get with the program and swing this election in Trump's can't pull off a coup if you are a coward, it takes bravery!!

Kinda takes the air out of the Republican narrative of 'election integrity', now doesn't it.
I know you are proud pf yourself for that screed but it only reveals your obsession with . . .

^^^^^ tl;dr. I note you cannot even address or refute a single thing I said. Typical.

View attachment 417969
Delusional Trumpbot.

Name-calling Ignorant Thug Troll

OK asshat, I will begin with your first three contentions.

Report from the Inspector General on your contention. Found that the IRS targeted both left and right leaning organizations, that the investigations were not politically motivated, and the IG report effectively ended the entire fiasco. Guess you forgot about that, or more likely, never paid attention to it when it hit the news.

So the Beck's initiated a lawsuit directly related to your second contention, it has been thrown out at every hearing and has been appealed to the SCOTUS. Dollar to a doughut they don't bother to hear it.

The Steele dossier was initially funded by the Washington Free Beacon, a right leaning media source that I am sure you frequent.
Because they weren't voting for Trump.
in a fair election biden might get more votes in some deep blue counties

but when he gets ALL the votes something is wrong
I am referring to the votes during the recount

and votes “discovered” during the audit

they NEVER break in biden’s favor

All of the clerical “errors” if uncounted would hurt trump

does that seem like coincidence to you?

it doesnt seem like it to me

So how many ballots were found to be irregular?

"A staffer for Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger said Tuesday that he participated in a controversial phone call with Sen. Lindsey Graham and said he heard Graham ask if state officials could throw out ballots. Sterling said on Tuesday, “What I heard was basically discussions about absentee ballots and if a potentially … if there was a percentage of signatures that weren’t really, truly matching, is there some point we could get to, we could say somebody went to a courtroom could say well, let’s throw (out) all these ballots -- “There is no physical ability for this office to do anything along those lines,” Sterling continued, referring to throwing out absentee ballots that have already been deemed legal by local election officials."

I don't know who this Sterling guy is -- but he clearly needs to be shown a lesson -- Raffensberger and his family have already received death threats -- maybe its time that this Sterling guy gets some death threats too -- until they get with the program and swing this election in Trump's can't pull off a coup if you are a coward, it takes bravery!!
illegal ballots should be thrown out

if that makes dems feel cheated then lets have a new election in Georgia for president and senate only

Y? Cult45 would likely lose by an even steeper margin.

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