Another January 6 "Trespasser"

You still don't get it.

No one's denying there was violence, it's just that no one cares about it.


Because the abusive and unequal application of the law.

Selective prosecution based SOLELY on partisan affiliation

As long as that goes on, hell yes there's going to be violence. Bank on it.
tell us about the registered democrats who traspassed into government buildings, and interrupted official proceedings in a takeover attempt.

The appropriate, warranted prosecution of rightwing domestic terrorists will continue regardless who controls Congress.
No, your Pantifa and BLM murderers and rioters will be prosecuted. Ray Epps and Nancy Pelosi put on the stand. As you cry.
You won't see the correlation with your statement and how people in low-income communities also see it as (solely partisan and unequal application of the law), so they tell you
in no such terms to BANK ON VIOLENCE!

But we're on the same side, don't you see?

No one likes jackboots on their neck, not even old white men.

I'm not the one who told the cops to go after the poor, and I'm also not the one who told them to kneel for commies.
"Read the fucking newspapers. I ain't your gofer."
......"you fuckers"....
A little know accomplishment I am mildly proud of:
I can understand and interpret a number of the dialects of Q-MAGA Speak.

The above entries by the chatroom's self-professed research scientist and security expert, "Scruffy", can be understood to mean: 'I made it up. I hope it is true. But I can't say for sure it is. Still, go f*ck-off, because you are embarrassing me by asking if I know what I am talking about."

Now, yes......our American/English vocabulary does employ more words that Q-MAGA-Speak, as you can see in the translation above. But, it is argued, that is because American English speakers simply know more words than Q-MAGA's.
So there is that. ;)


I'm not your lackey. Fuck off and expire.
...."Now, bitch!" ........ Now, where's my fucking sammich?
Yes, we have two of 'em in this thread. (I've read on this venue speculation that they are Trump University alums. But don't know that for sure as all records for that school were confiscated by the Feds when they shut it down for fraud.)

And yes, the dialect is a little different between these alumni. One is simply profane and defensive. The other is profane, defensive, and misogynistic.

But their base messaging is the same, despite their dialects. To Wit: 'This is how grievance ridden, resentment fueled incels and ne'er-do-wells talk.'

Hey, we can live it.
After all, America is a melting pot.
There are any number of unpalatable mystery-meats in the gumbo. No?

What does QAnon, a nonsensical conspiracy theory about flesh-eating vampires and alien hybrid pedophiles have to do with real, corrupt government agencies....."
That's a pertinent question by the good poster 'BothWings'.

My avatar would suggest he query the two alleged Trump University alumni above....avatars 'Scruffy' and his wingman, 'OhPlease'. They seem to be familiar and fluent in Q-MAGA world. They may offer insight into their quest for vampires and hybrid pedophiles.

Good luck.

tell us about the registered democrats who traspassed into government buildings, and interrupted official proceedings in a takeover attempt.
Yep, a few hundred old fat out of shape core American patriots in Carhartt gear and armed with crutches, flags and a fire extinguisher showed up at THEIR Capitol Building to "take over the government"....hahaha
Those Apache choppers would be no match for some old fat dudes wielding flags and crutches would they?
The crazy thing is; you whack-jobs don't even realize how fucking stupid you sound when you say this retarded shit, you embarrass the fuck out of yourself and you don’t even know it….and you wonder why NOBODY decent, sane and legitimate takes you LefTarded fools seriously.

You still don't get it.

No one's denying there was violence, it's just that no one cares about it.


Because the abusive and unequal application of the law.

Selective prosecution based SOLELY on partisan affiliation

As long as that goes on, hell yes there's going to be violence. Bank on it.
This a lie.

What’s being denied by conservatives is the fact that there was a lawless, treasonous rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy, a rightwing coup attempt which sought to overturn a fair, honest, accurate, and Constitutional election and install Trump as despot and dictator contrary to the will of the American people.

The rightwing terrorists are being prosecuted in accordance with the law, afforded their comprehensive due process, absent any abuse of the law, based solely on the facts of their criminal acts and not partisan affiliation – indeed, most have willingly acknowledged their guilt.

And the warranted, appropriate, lawful prosecution of rightwing domestic terrorists will continue as long as is necessary until justice is served, regardless the threats of violence by the lawless right.
This a lie.

What’s being denied by conservatives is the fact that there was a lawless, treasonous rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy, a rightwing coup attempt which sought to overturn a fair, honest, accurate, and Constitutional election and install Trump as despot and dictator contrary to the will of the American people.

The rightwing terrorists are being prosecuted in accordance with the law, afforded their comprehensive due process, absent any abuse of the law, based solely on the facts of their criminal acts and not partisan affiliation – indeed, most have willingly acknowledged their guilt.

And the warranted, appropriate, lawful prosecution of rightwing domestic terrorists will continue as long as is necessary until justice is served, regardless the threats of violence by the lawless right.

You haven't seen any violence from conservatives

If righties have to get violent with you fuckers they'll tear you apart
What’s being denied by conservatives is the fact that there was a lawless, treasonous rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy
Where was all of this indignation when the democrat, BLM/Antifa crowd was taking over blocks of downtown Seattle and a police precinct for six weeks in 2020? Or the three solid months of BLM/Antifa insurrection in Portland where they lit up a federal building with people inside. Or the untold number of cities that BLM/Antifa terrorized, burned, looted and murdered in during 2020. Take your hypocritical shit down the road.
Where was all of this indignation when the democrat, BLM/Antifa crowd was taking over blocks of downtown Seattle and a police precinct for six weeks in 2020? Or the three solid months of BLM/Antifa insurrection in Portland where they lit up a federal building with people inside. Or the untold number of cities that BLM/Antifa terrorized, burned, looted and murdered in during 2020. Take your hypocritical shit down the road.
Exactly! ^^^
Those fat out of shape MAGArats were lead by very fit Oath Keepers and Proud Boys and the entire mass of people had one job.

Stop the electoral count and they briefly succeeded. Had Pence done what the Secret Service tried to pressure him into doing and gotten into that escape Limo...the plot may well have succeeded
"Kill him with his own gun"

That's what this MAGArat was shouting.

They should have thrown away the key

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