Another January 6 "Trespasser"

It sounds very much to me like Michael Fanone was a plant. He supposedly was a Trump supporter "who later retracted his support for Trump" after Trump fired FBI director Comey for his mishandling of the investigation into Hillary...and for "anti Asian comments" (Wikipedia). Mr. Fanone must have NOT supported Hillary at all if he voted for Trump. It sounds to me like he DID support Hillary though..if he would retract his support for Trump based on that. In addition to this Fanone looks more "Hollywood" than George Clooney! It wouldbt surprise me at all if he was a police officer...but one tapped as a Crisis Actor by the same people who seem to control the FBI now and send them on bogus, fruitless Trump-hating witch-hunts. Likely Fanone was used to link Trump to extremists, and to actually ASPIRE to Trump supporters via his claim to have voted for Trump. Later, as part of the plan he relinquished his support and the result was supposed to be that other Trump followers should do the same. It is this EXACT SAME type of drama that the CIA uses in foreign countries to influence the politics there. Why would anyone in their right mind believe that a corrupt CIA could not be employed to use these tactics domestically??? Obviously the FBI is corrupt so why not the CIA and other intelligence agencies? They have all the training and resources needed to pull off exactly this type of event. It's exactly what they are trained to do in foreign countries in order to rewire them politically.
And you thought the QAnon idiocy was dead...
Which 40 people were charged with murder? 2000 injured cops? When? Where? Who did it specifically?

Read the fucking newspapers. I ain't your gofer.

No. I am worried that a bunch of Trump supporters attempted an insurrection.

Yeah. We know. It"s called TDS.

It was caused by Trump's lies. He sent them to the capital knowing they were armed.


Good grief. Link please.

I told you, I ain't your gofer.

I am sure rehashing Trump's election lies sounds like a good time to you but I'm not interested in the same CT I have been hearing from the Trump sheep for the last couple years.

Fine. That's why you idiots are being kicked out of office.

If you can't get over it, might I recommend doing a search for stolen election threads; I am sure there are dozens, and have yourself a good time. Don't forget to bring up bamboo and that cool graph with sudden count increase (a favorite among the bobbleheads).

More bleating bullshit from the leftards.

Hey - you fuckers are leaving town in 11 days.

THEN we're going to investigate the hell out of you.


Good luck.

We don't need luck. Just hard work and focus.

All we have to do is turn on the light, and a lot of you leftards asswipes will be going to jail for a very long time
Read the fucking newspapers. I ain't your gofer.

Oh. I didn't realize we were making up numbers and asking the other poster to confirm.

Thousands of the BLM protestors were actually Trump supporters in disguise and those are the ones that did the damage and killed dozens of people.

You don't believe me? Look it up.

I am not your gofer.
Yeah. We know. It"s called TDS.

Ahhh, the classic Trump deflection.


I told you, I ain't your gofer.

Yeah, I know now. It's good.

Fine. That's why you idiots are being kicked out of office.

More bleating bullshit from the leftards.

Hey - you fuckers are leaving town in 11 days.

THEN we're going to investigate the hell out of you.


Yeah, I know. That's all Repubs do is investigate. Your politicians run on it as a major platform. It started with Kenneth star, throw in about 8 or 9 Benghazi investigations, several email investigations, the Mueller investigation...and perhaps funniest if all was the Durham investigation. It was a republican investigation that was investigating a republican investigation. You can't make this stuff up...ROFL.
We don't need luck. Just hard work and focus.

All we have to do is turn on the light, and a lot of you leftards asswipes will be going to jail for a very long time
Yes. I am sure that's what your media masters are telling you. It's what they told you in 2016 too but some people don't learned and are easily conned again...and again...and again. You probably still think Hillary will be "locked up". Lol. Good luck with your investigations.
And my brokerage account only lost $40K during Trump (covid), recovered very well, and has already lost $55K in the last two years of the Cabbage In Chief. Anecdotes are not evidence.
I know you are just making up number, and here are the REAL numbers to prove you are lying.

Dow under trump when pandemic hit.
High. 29,400
Low. 21,600
That is a 26.5% Decrease.

Dow during Biden Term
High. 36,300
Low. 29,600
That is a decrease of 18.4%

You see, 26.5% > 18.4%

My numbers are FACTS, Look it up.
I know you are just making up number, and here are the REAL numbers to prove you are lying.

Dow under trump when pandemic hit.
High. 29,400
Low. 21,600
That is a 26.5% Decrease.

Dow during Biden Term
High. 36,300
Low. 29,600
That is a decrease of 18.4%

You see, 26.5% > 18.4%

My numbers are FACTS, Look it up.

I'm not your lackey. Fuck off and expire.
You still don't get it.

No one's denying there was violence, it's just that no one cares about it.


Because the abusive and unequal application of the law.

Selective prosecution based SOLELY on partisan affiliation

As long as that goes on, hell yes there's going to be violence. Bank on it
TRUTH, Scruffy!
And my brokerage account only lost $40K during Trump (covid), recovered very well, and has already lost $55K in the last two years of the Cabbage In Chief. Anecdotes are not evidence.

Dow during Biden Term
High. 36,300
Low. 29,600
That is a decrease of 18.4%
Dow today 32,500
Today the DOW is down 12% from it's all time high.

Hurts when you OhPleaseJustQuit gets caught in a LIE.
It's the trump thing to do though, followed by telling me I'm LYING, even though I provide Statistical Facts.
Dow today 32,500
Today the DOW is down 12% from it's all time high.

Hurts when you OhPleaseJustQuit gets caught in a LIE.
It's the trump thing to do though, followed by telling me I'm LYING, even though I provide Statistical Facts.

Quote the lie.


Folks, where did Winco go?


Edit: Errr.......... um..................... Winco?
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And you thought the QAnon idiocy was dead....

And you thought the QAnon idiocy was dead...

What does QAnon, a nonsensical conspiracy theory about flesh-eating vampires and alien hybrid pedophiles have to do with real, corrupt government agencies that only serve one political party which is infested with conniving unAmerican globalists?
Quote the lie.


Folks, where did Winco go?

And my brokerage account only lost $40K during Trump (covid), recovered very well, and has already lost $55K in the last two years of the Cabbage In Chief.
How does the MATH work to lose only 40K when the market drops by 26.5%


You claim to have lost even more 55K, when the market was only down 18% and is currently down only 12%.

There is one or two possible scenarios.
What's your reason/claim for losing less with a bigger stock % loss?
How does the MATH work to lose only 40K when the market drops by 26.5%


You claim to have lost even more 55K, when the market was only down 18% and is currently down only 12%.

There is one or two possible scenarios.
What's your reason/claim for losing less with a bigger stock % loss?

You accused me of lying. Quote the lie.

Now, bitch!

And prove it or be owned.


Edit: Nevermind Winco . Just get yer ass in the kitchen and make me a sammich!
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You accused me of lying. Quote the lie.

Now, bitch!

And prove it or be owned.

You got em good. How can they prove you lied about your own investments? He can't.

Fortunately for me I have increased my stock portfolio under Biden by 88k above it's pre pandemic highs. Under Trump my portfolio i had lost 67k.

Needless to say, I am doing much better under Biden's leadership.
Post 173

One doesn’t lose 40k in a 26.5% down market

And then Lise 55k in a 12% down market

You lie. ^^^^^^

Prove it.

The only way you can prove I lied is to call my broker and get copies of my brokerage statements for the last three years.

Guess what.


Now, where's my fucking sammich?
Donald Trump isn’t running for anything this year you retard. Mar-A-LAGO is a nice place to be living in. In 12 days you’ll be crying when Republicans have control of the House and Senate.

The appropriate, warranted prosecution of rightwing domestic terrorists will continue regardless who controls Congress.
You won't see the correlation with your statement and how people in low-income communities also see it as (solely partisan and unequal application of the law), so they tell you
in no such terms to BANK ON VIOLENCE!

You still don't get it.

No one's denying there was violence, it's just that no one cares about it.


Because the abusive and unequal application of the law.

Selective prosecution based SOLELY on partisan affiliation

As long as that goes on, hell yes there's going to be violence. Bank on it.
Prove it.

The only way you can prove I lied is to call my broker and get copies of my brokerage statements for the last three years.

Guess what.


Now, where's my fucking sammich?
"sammich". you certainly act 12-18.

All you have to do is post the numbers.
For example:

40K is what % of What?
40K = 26.5% of X, .........26.5% is the drop during the pandemic.

X would be about 151K.

Let's say your 'broker' is special and you only lost 18% during the 26.5% factual drop during the pandemic. then you have $220K

SO, By your math, you had between 150K and 220K in your brokerage account.

See, Math is easy, just post the numbers.

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