Another January 6 "Trespasser"

It was a riot--you can keep spouting your pretzel logic until the cows come home, like most democrat points, it will not be true, no matter how many times you say it. Keep taking your cues from Piglosi, Nadler, Schiff and Schumer and you'll remain stupid --- and wrong.
By the left’s own definition, Jan. 6 was a peaceful protest.
How are your retirement accounts doing under Biden?
Down 10.3%
Right now I'm living off my Pension and my part-time job.
I don't have to touch the money in my Roth, 430(b) or IRA.

Remember when it was down 25% under trump.
The US voting statistics say there is ONE CHANCE IN A MILLION that the 2020 election was fair and above board. That is math, it can not be challenged.

Well, far be it from my poor avatar to challenge good poster 'scruffy'; however, we would like to know the source of this alleged "math". The source of this 'one in a million' chance.

So, good poster asserted it.
So you back it up.
Or, folks will think that you..............
I am taking my cues from the dictionary. Not sure what "cues" you think I am taking from those people. Rent free?...

Insurrection: an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government.

Yeah, I commented on that the last time you posted it and you called it "what aboutism" There was no revolt. There was a riot. Revolts have leaders, arms and plans for the future. Unorganized hellions are not insurrectionists no matter how twisted up you get yourself or how many times you post an irrelevant definition.

Man Who Dragged Officer Into Jan. 6 Mob Is Sentenced to 90 Months

As part of his plea, Mr. Head, a 43-year-old construction worker, admitted that during the violence outside the Capitol, he grabbed Mr. Fanone around the neck and told the crowd around him, “I got one!” Mr. Head then forcibly hauled Mr. Fanone down the Capitol steps and into the mob, where he was beaten, kicked and attacked with a stun gun.

Some in the crowd tried to strip Mr. Fanone of his service weapon as one rioter threatened to kill him with his own gun.

It's amazing there are still people out there claiming there was no violence and that "trespassers" are being held political prisoner in jail.
Another win for the good guys.
You still don't get it.

No one's denying there was violence, it's just that no one cares about it.


Because the abusive and unequal application of the law.

Selective prosecution based SOLELY on partisan affiliation

As long as that goes on, hell yes there's going to be violence. Bank on it.
You're not going to do shit, little man.
It sounds very much to me like Michael Fanone was a plant. He supposedly was a Trump supporter "who later retracted his support for Trump" after Trump fired FBI director Comey for his mishandling of the investigation into Hillary...and for "anti Asian comments" (Wikipedia). Mr. Fanone must have NOT supported Hillary at all if he voted for Trump. It sounds to me like he DID support Hillary though..if he would retract his support for Trump based on that. In addition to this Fanone looks more "Hollywood" than George Clooney! It wouldbt surprise me at all if he was a police officer...but one tapped as a Crisis Actor by the same people who seem to control the FBI now and send them on bogus, fruitless Trump-hating witch-hunts. Likely Fanone was used to link Trump to extremists, and to actually ASPIRE to Trump supporters via his claim to have voted for Trump. Later, as part of the plan he relinquished his support and the result was supposed to be that other Trump followers should do the same. It is this EXACT SAME type of drama that the CIA uses in foreign countries to influence the politics there. Why would anyone in their right mind believe that a corrupt CIA could not be employed to use these tactics domestically??? Obviously the FBI is corrupt so why not the CIA and other intelligence agencies? They have all the training and resources needed to pull off exactly this type of event. It's exactly what they are trained to do in foreign countries in order to rewire them politically.

TWO people died that day, idiot. And they are both dead because Trump let the mob rage for over three hours and egged them on.

You should ask yourself why your propagandists never mention the other woman who was murdered by the mob that day.

My god, you are such a brain dead parroting rube!
Down 10.3%
Right now I'm living off my Pension and my part-time job.
I don't have to touch the money in my Roth, 430(b) or IRA.

Remember when it was down 25% under trump.
When did that happen and for how long and did we have a potential world war occurring anywhere and were the worldwide food shortages occurring because our President was a wimp?
You know, I post often enough that 'I love this bar'.
It's mild snark, I know.
I use it most often when some looneytune assertion or description is posted by --usually-- a MAGA-Q, or one of Trump's Duped & Snookered (TDS'r). I ain't pickin' on them specifically, rather, it is in that cohort where we find the highest concentration of under-educated, ill-educated loons. And as such, they are forever posting up something weird or silly and, well, dependably dumb. Clearly, a GED ain't what it use to be.

But, despite that, you gotta admit some of the antics we see on this venue are great fun. Great entertainment.
Here, lemme give you some examples:

1) "It sounds very much to me like Michael Fanone was a plant."
2) "In addition to this Fanone looks more "Hollywood" than George Clooney!"
3) "It wouldbt (sic) surprise me at all if he was a police officer...but one tapped as a Crisis Actor..."

So there you have it -- a Hollywood Crisis Actor planted by the FBI in order to get dragged down concrete steps, stomped on, beat on with an iron pole with a 'Blue Lives Matter' flag, his badge and equipment violently ripped off, tasered in the neck, and suffer a real heart attack.
Not to mention this: ".......with members of the mob yelling, "Kill him!" and "Get his gun!"
Kill him with his own gun," another member of the crowd yelled, according to court papers filed by the Justice Department.

I woulda loved to have seen the Hollywood auditions for that acting gig. How many wannabe Crisis Actors would've bolted for the exit when the director describes how their star-turn would unfold on scene?

Honest, I love this bar!
It's not about the riot, you dumb fucking leftard asshole.

But YES, it was a minor riot. MINOR. A walk in the park

Compared to the terror unleashed by DEMOCRATS on ordinary American families during the summer.

No one gives a FLYING fuck about the Congress critters who encouraged those riots, supported them, and in some cases even funded them.

40 murders. 2000 injured cops. 4 billion dollars in property damage.

Which 40 people were charged with murder? 2000 injured cops? When? Where? Who did it specifically?

And you're worried about some dumb fucktard with buffalo horns and a megaphone?

No. I am worried that a bunch of Trump supporters attempted an insurrection.

Damn you're dumb. That riot was about TOTAL LOSS OF CONFIDENCE IN THE ELECTORAL PROCESS.

Caused by Democrats. Not Donald Trump.

It was caused by Trump's lies. He sent them to the capital knowing they were armed.

The US voting statistics say there is ONE CHANCE IN A MILLION that the 2020 election was fair and above board.

Good grief. Link please.

That is math, it can not be challenged. It's also science, it can be independently verified by whoever wishes to do so.

It is the job of Congress to GUARANTEE fair elections. But then Congress hasn't done it's job in FIFTY fucking years. It's been completely dysfunctional ever since the Dems lied to Ronald Reagan. They never regained that trust, never even tried.
I am sure rehashing Trump's election lies sounds like a good time to you but I'm not interested in the same CT I have been hearing from the Trump sheep for the last couple years.

If you can't get over it, might I recommend doing a search for stolen election threads; I am sure there are dozens, and have yourself a good time. Don't forget to bring up bamboo and that cool graph with sudden count increase (a favorite among the bobbleheads).

Good luck.
Yeah, I commented on that the last time you posted it and you called it "what aboutism" There was no revolt. There was a riot. Revolts have leaders, arms and plans for the future. Unorganized hellions are not insurrectionists no matter how twisted up you get yourself or how many times you post an irrelevant definition.
There was, by definition, an insurection.

If you have any more issues with how it's defined, I am afraid I will be of little help.

Please contact Webster and give em hell.
Down 10.3%
Right now I'm living off my Pension and my part-time job.
I don't have to touch the money in my Roth, 430(b) or IRA.

Remember when it was down 25% under trump.

And my brokerage account only lost $40K during Trump (covid), recovered very well, and has already lost $55K in the last two years of the Cabbage In Chief. Anecdotes are not evidence.

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