Another January 6 "Trespasser"

:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301: Nobody believes that.
YOU don't believe it because you have a very small mind.

Independents are almost as many people as Democrats and Republicans combined.

Trumptards are unable to fathom how a dickhead who never received more than a 49 percent approval rating lost his re-election bid. :lol:

That's the lowest high since such ratings have been measured. And you know how Trump lives and dies by ratings.

Well, he died, bigly, in 2020.

A rightwing domestic terrorist was lawfully killed while committing her act of terrorism – and thankfully so.

Her appropriate and lawful killing was justice served.
Breaking a window is not terrorism, you LYING sack of leftard bullshit.

Damn, what an asswipe you are.
You poor tards behave as it that will make a difference. :lol:

It will.

The J6 stupidity stops INSTANTLY.

Nancy Pelosi is gone. Rendered irrelevant.

Those two things alone, will make a huge difference.

You sure do have short memories! That's what your puppeteers rely on.

We will light a fire under the GOP.

Do not worry. They'll feel the heat.
You would surprised how many people need to be reminded that their was insurrection.
What "insurrection'?????
Who has been charged AND CONVICTED of "insurrection?

Because Commie REVOLUTIONARIES have settled on that term doesn't mean a MINOR RIOT is an "insurrection "
Yeah but an Officer opened fire and killed an unarmed woman who posed no threat. When are we gong to see justice in that case?
Participate in a mob-assault upon the United States Congress whilst certifying an election and you take your life in your hands.

Zero sympathy...

The shoot was righteous.

She chose poorly...

What "insurrection'?????
Who has been charged AND CONVICTED of "insurrection?

Because Commie REVOLUTIONARIES have settled on that term doesn't mean a MINOR RIOT is an "insurrection "
Sedition is pretty much the same thing but regardless, the definition of insurrection is not predicated on "charges and convictions."

Lol. Minor riot. You probably believe that too. The right wing media has done a number on you.
We will light a fire under the GOP.

Do not worry. They'll feel the heat.

Let's make a bet about something which actually matters.

Will the GOP House balance the budget?

Will you tards hold them accountable when they don't? Will you light a fire? Will they feel the heat?

Sedition is pretty much the same thing but regardless, the definition of insurrection is not predicated on "charges and convictions
Well, it absolutely does. Nobody's even been charged with insurrection. Therefore it was NOT an insurrection.

Words have meaning -- not simply what you WANT them to mean. This is why liberals have no credibility

This clown was one of the worst in the middle of the attack on our police officers. Hopefully his time behind bars will be unpleasant in the extreme. Well deserved!
Keep cheering for the criminal activities. Because here's what will happen the real insurrectionist antifa when they start their shit again they be lynched.

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