Another Juror, B29, speaks out.

"Zimmerman got away with murder" [he carried a loaded gun with one round in the chamber] from the OP quoting juror B-29. Zimmerman didn't set out to hurt anyone, and Trayvon Martin attacked him in a fit of pique. [ Tragic and avoidable. It is my sense here that Martin overreacted to being followed by Zimmerman. Zimmerman had every right to follow someone he thought suspicious, given the fact he had been assaulted by blacks previously. And Martin had no right to lash out and attack Zimmerman physically. How apropos of this whole incident. Perhaps, if Martin was so concerned, he could have called the police or sought out help from the neighbors instead of charging Zimmerman like a angry child. That's my thought on this, anyway. I don’t think "stand your ground laws" are wrong here. Not in the least.


"Trayvon Martin attacked him in a fit of pique"

"Zimmerman had every right to follow someone he thought suspicious, given the fact he had been assaulted by blacks previously"

"Martin had no right to lash out and attack Zimmerman physically"

"I don’t think "stand your ground laws" are wrong here. Not in the least"


Anyone, Right, Left or Center want to defend this post?
None of us here know what happened except Martin and Zimmerman. I have been a witness in a criminal trial and many more times a juror. I am torn here, because in Colorado, my home state, Zimmerman would probably been found guilty of manslaughter based on the facts as I read them . But the "stand your ground law" in Florida complicates this. Or simplifies it, depending on which side of the law you are on. I believe Zimmerman and Martin were both wrong, Martin should have just ignored Zimmerman or just called the police and reported Zimmerman. And Zimmerman? He could have just called the police or been a little more discreet. But like you said, we don’t know what really happened.
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You bunch of morons. If a guy is texting while driving and runs over someone, he isn't guilty because it was an "accident" and he didn't mean to kill anyone "intentionally"??????

You take Zimmerman's word and what's so hilarious, he didn't testify.

White wingnuts "debating" law is even more funny then when they debate "science". They are "Master Debaters", legends in their own tiny minds.

The evidence at the trial confirmed Zimmerman's statements to police. Witnesses confirmed Zimmerman's statements to police.

He didn't have to testify you idiot.
George Zimmerman Juror Says He 'Got Away With Murder' - ABC News

"You can't put the man in jail even though in our hearts we felt he was guilty," said the woman who was identified only as Juror B29 during the trial. "But we had to grab our hearts and put it aside and look at the evidence."


"George Zimmerman got away with murder, but you can't get away from God. And at the end of the day, he's going to have a lot of questions and answers he has to deal with," Maddy said. "[But] the law couldn't prove it."


"That's where I felt confused, where if a person kills someone, then you get charged for it," Maddy said. "But as the law was read to me, if you have no proof that he killed him intentionally, you can't say he's guilty."

When asked by Roberts whether the case should have gone to trial, Maddy said, "I don't think so."

"I felt like this was a publicity stunt. This whole court service thing to me was publicity," she said.


"I felt like I let a lot of people down, and I'm thinking to myself, 'Did I go the right way? Did I go the wrong way?'" she said.

"As much as we were trying to find this man guilty…they give you a booklet that basically tells you the truth, and the truth is that there was nothing that we could do about it," she said. "I feel the verdict was already told."


She said she believes she owes Trayvon Martin's parents an apology because she feels "like I let them down."

"It's hard for me to sleep, it's hard for me to eat because I feel I was forcefully included in Trayvon Martin's death. And as I carry him on my back, I'm hurting as much [as] Trayvon's Martin's mother because there's no way that any mother should feel that pain," she said.
Ok, now for my comments..

1 - Congratulations for recognizing that the Prosecutors did not prove the case they brought against Zimmerman and finally voting the way you did.

That is what you are supposed to do. The Evidence is what is needed to convict, not what you "Feel", not what you think you "owe" to others to do.

2 - I agree that this should never have had gone to court. It was politically pressured into going there. The Prosecutor even skipped the Grand Jury because she was afraid they would return a "No Bill".

3 - You don't owe Travyon's parents anything. If you had voted to convict Zimmerman despite the evidence but because of your "feelings" you would be owing Zimmerman and his family a lot more than just an apology.

You did the right thing. What you are feeling is a result of the political pressure being put on everyone by the race baiters who want to score political points for their agenda.

Have you ever served on a jury? For a murder trial? And if you did, were you given instructions from the judge that were so confusing even attorneys agree they couldn't follow them much less a layman?

I didn't think so.

Which attorneys had trouble with those instructions? Nancy Grace?
So the juror thinks he got away with murder?

lol, that seems to be slightly in conflict with the widespread opinion around here, by the Zimm fans,

that the jury found him not guilty because they believed he acted in self defense.

She "thinks" he got away with murder because that will get her more money than thinking he acted in self defense.
"Zimmerman got away with murder" from the OP quoting juror B-29. Zimmerman didn't set out to hurt anyone, and Trayvon Martin attacked him in a fit of pique. Tragic and avoidable. It is my sense here that Martin overreacted to being followed by Zimmerman. Zimmerman had every right to follow someone he thought suspicious, given the fact he had been assaulted by blacks previously. And Martin had no right to lash out and attack Zimmerman physically. How apropos of this whole incident. Perhaps, if Martin was so concerned, he could have called the police or sought out help from the neighbors instead of charging Zimmerman like a angry child. That's my thought on this, anyway. I don’t think "stand your ground laws" are wrong here. Not in the least.

46 pages of police logs of Zimmerman "reporting suspicious" black kids and not a single one arrested for anything, not even the 7 year old. Zimmerman said, "These punks always get away" and this one, he made sure didn't. And you don't know who attacked who. Zimmerman never testified. The witnesses said it was too dark to tell what was happening. Besides, it was Trayvon who was stalked. Who was chased. He's the one whose side the law should be one, not his armed stalker. If he hadn't gone to the store for a bag of Skittles and a can of Ice Tea, he would still be alive.

Well we can put it all in the "TOUGH SHIT" file now can't we ?

George Zimmerman Juror Says He 'Got Away With Murder' - ABC News

"You can't put the man in jail even though in our hearts we felt he was guilty," said the woman who was identified only as Juror B29 during the trial. "But we had to grab our hearts and put it aside and look at the evidence."


"George Zimmerman got away with murder, but you can't get away from God. And at the end of the day, he's going to have a lot of questions and answers he has to deal with," Maddy said. "[But] the law couldn't prove it."


"That's where I felt confused, where if a person kills someone, then you get charged for it," Maddy said. "But as the law was read to me, if you have no proof that he killed him intentionally, you can't say he's guilty."

When asked by Roberts whether the case should have gone to trial, Maddy said, "I don't think so."

"I felt like this was a publicity stunt. This whole court service thing to me was publicity," she said.


"I felt like I let a lot of people down, and I'm thinking to myself, 'Did I go the right way? Did I go the wrong way?'" she said.

"As much as we were trying to find this man guilty…they give you a booklet that basically tells you the truth, and the truth is that there was nothing that we could do about it," she said. "I feel the verdict was already told."


She said she believes she owes Trayvon Martin's parents an apology because she feels "like I let them down."

"It's hard for me to sleep, it's hard for me to eat because I feel I was forcefully included in Trayvon Martin's death. And as I carry him on my back, I'm hurting as much [as] Trayvon's Martin's mother because there's no way that any mother should feel that pain," she said.

Ok, now for my comments..

1 - Congratulations for recognizing that the Prosecutors did not prove the case they brought against Zimmerman and finally voting the way you did.

That is what you are supposed to do. The Evidence is what is needed to convict, not what you "Feel", not what you think you "owe" to others to do.

2 - I agree that this should never have had gone to court. It was politically pressured into going there. The Prosecutor even skipped the Grand Jury because she was afraid they would return a "No Bill".

3 - You don't owe Travyon's parents anything. If you had voted to convict Zimmerman despite the evidence but because of your "feelings" you would be owing Zimmerman and his family a lot more than just an apology.

You did the right thing. What you are feeling is a result of the political pressure being put on everyone by the race baiters who want to score political points for their agenda.

Have you ever served on a jury? For a murder trial? And if you did, were you given instructions from the judge that were so confusing even attorneys agree they couldn't follow them much less a layman?

I didn't think so.

Your sentence construction is seriously lacking in finesse. Attorneys couldn't even follow a layman? You gotta be shittin' us.
Have you ever served on a jury? For a murder trial? And if you did, were you given instructions from the judge that were so confusing even attorneys agree they couldn't follow them much less a layman?

I didn't think so.

Nope. I have only been called for Jury Duty once and it was filled before I was called up to answer any questions.

But that has absolutely NOTHING to do with the jury instructions, evidence, or anything else with this trial.

There was nothing confusing about anything here except as to why the Prosecutor brought the charges.

The prosecutor probably brought the charges because he believed what the jury believed,

that Zimmerman was a murderer.

The prosecutor brought the charges because she is a political hack.
As I posted before, GZ was found Not Guilty, he was never found and never was innocent. (I know that is too abstract for some of you. That's sad.)

I am not the one that has a problem with that, you are. You think not guilty means he got away with something, it doesn't.
So the juror thinks he got away with murder?

lol, that seems to be slightly in conflict with the widespread opinion around here, by the Zimm fans,

that the jury found him not guilty because they believed he acted in self defense.

It was the "law" that saved him..sorta.

That and Florida's Institutions.

The law is so vague and broad that with a friendly prosecution and a good lawyer..anything is possible.

Friendly prosecution? If they were friendly they wouldn't have brought the charges in the first place.
You bunch of morons. If a guy is texting while driving and runs over someone, he isn't guilty because it was an "accident" and he didn't mean to kill anyone "intentionally"??????

You take Zimmerman's word and what's so hilarious, he didn't testify.

White wingnuts "debating" law is even more funny then when they debate "science". They are "Master Debaters", legends in their own tiny minds.

I take the word of the 6 jurors who found him not guilty, what have you got?
"Zimmerman got away with murder" from the OP quoting juror B-29. Zimmerman didn't set out to hurt anyone, and Trayvon Martin attacked him in a fit of pique. Tragic and avoidable. It is my sense here that Martin overreacted to being followed by Zimmerman. Zimmerman had every right to follow someone he thought suspicious, given the fact he had been assaulted by blacks previously. And Martin had no right to lash out and attack Zimmerman physically. How apropos of this whole incident. Perhaps, if Martin was so concerned, he could have called the police or sought out help from the neighbors instead of charging Zimmerman like a angry child. That's my thought on this, anyway. I don’t think "stand your ground laws" are wrong here. Not in the least.

46 pages of police logs of Zimmerman "reporting suspicious" black kids and not a single one arrested for anything, not even the 7 year old. Zimmerman said, "These punks always get away" and this one, he made sure didn't. And you don't know who attacked who. Zimmerman never testified. The witnesses said it was too dark to tell what was happening. Besides, it was Trayvon who was stalked. Who was chased. He's the one whose side the law should be one, not his armed stalker. If he hadn't gone to the store for a bag of Skittles and a can of Ice Tea, he would still be alive.

None of us here know what happened except Martin and Zimmerman. I have been a witness in a criminal trial and many more times a juror. I am torn here, because in Colorado, my home state, Zimmerman would probably been found guilty of manslaughter based on the facts as I read them . But the "stand your ground law" in Florida complicates this. Or simplifies it, depending on which side of the law you are on. I believe Zimmerman and Martin were both wrong, Martin should have just ignored Zimmerman or just called the police and reported Zimmerman. And Zimmerman? He could have just called the police or been a little more discreet. But like you said, we don’t know what really happened.

He would not have been found guilty in New York city, which has a duty to retreat law.
Yep. Just as I thought. B29 is going to play the victim role and state that the rest of the ALL WHITE jurors bullied her into voting not guilty for George. Well guess what, she made that conscience decision and she will have to live with it. I guess she will write a book how she felt oppressed in the deliberation room

yep, she will use a "racist" card.
she is actually much more money-smart than the first juror - she knows how to play it safe :lol:

Maybe her family won't be targeted now....

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