Another Kavanaugh accuser admits to fabricating rape story - 'Just AS Tactic To Derail Confirmation'

Snowflakes like bring up liars denying sexual impropriety so much yet they always avoid bringing this one up....

It took them a month to get together with the lady in Kentucky, I do not believe the lies:: From Report:

Then, on October 3, 2018, Committee staff received an email from a Ms. Judy MunroLeighton with a subject line claiming: “I am Jane Doe from Oceanside CA -- Kavanaugh raped me.”6 Ms. Munro-Leighton wrote that she was “sharing with you the story of the night that Brett Kavanaugh and his friend sexually assaulted and raped me in his car” and referred to “the letter that I sent to Sen. Kamala Harris on Sept. 19 with details of this vicious assault.” She continued: “I know that [‘]Jane Doe[’] will get no media attention, but I am deathly afraid of revealing any information about myself or my family.” She then included a typed version of the Jane Doe letter.
Committee investigators began investigating Ms. Munro-Leighton’s allegations. Given her relatively unique name, Committee investigators were able to use open-source research to locate Ms. Munro-Leighton and determine that she: (1) is a left-wing activist; (2) is decades older than Judge Kavanaugh; and (3) lives in neither the Washington DC area nor California, but in Kentucky. In order to investigate her sexual-assault claims, Committee investigators first attempted to reach her by phone on October 3, 2018, but were unsuccessful. On October 29, Committee investigators again attempted contact, leaving a voicemail. In response, Ms. Munro-Leighton left Committee investigators a voicemail on November 1, 2018.
Eventually, on November 1, 2018, Committee investigators connected with Ms. MunroLeighton by phone and
spoke with her about the sexual-assault allegations against Judge Kavanaugh she had made to the Committee. Under questioning by Committee investigators, Ms. Munro-Leighton admitted, contrary to her prior claims, that she had not been sexually assaulted by Judge Kavanaugh and was not the author of the original “Jane Doe” letter. When directly asked by Committee investigators if she was, as she had claimed, the “Jane Doe” from Oceanside California who had sent the letter to Senator Harris, she admitted: “No, no, no. I did that as a way to grab attention. I am not Jane Doe . . . but I did read Jane Doe’s letter. I read the transcript of the call to your Committee. . . . I saw it online. It was news.”


Snowflakes like bring up liars denying sexual impropriety so much yet they always avoid bringing this one up....


Now you have moved to Clinton, LOL, Do you remember the letter from Jane Doe being online???
Right in time for the election. Wonders never cease. The GOP lies so much its really pitiful and shameful.
Now you have moved to Clinton, LOL, Do you remember the letter from Jane Doe being online???
You seem completely fixated on 'sexual deviants' who take advantage of women and who lie about what they have done, so I thought I would post that little clip for you...thought you might like it. Unlike Kavanaugh, however, there has been more than enough evidence presented proving Slick Willy's exploits.

Funny how the news broke about how Democrats in the US Senate had been criminally engaging in sexual misconduct for over 15 (FIFTEEN) years and that instead of reigning in their criminal behavior, stopping it, and holding their members accountable they instead CREATED A COMMITTEE WHOSE SOLE REASON FOR EXISTING WAS TO SPEND THEIR TIME PAYING FOR THEIR VICTIMS' SILENCE WITH TAX DOLLARS...and yet this despicable, jaw-dropping news did not merit one tenth of the media attention the false accusation against Kavanaugh did. Conyers and others were allowed to quietly slip into seclusion without going through the public torture Kavanaugh and his family were subjected to.

Go figure...
Now you have moved to Clinton, LOL, Do you remember the letter from Jane Doe being online???
You seem completely fixated on 'sexual deviants' who take advantage of women and who lie about what they have done, so I thought I would post that little clip for you...thought you might like it. Unlike Kavanaugh, however, there has been more than enough evidence presented proving Slick Willy's exploits.

Funny how the news broke about how Democrats in the US Senate had been criminally engaging in sexual misconduct for over 15 (FIFTEEN) years and that instead of reigning in their criminal behavior, stopping it, and holding their members accountable they instead CREATED A COMMITTEE WHOSE SOLE REASON FOR EXISTING WAS TO SPEND THEIR TIME PAYING FOR THEIR VICTIMS' SILENCE WITH TAX DOLLARS...and yet this despicable, jaw-dropping news did not merit one tenth of the media attention the false accusation against Kavanaugh did. Conyers and others were allowed to quietly slip into seclusion without going through the public torture Kavanaugh and his family were subjected to.

Go figure...

I thought this post was about Jane Doe being a fake? You know Pamela Harris never mentioned the letter, and also Kav (so they said ) was questioned over the phone about it??

This is the SC we are talking about, a lift time job, and we do not need an alleged attempted rapist on it or a person who has no problems with lying under oath.
I thought this post was about Jane Doe being a fake?
It was - I said YOU seemed completely fixated on 'sexual deviants' who take advantage of women and who lie.

Yes I do, but I'm here to debate the OP, your OP, which I proved to be wrong.
What was proven was the accusations against Kavanaugh were fake, unsubstantiated.

Go back and read my posts. I am talking the OP and Jane Doe, they never claimed the letter from Jane Doe was false , just in a telephone (so they say) conversation they had with Kav.
Kavanaugh said if he had something as traumatic as a blackout or a memory lapse, he would never forget. Republicans say see? He must be telling the truth or he wouldn't remember.
That night with professor ford was just one of many nights frustrated Kavanaugh didn’t get lucky. He doesn’t even remember the night most likely.
Looked like he made a note of it on the calendar.
What did it say?

It was wrote in advance.
View attachment 227073
In that July 1 entry, Kavanaugh notes plans to go to “Timmy’s for skis with Judge, Tom, P.J. Bernie and ... Squi.” “Skis” is short for “brewskies,” or beer.
The entry on Brett Kavanaugh’s calendar that could matter, explained

(It was right on his calendar)
I thought you meant he made note of attacking her. Like, “me and judge had a failed Devil’s Triangle with ford”
Looked like he made a note of it on the calendar.
What did it say?

It was wrote in advance.
View attachment 227073
In that July 1 entry, Kavanaugh notes plans to go to “Timmy’s for skis with Judge, Tom, P.J. Bernie and ... Squi.” “Skis” is short for “brewskies,” or beer.
The entry on Brett Kavanaugh’s calendar that could matter, explained

(It was right on his calendar)
Where on his calendar does it say 'Rape Christine Ford / Participate In Usual Train Rape'?

Like I said he wrote that in advance, plans you know. He would not write on the calendar he tried to rape a girl.
The FACT is neither Ford nor any Democrat could present the 1st piece of evidence to support the4 false allegations made against Justice Kavanaugh. You can continue to spin, spew, rant, and reach, but in the end the bottom line, the FACT, is simply that. No evidence. No witnesses. No crime. NONE.

Despite what Democrats claim applies to CONSERVATIVES, in this country people are INNOCENT - not guilty - until PROVEN guilty. Based on the fact that no evidence, not the slightest shred, could be presented Justice Kavanaugh is innocent. You don't have to like it, but's that's the way it is.
Yea but he lied on the stand. That was enough to disqualify him but republicans nominated him anyways
Yea but he lied on the stand. That was enough to disqualify him but republicans nominated him anyways
Bill Clinton lied to the entire world about an adulterous blow job and you snowflakes had no problem with him being PRESIDENT...

Obama lied ... About EVERYTHING ... and you snowflakes had no problem with him being PRESIDENT...

....and suddenly you become choosy / picky?! :p
Democrats still believe these accusations. In fact they intend to impeach Kavanaugh for denying them.
"One of Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh’s accusers admitted this week that she made up her lurid tale of a backseat car rape, saying it “was a tactic” to try to derail the judge’s confirmation to the Supreme Court."

Another Kavanaugh accuser admits to fabricating rape story


They have no idea who Jane Doe is.
And Christine Ford had no real idea who Brett Kavanaugh was...just some Conservative who was nominated for the USSC... :p

I believed her, but not like the GOP, they believed her , just it wasn't Kav, but I believe it was.

You believed her because she was going after a conservative, pure partisan BS. If the situation were reversed you would not have believed her.
"One of Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh’s accusers admitted this week that she made up her lurid tale of a backseat car rape, saying it “was a tactic” to try to derail the judge’s confirmation to the Supreme Court."

Another Kavanaugh accuser admits to fabricating rape story


They have no idea who Jane Doe is.
And Christine Ford had no real idea who Brett Kavanaugh was...just some Conservative who was nominated for the USSC... :p

I believed her, but not like the GOP, they believed her , just it wasn't Kav, but I believe it was.

You believed her because she was going after a conservative, pure partisan BS. If the situation were reversed you would not have believed her.

No I believed her as she was creditable unlike him. He show lying under oath was a good thing, partisanship and being ill tempered also was, he got confirmed, didn't he.
"One of Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh’s accusers admitted this week that she made up her lurid tale of a backseat car rape, saying it “was a tactic” to try to derail the judge’s confirmation to the Supreme Court."

Another Kavanaugh accuser admits to fabricating rape story


They have no idea who Jane Doe is.
And Christine Ford had no real idea who Brett Kavanaugh was...just some Conservative who was nominated for the USSC... :p

I believed her, but not like the GOP, they believed her , just it wasn't Kav, but I believe it was.

You believed her because she was going after a conservative, pure partisan BS. If the situation were reversed you would not have believed her.

No I believed her as she was creditable unlike him. He show lying under oath was a good thing, partisanship and being ill tempered also was, he got confirmed, didn't he.

You still have not provided any evidence that he lied about anything. That puts the lie at your feet!
Kavanaugh said if he had something as traumatic as a blackout or a memory lapse, he would never forget. Republicans say see? He must be telling the truth or he wouldn't remember.
That night with professor ford was just one of many nights frustrated Kavanaugh didn’t get lucky. He doesn’t even remember the night most likely.
Looked like he made a note of it on the calendar.
What did it say?

It was wrote in advance.
View attachment 227073
In that July 1 entry, Kavanaugh notes plans to go to “Timmy’s for skis with Judge, Tom, P.J. Bernie and ... Squi.” “Skis” is short for “brewskies,” or beer.
The entry on Brett Kavanaugh’s calendar that could matter, explained

(It was right on his calendar)
I thought you meant he made note of attacking her. Like, “me and judge had a failed Devil’s Triangle with ford”

No, that is only for their memories.

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