Another Kavanaugh accuser admits to fabricating rape story - 'Just AS Tactic To Derail Confirmation'

So, recapping, in the aftermath of Feinstein's attempted political ambush, we have 1 accuser who was unable to present any evidence to support her accusation, and others who have now admitted they made up their false claims.

Feinstein had nothing to do with this fake coming forward. The fake went directly to Sen. Grassley and the Republicans. Maybe she's a Republican plant to make Dr. Ford look bad,
all lies

she knew it was the summer of 1982
she knew it was the Bethesda, MD neighborhood, near the Country Club
NO ONE said, ''it never happened'', not a single soul...not a single alleged witness...


Ford could not remember when the event she claimed happened actually happened. When she was pressured to come up with a date she eventually came up with 1982. She had no clue exactly where she was - turns out she was in the neighborhood / HOUSE of the guy most people believe she mistook Kavanaugh for...but it was not him.

'Did Not Happen'? She named 3 or 4 'witnesses' who definitely said 'never saw it' / 'was not there' / 'did not happen' because Ford said they witnessed it and they said they did NOT = 'Didn't happen'.

Ford Claimed numerous things - all Unsubstantiated, all LACKING EVICENCE to support her claim. NOTHING!

She was asked about the polygraph, and she claimed it took so long it was hard to remember - the polygraph operator testified she was asked ONE QUESTION.

She was asked about the interview she gave and how her therapist contradicted her story she gave to the press - Ford insisted that it was the THERAPIST, not her, who had remembered it wrong / written it down wrong.


Snowflakes like you want to continue to condemn Kavanaugh, continue to call him / treat him like a 'CONVICTED' Rapist DESPITE THE FACT THAT THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT FORD'S CLAIM OR YOUR DESIRE TO LABEL KAVANAUGH AS SUCH.
--- This is a pattern with snowflakes, one that has been going on for 2 years now.
they said they did not remember the night, they did not say it did not happen, they said, they did not recall... which is absolutely, not the same thing.... they all left it ''open'' to being possible.... if it was a certainty, in their own minds, they would have specifically said, ''it did not happen'', but NO ONE said that....

Even ford never said he raped her... why do you lie? why would he be treated like a convicted rapist, when ford only said he attempted to get in to her pants... and if Mark had not saved her by jumping on the bed with them, she may not have been able to get away, as she did.

the miss identification of one guy that looked like Kavanaugh and Kavanaugh... was just another MANUFACTURED LIE by the right wing.... the guy who you all claimed looked like him was a close friend of hers and she said specifically, it was absolutely ridiculous that anyone would say, that she did not know the difference... between a guy she was friends with and dated and Kavanaugh.

the party was NOT at this guy's house that she was friends with and supposedly looked like Kavanaugh.... it was more than likely on July 1st, 1982, at Kavanaugh's friend timmy's house... that was written on his calendar that he went to have brew-skies at with 2 of the other boys she claimed were there, that he also wrote on his calendar....

the year was always 1982 and the house was always a house in the Bethesda area that she went to, after spending the day at the country Club practicing Diving at the Pool....

If facts were on your side, you wouldn't need to lie so much! :rolleyes:
You got that from a Credible source?
I posted it.

Where? All I saw was some crap from the Times.
I thought about posting the same crap from CNN, but I decided to go with a media source with a better reputation... :p

What? No Glen Beck or Alex Jones?

More derailing ?

It's what you do.

Just questioning the source. The one in the OP is a joke, much like Beck and Jones..
all lies

she knew it was the summer of 1982
she knew it was the Bethesda, MD neighborhood, near the Country Club
NO ONE said, ''it never happened'', not a single soul...not a single alleged witness...


Ford could not remember when the event she claimed happened actually happened. When she was pressured to come up with a date she eventually came up with 1982. She had no clue exactly where she was - turns out she was in the neighborhood / HOUSE of the guy most people believe she mistook Kavanaugh for...but it was not him.

'Did Not Happen'? She named 3 or 4 'witnesses' who definitely said 'never saw it' / 'was not there' / 'did not happen' because Ford said they witnessed it and they said they did NOT = 'Didn't happen'.

Ford Claimed numerous things - all Unsubstantiated, all LACKING EVICENCE to support her claim. NOTHING!

She was asked about the polygraph, and she claimed it took so long it was hard to remember - the polygraph operator testified she was asked ONE QUESTION.

She was asked about the interview she gave and how her therapist contradicted her story she gave to the press - Ford insisted that it was the THERAPIST, not her, who had remembered it wrong / written it down wrong.


Snowflakes like you want to continue to condemn Kavanaugh, continue to call him / treat him like a 'CONVICTED' Rapist DESPITE THE FACT THAT THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT FORD'S CLAIM OR YOUR DESIRE TO LABEL KAVANAUGH AS SUCH.
--- This is a pattern with snowflakes, one that has been going on for 2 years now.
they said they did not remember the night, they did not say it did not happen, they said, they did not recall... which is absolutely, not the same thing.... they all left it ''open'' to being possible.... if it was a certainty, in their own minds, they would have specifically said, ''it did not happen'', but NO ONE said that....

Even ford never said he raped her... why do you lie? why would he be treated like a convicted rapist, when ford only said he attempted to get in to her pants... and if Mark had not saved her by jumping on the bed with them, she may not have been able to get away, as she did.

the miss identification of one guy that looked like Kavanaugh and Kavanaugh... was just another MANUFACTURED LIE by the right wing.... the guy who you all claimed looked like him was a close friend of hers and she said specifically, it was absolutely ridiculous that anyone would say, that she did not know the difference... between a guy she was friends with and dated and Kavanaugh.

the party was NOT at this guy's house that she was friends with and supposedly looked like Kavanaugh.... it was more than likely on July 1st, 1982, at Kavanaugh's friend timmy's house... that was written on his calendar that he went to have brew-skies at with 2 of the other boys she claimed were there, that he also wrote on his calendar....

the year was always 1982 and the house was always a house in the Bethesda area that she went to, after spending the day at the country Club practicing Diving at the Pool....

If facts were on your side, you wouldn't need to lie so much! :rolleyes:

:blahblah: NO evidence, NO witnesses, NO case, NO crime...'Herman Cain' Part II!

Another Democrat plan goes 'boom'....

all lies

she knew it was the summer of 1982
she knew it was the Bethesda, MD neighborhood, near the Country Club
NO ONE said, ''it never happened'', not a single soul...not a single alleged witness...


Ford could not remember when the event she claimed happened actually happened. When she was pressured to come up with a date she eventually came up with 1982. She had no clue exactly where she was - turns out she was in the neighborhood / HOUSE of the guy most people believe she mistook Kavanaugh for...but it was not him.

'Did Not Happen'? She named 3 or 4 'witnesses' who definitely said 'never saw it' / 'was not there' / 'did not happen' because Ford said they witnessed it and they said they did NOT = 'Didn't happen'.

Ford Claimed numerous things - all Unsubstantiated, all LACKING EVICENCE to support her claim. NOTHING!

She was asked about the polygraph, and she claimed it took so long it was hard to remember - the polygraph operator testified she was asked ONE QUESTION.

She was asked about the interview she gave and how her therapist contradicted her story she gave to the press - Ford insisted that it was the THERAPIST, not her, who had remembered it wrong / written it down wrong.


Snowflakes like you want to continue to condemn Kavanaugh, continue to call him / treat him like a 'CONVICTED' Rapist DESPITE THE FACT THAT THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT FORD'S CLAIM OR YOUR DESIRE TO LABEL KAVANAUGH AS SUCH.
--- This is a pattern with snowflakes, one that has been going on for 2 years now.
they said they did not remember the night, they did not say it did not happen, they said, they did not recall... which is absolutely, not the same thing.... they all left it ''open'' to being possible.... if it was a certainty, in their own minds, they would have specifically said, ''it did not happen'', but NO ONE said that....

Even ford never said he raped her... why do you lie? why would he be treated like a convicted rapist, when ford only said he attempted to get in to her pants... and if Mark had not saved her by jumping on the bed with them, she may not have been able to get away, as she did.

the miss identification of one guy that looked like Kavanaugh and Kavanaugh... was just another MANUFACTURED LIE by the right wing.... the guy who you all claimed looked like him was a close friend of hers and she said specifically, it was absolutely ridiculous that anyone would say, that she did not know the difference... between a guy she was friends with and dated and Kavanaugh.

the party was NOT at this guy's house that she was friends with and supposedly looked like Kavanaugh.... it was more than likely on July 1st, 1982, at Kavanaugh's friend timmy's house... that was written on his calendar that he went to have brew-skies at with 2 of the other boys she claimed were there, that he also wrote on his calendar....

the year was always 1982 and the house was always a house in the Bethesda area that she went to, after spending the day at the country Club practicing Diving at the Pool....

If facts were on your side, you wouldn't need to lie so much! :rolleyes:

:blahblah: NO evidence, NO witnesses, NO case, NO crime...'Herman Cain' Part II!

Another Democrat plan goes 'boom'....


Did Herman wake up for another round?
Just questioning the source. The one in the OP is a joke, much like Beck and Jones..
I love it when snowflakes don't try to dispute the content, just the source. Bwuhahahaha…. :p
all lies

she knew it was the summer of 1982
she knew it was the Bethesda, MD neighborhood, near the Country Club
NO ONE said, ''it never happened'', not a single soul...not a single alleged witness...


Ford could not remember when the event she claimed happened actually happened. When she was pressured to come up with a date she eventually came up with 1982. She had no clue exactly where she was - turns out she was in the neighborhood / HOUSE of the guy most people believe she mistook Kavanaugh for...but it was not him.

'Did Not Happen'? She named 3 or 4 'witnesses' who definitely said 'never saw it' / 'was not there' / 'did not happen' because Ford said they witnessed it and they said they did NOT = 'Didn't happen'.

Ford Claimed numerous things - all Unsubstantiated, all LACKING EVICENCE to support her claim. NOTHING!

She was asked about the polygraph, and she claimed it took so long it was hard to remember - the polygraph operator testified she was asked ONE QUESTION.

She was asked about the interview she gave and how her therapist contradicted her story she gave to the press - Ford insisted that it was the THERAPIST, not her, who had remembered it wrong / written it down wrong.


Snowflakes like you want to continue to condemn Kavanaugh, continue to call him / treat him like a 'CONVICTED' Rapist DESPITE THE FACT THAT THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT FORD'S CLAIM OR YOUR DESIRE TO LABEL KAVANAUGH AS SUCH.
--- This is a pattern with snowflakes, one that has been going on for 2 years now.
they said they did not remember the night, they did not say it did not happen, they said, they did not recall... which is absolutely, not the same thing.... they all left it ''open'' to being possible.... if it was a certainty, in their own minds, they would have specifically said, ''it did not happen'', but NO ONE said that....

Even ford never said he raped her... why do you lie? why would he be treated like a convicted rapist, when ford only said he attempted to get in to her pants... and if Mark had not saved her by jumping on the bed with them, she may not have been able to get away, as she did.

the miss identification of one guy that looked like Kavanaugh and Kavanaugh... was just another MANUFACTURED LIE by the right wing.... the guy who you all claimed looked like him was a close friend of hers and she said specifically, it was absolutely ridiculous that anyone would say, that she did not know the difference... between a guy she was friends with and dated and Kavanaugh.

the party was NOT at this guy's house that she was friends with and supposedly looked like Kavanaugh.... it was more than likely on July 1st, 1982, at Kavanaugh's friend timmy's house... that was written on his calendar that he went to have brew-skies at with 2 of the other boys she claimed were there, that he also wrote on his calendar....

the year was always 1982 and the house was always a house in the Bethesda area that she went to, after spending the day at the country Club practicing Diving at the Pool....

If facts were on your side, you wouldn't need to lie so much! :rolleyes:

:blahblah: NO evidence, NO witnesses, NO case, NO crime...'Herman Cain' Part II!

Another Democrat plan goes 'boom'....


Wrong, wrong and wrong. There were witnesses. Those who said they "didn't remember" all refused to testify. Because they didn't want to perjure themselves.

Kavenaugh's creepy calendar matched her description of the event. You're digging yourself in deeper with every post, Rusky.
Wrong, wrong and wrong. There were witnesses. Those who said they "didn't remember" all refused to testify. Because they didn't want to perjure themselves.

Please provide the names of the witnesses who can collaborate Ford's accusations against Kavanaugh...and provide links.

The reason the witnesses would have perjured themselves had they testified that it happened, that they saw it, that they could collaborate her story Is because they can't / it's not true / they are and have no evidence.
"One of Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh’s accusers admitted this week that she made up her lurid tale of a backseat car rape, saying it “was a tactic” to try to derail the judge’s confirmation to the Supreme Court."

Another Kavanaugh accuser admits to fabricating rape story


They have no idea who Jane Doe is.


Don't you ever get tired of being ignorant?
Kavanaugh was a garish railroad job the results of which will be evident later today
all lies

she knew it was the summer of 1982
she knew it was the Bethesda, MD neighborhood, near the Country Club
NO ONE said, ''it never happened'', not a single soul...not a single alleged witness...


Ford could not remember when the event she claimed happened actually happened. When she was pressured to come up with a date she eventually came up with 1982. She had no clue exactly where she was - turns out she was in the neighborhood / HOUSE of the guy most people believe she mistook Kavanaugh for...but it was not him.

'Did Not Happen'? She named 3 or 4 'witnesses' who definitely said 'never saw it' / 'was not there' / 'did not happen' because Ford said they witnessed it and they said they did NOT = 'Didn't happen'.

Ford Claimed numerous things - all Unsubstantiated, all LACKING EVICENCE to support her claim. NOTHING!

She was asked about the polygraph, and she claimed it took so long it was hard to remember - the polygraph operator testified she was asked ONE QUESTION.

She was asked about the interview she gave and how her therapist contradicted her story she gave to the press - Ford insisted that it was the THERAPIST, not her, who had remembered it wrong / written it down wrong.


Snowflakes like you want to continue to condemn Kavanaugh, continue to call him / treat him like a 'CONVICTED' Rapist DESPITE THE FACT THAT THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT FORD'S CLAIM OR YOUR DESIRE TO LABEL KAVANAUGH AS SUCH.
--- This is a pattern with snowflakes, one that has been going on for 2 years now.
they said they did not remember the night, they did not say it did not happen, they said, they did not recall... which is absolutely, not the same thing.... they all left it ''open'' to being possible.... if it was a certainty, in their own minds, they would have specifically said, ''it did not happen'', but NO ONE said that....

Even ford never said he raped her... why do you lie? why would he be treated like a convicted rapist, when ford only said he attempted to get in to her pants... and if Mark had not saved her by jumping on the bed with them, she may not have been able to get away, as she did.

the miss identification of one guy that looked like Kavanaugh and Kavanaugh... was just another MANUFACTURED LIE by the right wing.... the guy who you all claimed looked like him was a close friend of hers and she said specifically, it was absolutely ridiculous that anyone would say, that she did not know the difference... between a guy she was friends with and dated and Kavanaugh.

the party was NOT at this guy's house that she was friends with and supposedly looked like Kavanaugh.... it was more than likely on July 1st, 1982, at Kavanaugh's friend timmy's house... that was written on his calendar that he went to have brew-skies at with 2 of the other boys she claimed were there, that he also wrote on his calendar....

the year was always 1982 and the house was always a house in the Bethesda area that she went to, after spending the day at the country Club practicing Diving at the Pool....

If facts were on your side, you wouldn't need to lie so much! :rolleyes:

:blahblah: NO evidence, NO witnesses, NO case, NO crime...'Herman Cain' Part II!

Another Democrat plan goes 'boom'....


Wrong, wrong and wrong. There were witnesses. Those who said they "didn't remember" all refused to testify. Because they didn't want to perjure themselves.

Kavenaugh's creepy calendar matched her description of the event. You're digging yourself in deeper with every post, Rusky.

How about some predictions for tomorrow ? You’ve never been right yet so...whatcha got?
As a good Christian you should love your enemies and be the bigger person. Judge Kavanaugh isn’t going to legislate from the bench is he? Is he gonna play partisan politics? Is he going to be that kind of Justice?

Do you truly now anything about Christianity?

Jesus said to love your enemies, but he also said he did not come to challenge the world / authority, to follow and obey laws and rulers.

People can feel sympathy and love towards someone while still holding them accountable to the law.

And NO, if you knew anything about Kavanaugh, if you knew his background, his character, his documented record you would know he is not going to legislate from the Bench. Chuck Schumer, before all of this crap started, actually declared Kavanaugh to be the most qualified Judge to be a member of the USSC, possibly more qualified that judges already on the bench.

Really, Schumer said that?

Schumer vows to fight Trump SCOTUS nominee 'with everything I have'
Kavanaugh said if he had something as traumatic as a blackout or a memory lapse, he would never forget. Republicans say see? He must be telling the truth or he wouldn't remember.
That night with professor ford was just one of many nights frustrated Kavanaugh didn’t get lucky. He doesn’t even remember the night most likely.
Looked like he made a note of it on the calendar.
What did it say?

It was wrote in advance.

In that July 1 entry, Kavanaugh notes plans to go to “Timmy’s for skis with Judge, Tom, P.J. Bernie and ... Squi.” “Skis” is short for “brewskies,” or beer.
The entry on Brett Kavanaugh’s calendar that could matter, explained

(It was right on his calendar)
Last edited:
Kavanaugh said if he had something as traumatic as a blackout or a memory lapse, he would never forget. Republicans say see? He must be telling the truth or he wouldn't remember.
That night with professor ford was just one of many nights frustrated Kavanaugh didn’t get lucky. He doesn’t even remember the night most likely.
Looked like he made a note of it on the calendar.
What did it say?

It was wrote in advance.
View attachment 227073
In that July 1 entry, Kavanaugh notes plans to go to “Timmy’s for skis with Judge, Tom, P.J. Bernie and ... Squi.” “Skis” is short for “brewskies,” or beer.
The entry on Brett Kavanaugh’s calendar that could matter, explained

(It was right on his calendar)
Where on his calendar does it say 'Rape Christine Ford / Participate In Usual Train Rape'?
Yup, and we al know Schumer never
Yes, and we all know Schumer never flip-flopped on anything in politics.....

Where does it say Kav is a great judge better than most on the SC? You should be able to find it.
Your exact words:
Chuck Schumer, before all of this crap started, actually declared Kavanaugh to be the most qualified Judge to be a member of the USSC, possibly more qualified that judges already on the bench.
Kavanaugh said if he had something as traumatic as a blackout or a memory lapse, he would never forget. Republicans say see? He must be telling the truth or he wouldn't remember.
That night with professor ford was just one of many nights frustrated Kavanaugh didn’t get lucky. He doesn’t even remember the night most likely.
Looked like he made a note of it on the calendar.
What did it say?

It was wrote in advance.
View attachment 227073
In that July 1 entry, Kavanaugh notes plans to go to “Timmy’s for skis with Judge, Tom, P.J. Bernie and ... Squi.” “Skis” is short for “brewskies,” or beer.
The entry on Brett Kavanaugh’s calendar that could matter, explained

(It was right on his calendar)
Where on his calendar does it say 'Rape Christine Ford / Participate In Usual Train Rape'?

Like I said he wrote that in advance, plans you know. He would not write on the calendar he tried to rape a girl.
That night with professor ford was just one of many nights frustrated Kavanaugh didn’t get lucky. He doesn’t even remember the night most likely.
Looked like he made a note of it on the calendar.
What did it say?

It was wrote in advance.
View attachment 227073
In that July 1 entry, Kavanaugh notes plans to go to “Timmy’s for skis with Judge, Tom, P.J. Bernie and ... Squi.” “Skis” is short for “brewskies,” or beer.
The entry on Brett Kavanaugh’s calendar that could matter, explained

(It was right on his calendar)
Where on his calendar does it say 'Rape Christine Ford / Participate In Usual Train Rape'?

Like I said he wrote that in advance, plans you know. He would not write on the calendar he tried to rape a girl.
The FACT is neither Ford nor any Democrat could present the 1st piece of evidence to support the4 false allegations made against Justice Kavanaugh. You can continue to spin, spew, rant, and reach, but in the end the bottom line, the FACT, is simply that. No evidence. No witnesses. No crime. NONE.

Despite what Democrats claim applies to CONSERVATIVES, in this country people are INNOCENT - not guilty - until PROVEN guilty. Based on the fact that no evidence, not the slightest shred, could be presented Justice Kavanaugh is innocent. You don't have to like it, but's that's the way it is.
Democrats like to claim Kavanaugh lied under oath....but breeze right over Ford's own perjury (according to her ex)

Never coached anyone (or talked to anyone) on how to take a polygraph test....? Afraid of flying?

Christine Blasey Ford’s ex-boyfriend says she coached friend on how to take a polygraph: Report

Ex-boyfriend of Christine Ford says she WASN'T afraid of flying or closed spaces | Daily Mail Online

So much for her being a 'credible' witness...

Again, all that maters is NO evidence, No case. And this latest accuser at least has the integrity (now) to admit she never met Kavanaugh and that her claim was bogus....
Now I follow the news esp on Kavanaugh hearing and I never remember a letter from a Jane Doe from CA. about a rape in the backseat of an auto. If someone can find it online before and during the hearing fine, I'll believe it but I do not remember him being questioned about it or hearing or reading about it.

From the report:

Email from Judy Munro-Leighton (dated Oct. 3): Munro-Leighton sent an email to several Senate offices claiming to be Jane Doe. Her email included an identical copy of the letter printed in the publicly released transcript of the Committee investigators’ conversation with Justice Kavanaugh. Both her version and the transcript differed from the original letter in several respects, including punctuation and the omission of one duplicate word. A detailed comparison is included in the appendix.77

Committee Conclusions

The Committee found no credible evidence to support the allegations in the Jane Doe letter. Justice Kavanaugh denied engaging in the alleged conduct. The letter is anonymous, and the Committee has no way to identify the sender for further investigation. Although Judy MunroLeighton emailed several Senate offices to claim responsibility for the letter, she later admitted that she was not the author of it and merely used it as a “ploy” to “get attention” and had never met Justice Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh Report.pdf

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