Another Kavanaugh accuser admits to fabricating rape story - 'Just AS Tactic To Derail Confirmation'

I believed her, but not like the GOP, they believed her, just it wasn't Kav, but I believe it was.

Of course you do.

Who needs evidence?

Just because she could not remember the date, could not remember the year, could not remember where she was, had no evidence, her 'witnesses' said it never happened, could not remember the polygraph test, and claimed her therapist contradicted her story because the THERAPIST was wrong doesn't mean anything.

only that she could be believed.
"One of Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh’s accusers admitted this week that she made up her lurid tale of a backseat car rape, saying it “was a tactic” to try to derail the judge’s confirmation to the Supreme Court."

Another Kavanaugh accuser admits to fabricating rape story


You got that from a Credible source?
She's already been referred for charges.

Anybody can make an accusation. Right wingers make new false accusations every day. It's what you do.
"One of Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh’s accusers admitted this week that she made up her lurid tale of a backseat car rape, saying it “was a tactic” to try to derail the judge’s confirmation to the Supreme Court."

Another Kavanaugh accuser admits to fabricating rape story


They have no idea who Jane Doe is.
This emphasizes the law that a person is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

In the political environment we have today and especially with the ME TOO movement it is just too easy to condemn a person with wild accusations of a malady supposedly done decades earlier.

I am so grateful for Kavanaugh to have strong personality to rise above those false accusations and stay in contention for the Supreme Court.

Of course he was angry. The accusations were false, his wife and children were being threatened.

The perperators should go to jail.

He should be disbarred for lying under oath and he showed his partisanship and his irate personality.
"One of Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh’s accusers admitted this week that she made up her lurid tale of a backseat car rape, saying it “was a tactic” to try to derail the judge’s confirmation to the Supreme Court."

Another Kavanaugh accuser admits to fabricating rape story


They have no idea who Jane Doe is.
This emphasizes the law that a person is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

In the political environment we have today and especially with the ME TOO movement it is just too easy to condemn a person with wild accusations of a malady supposedly done decades earlier.

I am so grateful for Kavanaugh to have strong personality to rise above those false accusations and stay in contention for the Supreme Court.

Of course he was angry. The accusations were false, his wife and children were being threatened.

The perperators should go to jail.

Kavanaugh didn't rise above anything, and his personality is one of the biggest proofs that he just doesn't have the temperament to do that job. The right only continued to support him because they expect him to ignore precedent and help them enact hateful right wing laws. Nothing he said or did during the confirmation hearings effected that in any way.
"One of Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh’s accusers admitted this week that she made up her lurid tale of a backseat car rape, saying it “was a tactic” to try to derail the judge’s confirmation to the Supreme Court."

Another Kavanaugh accuser admits to fabricating rape story


They have no idea who Jane Doe is.
This emphasizes the law that a person is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

In the political environment we have today and especially with the ME TOO movement it is just too easy to condemn a person with wild accusations of a malady supposedly done decades earlier.

I am so grateful for Kavanaugh to have strong personality to rise above those false accusations and stay in contention for the Supreme Court.

Of course he was angry. The accusations were false, his wife and children were being threatened.

The perperators should go to jail.

He should be disbarred for lying under oath and he showed his partisanship and his irate personality.
lying about what exactly?
"One of Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh’s accusers admitted this week that she made up her lurid tale of a backseat car rape, saying it “was a tactic” to try to derail the judge’s confirmation to the Supreme Court."

Another Kavanaugh accuser admits to fabricating rape story


They have no idea who Jane Doe is.
This emphasizes the law that a person is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

In the political environment we have today and especially with the ME TOO movement it is just too easy to condemn a person with wild accusations of a malady supposedly done decades earlier.

I am so grateful for Kavanaugh to have strong personality to rise above those false accusations and stay in contention for the Supreme Court.

Of course he was angry. The accusations were false, his wife and children were being threatened.

The perperators should go to jail.

Kavanaugh didn't rise above anything, and his personality is one of the biggest proofs that he just doesn't have the temperament to do that job. The right only continued to support him because they expect him to ignore precedent and help them enact hateful right wing laws. Nothing he said or did during the confirmation hearings effected that in any way.
ahh you're one of those who thought he should have smiled and said thank you to the people attempting to ruin his life. you all are quite spectacular.
The only way to cure this from reoccurring is to prosecute offenders and those parties aiding such to the full extent of the law. As it was written in the Ten Commandments thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
"One of Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh’s accusers admitted this week that she made up her lurid tale of a backseat car rape, saying it “was a tactic” to try to derail the judge’s confirmation to the Supreme Court."

Another Kavanaugh accuser admits to fabricating rape story


They have no idea who Jane Doe is.
This emphasizes the law that a person is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

In the political environment we have today and especially with the ME TOO movement it is just too easy to condemn a person with wild accusations of a malady supposedly done decades earlier.

I am so grateful for Kavanaugh to have strong personality to rise above those false accusations and stay in contention for the Supreme Court.

Of course he was angry. The accusations were false, his wife and children were being threatened.

The perperators should go to jail.

Kavanaugh didn't rise above anything, and his personality is one of the biggest proofs that he just doesn't have the temperament to do that job. The right only continued to support him because they expect him to ignore precedent and help them enact hateful right wing laws. Nothing he said or did during the confirmation hearings effected that in any way.
ahh you're one of those who thought he should have smiled and said thank you to the people attempting to ruin his life. you all are quite spectacular.

No. I'm one of those who was amazed that a Supreme Court nominee could act so childishly and cry about the questions he was asked.
The only way to cure this from reoccurring is to prosecute offenders and those parties aiding such to the full extent of the law. As it was written in the Ten Commandments thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

Somebody should mention that to Trump.
So bulldog please explain how you would have responded if your character and integrity were thrown under a bus, like some passive moron without a backbone?
So bulldog please explain how you would have responded if your character and integrity were thrown under a bus, like some passive moron without a backbone?

He had reasonable questions asked by reasonable people.
So bulldog please explain how you would have responded if your character and integrity were thrown under a bus, like some passive moron without a backbone?
He had reasonable questions asked by reasonable people.

Democrats had the information of this farce / incident for WEEKS and chose to hang on to it instead of going to the FBI, which they could have quietly done themselves, and asked for it to be investigated...TO PREVENT FROM IRRESPONSIBLY GOING PUBLIC WITH A RUMOR...BUT THAT WAS THEIR PLAN FROM THE START.

(Feinstein GOT hammered for her part in this despicable ambush and tried to crawl out of the fire by declaring she never really believed all of the accusation anyway....which only made what she did WORSE! If you did not believe it then why hold onto it and ambush the man publicly in a huge political 'Herman Cain' attempted smear job?)

With absolutely ZERO evidence of any wrong-doing in-hand, the Democrats viciously attacked Kavanaugh, calling him an 'animal', a 'rapist', a 'gang-bang / train' rapist, and painted a picture of him being the polar opposite of someone who he actually is KNOWN to be.

They went after his reputation, they went after his word, they went after his honor, they went after his chance to be on the USSC, they went after his ability to ever work as a professor, lawyer, and / or judge EVER again, they went after his wife, they went after his daughter, they wet after his family, they went after his marriage....through their despicable 'Politics of Personal Destruction' and the specific tactic of 'Herman Cain'ing, they sought to completely destroy Brett Kavanaugh out of pure HATE for President Trump and over not being in power to have their way.

This was an unprovoked personal attack on a man and his family, an attempt to destroy everything in his life for political benefit...based on lies / ZERO evidence. Personally, despite what the Democrats claim, I think Kavanaugh showed extremely great restraint considering what they did to him and his family.

'Reasonable questions by reasonable people'?!

Again, he was labeled a 'Rapist', a 'Gang/Train Rapist', a 'Sexual Predator' without due process and without there being any evidence of criminal activity against him.

Democrats INSANELY declared that the burden of proof was on HIM, the accused, instead of the accuser - which is NOT how 'Justice' / the 'Justice System' works in this country.

Democrats criminally declared he was 'GUILTY until proven innocent' - again, NOT
how 'Justice' / the 'Justice System' works in this country.

Across the country the Democrats looked like a bunch of wild dogs attacking someone - that's how insanely off base, how far they were off of how our Justice system actually works...and why Democrats / women started to walk away from the party in disgust.
So bulldog please explain how you would have responded if your character and integrity were thrown under a bus, like some passive moron without a backbone?
He had reasonable questions asked by reasonable people.

Democrats had the information of this farce / incident for WEEKS and chose to hang on to it instead of going to the FBI, which they could have quietly done themselves, and asked for it to be investigated...TO PREVENT FROM IRRESPONSIBLY GOING PUBLIC WITH A RUMOR...BUT THAT WAS THEIR PLAN FROM THE START.

(Feinstein GOT hammered for her part in this despicable ambush and tried to crawl out of the fire by declaring she never really believed all of the accusation anyway....which only made what she did WORSE! If you did not believe it then why hold onto it and ambush the man publicly in a huge political 'Herman Cain' attempted smear job?)

With absolutely ZERO evidence of any wrong-doing in-hand, the Democrats viciously attacked Kavanaugh, calling him an 'animal', a 'rapist', a 'gang-bang / train' rapist, and painted a picture of him being the polar opposite of someone who he actually is KNOWN to be.

They went after his reputation, they went after his word, they went after his honor, they went after his chance to be on the USSC, they went after his ability to ever work as a professor, lawyer, and / or judge EVER again, they went after his wife, they went after his daughter, they wet after his family, they went after his marriage....through their despicable 'Politics of Personal Destruction' and the specific tactic of 'Herman Cain'ing, they sought to completely destroy Brett Kavanaugh out of pure HATE for President Trump and over not being in power to have their way.

This was an unprovoked personal attack on a man and his family, an attempt to destroy everything in his life for political benefit...based on lies / ZERO evidence. Personally, despite what the Democrats claim, I think Kavanaugh showed extremely great restraint considering what they did to him and his family.

'Reasonable questions by reasonable people'?!

Again, he was labeled a 'Rapist', a 'Gang/Train Rapist', a 'Sexual Predator' without due process and without there being any evidence of criminal activity against him.

Democrats INSANELY declared that the burden of proof was on HIM, the accused, instead of the accuser - which is NOT how 'Justice' / the 'Justice System' works in this country.

Democrats criminally declared he was 'GUILTY until proven innocent' - again, NOT

how 'Justice' / the 'Justice System' works in this country.

Across the country the Democrats looked like a bunch of wild dogs attacking someone - that's how insanely off base, how far they were off of how our Justice system actually works...and why Democrats / women started to walk away from the party in disgust.

Kavanaugh didn't rise above anything, and his personality is one of the biggest proofs that he just doesn't have the temperament to do that job.

So if a bunch of people suddenly called you a pedophile, a rapist, a gang/train rapist, brought forward accusers you never saw in your life, accused you of these crimes without having any evidence, were using the national media to publicly brand you a pedophile / rapist despite there being no evidence, threatening to have you fired from your job, threatening to prevent you from ever holding a job again, began attacking your wife, began attacking your small children, publicly declared you were already GUILTY because they said so.....and you KNEW you had never done what they were accusing you of … you would be all smiles, patient, peaceful, tolerant of all the lies, tolerant of all the attacks on your family / marriage / wife / kids...would not lose your cool as the whole world watched this group politically crucify you for something you never did...?! YOU WOULD JUST SIT THERE, SMILING, AND TAKE IT?!

Kavanaugh didn't rise above anything, and his personality is one of the biggest proofs that he just doesn't have the temperament to do that job.

So if a bunch of people suddenly called you a pedophile, a rapist, a gang/train rapist, brought forward accusers you never saw in your life, accused you of these crimes without having any evidence, were using the national media to publicly brand you a pedophile / rapist despite there being no evidence, threatening to have you fired from your job, threatening to prevent you from ever holding a job again, began attacking your wife, began attacking your small children, publicly declared you were already GUILTY because they said so.....and you KNEW you had never done what they were accusing you of … you would be all smiles, patient, peaceful, tolerant of all the lies, tolerant of all the attacks on your family / marriage / wife / kids...would not lose your cool as the whole world watched this group politically crucify you for something you never did...?! YOU WOULD JUST SIT THERE, SMILING, AND TAKE IT?!


What a cry baby.
And Christine Ford had no real idea who Brett Kavanaugh was...just some Conservative who was nominated for the USSC... :p


Ms. Ford lived in the Washington DC area and Judge Kavanaugh was buddies with someone with a reputation for having a good time, so it was easy enough to construct a story that was believable testimony.
I believed her, but not like the GOP, they believed her, just it wasn't Kav, but I believe it was.

Of course you do.

Who needs evidence?

Just because she could not remember the date, could not remember the year, could not remember where she was, had no evidence, her 'witnesses' said it never happened, could not remember the polygraph test, and claimed her therapist contradicted her story because the THERAPIST was wrong doesn't mean anything.

all lies

she knew it was the summer of 1982
she knew it was the Bethesda, MD neighborhood, near the Country Club
NO ONE said, ''it never happened'', not a single soul...not a single alleged witness...

only the liars, like Trump, Kavanaugh, and you..say the witnesses said, ''it never happened'', but none of them said that...
we will never be able to prove or disprove what happened that night, on July 1, 1982, at the get together at Kavanaugh's friend Timmy's house....

But what we can do, is go over Ford's testimony under oath, and take Kavanaugh's testimony under oath and evaluate it, for the character and truthfulness of the two witnesses when being asked questions.

The existence of a “he said, she said” does not mean it’s impossible to figure out the truth. It means we have to examine what he said, and what she said, as closely as possible. If both parties speak with passion and clarity, but one of them says many inconsistent, evasive, irrational, and false things, while the other does not, then we actually have a very good indicator of which party is telling the truth. If a man claims to be innocent, but does things—like carefully manipulate words to avoid giving clear answers, or lie about the evidence—that you probably wouldn’t do if you were innocent, then testimony alone can substantially change our confidence in who to believe.

How We Know Kavanaugh Is Lying | Current Affairs

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