Another knife into the American in need

In other words the federal government was going to help states expand medicaid coverage for a limited time, rather than indeffinately and instead Republican governors rather their citizens go without. The OP said these issues, rent, cost of healthcare, groceries are increasing so doesn't that mean social services need to increase? How does denying free federal money to help that increase help their citizens?
If you can't afford to partake in the plan, you don't. Its simple. You can hire cops the same way. A lot of times the state or feds will pay their salary for 3 to 5 years, BUT, you have to pay them after.
You are confused Moon Bat.

The price increases prior to Obamacare were mostly associated with technological advancements that unfortunately were costly but a good thing.

What that filthy Obamacare did was run up the cost to paying customers for premiums, co payments and deductables so the goddamn welfare queens could get their filthy subsidies. How despicable was that?

It also put a tremendous unnecessary bureaucratic burden on the health care providers and tht really ran up the cost. It also made stupid procedures like sex changes mandatory for coverage that also ran up the cost.

A terrible bill and The Worthless Negro owns the destruction.
So you don't care about the poor? Then what is the OP on about? If Republicans don't care about the poor or social services why pretend otherwise?
It DID ... until I moved from a blue state to a red state. Don't know what took me so long.

I will just never understand you people that tie your success to the politics of a state or who is sitting in the White House.

I live in a red county in a blue state and neither of those two things have a damn thing to do with our success.
The country as a whole demanded more and more money for doing nothing which is why the FED pumped billions for years
Yeah. I was fortunate enough not to lose even a day of pay during the COVID crisis, and my wife doesn’t work. Contractual raised and bonuses continued as well. So those extra Government checks we received were basically bonuses which allowed us to reduce some debt and make a couple luxury purchases.
Agreed. But blaming Obamacare on rising costs is stupid because costs where rising before Obamacare.

And Obamacare did nothing to address that. Costs are a major problem. While many were able to procure insurance because of rising costs they can not afford to use it.

Again agreed, but at least it forced insurance companies to cover people with pre-existing conditions. It wasnt prefect, it wasn't even great but it was objectivley better than what we had before.

That all depends. Some indeed did lose their health care providers. It was not better for them.
And Obamacare did nothing to address that. Costs are a major problem. While many were able to procure insurance because of rising costs they can not afford to use it.

100% correct
If you can't afford to partake in the plan, you don't. Its simple. You can hire cops the same way. A lot of times the state or feds will pay their salary for 3 to 5 years, BUT, you have to pay them after.
Its not that they couldn't afford it, its that Republicans don't value human life or care about the poor and needy in their communities do they don't prioritize social services. In fact they're always trying to cut them.
Yeah. I was fortunate enough not to lose even a day of pay during the COVID crisis, and my wife doesn’t work. Contractual raised and bonuses continued as well. So those extra Government checks we received were basically bonuses which allowed us to reduce some debt and make a couple luxury purchases.

The pumping far predated Covid.
And Obamacare did nothing to address that. Costs are a major problem. While many were able to procure insurance because of rising costs they can not afford to use it.

That all depends. Some indeed did lose their health care providers. It was not better for them.
Do you not know what agreed means? I never claimed Obamacare addressed rising costs.
Price increases were occurring before Obamacare. What Obamacare did was prevent insurance companies from denying people coverage with pre-existing conditions.

That could have been done without all the extra baggage of ObamaCare.

Agreed. But blaming Obamacare on rising costs is stupid because costs where rising before Obamacare.

ObamaCare just the exacerbated problem, instead of fixing it like the claim it was going to
Its not that they couldn't afford it, its that Republicans don't value human life or care about the poor and needy in their communities do they don't prioritize social services. In fact they're always trying to cut them.
Maybe they realize we are killing the golden goose.
Do you not know what agreed means? I never claimed Obamacare addressed rising costs.

So quit trying to defend it. We needed UHC, not a give away to the Pharmaceutical and Medical industries. We did not need the lies that led up to its passing.
Agreed. But blaming Obamacare on rising costs is stupid because costs where rising before Obamacare.

Again agreed, but at least it forced insurance companies to cover people with pre-existing conditions. It wasnt prefect, it wasn't even great but it was objectivley better than what we had before.
Medical became a business. Sadly, when government started to become involved decades ago, the game began. Combined with the lawyers and everything is overpriced.
That could have been done without all the extra baggage of ObamaCare.

ObamaCare just the exacerbated problem, instead of fixing it like the claim it was going to
Well one of the provisions that was supposed to help control costs, mandatory coverage, was struck down by the Supreme Court.
Well one of the provisions that was supposed to help control costs, mandatory coverage, was struck down by the Supreme Court.

Forcing people to buy something from a private company is NOT the answer or defendable either.
So quit trying to defend it. We needed UHC, not a give away to the Pharmaceutical and Medical industries. We did not need the lies that led up to its passing.
Its not much of a defense. Saying it was better than what came before because millions of citizens can now get health insurance is like the weakest defense there is. I agree we need universal Healthcare, I don't agree with the OP that Republicans care about expanding social services in the face of Democratic opposition.
Its not much of a defense. Saying it was better than what came before because millions of citizens can now get health insurance is like the weakest defense there is. I agree we need universal Healthcare, I don't agree with the OP that Republicans care about expanding social services in the face of Democratic opposition.

It's all going to collapse because we won't pay for any of it. Remember "Make the rich pay their fair share"?

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