Another knife into the American in need

Your Bingo commentary isn't evidence of anything. Price increases were occurring before Obamacare. What Obamacare did was prevent insurance companies from denying people coverage with pre-existing conditions. Millions of people now have insurance when previously they had been denied. Is Obamacare perfect? No. It was Republican plan modified by moderate democrats to expand coverage while also giving a nice handout to insurance companies. The better solution would be universal Healthcare which would actually save us money.
You are evidence that crap walks and talks.
Another Democrat knife into the gut of the American in need...........

People in need of assistance cannot get help because the government has NOT adjusted the criteria for people in need to get help, in order to GET that help.

Prices have quadrupled on pretty much all food items. Some have stablized, some have even come back down (like eggs), but have not come down anywhwere near the price they were when the Dems forced price hikes.

Rent has at least doubled, for those that pay rent or looking to rent.

Insurnaces of all types have gone up at least 20% or more. Mine car insurance got jacked up from $90 a month for basic full coverage to $150 a month.
And I work from home, and I only drive to the doctor or the store, which is rarely even once a week now.

Everything has gone UP, but the criteria for getting help and assistance has not changed at all. NOTHING has been adjusted to accommodate these astronomical hikes in prices.

And the all around standard wage has gone DOWN at least 10% in most cities. And even with that, taxes on those paychecks has gone up 11% since January 2022, which makes your take home pay even LESS.

So even people who are working are making LESS money, but the criteria for getting help stays the same. And all these people hurting for food, shelter, medicine, utility bill help, or whatever help they are needing cannot get it because "they make too much money" by the corrupt governments "standards" for getting assistance.


Homeless camps are now flourishing in Las Vegas. I've lived here 37 years and have never seen it this bad. At the current rate, we'll catch up to LA in only a matter of months!!
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That's a shame. Is your belief in an afterlife based on one of the mainstream religions?
If so, do you feel that the god of that religion would have the same position as you would
No. None of my beliefs are based on Any organized religion.
Do you believe that Christ would approve of humankind, capably of medical miracles and the saving of life, harboring such miracles to make money
As a non-Christian, WWJD does not apply to me.
This is almost a contradiction to your previous statement. How can "Living it properly" not include sustaining life medically through the miracle of medicine? How could we as a society take such a gift and bottle it within capitalism and offer it only to those that can afford it.
The version of Right and zeroing that I believe in, which I believe are intrinsic to humanity, is not a nice, kind or pretty version. It’s a brutal, me-first mentality that puts one’s own best interest above every else’s.
Its not that they couldn't afford it, its that Republicans don't value human life or care about the poor and needy in their communities do they don't prioritize social services. In fact they're always trying to cut them.
Cut them to zero. There shouldn't be any government funded social services.

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