Another knife into the American in need

Then come up with a plan where people can affordably see a doctor when necessary. I care less how it's done.

MEDICAID. Emergency rooms. I saw no stacks of dead or sick bodies all over the streets in CA in 2007, 2008, 2009 etc. other than the normal 10,000 homeless in clusters around.
Incorrect: 2017 Tax reform had NO upper bracket increase until the last two weeks. Upchuck and Piglousy freaked out at the $10K SALT cap and rammed thru ~2% rich upper bracket reduction as compensation. Trump reluctantly went along with it.
Who said Pelosi or Shumer were progressives?
Who believed them when they said they were going to eliminate rising costs? You? I didn't. I'm not arguing about the rhetoric Obama and Pelosi said about it I'm talking about what Obamacare actually did. So it didn't curb rising cost. On that we agreed. On that point Obamacare was a wash. It did force insurance companies to accept people with pre-existing conditions which expanded health insurance to millions of Americans who didn't have health insurance before. That's a positive. That's better than them not being able to get insurance at all. Even if it's costly insurance. The mandate was supposed to limit the rising cost and that went out the window but if anyone thought that anything other than universal Healthcare wasnt also going to benefit insurance companies they haven't being paying much attention to politics.

If you call buying Silver, Gold or platinmum plans in 2015 for ~$1350/mo for two with $10000 Family deductible affordable in CA as WINNING. pure insanity.
MEDICAID. Emergency rooms. I saw no stacks of dead or sick bodies all over the streets in CA in 2007, 2008, 2009 etc. other than the normal 10,000 homeless in clusters around.

Break your arm. An ER will stabilize it. You then need to go to a specialist to actually have it correctly set and put into a cast.

If you have no insurance, if you can even find one to take you, they will charge you (I'm making this number up as I do not know the exact cost but it will make my point) $4500. If you have insurance the insurance will pay them $2300 and you will pay a $20 deductible.

A terrible system.
If you call buying Silver, Gold or platinmum plans in 2015 for ~$1350/mo for two with $10000 Family deductible affordable in CA as WINNING. pure insanity.
I don't call strawman arguments winning. They're argumentative and logical fallacies.
Break your arm. An ER will stabilize it. You then need to go to a specialist to actually have it correctly set and put into a cast.

If you have no insurance, if you can even find one to take you, that will charge you (I'm making this number up as I do not know the exact cost but it will make my point) $4500. If you have insurance the insurance will pay them $2300 and you will pay a $20 deductible.

A terrible system.

Oh I agree it sucketh massive crank. When an XRAY costs $450 out of pocket for a working taxpayer with BCBS top plan at work....yet the illegal sitting next to me gets it free? Or the slew of gunshot victims day after day in every major city. Do you actually think any of them have insurance? many shot in the head. Needing many surgeries and extended stay.
Oh I agree it sucketh massive crank. When an XRAY costs $450 out of pocket for a working taxpayer with BCBS top plan at work....yet the illegal sitting next to me gets it free? Or the slew of gunshot victims day after day in every major city. Do you actually think any of them have insurance? many shot in the head. Needing many surgeries and extended stay.

I'm arguing for a plan where they would have insurance and that the plan addresses the ever increasing out of control prices.
Break your arm. An ER will stabilize it. You then need to go to a specialist to actually have it correctly set and put into a cast.

If you have no insurance, if you can even find one to take you, they will charge you (I'm making this number up as I do not know the exact cost but it will make my point) $4500. If you have insurance the insurance will pay them $2300 and you will pay a $20 deductible.

A terrible system.

Some preventative care is paid 100% with insurance, co-pay only (after deductible?). You have to have major events to ever get close to completing your deductible at $8K or $10K.
Some preventative care is paid 100% with insurance, co-pay only (after deductible?). You have to have major events to ever get close to completing your deductible at $8K or $10K.

Yes, and that's great. For those without insurance and unable to afford preventive care, it's only more expensive when the issues become real issues.
When you pump billions and billions into the markets for years, this is what you get.

What billions into what markets? You smokin' crack with Hunter Biden?

The only markets that Biden and the democrats pour money into is Ukraine and China. But hey! At least Joe has allowed over 6 million new undocumented illegals into the country so far including 350,000 unaccompanied children, and nearly 100,000 of which they have somehow LOST, but a few have turned up according to some reports I've heard, found being forced to work for big international companies for no income doing menial labor.

You know, SLAVES, Child labor. Wouldn't it be ironic if that is what the democrats have ended up doing now.
Some preventative care is paid 100% with insurance, co-pay only (after deductible?). You have to have major events to ever get close to completing your deductible at $8K or $10K.

Adding to is what happens.

A colonoscopy is considered preventive. It's covered. If they discover a polyp they remove it and then charge you for a surgery.
What billions into what markets? You smokin' crack with Hunter Biden?

If you have been asleep the last 15 years, well..........

The only markets that Biden and the democrats pour money into is Ukraine and China. But hey! At least Joe has allowed over 6 million new undocumented illegals into the country so far including 350,000 unaccompanied children, and nearly 100,000 of which they have somehow LOST, but a few have turned up according to some reports I've heard, found being forced to work for big international companies for no income doing menial labor.

You know, SLAVES, Child labor. Wouldn't it be ironic if that is what the democrats have ended up doing now.

Fed to keep pumping roughly $1 trillion of liquidity into markets during tapering, JPMorgan says
If you have been asleep the last 15 years, well..........

You mean like this?

A little side note to your back-handed diatribe.
"In 2021, the number of people covered by health insurance from their employer sits at around 156 million, or 49% of the country’s population. The average annual premium for employer-sponsored health insurance is around $7,739 for an individual and $22,221 for a family."

What then is the prognosis to reducing the costs of medical expenses?

"According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, in small businesses, 29% of the employees with employer-sponsored health insurance have their entire premium covered by their employer for individual coverage, while in larger companies, only 5% have this benefit. On the other hand, 31% of covered employees in small businesses have to contribute more than half of their premiums for a family health plan, while only 5% of employees working in larger companies have to do so. "
This does not mention the out of pocket monies that families are destined to pay before insurance pays for any medical expenses.
The problem is a bit more complicated than being a worker. It has all different mitigating circumstances involved.
Where you work, who you work for, in which state do you work.

Then if a family/person needs to try to get out from under medical debt the consequences are quite devastating. Having a large medical debt occurred because of some unforeseen issue seems highly unfair.

  • Medical bankruptcy is an informal term that describes clearing out medical debt. There are two main types of bankruptcy for consumers: Chapter 7 and Chapter 13.
  • Exhaust all options — like seeking financial help from the hospital or signing up for a repayment plan — before filing for bankruptcy.
  • While bankruptcy can initially lower your credit score, it can also show up on your credit history for up to 10 years.

This is exactly it. Not once have I ever relied or needed the gov't to give me anything. Why? Because I worked. I still work, and probably for several more years until I can hopefully retire.

I obtained, education, skills, experience which I have traded for fair wages. I changed jobs in 2019. In the almost 4 years with my new employer my income has gone up 20K a year from my original pay. Why, because I work, I try and do the best job I can. I provide valuable resources to my employer who in return compensates fairly. I'm by no means "rich". But live a nice middle class life and want for nothing. That same opportunity exists for everyone who wants to get off their arse and make something of themself.

When it comes to healthcare, I really believe that our country can do much better and that there has to be a better solution that can provide affordable, quality healthcare to every legal, tax paying citizen of this country. I know for some on the right they don't agree with "Universal Healthcare". However, if the vices of capitalism is absolutely visible, it's within our own healthcare system. I don't want the gov't to run it cause the gov't will just fuck it up, but there has to be a plausible middle ground that works.
So you don't care about the poor? Then what is the OP on about? If Republicans don't care about the poor or social services why pretend otherwise?
You pay your health care bills and I pay mine. It is not my responsiblity to pay your bills. It is your responsibility. Are those concepts to difficult for you to understand?
I understand that's the Republican position in contrast to the OPs claims. Thanks for being a useful idiot. 😄
That filthy ass disasterous Obamacare passed because of RINOs in the Senate so you can take your partisan bullshit and shove it up your Libtard ass.
That filthy ass disasterous Obamacare passed because of RINOs in the Senate so you can take your partisan bullshit and shove it up your Libtard ass.
Jesus Christ you Bingo, no Republicans voted to pass Obamacare, not a single one.

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