Another knife into the American in need

We dont want to pay for 450lbs ordering delivered pizza on Disability or you getting your Teats enlarged + hormone injections to use wonwns restroom//
You feel free to say whatever you think justifies your callousness and we'll use you as a useful idiot as well.
Jesus Christ you Bingo, no Republicans voted to pass Obamacare, not a single one.
You are confused Moon Bat, and stupid as usual.

No Republicans in the House voted for the goddamn bill and that was good.

However, when it got to the Senate three RINOs joined the filthy Democrats to fuck America.

The voted against the bill on the floor but the bitches allowed it to go to a floor vote by not invoking Cloture. One of the most chickenshit things that have ever been done by the Senate.

Then later you had that piece of RINO shit McCain that was so demented with the TDS mental illness that he voted aginst doing away with Obamacare. Just to spite Trump because Trump wouldn't kiss his RINO ass.

There are many examples in modern history where weak minded Republicans have joined with the Democrats to fuck this country. Obamacare is just one of them. Remember when the Republicans joined the idiot Democrats to pass they infamous AWB? For instance, just wait in a few days until we see the Republicans allow the goddamn Democrats to create more debt for the US instead of just saying no. Every tax increase we had in modern times came with some Republican support.

Take your partisan hate and shove it Moon Bat.
You are confused Moon Bat, and stupid as usual.

No Republicans in the House voted for the goddamn bill and that was good.

However, when it got to the Senate three RINOs joined the filthy Democrats to fuck America.

The voted against the bill on the floor but the bitches allowed it to go to a floor vote by not invoking Cloture. One of the most chickenshit things that have ever been done by the Senate.

Then later you had that piece of RINO shit McCain that was so demented with the TDS mental illness that he voted aginst doing away with Obamacare. Just to spite Trump because Trump wouldn't kiss his RINO ass.

There are many examples in modern history where weak minded Republicans have joined with the Democrats to fuck this country. Obamacare is just one of them. Remember when the Republicans joined the idiot Democrats to pass they infamous AWB? For instance, just wait in a few days until we see the Republicans allow the goddamn Democrats to create more debt for the US instead of just saying no. Every tax increase we had in modern times came with some Republican support.

Take your partisan hate and shove it Moon Bat.
My quality of life is perfectly fine and has no relevancy to the reality or lack thereof of his comments, but your deflection is noted.

If your quality of life did not go down, then how is he correct when he said it did?
It's how the left buys votes. They allow things to get really bad a year before an election. Their plantation slaves beg them for more free stuff. Just before the election, some Demwit promises that he/she will get them more free stuff if you just vote for ME.

It's a vicious circle, but the bottom feeders and freeloaders don't have the brains to figure it out, so we just get the same old regurgitated BS year after year after year. The fix? Higher taxes. Ultimately, the burden falls on the working class.
RFK Jr. has precisely targeted the resurrection of the middle class (Boston speech, 19 Ap 2023). Even a dimwit can admit that a resurrected middle class is a freeloader's worst nightmare. The larger that class the smaller the freeloading population.
It DID ... until I moved from a blue state to a red state. Don't know what took me so long.

In the blue shithole state I escaped from a year and a half ago, the leftist vermin have passed legislation that allows them to kidnap children from their parents, even from other states, and mutilate their bodies and their souls.


In the blue shithole state I escaped from a year and a half ago, the leftist vermin have passed legislation that allows them to kidnap children from their parents, even from other states, and mutilate their bodies and their souls.

Most Dems are dangerous and they don't even know it. They actually believe that stealing kids from their parents is "good" for the kids and "good" for society. There's a screw or two loose in their dilapidated thought process.
Your Bingo commentary isn't evidence of anything. Price increases were occurring before Obamacare. What Obamacare did was prevent insurance companies from denying people coverage with pre-existing conditions. Millions of people now have insurance when previously they had been denied. Is Obamacare perfect? No. It was Republican plan modified by moderate democrats to expand coverage while also giving a nice handout to insurance companies. The better solution would be universal Healthcare which would actually save us money.

All false.
Most Dems are dangerous and they don't even know it. They actually believe that stealing kids from their parents is "good" for the kids and "good" for society. There's a screw or two loose in their dilapidated thought process.

You're very kind.

Actually, they're fucking criminally insane.

Now you are getting it

I wonder how many more will get it come this election.

Actually I haven't been getting it. And I need it since the Communists took over.

But they're making CERTAIN nobody can get help.

Even the organizations NOT affiliated with the government can't get they money they need to help others.
Republican governors let their citizens die by not taking federal money to expand medicaid becuase they didn't want to be seen in league with Obamacare. Why are you all this stupid?

Obamacare is a scam. They've already proved it costs 10 times MORE to run the administration for it, that it does helping people. And most of those people can't get the help they need because the doctors don't "do" that kind of medical practice.
Obamacare is a scam. They've already proved it costs 10 times MORE to run the administration for it, that it does helping people. And most of those people can't get the help they need because the doctors don't "do" that kind of medical practice.

Kenyancare is and always was just for the pockets of the insurance and pHARMa industries.

I would be fine with whatever the owner decided to do with it. I do not see life in general as a terribly valuable commodity. A proper life may have value, but those are few and far between. I also don’t believe we have only one life to live.
That's a shame. Is your belief in an afterlife based on one of the mainstream religions?
If so, do you feel that the god of that religion would have the same position as you would.

And this next statemement isn't necessarily directed at you:
I find hypocrisy when the religious, especially "Christians", confuse their theology with economics and politics. Do you believe that Christ would approve of humankind, capably of medical miracles and the saving of life, harboring such miracles to make money?

I believe the value in life is in its innocence or in living it properly. The first lasts only a short period and few are able to do the second at all.
This is almost a contradiction to your previous statement. How can "Living it properly" not include sustaining life medically through the miracle of medicine? How could we as a society take such a gift and bottle it within capitalism and offer it only to those that can afford it.

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