Another knife into the American in need

What happened to tax the rich? The Democrats targeted the poor and middle class with tax increases. They tried to rescind taxes on the rich. (they did fail here at least).
Moderates and Conservatives happened to it. If you submit to political nihilism and treat everyone the same then what you've done is given up. Progressives have been increasing their numbers since 2016. Are they large enough to force policy changes? Not yet and not if people throw their hands up in surrender. Primary, primary, primary moderates.
Moderates and Conservatives happened to it. If you submit to political nihilism and treat everyone the same then what you've done is given up.

With both parties I have indeed done this. Why should I support politicians that do the opposite of what they promise?

Progressives have been increasing their numbers since 2016. Are they large enough to force policy changes? Not yet and not if people throw their hands up in surrender. Primary, primary, primary moderates.

The money goes to the corporate owned candidates. Just look at the 2016 primaries.
With both parties I have indeed done this. Why should I support politicians that do the opposite of what they promise?

The money goes to the corporate owned candidates. Just look at the 2016 primaries.
Progressive candidates don't take money from corporations. They fund their campaigns largely from small dollar donations.
I've always had affordable insurance through my employer. Now there is a shared cost from my paycheck and a portion that is paid by my employer. But when I go I think it's a $30 dollar copay. Then there is medicaid for low income.

But don't get me wrong, I think as a nation we could do better. I don't know how it gets done, but we could get it done.
Prior to Obamacare my insurance had no deductibles. Now it comes with a 2500 deductible. Plus higher premiums and co pays.
Another Democrat knife into the gut of the American in need...........

People in need of assistance cannot get help because the government has NOT adjusted the criteria for people in need to get help, in order to GET that help.

Prices have quadrupled on pretty much all food items. Some have stablized, some have even come back down (like eggs), but have not come down anywhwere near the price they were when the Dems forced price hikes.

Rent has at least doubled, for those that pay rent or looking to rent.

Insurnaces of all types have gone up at least 20% or more. Mine car insurance got jacked up from $90 a month for basic full coverage to $150 a month.
And I work from home, and I only drive to the doctor or the store, which is rarely even once a week now.

Everything has gone UP, but the criteria for getting help and assistance has not changed at all. NOTHING has been adjusted to accommodate these astronomical hikes in prices.

And the all around standard wage has gone DOWN at least 10% in most cities. And even with that, taxes on those paychecks has gone up 11% since January 2022, which makes your take home pay even LESS.

So even people who are working are making LESS money, but the criteria for getting help stays the same. And all these people hurting for food, shelter, medicine, utility bill help, or whatever help they are needing cannot get it because "they make too much money" by the corrupt governments "standards" for getting assistance.


Damn Trump!!!! (rolling eyes)
Another Democrat knife into the gut of the American in need...........

People in need of assistance cannot get help because the government has NOT adjusted the criteria for people in need to get help, in order to GET that help.

Prices have quadrupled on pretty much all food items. Some have stablized, some have even come back down (like eggs), but have not come down anywhwere near the price they were when the Dems forced price hikes.

Rent has at least doubled, for those that pay rent or looking to rent.

Insurnaces of all types have gone up at least 20% or more. Mine car insurance got jacked up from $90 a month for basic full coverage to $150 a month.
And I work from home, and I only drive to the doctor or the store, which is rarely even once a week now.

Everything has gone UP, but the criteria for getting help and assistance has not changed at all. NOTHING has been adjusted to accommodate these astronomical hikes in prices.

And the all around standard wage has gone DOWN at least 10% in most cities. And even with that, taxes on those paychecks has gone up 11% since January 2022, which makes your take home pay even LESS.

So even people who are working are making LESS money, but the criteria for getting help stays the same. And all these people hurting for food, shelter, medicine, utility bill help, or whatever help they are needing cannot get it because "they make too much money" by the corrupt governments "standards" for getting assistance.

Customer prices have quadrupled.

Where considering inflation peaked at 8.1% and is half that now.

Look down and see those bootstraps, pull them, stop whining and playing the victim.
Who was that candidate?

A letter from Candidate for WV Governor Stephen Smith

KANAWHA COUNTY COMMISSIONER Ben Salango, an establishment pick backed by Sen. Joe Manchin, secured the Democratic nomination for governor in West Virginia on Tuesday. He defeated Stephen Smith, a 40-year-old community organizer who ran a progressive-populist campaign, receiving 39 percent of the vote with 98 percent of districts reporting.

A Bumpy Road for Progressives in West Virginia
A letter from Candidate for WV Governor Stephen Smith

KANAWHA COUNTY COMMISSIONER Ben Salango, an establishment pick backed by Sen. Joe Manchin, secured the Democratic nomination for governor in West Virginia on Tuesday. He defeated Stephen Smith, a 40-year-old community organizer who ran a progressive-populist campaign, receiving 39 percent of the vote with 98 percent of districts reporting.

A Bumpy Road for Progressives in West Virginia
What party did Stephen Smith run under?
Moderate Democrats. Progressive Democrats do want to tax the rich and fund a universal Healthcare system.

Incorrect: 2017 Tax reform had NO upper bracket increase until the last two weeks. Upchuck and Piglousy freaked out at the $10K SALT cap and rammed thru ~2% rich upper bracket reduction as compensation. Trump reluctantly went along with it.
I support individuals. I do not support the party. I have noted why.

I voted (L) in the November election for governor.
The party is made up of individuals its not itself a living entity. My point that all Democrats aren't the same stands.
The party is made up of individuals its not itself a living entity. My point that all Democrats aren't the same stands.

I noted there were a small number of decent ones. That small number was luckily enough to stop the tax cuts for the rich the establishment of the party wanted to pass.

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