Another knife into the American in need

Its not much of a defense. Saying it was better than what came before because millions of citizens can now get health insurance is like the weakest defense there is. I agree we need universal Healthcare, I don't agree with the OP that Republicans care about expanding social services in the face of Democratic opposition.
Britain's universal care sucks. Why will ours be better?
It's all going to collapse because we won't pay for any of it. Remember "Make the rich pay their fair share"?
Let's not be as ridiculous or hyperbolic as the Right. The system is not going to collapse. It can survive funding it self on the backs of the middle class and working poor because what we lack in individual wealth we make up for with sheer numbers and volume. There are a lot us. And we keep making more. The wealthy have always used us fuel for the machine. Is that how it should be? Of course not. But try convincing a Republican or moderate that.
Let's not be as ridiculous or hyperbolic as the Right. The system is not going to collapse. It can survive funding it self on the backs of the middle class and working poor because what we lack in individual wealth we make up for with sheer numbers and volume. There are a lot us. And we keep making more. The wealthy have always used us fuel for the machine. Is that how it should be? Of course not. But try convincing a Republican or moderate that.

You aren't paying attention. The rest of the world is setting the table for our collapse over our irresponsible economics and war mongering.
Meh, if you didn't do for yourself and yours you only have yourself to blame.

I can't think of a instance in my life where I thought the .gov was going to go out of it's way help me.....They sure as hell went out of their way to hurt me though.....X 87.

If you are not involved in some sort of "alternate economy", even on the side, then you are fucked.....Playing by their rules is for suckers.....Don't be a sucker.
If you want more money in your pocket next week, work this week.

That mentality has worked very well for me over the last almost 30 years. Every week I work, I get paid, which allows me to pay my bills. On the flip side, every member of my wife’s family whining about not having enough money is unemployed.
This is exactly it. Not once have I ever relied or needed the gov't to give me anything. Why? Because I worked. I still work, and probably for several more years until I can hopefully retire.

I obtained, education, skills, experience which I have traded for fair wages. I changed jobs in 2019. In the almost 4 years with my new employer my income has gone up 20K a year from my original pay. Why, because I work, I try and do the best job I can. I provide valuable resources to my employer who in return compensates fairly. I'm by no means "rich". But live a nice middle class life and want for nothing. That same opportunity exists for everyone who wants to get off their arse and make something of themself.

When it comes to healthcare, I really believe that our country can do much better and that there has to be a better solution that can provide affordable, quality healthcare to every legal, tax paying citizen of this country. I know for some on the right they don't agree with "Universal Healthcare". However, if the vices of capitalism is absolutely visible, it's within our own healthcare system. I don't want the gov't to run it cause the gov't will just fuck it up, but there has to be a plausible middle ground that works.
I'm sorry, do you think other countries are beholden to the dollar? They're not trying to undermine our economy, they're looking after their own.

Which will undermine ours. Our even growing debt will become a huge problem.

We are Venezuela without the ability to manipulate the dollar.

But we will continue to spend, spend, spend without paying for it.

What is wrong with making the rich pay more of their fair share?
Which will undermine ours. Our even growing debt will become a huge problem.

We are Venezuela without the ability to manipulate the dollar.

But we will continue to spend, spend, spend without paying for it.

What is wrong with making the rich pay more of their fair share?
I never said there was anything wrong with taxing the wealthy. You're all over the place guy. We are undermining our dollar and making it less attractive to foreign countries.
I never said there was anything wrong with taxing the wealthy. You're all over the place guy. We are undermining our dollar and making it less attractive to foreign countries.

It's all the same complaint. Democrats saying the right thing but then doing the opposite.
When it comes to healthcare, I really believe that our country can do much better and that there has to be a better solution that can provide affordable, quality healthcare to every legal, tax paying citizen of this country. I know for some on the right they don't agree with "Universal Healthcare". However, if the vices of capitalism is absolutely visible, it's within our own healthcare system. I don't want the gov't to run it cause the gov't will just fuck it up, but there has to be a plausible middle ground that works
I cannot and will not agree with a “Universal Healthcare” system. I would not participate in any such system. Even if privately operated.

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