Another liberal coward caves in....wake up, where' in Trumps world!!

I still don't understand this "apology" bullshit.

She said what she thinks. She's hateful and nasty. That's how hateful, nasty people are. Let them expose themselves.

An apology doesn't change what she is.

This country has become a gaping, open emotional wound. Get the fuck over it.

Yep, we now know how she truly feels, and in fact it's likely she has used this word before to describe Ivanka and the First Lady.
Here's a clue folks.

This is not about "the media", the most convenient boogeyman for Trumpians after Hillary. This is about the manner Trump has coarseness the culture.

If you want to blame media, blame Twitter and the presidential aide who should be in charge of hiding Trump's phone.

Read this article about the tweet Larry Elder, a conservative radio host, who posted a tweet by Bill Maher. Maher posted the same tweet as Rosanne as a set of pictures. Doublestandards? Naaah!

Famous Black Radio Host's Powerful Tweet Valerie Jarrett Has Roseanne-Haters Freaking Out

Larry Elder


"[@realDonaldTrump should prove he wasn't] the spawn of his mother having sex with an orangutan."
--@BillMaher, "The Tonight Show," January 2013

.@therealroseanne makes the same joke about Obama aide Valerie Jarrett--and Barr's show gets cancelled.#DoubleStandard

12:25 AM - May 30, 2018
In my opinion, if she isn't willing to do more than just say that she is sorry, then she really isn't sorry in the first place.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. In this day and age, you must do more than just write a caption, you must paint a picture to illustrate the words that you choose to put out there.
Samantha Bee Apologizes For Her Ivanka Trump Comments After Widespread Backlash
Bee called the first daughter a “feckless c**t.”

If the hicks and hillbillies got no issues with the white guy in the white house, calling black mothers sons of bitches, attacking anyone of color when he see's fit, can grab pussy's and call latino's every thing but the child of god...why must the left always cow down and ask for forgiveness every time we play the Trump game???

Fuck the nay sayers, the haters, the right wing masterbaters and lets all relish in the land of Trump and stop apologizing for it!!

. @iamsambee please do not apologize.

10:20 AM - 31 May 2018

147 replies356 retweets1,811 likes
Timba! Cheetah owngowa barackkit jumanji!
Calling a woman a "c" word is every bit as demeaning as calling an Africa-American a "n" word.
Let me get this straight, her daddy, has called women every name in the books, especially Rosie Odonnell, he grabs women's pussy's just for fun, hates on minorities and gold star families that ain't white....Trust me, the girl can handle the C word, I'm sure she's heard it before coming from that fucked up family
Samantha Bee Apologizes For Her Ivanka Trump Comments After Widespread Backlash
Bee called the first daughter a “feckless c**t.”

If the hicks and hillbillies got no issues with the white guy in the white house, calling black mothers sons of bitches, attacking anyone of color when he see's fit, can grab pussy's and call latino's every thing but the child of god...why must the left always cow down and ask for forgiveness every time we play the Trump game???

Fuck the nay sayers, the haters, the right wing masterbaters and lets all relish in the land of Trump and stop apologizing for it!!

. @iamsambee please do not apologize.

10:20 AM - 31 May 2018

147 replies356 retweets1,811 likes
Timba! Cheetah owngowa barackkit jumanji!
Yous lillio white boy, chewed on any lice balls today
What a stupid move. Never apologize for bashing Trump and his monsters. They certainly won’t when going after you.
I will never ever understand why liberals always want to take the high road and gain nothing from it, nothing. Ivanka should take her pretty little white ass back to NY, raise her fuckin kids and get out of politics......she's worthless like her fuck ol man, all the Trumps are worthless piles of **** shit

My god, get some help.
I need to get help, you with a tag photo of a honorable admired past president sitting on a toilet and you find that funny, while defending a pile of dog shit Trump?....and I'm the one that needs help??

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