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Another Liberal Myth Exploded

Liberal = Myth

no more needs to be said.


Cherrypick all day, cherrypick all night, cherrypick like it's a fucking harvest season. It's not just poor choices, you fucking moron, wages have been stuck for decades, the rich gather more wealth, productivity is increasing, surpluses of food/water are being wasted in droves...

Actually the economy boomed under Reagan for awhile and was doing OK until the 2006 Democrat elected Congress took over and was followed the most Leftest piece of shit ever elected as President. . Then it went to hell and Obama has increased the division between the top and the bottom, reduced family income, increased debt, increased the welfare rolls, increased poverty and workforce participation.

Obama's emphasis on taking from the productive and giving to the unproductive has been a disaster for this country. Left Wing economics never work out very well. Obama's extreme Left Wing administration has been the poster child for that.

The economy grew a lot better after WWII when the total cost of government was 20% than it is doing now at over 40%.

Here is another example of how the welfare system has produce shitheads that are too lazy to get off their asses and work:


Cherrypick all day, cherrypick all night, cherrypick like it's a fucking harvest season. It's not just poor choices, you fucking moron, wages have been stuck for decades, the rich gather more wealth, productivity is increasing, surpluses of food/water are being wasted in droves...

Actually the economy boomed under Reagan for awhile and was doing OK until the 2006 Democrat elected Congress took over and was followed the most Leftest piece of shit ever elected as President. . Then it went to hell and Obama has increased the division between the top and the bottom, reduced family income, increased debt, increased the welfare rolls, increased poverty and workforce participation.

Obama's emphasis on taking from the productive and giving to the unproductive has been a disaster for this country. Left Wing economics never work out very well. Obama's extreme Left Wing administration has been the poster child for that.

The economy grew a lot better after WWII when the total cost of government was 20% than it is doing now at over 40%.

Here is another example of how the welfare system has produce shitheads that are too lazy to get off their asses and work:

Yeah, tell me the tax rate on the wealthy in the 50's and 60's LOL. It boomed under Reagan? Yeah, for the wealthy. Oh, another idiot who wants to blame everything on the party that I call the moderate right. The division between top and bottom has been growing throughout the world, don't try to blame Obama.. Family income? Always been dropping. Debt? Always increasing. Poverty increase? Based on what measures? Ah, blame the welfare system, not the real problem.
This crap about "disparity of income and wealth" is nothing more than repackaging the old failed commie bullshit of "workers of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your chains".
It gives the Libtards something to bitch about. The idea of hating somebody with money appeals to the greed and envy of the Liberals.
Nobody in this country is poorer because somebody else is richer.
The thing that is bad about that hate is you first start out taking money from the billionaires, then the millionaires and then saying that it is wrong for some to make $75K a year when somebody else is only making $30K a year. Greed is a terrible thing.

Indeed. Socialism is a race to the bottom. The lowest common denominator. We are all equal ... equally destitute. No one can be stronger, faster, smarter or, most importantly, richer.

Unless you're ruling class which is more equal.
This crap about "disparity of income and wealth" is nothing more than repackaging the old failed commie bullshit of "workers of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your chains".
It gives the Libtards something to bitch about. The idea of hating somebody with money appeals to the greed and envy of the Liberals.
Nobody in this country is poorer because somebody else is richer.
The thing that is bad about that hate is you first start out taking money from the billionaires, then the millionaires and then saying that it is wrong for some to make $75K a year when somebody else is only making $30K a year. Greed is a terrible thing.

Indeed. Socialism is a race to the bottom. The lowest common denominator. We are all equal ... equally destitute. No one can be stronger, faster, smarter or, most importantly, richer.

Unless you're ruling class which is more equal.
Anytime a state exists, their is a ruling class. :booze:

The best way to convince people how to vote is to make an allegation supported by evidence, not repeating hackneyed biases and the talking points parroted over and over on this forum; it requires facts, ideas and potential solutions to the usual ain't it awful whine.

Calling people lazy and thieves may give you a feeling of superiority but it is a false belief. People who are under the poverty line, in particular the working poor, are not lazy and not miscreants; many are exploited by miscreants and scofflaws who own small businesses.

Traditionally if you are the working poor in America it is either because you are just starting out in life or that you made bad choices. We do have millions of Americans that make bad choices in life and then use the welfare system to bail them out. If they would put down their bong and pull up their pants maybe they could find and keep a job rather than living off the sweat of working Americans.

However, that aside, there has been a significant decline in the economy since Obama has been President (even two year earlier with the election of the 2006 Democrat Congress) and that is making it more difficult for Americans to get ahead.

If you want facts then how about this? The combined cost of government (fed, state and local) is over 40% of the GNP. According to the CIA Factbook the US spends more money on the cost of government than all but the total GNP of all but one other country on earth. That is a big drag on the real job producing economy.

You look at almost any family in America regardless of income and the total cost of government is usually the largest single family expense when you look at everything, even if they don't pay income taxes. In my family my wife's salary usually went to pay the taxes for the year. How can any family get ahead when the cost of government is that high? That is the real cost of the filthy ass welfare state.

If the stupid Liberals would worry a little more about stimulating capitalism so jobs could be created instead of redistributing wealth and income the economy would be booming. The economy does not grow by taking money that has already been earned sand giving it away to somebody that didn't earn the money. The economy grows when capital is created and profits are made, something Libtards have a very difficult time understanding.
Traditionally if you are the working poor in America it is either because you are just starting out in life or that you made bad choices
This is the mindset these sick bastards have towards the poor. ^[/QUOTE]

Maybe Obama and Hillary will give their wealth to the working poor, have you asked them?
Maybe Obama and Hillary will give their wealth to the working poor, have you asked them?

Say..... Are you trying to say something...?

Like maybe.....

dimocrap filth are lying hypocritical scum...?

SHOCKER: Four MSNBC “Stars” Are Not Paying Their Fair Share Of Taxes…

Al really started a trend there…

Via Breitbart:

National Review’s Jillian Kay Melchior reported Wednesday that, along with Al Sharpton and Melissa Harris-Perry, two more MSNBC stars are not paying their fair share of taxes. Touré Neblett, co-host of “The Cycle” owes the IRS a cool $59,000. Joy-Ann Reid, a former anchor and now a regular contributor to the “Lien” Forward network, owes New York almost $5,000 in back taxes.

As we reported last week, Melissa Harris-Perry owes the IRS $70,000. Al Sharpton’s tax bill is upwards of $3 – $4 million.

The fact that four MSNBC stars, all of whom must earn a pretty sweet 1% living, do not pay their taxes, should surprise no one. The Left is now officially the Do-As-I-Say-Not-As-I-Do Party on all issues, not just taxes, but also feminism, the environment, political contributions, and corporate windfalls.

As long as your politics are correct, if you are a Leftist-in-good-standing, no one in the media or on the Left cares about your hypocrisy. NRO’s Victor Davis Hanson laid this out brilliantly Monday:

Frequent White House guest Al Sharpton is a tax cheat, a homophobe, and an inciter of riot and mayhem, with a long history of racial disparagement. But he knows that all that private sin is contextualized by his loud sermonizing on the supposed racism of white America. Eric Holder can fly his daughters and their boyfriends to the Belmont Stakes on a government jet — but only because he is Eric Holder, who periodically blasts America’s supposed ethical reactionaries. …

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The best way to convince people how to vote is to make an allegation supported by evidence, not repeating hackneyed biases and the talking points parroted over and over on this forum; it requires facts, ideas and potential solutions to the usual ain't it awful whine.

Calling people lazy and thieves may give you a feeling of superiority but it is a false belief. People who are under the poverty line, in particular the working poor, are not lazy and not miscreants; many are exploited by miscreants and scofflaws who own small businesses.

Traditionally if you are the working poor in America it is either because you are just starting out in life or that you made bad choices. We do have millions of Americans that make bad choices in life and then use the welfare system to bail them out. If they would put down their bong and pull up their pants maybe they could find and keep a job rather than living off the sweat of working Americans.

However, that aside, there has been a significant decline in the economy since Obama has been President (even two year earlier with the election of the 2006 Democrat Congress) and that is making it more difficult for Americans to get ahead.

If you want facts then how about this? The combined cost of government (fed, state and local) is over 40% of the GNP. According to the CIA Factbook the US spends more money on the cost of government than all but the total GNP of one other country on earth. That is a big drag on the real job producing economy. We also have the most debt, by far.

You look at almost any family in America regardless of income and the total cost of government is usually the largest single family expense when you look at everything, even if they don't pay income taxes. In my family my wife's salary usually went to pay the taxes for the year. How can any family get ahead when the cost of government is that high? That is the real cost of the filthy ass welfare state.

If the stupid Liberals would worry a little more about stimulating capitalism so jobs could be created instead of redistributing wealth and income the economy would be booming. The economy does not grow by taking money that has already been earned and giving it away to somebody that didn't earn the money. The economy grows when capital is created and profits are made, something Libtards have a very difficult time understanding.

Oh brother, another republican punch press operator trying to teach economics.
Maybe Obama and Hillary will give their wealth to the working poor, have you asked them?

Say..... Are you trying to say something...?

Like maybe.....

dimocrap filth are lying hypocritical scum...?

SHOCKER: Four MSNBC “Stars” Are Not Paying Their Fair Share Of Taxes…

Al really started a trend there…

Via Breitbart:

National Review’s Jillian Kay Melchior reported Wednesday that, along with Al Sharpton and Melissa Harris-Perry, two more MSNBC stars are not paying their fair share of taxes. Touré Neblett, co-host of “The Cycle” owes the IRS a cool $59,000. Joy-Ann Reid, a former anchor and now a regular contributor to the “Lien” Forward network, owes New York almost $5,000 in back taxes.

As we reported last week, Melissa Harris-Perry owes the IRS $70,000. Al Sharpton’s tax bill is upwards of $3 – $4 million.

The fact that four MSNBC stars, all of whom must earn a pretty sweet 1% living, do not pay their taxes, should surprise no one. The Left is now officially the Do-As-I-Say-Not-As-I-Do Party on all issues, not just taxes, but also feminism, the environment, political contributions, and corporate windfalls.

As long as your politics are correct, if you are a Leftist-in-good-standing, no one in the media or on the Left cares about your hypocrisy. NRO’s Victor Davis Hanson laid this out brilliantly Monday:

Frequent White House guest Al Sharpton is a tax cheat, a homophobe, and an inciter of riot and mayhem, with a long history of racial disparagement. But he knows that all that private sin is contextualized by his loud sermonizing on the supposed racism of white America. Eric Holder can fly his daughters and their boyfriends to the Belmont Stakes on a government jet — but only because he is Eric Holder, who periodically blasts America’s supposed ethical reactionaries. …

Keep Reading

"dimocrap filth are lying hypocritical scum" ;
I see your act hasn't changed lately. When did you get released?
"dimocrap filth are lying hypocritical scum" ;
I see your act hasn't changed lately. When did you get released?

Eat shit scumbag.

That's what you are -- Lying hypocritical scumbags -- ALL of you...

You say you're for the 'Working Man' but you support a Lying Cocksucker that wants to give MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS of unskilled workers access to 'working man' jobs.

How is the 'working man' supposed to make a decent living in this Country when the object of your homo-erotic dreams is bringing in MILLIONS OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS WHO WILL WORK FOR HALF OF WHAT WE DO???

Answer that SCUMBAG!!!

I am SO tired of the scumbags in the dimocrap filth party swearing allegiance to 'the working man' then stabbing him in the back by allowing millions and millions of unskilled, low wage workers into this Country that will compete with American Workers for jobs.


FUCK dimocrap SCUM.

You are lying, hypocritical FILTH.

You don't know what you're for. All you know is that you're losers and want to blame somebody else for your problems.

Your problems are in the mirror, dickface.

Yeah, tell me the tax rate on the wealthy in the 50's and 60's LOL. It boomed under Reagan? Yeah, for the wealthy. Oh, another idiot who wants to blame everything on the party that I call the moderate right. The division between top and bottom has been growing throughout the world, don't try to blame Obama.. Family income? Always been dropping. Debt? Always increasing. Poverty increase? Based on what measures? Ah, blame the welfare system, not the real problem.

The total amount of taxes taken from the American people during the 1950s and going into the 1960s was around 20% and we had tremendous economic growth. Nowadays it is over 40% and we have still have tremendous debt, the most people on welfare ever, the most poverty ever, reduced family income and the lowest number of workforce participation in several decades. We spend the most money on education in the world but have almost the worse test scores.

Taking money away from the people that earn it and giving it to the shitheads that didn't earn it has always been a disaster for our economy. Government doesn't produce anything.

Yes the Liberals are to blame for his mess with their disastrous redistribution of wealth and income stupidity and Obama is the King of the Liberals so he shoulders the responsibility.

It is time for you Liberals to start taking responsibility for the damage you idiots have been doing to this country. Socialism has failed all over the world and you Liberals want to import that failure to the US.

Oh brother, another republican punch press operator trying to teach economics.

Sorry Sport but I am not a Republican. Republicans are not that much different than the Democrats. Both parties support big government.

Go bark up another tree.

The economics are very simple. It is better for the economy when the people that earn the money spend it how they chose rather than some corrupt bureaucrat, elected by special interest groups, to spend it. It ain't rocket science.
Liberal rhetoric is rooted in hate and envy, that won't end well for them.

Liberal speech and writing is rooted in hope for change, change for the better by pragmatic men and women of good will. Our system of governance is far from perfect, and biases and fears prevent the change necessary if we are to avoid becoming a Plutocratic Dystopia.

Calling liberals envious is one more example of a parrot posting a meme without thought and without a shred of evidence to support this believe (I wonder if those who parrot this meme every put any thought into what they post).

^^^ speaking of liberal lies. Fact, liberals lie, they twist the truth, they foment class division, they foment race division, they foment gender division, they foment envy and covetousness, they undermine the US Constitution and our laws, and when that fails and it has they try to import millions of illegals and buy their votes with welfare to cancel out the votes of US citizens. In short liberals are lowlife scum and what happens to lowlife scum typically? Yes they are destroyed, this is their future.

Careful, too much Kool-Ade is bad for your health. Soon you'll be spewing crazy right wing propaganda as if it's fresh, factual and true - oops. That is why you're known as a rather dull and poorly informed parrot.
At one time there was a philosophy of some called "utility of poverty," It explained why poverty was good for a nation. First, there was always a hungry work force that would take almost any job for almost any wage, and that was good for business. Add to that the unemployed could be blamed for any number of the nation's problems, and better, the reason they were unemployed is because they were lazy, boozers, criminals that didn't care for their children, and didn't keep their knickers clean. The utility of poverty still determines some of our culture. What is better for a nation to have a job for everyone that is able to work, or keep a certain percentage of the working population without jobs?
I demonize exploitation and a horrid system that relies on systemic poverty

Not so. You seem to worship the very "horrid system that relies on (even demands) systemic poverty" ... Marist-Leninist-Maoist-Whateverist.
Ironically, half of America's top 10 wealthiest came from modest (even humble) beginnings and the other half are just 1 generation removed from same. How do you explain all that?
Liberal rhetoric is rooted in hate and envy, that won't end well for them.

Liberal speech and writing is rooted in hope for change, change for the better by pragmatic men and women of good will. Our system of governance is far from perfect, and biases and fears prevent the change necessary if we are to avoid becoming a Plutocratic Dystopia.

Calling liberals envious is one more example of a parrot posting a meme without thought and without a shred of evidence to support this believe (I wonder if those who parrot this meme every put any thought into what they post).

^^^ speaking of liberal lies. Fact, liberals lie, they twist the truth, they foment class division, they foment race division, they foment gender division, they foment envy and covetousness, they undermine the US Constitution and our laws, and when that fails and it has they try to import millions of illegals and buy their votes with welfare to cancel out the votes of US citizens. In short liberals are lowlife scum and what happens to lowlife scum typically? Yes they are destroyed, this is their future.

Careful, too much Kool-Ade is bad for your health. Soon you'll be spewing crazy right wing propaganda as if it's fresh, factual and true - oops. That is why you're known as a rather dull and poorly informed parrot.

OH the irony :laugh:

Yeah, tell me the tax rate on the wealthy in the 50's and 60's LOL. It boomed under Reagan? Yeah, for the wealthy. Oh, another idiot who wants to blame everything on the party that I call the moderate right. The division between top and bottom has been growing throughout the world, don't try to blame Obama.. Family income? Always been dropping. Debt? Always increasing. Poverty increase? Based on what measures? Ah, blame the welfare system, not the real problem.

The total amount of taxes taken from the American people during the 1950s and going into the 1960s was around 20% and we had tremendous economic growth. Nowadays it is over 40% and we have still have tremendous debt, the most people on welfare ever, the most poverty ever, reduced family income and the lowest number of workforce participation in several decades. We spend the most money on education in the world but have almost the worse test scores.

Taking money away from the people that earn it and giving it to the shitheads that didn't earn it has always been a disaster for our economy. Government doesn't produce anything.

Yes the Liberals are to blame for his mess with their disastrous redistribution of wealth and income stupidity and Obama is the King of the Liberals so he shoulders the responsibility.

It is time for you Liberals to start taking responsibility for the damage you idiots have been doing to this country. Socialism has failed all over the world and you Liberals want to import that failure to the US.
Bullshit, utter bullshit.
THE HISTORY OF TAXES Here s How High Today s Rates Really Are - Business Insider
Oh god, another idiot...

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