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Another lie debunked-Africans did nothing before the white man

Pharoh Huni. Father and grandfather of the people that built the Great Pyramids.

I am 58. My grandmother on my moms side was born in 1880 and died in 1965. Both my grand fathers were born in the late 1870s. And they would be right in line demanding the money they are owed.

So let me be blunt. White boy, you do not set any standard as to how I see things. Nor do you determine credibility. What you don't believe doesn't matter, nor does it change anything. We are owed money. Trillions. And since YOU have been given everything you have by the government, it's wise that you start understanding that you do not speak for our ancestors.

You're lying. Your mother's mother was not born in 1880 if you are 58. Why you always lyin'?

Whoever was born in 1880 was born a generation after the end of slavery. IF they were owed anything, you're not owed squat.


Its possible.... I am in my early 50s. My dad was the youngest of his five siblings and he didnt have me until he was 46. He was born in 1921, both his parents were born in the late1800s and they had my dad as a child obviously very late as well.


Your mother wasn't 46 when you were born nor was your grandmother.
I am 58. My grandmother on my moms side was born in 1880 and died in 1965. Both my grand fathers were born in the late 1870s. And they would be right in line demanding the money they are owed.

So let me be blunt. White boy, you do not set any standard as to how I see things. Nor do you determine credibility. What you don't believe doesn't matter, nor does it change anything. We are owed money. Trillions. And since YOU have been given everything you have by the government, it's wise that you start understanding that you do not speak for our ancestors.

You're lying. Your mother's mother was not born in 1880 if you are 58. Why you always lyin'?

Whoever was born in 1880 was born a generation after the end of slavery. IF they were owed anything, you're not owed squat.


Its possible.... I am in my early 50s. My dad was the youngest of his five siblings and he didnt have me until he was 46. He was born in 1921, both his parents were born in the late1800s and they had my dad as a child obviously very late as well.


Your mother wasn't 46 when you were born nor was your grandmother.
You must have been deprived of nutrients while in the womb. Please tell me you are not really this stupid?
I am 58. My grandmother on my moms side was born in 1880 and died in 1965. Both my grand fathers were born in the late 1870s. And they would be right in line demanding the money they are owed.

So let me be blunt. White boy, you do not set any standard as to how I see things. Nor do you determine credibility. What you don't believe doesn't matter, nor does it change anything. We are owed money. Trillions. And since YOU have been given everything you have by the government, it's wise that you start understanding that you do not speak for our ancestors.

You're lying. Your mother's mother was not born in 1880 if you are 58. Why you always lyin'?

Whoever was born in 1880 was born a generation after the end of slavery. IF they were owed anything, you're not owed squat.

I born in 1961. My mother was the sixth and last child born to my grandmother in 1923. My mom was 38 when I was born in 1961. I do think I know more about my family than you do. When I was growing up in my early years the some of the elders in our community where actually children of slaves.

You do not determine who is owed. Learn that. Because 90 years after the civil war ended white descedenats of the confederacy began receiving reparations for a war thy did not fight in and never saw. Whites got paid these reparations until at least 2017.


So learn these lessons you're being taught.

OBTW Anthony Johnson was not the first slave owner.

In 1619 John Rolfe (who served as secretary and recorder general of Virginia (1614–1619) and as a member of the governor’s Council (1614–1622)) was also responsible for the first mention of Africans in Virginia. In a letter to Sandys in January 1620, Rolfe noted that late in August 1619 the Dutch ship White Lion arrived at Point Comfort, at what is now Fort Monroe, with “20. and odd Negroes” on board.

About the latter end of August, a Dutch man of Warr of the burden of a 160 tunnes arrived at Point-Comfort, the Comandors name Capt Jope, his Pilott for the West Indies one Mr Marmaduke an Englishman. They mett with the Treasurer in the West Indyes, and determined to hold consort shipp hetherward, but in their passage lost one the other. He brought not any thing but 20. and odd Negroes, which the Governor and Cape Marchant bought for victualls (whereof he was in greate need as he pretended) at the best and easyest rates they could. He hadd a lardge and ample Commyssion from his Excellency to range and to take purchase in the West Indyes.

Four days later, the English ship Treasurer arrived with additional Africans, the lot having been captured from a Portuguese ship carrying slaves en route from Luanda, Angola, to the West Indies. (The Treasurer was partly owned by Samuel Argall and was the same ship on which Argall had transported Rolfe and Pocahontas to England.) Rolfe’s letter is the first extant mention of Africans in Virginia, although there may have been others in the colony before then. [3] These Africans were stolen from Portuguese slave ships not merchant ships transporting indentured servants. The Governor at the time was Sir George Yeardley, and the Cape Merchant was Abraham Piersey. In Thomas D Morris’s book “Southern Slavery and the Law, 1619-1860“ He says that Governor Yeardley in his will, written in 1627, listed these Africans separately from his indentured servants, and that the 1624 Census listed the blacks with no last names, but white indentured servants with surnames and contract completion dates.

From the research completed thus far it appears that there is no mention of the existence of a bill of lading from the White Lion that documents the trade at Jamestown of the slaves that had been captured from the Portuguese vessel. Likewise there doesn’t appear to be any mention of an existing document that definitively designates the status of this group as a whole as being either indentured servants or slaves at that time. Records from gatherings do not indicate the marital status of the Africans (Mr., Miss, etc.) and, unlike white servants, no year is associated with the names — information vital in determining the end of a servant’s term of bondage. Most likely some Africans were slaves and some were servants.

Other Africans began to turn up in Virginia court records. On September 19, 1625, for instance, the General Court ordered Captain Nathaniel Bass to provide clothing for an African man named Brass (or Brase), who had come to Virginia with a Captain Jones and been sold to Captain Bass. The same decision awarded temporary custody of Brass to Lady Temperance Flowerdew Yeardley, the wife of Sir George Yeardley and a resident of Jamestown, who was then ordered to pay forty pounds of good tobacco per month for his labor “so long as he remayneth with her.” It was a decision that both distinguished between African servitude and slavery, and put a price on the labor of an African male.

The Library of Virginia
Archives Reference Services
800 E Broad Street
Richmond, VA 23219-8000

Virginia’s first legal cases involving slaves.
In 1640 the first case in Virginia to make an indentured servant a slave was that of John Punch.

On July 9, 1640, members of the General Court decided the punishment for three servants-a Dutchman, a Scotsman, and an African-who ran away from their master as a group. The proceedings reveal an example of interracial cooperation among servants at a time when the colony’s leaders were starting to create legal differences between Europeans and Africans. John Punch became the first African to be a slave for life by law in Virginia (and all 13 colonies).

So we see that whites owned slaves 36 years before Anthony Johnson.

Was the First Slave Owner in America a Black Man?

I do not fit in this description. Disagreeing with someone is not being racist. I disagree with IM2 quite often.
I believe you agreed that African culture was not so respectable....the point here is that white slave trader and colonists wrecked whatever they did have and we've only started looking into it the last 30 years or so archaeologists etc. Google sub-Saharan African empires....
You are mistaken. I did not agree or disagree or even comment on African culture.
What do you think of Wests inability to admit the Egyptians were Black even when described as Black on multiple occasions by the Greeks?
I believe Egyptians were black.

Define black

Of course they were black. Egyptians traveled up and down the Nile river all the way to Lake Victoria.. thats Kenya and Uganda. Now over thousands of years, people left Africa and came back again and interbred. The Egypt delta being a fertile farm land right on the edge of the Mediteranean made it the center of the known world for quite a while, I'm sure at some point you would have seen many different types of people who traveled there as it was a destination, but originally the people would have been black and for quite some time until things slowly changed. Exactly what that time line is I dont know.. there probably were lighter skinned people living there during some of the Pharo's dynasty's but they didnt look like Charles Heston.... loved the movie though.
I am 58. My grandmother on my moms side was born in 1880 and died in 1965. Both my grand fathers were born in the late 1870s. And they would be right in line demanding the money they are owed.

So let me be blunt. White boy, you do not set any standard as to how I see things. Nor do you determine credibility. What you don't believe doesn't matter, nor does it change anything. We are owed money. Trillions. And since YOU have been given everything you have by the government, it's wise that you start understanding that you do not speak for our ancestors.

You're lying. Your mother's mother was not born in 1880 if you are 58. Why you always lyin'?

Whoever was born in 1880 was born a generation after the end of slavery. IF they were owed anything, you're not owed squat.


Its possible.... I am in my early 50s. My dad was the youngest of his five siblings and he didnt have me until he was 46. He was born in 1921, both his parents were born in the late1800s and they had my dad as a child obviously very late as well.


Your mother wasn't 46 when you were born nor was your grandmother.

I didnt say my My mother was 46.... I said my Father was!.... my mom was born in 1943. she was much younger however... there have been women in their 40's who have still had kids. I got no reason to lie here, just stating the facts of what is possible.
Says the most racist moron on the Board.

Another butthurt racist crying because his racist argument was rendered to ashes. So he calls me a racist as if it's actually so because he makes a claim.

Your arguments are fantasy, dude. In other words they don't matter.

You guys remind of these religious nutjobs trying to control snakes.
You remind me of the typical white person suffering from cognitive dissonance. Anyone that says someone didnt mean Black when they consistently used it to describe the Blackest people on the planet is a nutjob.

No, I fully acknowledge the great black men, and women, and their many accomplishments. It is you who try and claim that everything in the world was done by black people that are the deluded one
Bullshit! You cant even admit the Egyptians were Black when the Greeks that actually laid eyes on them used the term Black to describe them on multiple occasions. Face it. Your little white ego is too fragile to handle facts even when they are given to you on a silver platter. Thats the very definition of someone suffering from cognitive dissonance. The only other explanation is that you have a severe case of receptive aphasia.

That's because they weren't. There were three regions of Egypt. At various times the individual regions held sway. The two northern regions are semitic, the mummies have been genetically tested, they have less black in them than modern Egyptians do.

That's a fact. The southern region probably does have a higher percentage of black in them but we don't know for sure because a mummy from that region hasn't been tested yet.
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It's 2019 and in 2 months it will be 2020. It's time to end beliefs from the 1700's.This is from Henry Louis Gates. You know, the guy you racists love to quote in order to talk about black slaveowners.

Almost all of the sub-Saharan continent was in the paleolithic age before colonization.


We apologize for the knuckledraggers, since they're not capable of doing it.
  • Thanks
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Another butthurt racist crying because his racist argument was rendered to ashes. So he calls me a racist as if it's actually so because he makes a claim.

Your arguments are fantasy, dude. In other words they don't matter.

You guys remind of these religious nutjobs trying to control snakes.
You remind me of the typical white person suffering from cognitive dissonance. Anyone that says someone didnt mean Black when they consistently used it to describe the Blackest people on the planet is a nutjob.

No, I fully acknowledge the great black men, and women, and their many accomplishments. It is you who try and claim that everything in the world was done by black people that are the deluded one
Bullshit! You cant even admit the Egyptians were Black when the Greeks that actually laid eyes on them used the term Black to describe them on multiple occasions. Face it. Your little white ego is too fragile to handle facts even when they are given to you on a silver platter. Thats the very definition of someone suffering from cognitive dissonance. The only other explanation is that you have a severe case of receptive aphasia.

That's because they weren't. There were three regions of Egypt. At various times the individual regions held away. The two northern regions are semitic, the mummies have been genetically tested, they have less black in them than modern Egyptians do.

That's a fact. The northern region probably does have a higher percentage of black in them but we don't know for sure because a mummy from that region hasn't been tested yet.

I dont think anyone really knows the timeline of population shift in Egypt, but at some point they all must have been mostly black... they would have followed the Nile from the interior all the way to the ocean. chances are the population could have been mixed in certain regions and in others not... who knows for sure. It's too bad the great Library of Alexandria was burned to the ground, it must have held some very ancient manuscripts that could have answered a lot of these questions
I am 58. My grandmother on my moms side was born in 1880 and died in 1965. Both my grand fathers were born in the late 1870s. And they would be right in line demanding the money they are owed.

So let me be blunt. White boy, you do not set any standard as to how I see things. Nor do you determine credibility. What you don't believe doesn't matter, nor does it change anything. We are owed money. Trillions. And since YOU have been given everything you have by the government, it's wise that you start understanding that you do not speak for our ancestors.

You're lying. Your mother's mother was not born in 1880 if you are 58. Why you always lyin'?

Whoever was born in 1880 was born a generation after the end of slavery. IF they were owed anything, you're not owed squat.


Its possible.... I am in my early 50s. My dad was the youngest of his five siblings and he didnt have me until he was 46. He was born in 1921, both his parents were born in the late1800s and they had my dad as a child obviously very late as well.


Your mother wasn't 46 when you were born nor was your grandmother.

My mother was born in 1923. I was born in 1961. That's 38 years. My grandmother on my moms side had 6 children and one miscarriage with my mom being the last child when grandma was 43. She died when I was 4 years old. What you don't believe doesn't matter. A deacon at our church died at age 97 in 1973. I was 12. This means he was born in 1876. It also means his parents were slaves. This man was a family friend and our father would visit him every Saturday. He would tell us stories. There is a lot you know nothing about chump, yet you think you can tell somebody something. Learn that you can't.
Another butthurt racist crying because his racist argument was rendered to ashes. So he calls me a racist as if it's actually so because he makes a claim.

Your arguments are fantasy, dude. In other words they don't matter.

You guys remind of these religious nutjobs trying to control snakes.
You remind me of the typical white person suffering from cognitive dissonance. Anyone that says someone didnt mean Black when they consistently used it to describe the Blackest people on the planet is a nutjob.

No, I fully acknowledge the great black men, and women, and their many accomplishments. It is you who try and claim that everything in the world was done by black people that are the deluded one
Bullshit! You cant even admit the Egyptians were Black when the Greeks that actually laid eyes on them used the term Black to describe them on multiple occasions. Face it. Your little white ego is too fragile to handle facts even when they are given to you on a silver platter. Thats the very definition of someone suffering from cognitive dissonance. The only other explanation is that you have a severe case of receptive aphasia.

That's because they weren't. There were three regions of Egypt. At various times the individual regions held away. The two northern regions are semitic, the mummies have been genetically tested, they have less black in them than modern Egyptians do.

That's a fact. The northern region probably does have a higher percentage of black in them but we don't know for sure because a mummy from that region hasn't been tested yet.

Looks like you are right, the discussion is settled by science.

But. . . . It might not be. . . since this is WHITE MAN's SCIENCE!!!! :auiqs.jpg:

But yeah, there is more Black DNA in modern Egypt today than there was in the past, as DNA sequencing shows. . .

Ancient Mummy DNA Reveals Surprises About Egyptian Ancestry
Ancient Mummy DNA Reveals Surprises About Egyptian Ancestry

"Ancient Insights

This data revealed some insights into what ancient Egyptians were like. First, the genomes didn't change much over the 1,300-year span of history represented in these mummies, and that's despite the constant invasions. Second, when the researchers compared the DNA of the three intact mummy genomes to those of modern people from the same region of Egypt, they found these ancient Egyptians were genetically more closely related to people of the Near East — present-day Syria, Lebanon, Israel and Palestine — than they were to contemporary Egyptians.

These days, about 20 percent of the DNA of modern Egyptian populations can be traced to sub-Saharan African origins, whereas ancient Egyptians had none. In fact, the data suggest modern Egyptians share about 8 percent more ancestry with sub-Saharan Africans than with ancient Egyptians.

"This suggests that an increase in sub-Saharan African gene flow into Egypt occurred within the last 1,500 years," said co-author Stephan Schiffels, of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History."

This is possibly due to more recent long-distance trade between sub-Saharan Africa and Egypt on the Nile, and to the trans-Saharan slave trade that started around 1,300 years ago.

And in addition to revealing information about human migration, the new findings also underscore that as far as Egyptian mummies go, much more remains to learn from remains.
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Your arguments are fantasy, dude. In other words they don't matter.

You guys remind of these religious nutjobs trying to control snakes.
You remind me of the typical white person suffering from cognitive dissonance. Anyone that says someone didnt mean Black when they consistently used it to describe the Blackest people on the planet is a nutjob.

No, I fully acknowledge the great black men, and women, and their many accomplishments. It is you who try and claim that everything in the world was done by black people that are the deluded one
Bullshit! You cant even admit the Egyptians were Black when the Greeks that actually laid eyes on them used the term Black to describe them on multiple occasions. Face it. Your little white ego is too fragile to handle facts even when they are given to you on a silver platter. Thats the very definition of someone suffering from cognitive dissonance. The only other explanation is that you have a severe case of receptive aphasia.

That's because they weren't. There were three regions of Egypt. At various times the individual regions held away. The two northern regions are semitic, the mummies have been genetically tested, they have less black in them than modern Egyptians do.

That's a fact. The northern region probably does have a higher percentage of black in them but we don't know for sure because a mummy from that region hasn't been tested yet.

I dont think anyone really knows the timeline of population shift in Egypt, but at some point they all must have been mostly black... they would have followed the Nile from the interior all the way to the ocean. chances are the population could have been mixed in certain regions and in others not... who knows for sure. It's too bad the great Library of Alexandria was burned to the ground, it must have held some very ancient manuscripts that could have answered a lot of these questions

The ancient Egyptians came from Turkey and the Levant. The Nubians came north from the interior of Africa.
You remind me of the typical white person suffering from cognitive dissonance. Anyone that says someone didnt mean Black when they consistently used it to describe the Blackest people on the planet is a nutjob.

No, I fully acknowledge the great black men, and women, and their many accomplishments. It is you who try and claim that everything in the world was done by black people that are the deluded one
Bullshit! You cant even admit the Egyptians were Black when the Greeks that actually laid eyes on them used the term Black to describe them on multiple occasions. Face it. Your little white ego is too fragile to handle facts even when they are given to you on a silver platter. Thats the very definition of someone suffering from cognitive dissonance. The only other explanation is that you have a severe case of receptive aphasia.

That's because they weren't. There were three regions of Egypt. At various times the individual regions held away. The two northern regions are semitic, the mummies have been genetically tested, they have less black in them than modern Egyptians do.

That's a fact. The northern region probably does have a higher percentage of black in them but we don't know for sure because a mummy from that region hasn't been tested yet.

I dont think anyone really knows the timeline of population shift in Egypt, but at some point they all must have been mostly black... they would have followed the Nile from the interior all the way to the ocean. chances are the population could have been mixed in certain regions and in others not... who knows for sure. It's too bad the great Library of Alexandria was burned to the ground, it must have held some very ancient manuscripts that could have answered a lot of these questions

The ancient Egyptians came from Turkey and the Levant. The Nubians came north from the interior of Africa.
Ancient Egyptians just cannot be black. Some of you just choose to stay stuck on that sub-Saharan lie.
You remind me of the typical white person suffering from cognitive dissonance. Anyone that says someone didnt mean Black when they consistently used it to describe the Blackest people on the planet is a nutjob.

No, I fully acknowledge the great black men, and women, and their many accomplishments. It is you who try and claim that everything in the world was done by black people that are the deluded one
Bullshit! You cant even admit the Egyptians were Black when the Greeks that actually laid eyes on them used the term Black to describe them on multiple occasions. Face it. Your little white ego is too fragile to handle facts even when they are given to you on a silver platter. Thats the very definition of someone suffering from cognitive dissonance. The only other explanation is that you have a severe case of receptive aphasia.

That's because they weren't. There were three regions of Egypt. At various times the individual regions held away. The two northern regions are semitic, the mummies have been genetically tested, they have less black in them than modern Egyptians do.

That's a fact. The northern region probably does have a higher percentage of black in them but we don't know for sure because a mummy from that region hasn't been tested yet.

I dont think anyone really knows the timeline of population shift in Egypt, but at some point they all must have been mostly black... they would have followed the Nile from the interior all the way to the ocean. chances are the population could have been mixed in certain regions and in others not... who knows for sure. It's too bad the great Library of Alexandria was burned to the ground, it must have held some very ancient manuscripts that could have answered a lot of these questions

The ancient Egyptians came from Turkey and the Levant. The Nubians came north from the interior of Africa.

Right, no doubt people returned to Africa at different time periods, and if history shows that people came from Turkey and settled Ancient Egypt then it is so, but....... why would not black Africans following the Nile river follow it all the way to the ocean? These people could have lived side by side even, had mixed marriages... who knows, but seeing as how black people migrated out of Africa.... surely some of them would have settled along the way in that very fertile farm land... it only seems logical to me.
No, I fully acknowledge the great black men, and women, and their many accomplishments. It is you who try and claim that everything in the world was done by black people that are the deluded one
Bullshit! You cant even admit the Egyptians were Black when the Greeks that actually laid eyes on them used the term Black to describe them on multiple occasions. Face it. Your little white ego is too fragile to handle facts even when they are given to you on a silver platter. Thats the very definition of someone suffering from cognitive dissonance. The only other explanation is that you have a severe case of receptive aphasia.

That's because they weren't. There were three regions of Egypt. At various times the individual regions held away. The two northern regions are semitic, the mummies have been genetically tested, they have less black in them than modern Egyptians do.

That's a fact. The northern region probably does have a higher percentage of black in them but we don't know for sure because a mummy from that region hasn't been tested yet.

I dont think anyone really knows the timeline of population shift in Egypt, but at some point they all must have been mostly black... they would have followed the Nile from the interior all the way to the ocean. chances are the population could have been mixed in certain regions and in others not... who knows for sure. It's too bad the great Library of Alexandria was burned to the ground, it must have held some very ancient manuscripts that could have answered a lot of these questions

The ancient Egyptians came from Turkey and the Levant. The Nubians came north from the interior of Africa.

Right, no doubt people returned to Africa at different time periods, and if history shows that people came from Turkey and settled Ancient Egypt then it is so, but....... why would not black Africans following the Nile river follow it all the way to the ocean? These people could have lived side by side even, had mixed marriages... who knows, but seeing as how black people migrated out of Africa.... surely some of them would have settled along the way in that very fertile farm land... it only seems logical to me.

They did live side by side in the southern region. It took the blacks longer to get to the meeting point because travel through that region was far more difficult.

I have been all through that area and it is still difficult to traverse. The opposite is true for the northern group. Travel throughout the middle east was quite easy.
I believe you agreed that African culture was not so respectable....the point here is that white slave trader and colonists wrecked whatever they did have and we've only started looking into it the last 30 years or so archaeologists etc. Google sub-Saharan African empires....
You are mistaken. I did not agree or disagree or even comment on African culture.
What do you think of Wests inability to admit the Egyptians were Black even when described as Black on multiple occasions by the Greeks?
I believe Egyptians were black.

Define black
I believe you agreed that African culture was not so respectable....the point here is that white slave trader and colonists wrecked whatever they did have and we've only started looking into it the last 30 years or so archaeologists etc. Google sub-Saharan African empires....
You are mistaken. I did not agree or disagree or even comment on African culture.
What do you think of Wests inability to admit the Egyptians were Black even when described as Black on multiple occasions by the Greeks?
I believe Egyptians were black.

Define black
View attachment 289408

This is what afrocentrists do. Selectively pick and choose from hundreds of examples of ancient egyptian artifacts and focus only on those that appear to support their belief and declare:

case closed! Egyptians were black! Nevermind the painted wall murals that depict a wide range of skin tones. Nevermind the DNA results.
No, I fully acknowledge the great black men, and women, and their many accomplishments. It is you who try and claim that everything in the world was done by black people that are the deluded one
Bullshit! You cant even admit the Egyptians were Black when the Greeks that actually laid eyes on them used the term Black to describe them on multiple occasions. Face it. Your little white ego is too fragile to handle facts even when they are given to you on a silver platter. Thats the very definition of someone suffering from cognitive dissonance. The only other explanation is that you have a severe case of receptive aphasia.

That's because they weren't. There were three regions of Egypt. At various times the individual regions held away. The two northern regions are semitic, the mummies have been genetically tested, they have less black in them than modern Egyptians do.

That's a fact. The northern region probably does have a higher percentage of black in them but we don't know for sure because a mummy from that region hasn't been tested yet.

I dont think anyone really knows the timeline of population shift in Egypt, but at some point they all must have been mostly black... they would have followed the Nile from the interior all the way to the ocean. chances are the population could have been mixed in certain regions and in others not... who knows for sure. It's too bad the great Library of Alexandria was burned to the ground, it must have held some very ancient manuscripts that could have answered a lot of these questions

The ancient Egyptians came from Turkey and the Levant. The Nubians came north from the interior of Africa.

Right, no doubt people returned to Africa at different time periods, and if history shows that people came from Turkey and settled Ancient Egypt then it is so, but....... why would not black Africans following the Nile river follow it all the way to the ocean? These people could have lived side by side even, had mixed marriages... who knows, but seeing as how black people migrated out of Africa.... surely some of them would have settled along the way in that very fertile farm land... it only seems logical to me.

"it only seems logical to me."

...in other words, you're just pulling it out of your ass. Good to know.
No, I fully acknowledge the great black men, and women, and their many accomplishments. It is you who try and claim that everything in the world was done by black people that are the deluded one
Bullshit! You cant even admit the Egyptians were Black when the Greeks that actually laid eyes on them used the term Black to describe them on multiple occasions. Face it. Your little white ego is too fragile to handle facts even when they are given to you on a silver platter. Thats the very definition of someone suffering from cognitive dissonance. The only other explanation is that you have a severe case of receptive aphasia.

That's because they weren't. There were three regions of Egypt. At various times the individual regions held away. The two northern regions are semitic, the mummies have been genetically tested, they have less black in them than modern Egyptians do.

That's a fact. The northern region probably does have a higher percentage of black in them but we don't know for sure because a mummy from that region hasn't been tested yet.

I dont think anyone really knows the timeline of population shift in Egypt, but at some point they all must have been mostly black... they would have followed the Nile from the interior all the way to the ocean. chances are the population could have been mixed in certain regions and in others not... who knows for sure. It's too bad the great Library of Alexandria was burned to the ground, it must have held some very ancient manuscripts that could have answered a lot of these questions

The ancient Egyptians came from Turkey and the Levant. The Nubians came north from the interior of Africa.
Ancient Egyptians just cannot be black. Some of you just choose to stay stuck on that sub-Saharan lie.

I don't recall saying that. I specifically stated that there are three regions. The southern one being Nubian in origin and at one time, just like the two northern regions, it held sway over the empire.

Why must you lie?
Bullshit! You cant even admit the Egyptians were Black when the Greeks that actually laid eyes on them used the term Black to describe them on multiple occasions. Face it. Your little white ego is too fragile to handle facts even when they are given to you on a silver platter. Thats the very definition of someone suffering from cognitive dissonance. The only other explanation is that you have a severe case of receptive aphasia.

That's because they weren't. There were three regions of Egypt. At various times the individual regions held away. The two northern regions are semitic, the mummies have been genetically tested, they have less black in them than modern Egyptians do.

That's a fact. The northern region probably does have a higher percentage of black in them but we don't know for sure because a mummy from that region hasn't been tested yet.

I dont think anyone really knows the timeline of population shift in Egypt, but at some point they all must have been mostly black... they would have followed the Nile from the interior all the way to the ocean. chances are the population could have been mixed in certain regions and in others not... who knows for sure. It's too bad the great Library of Alexandria was burned to the ground, it must have held some very ancient manuscripts that could have answered a lot of these questions

The ancient Egyptians came from Turkey and the Levant. The Nubians came north from the interior of Africa.

Right, no doubt people returned to Africa at different time periods, and if history shows that people came from Turkey and settled Ancient Egypt then it is so, but....... why would not black Africans following the Nile river follow it all the way to the ocean? These people could have lived side by side even, had mixed marriages... who knows, but seeing as how black people migrated out of Africa.... surely some of them would have settled along the way in that very fertile farm land... it only seems logical to me.

"it only seems logical to me."

...in other words, you're just pulling it out of your ass. Good to know.

You know what explorers do when they come to a river? they follow it. Please don't be ignorant. You don't have to be an expert on Africa to understand human nature. You really believe that Africans remained in the interior of the continent without traveling North? Show some proof or are you just pulling it out of your ass?

That's because they weren't. There were three regions of Egypt. At various times the individual regions held away. The two northern regions are semitic, the mummies have been genetically tested, they have less black in them than modern Egyptians do.

That's a fact. The northern region probably does have a higher percentage of black in them but we don't know for sure because a mummy from that region hasn't been tested yet.

I dont think anyone really knows the timeline of population shift in Egypt, but at some point they all must have been mostly black... they would have followed the Nile from the interior all the way to the ocean. chances are the population could have been mixed in certain regions and in others not... who knows for sure. It's too bad the great Library of Alexandria was burned to the ground, it must have held some very ancient manuscripts that could have answered a lot of these questions

The ancient Egyptians came from Turkey and the Levant. The Nubians came north from the interior of Africa.

Right, no doubt people returned to Africa at different time periods, and if history shows that people came from Turkey and settled Ancient Egypt then it is so, but....... why would not black Africans following the Nile river follow it all the way to the ocean? These people could have lived side by side even, had mixed marriages... who knows, but seeing as how black people migrated out of Africa.... surely some of them would have settled along the way in that very fertile farm land... it only seems logical to me.

"it only seems logical to me."

...in other words, you're just pulling it out of your ass. Good to know.

You know what explorers do when they come to a river? they follow it. Please don't be ignorant. You don't have to be an expert on Africa to understand human nature. You really believe that Africans remained in the interior of the continent without traveling North? Show some proof or are you just pulling it out of your ass?


Why is your theory more credible than the idea that ancient Egypt was settled by people from the Mesopotamia region towards the east, where the most ancient evidence of civilization has been found?

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