Another Lie debunked-IG report concludes FBI did not spy on trump campaign

Wow, I thought this thread was about the DOJ watchdog and his report doesn't support your BS. It says at least 4 people in the campaign were spied on.


His report says what was done was justified.

What it says is that there were 17 errors, omissions, or falsehoods in the FISA applications, Comey committed fraud on the FISA court. this is far from over.
Trump was not spied on, get over it. That's what's revealed in that report.

Stop lying, the report says they used confidential human sources (CHSs) to approach and record not only people involved in the investigation, but a senior campaign official NOT involved in the investigation. That commie is spying.


But the vagina grabber says he never said they were spying on him

OK, your point?

And? They pay the vast majority of the taxes.

And yet they just keep getting richer and richer.

And? That means they pay more taxes. Taxes aren't for the purpose of making people poorer.


Taxes are for the purposes of paying for government and since we have trillion dollar deficits it’s not going so swell.

Yep, we definitely have a spending problem.

That’s the plan. Lower taxes on the rich. Raise the deficit. OMG deficit! Cut benefits for working class.

Who do you think planned this?

Why would the working class need benefits? The tax cuts allowed them to keep more of their money.

so the current UE rates are faked? the DOW is faked? the wage report is faked? your 401K balance is faked?

you are a victim of the lying media.

as to Trump rallys, All you need to do is watch one, the cameras capture the crowds, or are the cameras lying too?
Unemployment was falling and wages were rising well before the tax cut. There was no discernible difference after the tax cut was passed.

Yes, the stock market went up but most of the gains were well before the tax cut too. In fact, since Jan 2017, the Dow is up like 3%ish per year. Furthermore, the benefits of a climbing market are very unevenly distributed. Half the country has no money in the market and those that do, almost 90% is owned by the top 10% of the country by wealth.

Just thought I’d introduce some facts.

Most of the activity in the stock market after the tax cut was companies buying their own stock back.

It wasn't because of new sales or because of new products or new investment.

Which is why the stock market has stayed mostly flat.

The tax cuts went to those who already had more money than they need in many lifetimes. They don't spend and invest enough in our economy. Mostly because there isn't enough of them. It's the middle class and poor who drive our economy. They create the demand for the products. If they don't have the money to spend, then the economy slows and suffers.

The tax cuts made the wage gap even worse while making our deficit and debt such higher.

It didn't do anything positive for America or our people.

total horseshit. taxes were cut for everyone that pays taxes, yes, if you paid zero you still pay zero, its hard to cut the taxes of the 50% who pay no taxes.
The vast majority of the benefit of the tax cuts went to the most wealthy among us. That’s undeniable.

And? They pay the vast majority of the taxes.

Actually they don't.
And yet they just keep getting richer and richer.

And? That means they pay more taxes. Taxes aren't for the purpose of making people poorer.


Taxes are for the purposes of paying for government and since we have trillion dollar deficits it’s not going so swell.

Yep, we definitely have a spending problem.

That’s the plan. Lower taxes on the rich. Raise the deficit. OMG deficit! Cut benefits for working class.

Who do you think planned this?

Why would the working class need benefits? The tax cuts allowed them to keep more of their money.


Yeah. Who needs Medicare when you retire when you have $20 more in your weekly paycheck.
And? That means they pay more taxes. Taxes aren't for the purpose of making people poorer.


Taxes are for the purposes of paying for government and since we have trillion dollar deficits it’s not going so swell.

Yep, we definitely have a spending problem.

That’s the plan. Lower taxes on the rich. Raise the deficit. OMG deficit! Cut benefits for working class.

Who do you think planned this?

Why would the working class need benefits? The tax cuts allowed them to keep more of their money.


Yeah. Who needs Medicare when you retire when you have $20 more in your weekly paycheck.

So who lost medicare? Medicare taxes didn't change. I'm retired and I declined medicare part B.

Taxes are for the purposes of paying for government and since we have trillion dollar deficits it’s not going so swell.

Yep, we definitely have a spending problem.

That’s the plan. Lower taxes on the rich. Raise the deficit. OMG deficit! Cut benefits for working class.

Who do you think planned this?

Why would the working class need benefits? The tax cuts allowed them to keep more of their money.


Yeah. Who needs Medicare when you retire when you have $20 more in your weekly paycheck.

So who lost medicare? Medicare taxes didn't change.


We have a spending problem. Do you have any idea how much we spend on Medicare?
Yep, we definitely have a spending problem.

That’s the plan. Lower taxes on the rich. Raise the deficit. OMG deficit! Cut benefits for working class.

Who do you think planned this?

Why would the working class need benefits? The tax cuts allowed them to keep more of their money.


Yeah. Who needs Medicare when you retire when you have $20 more in your weekly paycheck.

So who lost medicare? Medicare taxes didn't change.


We have a spending problem. Do you have any idea how much we spend on Medicare?

"Mandatory spending" is about 70% of the federal budget. Medicare is about a third of that.

That’s the plan. Lower taxes on the rich. Raise the deficit. OMG deficit! Cut benefits for working class.

Who do you think planned this?

Why would the working class need benefits? The tax cuts allowed them to keep more of their money.


Yeah. Who needs Medicare when you retire when you have $20 more in your weekly paycheck.

So who lost medicare? Medicare taxes didn't change.


We have a spending problem. Do you have any idea how much we spend on Medicare?

"Mandatory spending" is about 70% of the federal budget. Medicare is about a third of that.


So roughly a quarter of all government spending. It’s a trillion dollar deficit. If you want to eliminate the deficit without raising taxes, it’ll be cut.
His report says what was done was justified.

What it says is that there were 17 errors, omissions, or falsehoods in the FISA applications, Comey committed fraud on the FISA court. this is far from over.
Trump was not spied on, get over it. That's what's revealed in that report.

Stop lying, the report says they used confidential human sources (CHSs) to approach and record not only people involved in the investigation, but a senior campaign official NOT involved in the investigation. That commie is spying.


No, thats legal surveillance of a suspect.

Really, doing it to non-suspects would be called what? Keep playing the semantics game, that's what losers do.


You are the one playing silly games. The FBI conducted a legal, valid investigation into Trump Campaign contacts with Russia. Contacts that were too numerous to count and that they lied about at every turn.

The Mueller report is here — here are all the known contacts between the campaign and Russian government-linked people or entities

There are now more than 101 known points of contact between the Trump campaign and Russian-government linked people or entities, including 23 meetings or calls.

Sixteen Trump campaign officials are known to have had direct contact with a Russian government official or a Russian-linked operative, and at least an additional nine campaign officials were aware of these contacts.

Trump campaign officials had meetings, calls, and digital correspondence with high-level Russian government officials, billionaires linked to Putin, an accused Russian spy, and hackers enlisted by Russian intelligence to meddle in the 2016 elections.
Why would the working class need benefits? The tax cuts allowed them to keep more of their money.


Yeah. Who needs Medicare when you retire when you have $20 more in your weekly paycheck.

So who lost medicare? Medicare taxes didn't change.


We have a spending problem. Do you have any idea how much we spend on Medicare?

"Mandatory spending" is about 70% of the federal budget. Medicare is about a third of that.


So roughly a quarter of all government spending. It’s a trillion dollar deficit. If you want to eliminate the deficit without raising taxes, it’ll be cut.

Possibly, but when medicare was originally passed very few people lived long enough to ever collect on it, with life spans increasing, perhaps the eligibility age should be increased, people are working longer than ever before. The same applies to social security.

You Leftards feeling stupid yet?

Since Illegally obtaining a warrant to spy on an opponents campaign is OK with you, Trump might win all 57 states.
sure, lets discuss the 17 reported errors/falsehoods in the FISA applications, let discuss the emails between Strzok and Page, Lets discuss Comey and Lynch finding a way to let hillary off the hook for violating national secure data laws----------after an "accidental runway" meeting between bubba clinton and Lynch.

Yeah, lets discuss all of it, but you won't do that because your head alternates between obama's and hillary's ass.

Sure, we can talk about those errors. The IG said that they had no bearing on the overall investigation and that it was legally started. The errors do not change the fact that there was nothing untoward about the "oranges" of the Russia Investigation and that the FBI did their jobs when we were being threatened by an adversary and people within the Trump campaign had numerous contacts with those adversaries.

We can focus all day on the tree so poor Fishy wont realize there is an entire forrest around that one little tree.

The Barr/ Durham investigation is about to wrap up, lets wait for that. In the meantime lets review the FACT that Horowitz was an Obama appointee. I don't know if he has political motives, but we are entitled to know, don't you think?

In the meantime lets focus on the good economy, our once again strong capable military, and the very low unemployment rates around this Christmas season. the country is doing great, I give Trump some of the credit, you can credit obozo the kenyan if you want, but if you do that you also have to credit Bush.
HOW tf can you say that? Bush handed a load of crap to Obama and Obama handed over a vastly improving economy to trump Bush gets credit for killing 10's of 1000;s of our guys

We can go on all day blaming past presidents. How about this: 58,000 good americans died for nothing in Kennedy and Johnson's Viet Nam "war". Nixon ended it by declaring defeat. Bush is responsible for ameican deaths in the stupid Iraq war because he wanted to get revenge on Saddam for putting a hit on Bush 41.

None of them are clean, DC is a dirt filled scum ridden hell hole where our elected reps get obscenely rich at our expense. Trump is trying to change some of that.
Red except for that last sentence ,,you made sense Trump is a low life scumbag with one object in mind ,,to enrich himself and rule over America like his Pal Putin does

you continue to verify your partisan stupidity. Putin wanted Hillary to win because he had her missing emails and could use them to blackmail her into doing whatever he wanted. How can you not understand that?
We've never had a Kenyan president and trump inherited the economy. We cannot have 4 more years of trump.

yes we have, and yes we will. you dems are destroying your party. the party of Kennedy and Truman is DEAD
the report details 17 errors, omissions, or falsehoods in the FISA applications. those were not official acts? lying to a FISA court is not a crime?

for FBI employees to plot to destroy a president is not a crime?

Oh look, does this mean you're ready to discuss what was actually in the report or just the parts Hannity wants you to see? Wanna discuss the fact that NONE of your/Trump's predictions about the AG report were true?

sure, lets discuss the 17 reported errors/falsehoods in the FISA applications, let discuss the emails between Strzok and Page, Lets discuss Comey and Lynch finding a way to let hillary off the hook for violating national secure data laws----------after an "accidental runway" meeting between bubba clinton and Lynch.

Yeah, lets discuss all of it, but you won't do that because your head alternates between obama's and hillary's ass.

Sure, we can talk about those errors. The IG said that they had no bearing on the overall investigation and that it was legally started. The errors do not change the fact that there was nothing untoward about the "oranges" of the Russia Investigation and that the FBI did their jobs when we were being threatened by an adversary and people within the Trump campaign had numerous contacts with those adversaries.

We can focus all day on the tree so poor Fishy wont realize there is an entire forrest around that one little tree.

The Barr/ Durham investigation is about to wrap up, lets wait for that. In the meantime lets review the FACT that Horowitz was an Obama appointee. I don't know if he has political motives, but we are entitled to know, don't you think?

In the meantime lets focus on the good economy, our once again strong capable military, and the very low unemployment rates around this Christmas season. the country is doing great, I give Trump some of the credit, you can credit obozo the kenyan if you want, but if you do that you also have to credit Bush.
While I appreciate the honesty in crediting Obama I beg to differ on Bush.
He oversaw the cratering of our economy. There is virtually nothing there to credit him with

I was being facetious, look it up.
Unemployment was falling and wages were rising well before the tax cut. There was no discernible difference after the tax cut was passed.

Yes, the stock market went up but most of the gains were well before the tax cut too. In fact, since Jan 2017, the Dow is up like 3%ish per year. Furthermore, the benefits of a climbing market are very unevenly distributed. Half the country has no money in the market and those that do, almost 90% is owned by the top 10% of the country by wealth.

Just thought I’d introduce some facts.

Most of the activity in the stock market after the tax cut was companies buying their own stock back.

It wasn't because of new sales or because of new products or new investment.

Which is why the stock market has stayed mostly flat.

The tax cuts went to those who already had more money than they need in many lifetimes. They don't spend and invest enough in our economy. Mostly because there isn't enough of them. It's the middle class and poor who drive our economy. They create the demand for the products. If they don't have the money to spend, then the economy slows and suffers.

The tax cuts made the wage gap even worse while making our deficit and debt such higher.

It didn't do anything positive for America or our people.

total horseshit. taxes were cut for everyone that pays taxes, yes, if you paid zero you still pay zero, its hard to cut the taxes of the 50% who pay no taxes.
The vast majority of the benefit of the tax cuts went to the most wealthy among us. That’s undeniable.

And? They pay the vast majority of the taxes.

Actually they don't.

Wow, another commie that wants to play the semantics game, yep that's what losers do. The topic is income taxes and they do pay the vast majority of income taxes.

You didn't bother to read any of the links did you? The tax cuts did NOTHING.

The independent, non-partisan Congressional Research Service just released a report showing that the 2017 tax cuts for the richest Americans and corporations did not work. This confirms what anybody who has been looking at the data already knew. Investment did not boom and workers will not see the promised bump in pay . Instead, the federal government incurred massive deficits while wealth inequality increased to its highest level in three decades.

Trump doesn't get that many people. He lies.

List of rallies for the 2016 Donald Trump presidential campaign - Wikipedia

so the current UE rates are faked? the DOW is faked? the wage report is faked? your 401K balance is faked?

you are a victim of the lying media.

as to Trump rallys, All you need to do is watch one, the cameras capture the crowds, or are the cameras lying too?
Unemployment was falling and wages were rising well before the tax cut. There was no discernible difference after the tax cut was passed.

Yes, the stock market went up but most of the gains were well before the tax cut too. In fact, since Jan 2017, the Dow is up like 3%ish per year. Furthermore, the benefits of a climbing market are very unevenly distributed. Half the country has no money in the market and those that do, almost 90% is owned by the top 10% of the country by wealth.

Just thought I’d introduce some facts.

Most of the activity in the stock market after the tax cut was companies buying their own stock back.

It wasn't because of new sales or because of new products or new investment.

Which is why the stock market has stayed mostly flat.

The tax cuts went to those who already had more money than they need in many lifetimes. They don't spend and invest enough in our economy. Mostly because there isn't enough of them. It's the middle class and poor who drive our economy. They create the demand for the products. If they don't have the money to spend, then the economy slows and suffers.

The tax cuts made the wage gap even worse while making our deficit and debt such higher.

It didn't do anything positive for America or our people.

total horseshit. taxes were cut for everyone that pays taxes, yes, if you paid zero you still pay zero, its hard to cut the taxes of the 50% who pay no taxes.
Are you in the 1% ?? If not you got squat

do you work in a union job? if so, you got a raise. are you on SS? if so, you got a raise. and yes, if you make a million a year you got a raise, and if you own a 401K its value has grown.

No, I'm not in the 1%, but most of your hollywood libtardians are. Are you happy that they now have more money to spend?
What it says is that there were 17 errors, omissions, or falsehoods in the FISA applications, Comey committed fraud on the FISA court. this is far from over.
Trump was not spied on, get over it. That's what's revealed in that report.

Stop lying, the report says they used confidential human sources (CHSs) to approach and record not only people involved in the investigation, but a senior campaign official NOT involved in the investigation. That commie is spying.


No, thats legal surveillance of a suspect.

Really, doing it to non-suspects would be called what? Keep playing the semantics game, that's what losers do.


You are the one playing silly games. The FBI conducted a legal, valid investigation into Trump Campaign contacts with Russia. Contacts that were too numerous to count and that they lied about at every turn.

The Mueller report is here — here are all the known contacts between the campaign and Russian government-linked people or entities

There are now more than 101 known points of contact between the Trump campaign and Russian-government linked people or entities, including 23 meetings or calls.

Sixteen Trump campaign officials are known to have had direct contact with a Russian government official or a Russian-linked operative, and at least an additional nine campaign officials were aware of these contacts.

Trump campaign officials had meetings, calls, and digital correspondence with high-level Russian government officials, billionaires linked to Putin, an accused Russian spy, and hackers enlisted by Russian intelligence to meddle in the 2016 elections.

Did you watch the hearings today? Graham's committee is bringing out the truth and the dems are scrambling like toads on a hotplate trying to spin the facts, but they are losing big time.
so the current UE rates are faked? the DOW is faked? the wage report is faked? your 401K balance is faked?

you are a victim of the lying media.

as to Trump rallys, All you need to do is watch one, the cameras capture the crowds, or are the cameras lying too?
Unemployment was falling and wages were rising well before the tax cut. There was no discernible difference after the tax cut was passed.

Yes, the stock market went up but most of the gains were well before the tax cut too. In fact, since Jan 2017, the Dow is up like 3%ish per year. Furthermore, the benefits of a climbing market are very unevenly distributed. Half the country has no money in the market and those that do, almost 90% is owned by the top 10% of the country by wealth.

Just thought I’d introduce some facts.

Most of the activity in the stock market after the tax cut was companies buying their own stock back.

It wasn't because of new sales or because of new products or new investment.

Which is why the stock market has stayed mostly flat.

The tax cuts went to those who already had more money than they need in many lifetimes. They don't spend and invest enough in our economy. Mostly because there isn't enough of them. It's the middle class and poor who drive our economy. They create the demand for the products. If they don't have the money to spend, then the economy slows and suffers.

The tax cuts made the wage gap even worse while making our deficit and debt such higher.

It didn't do anything positive for America or our people.

total horseshit. taxes were cut for everyone that pays taxes, yes, if you paid zero you still pay zero, its hard to cut the taxes of the 50% who pay no taxes.
Are you in the 1% ?? If not you got squat

do you work in a union job? if so, you got a raise. are you on SS? if so, you got a raise. and yes, if you make a million a year you got a raise, and if you own a 401K its value has grown.

No, I'm not in the 1%, but most of your hollywood libtardians are. Are you happy that they now have more money to spend?
No I think all should pay their fair share corporations republican thieves like Trump etc etc
Trump was not spied on, get over it. That's what's revealed in that report.

Stop lying, the report says they used confidential human sources (CHSs) to approach and record not only people involved in the investigation, but a senior campaign official NOT involved in the investigation. That commie is spying.


No, thats legal surveillance of a suspect.

Really, doing it to non-suspects would be called what? Keep playing the semantics game, that's what losers do.


You are the one playing silly games. The FBI conducted a legal, valid investigation into Trump Campaign contacts with Russia. Contacts that were too numerous to count and that they lied about at every turn.

The Mueller report is here — here are all the known contacts between the campaign and Russian government-linked people or entities

There are now more than 101 known points of contact between the Trump campaign and Russian-government linked people or entities, including 23 meetings or calls.

Sixteen Trump campaign officials are known to have had direct contact with a Russian government official or a Russian-linked operative, and at least an additional nine campaign officials were aware of these contacts.

Trump campaign officials had meetings, calls, and digital correspondence with high-level Russian government officials, billionaires linked to Putin, an accused Russian spy, and hackers enlisted by Russian intelligence to meddle in the 2016 elections.

Did you watch the hearings today? Graham's committee is bringing out the truth and the dems are scrambling like toads on a hotplate trying to spin the facts, but they are losing big time.
We must've been watching 2 different hearings The one I watched called the pos trump a liar for all his hoax BS and all his tapping crap
Unemployment was falling and wages were rising well before the tax cut. There was no discernible difference after the tax cut was passed.

Yes, the stock market went up but most of the gains were well before the tax cut too. In fact, since Jan 2017, the Dow is up like 3%ish per year. Furthermore, the benefits of a climbing market are very unevenly distributed. Half the country has no money in the market and those that do, almost 90% is owned by the top 10% of the country by wealth.

Just thought I’d introduce some facts.

Most of the activity in the stock market after the tax cut was companies buying their own stock back.

It wasn't because of new sales or because of new products or new investment.

Which is why the stock market has stayed mostly flat.

The tax cuts went to those who already had more money than they need in many lifetimes. They don't spend and invest enough in our economy. Mostly because there isn't enough of them. It's the middle class and poor who drive our economy. They create the demand for the products. If they don't have the money to spend, then the economy slows and suffers.

The tax cuts made the wage gap even worse while making our deficit and debt such higher.

It didn't do anything positive for America or our people.

total horseshit. taxes were cut for everyone that pays taxes, yes, if you paid zero you still pay zero, its hard to cut the taxes of the 50% who pay no taxes.
Are you in the 1% ?? If not you got squat

do you work in a union job? if so, you got a raise. are you on SS? if so, you got a raise. and yes, if you make a million a year you got a raise, and if you own a 401K its value has grown.

No, I'm not in the 1%, but most of your hollywood libtardians are. Are you happy that they now have more money to spend?
No I think all should pay their fair share corporations republican thieves like Trump etc etc

Me too, including all income levels, illegals, and congresspersons. If Trump was not paying what he should be, don't you think the obama IRS would have been screaming it from the roof tops in 2016?

I want Pelosi audited, and Biden, and Schumer, and Omar, and AOC. Lets see who is in compliance with the tax code and who isn't. OK?

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