Another Lie debunked-IG report concludes FBI did not spy on trump campaign

Trump is scum but we already knew that
BREAKING: MOB BOSS TRUMP ATTACKS THE COPS: “At a rally, Trump called the FBI ‘scum’ amid the release of an IG report on the FBI's investigation of the 2016 Trump campaign. The IG report debunked his claim that the investigation was launched by biased individuals within the intel community.”

At a rally in Pennsylvania, Trump called the FBI ‘scum’ amid the release of an IG report on the FBI's investigation of the 2016 Trump campaign. The IG report debunked the president's claim that the investigation into his campaign was launched by biased individuals within the intelligence communi...

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Trump calls FBI ‘scum’ at rally
At a rally in Pennsylvania, Trump called the FBI ‘scum’ amid the release of an IG report on the FBI's investigation of the 2016 Trump campaign. The IG report debunked the president's claim that the investigation into his campaign was launched by biased individuals within the intelligence communi...

He called the corrupt assholes at the top of the FBI scum, which they are: comey, Mccabe, Brenner, Clapper, Strzok, Page, etc.

they were trying to use the FBI to influence the outcome of an election, they should all be in jail.
Every one of those mentioned are fine Americans spending their lives keeping America safe And anyone calling them scum deserves a baseball bat to his head

I can't decide if you are pathetically stupid or totally brainwashed, or both
I have it figured out Red Let me help you You and others here, Trump in his WH , love calling out people as to just what they are themselves Hope this helps Trump is mentally unhinged and if you can't see it YOU are the brain washed supporter of russian bs

the only russian collusion was done by the hillary campaign, that is a proven fact.

as to mentally unhinged, don't flash any lights at hillary, it caused her to have epileptic fits, and don't make her walk up steps, she is so unstable she will fall on her fat ass.
Actually that's exactly what Hillary did! Key staff members who worked on her reelection campaign were also getting paid salaries from the Clinton Foundation. It's a rather slick way to get around campaign finance laws.

So something illegal or not? The Clinton Foundation is still in operation and the Clintons aren't barred from charity work...unlike Trump.

yes, it was illegal and the clinton foundation is NOT still in operation.

Are you high?

They did nothing illegal and are still, very much, in operation...unlike the Trump Foundation.

It was, and is, nothing but a money laundering scheme whereby the clintons sold access

You do realize that isn't what your link to an EDITORIAL claims, right? Yes, it claims people donated to curry favor, nothing about "money laundering" .

The Clinton Foundation is still in business. How is Trump's fake charity? You know, he actually did all the things you can only accuse the Clintons of.

Donald Trump pays $2 million to end Trump Foundation saga, lawsuit

So when only 5% of the money collected by the clinton foundation goes to "worthy" causes and the rest to "expenses and salaries" thats not money laundering?

Yes, trump stepped up and paid off everyone owed money by his foundation, he did the right thing.

How exactly was Chelsea qualified to receive a salary of 900K/year to "run" the foundation? Not money laundering----------------are you a fricken loon?
And to all my republican fiends The real scum are in our WH and AG Barr

I have decided, you are pathetically stupid.
Red I'm smarter than the generals ,the doctors the scientists and one professor said I was the dumbest student he ever had ,,,married 3 times cheating on all 3 My name is Donald Trump and you my friend can kiss my butt

you continue to verify my assessment of you------------------and you are too dumb to realize it.
And to all my republican fiends The real scum are in our WH and AG Barr

I have decided, you are pathetically stupid.
Red I'm smarter than the generals ,the doctors the scientists and one professor said I was the dumbest student he ever had ,,,married 3 times cheating on all 3 My name is Donald Trump and you my friend can kiss my butt

you continue to verify my assessment of you------------------and you are too dumb to realize it.
As a trump supporter your assessment of me is as worthless as a fart in the wind
That there was anything wrong or political in the origins of the FISA request on Carter Page...for starters

That Sztrok and Page while no fans of Trump...engaged in no official acts that were politically motivated

the report details 17 errors, omissions, or falsehoods in the FISA applications. those were not official acts? lying to a FISA court is not a crime?

for FBI employees to plot to destroy a president is not a crime?

Oh look, does this mean you're ready to discuss what was actually in the report or just the parts Hannity wants you to see? Wanna discuss the fact that NONE of your/Trump's predictions about the AG report were true?

sure, lets discuss the 17 reported errors/falsehoods in the FISA applications, let discuss the emails between Strzok and Page, Lets discuss Comey and Lynch finding a way to let hillary off the hook for violating national secure data laws----------after an "accidental runway" meeting between bubba clinton and Lynch.

Yeah, lets discuss all of it, but you won't do that because your head alternates between obama's and hillary's ass.

Sure, we can talk about those errors. The IG said that they had no bearing on the overall investigation and that it was legally started. The errors do not change the fact that there was nothing untoward about the "oranges" of the Russia Investigation and that the FBI did their jobs when we were being threatened by an adversary and people within the Trump campaign had numerous contacts with those adversaries.

We can focus all day on the tree so poor Fishy wont realize there is an entire forrest around that one little tree.
And to all my republican fiends The real scum are in our WH and AG Barr

I have decided, you are pathetically stupid.
Red I'm smarter than the generals ,the doctors the scientists and one professor said I was the dumbest student he ever had ,,,married 3 times cheating on all 3 My name is Donald Trump and you my friend can kiss my butt

you continue to verify my assessment of you------------------and you are too dumb to realize it.
As a trump supporter your assessment of me is as worthless as a fart in the wind
And to all my republican fiends The real scum are in our WH and AG Barr

I have decided, you are pathetically stupid.
Red I'm smarter than the generals ,the doctors the scientists and one professor said I was the dumbest student he ever had ,,,married 3 times cheating on all 3 My name is Donald Trump and you my friend can kiss my butt

you continue to verify my assessment of you------------------and you are too dumb to realize it.
As a trump supporter your assessment of me is as worthless as a fart in the wind

OK, you are free to pass gas wherever you want. But no amount of dem/lib gas will change the outcome of the 2020 election. Trump will be president until 2025 no matter what you fools do or say.
And to all my republican fiends The real scum are in our WH and AG Barr

I have decided, you are pathetically stupid.
Red I'm smarter than the generals ,the doctors the scientists and one professor said I was the dumbest student he ever had ,,,married 3 times cheating on all 3 My name is Donald Trump and you my friend can kiss my butt

you continue to verify my assessment of you------------------and you are too dumb to realize it.
As a trump supporter your assessment of me is as worthless as a fart in the wind
And to all my republican fiends The real scum are in our WH and AG Barr

I have decided, you are pathetically stupid.
Red I'm smarter than the generals ,the doctors the scientists and one professor said I was the dumbest student he ever had ,,,married 3 times cheating on all 3 My name is Donald Trump and you my friend can kiss my butt

you continue to verify my assessment of you------------------and you are too dumb to realize it.
As a trump supporter your assessment of me is as worthless as a fart in the wind

OK, you are free to pass gas wherever you want. But no amount of dem/lib gas will change the outcome of the 2020 election. Trump will be president until 2025 no matter what you fools do or say.
And you might be right But that says nothing about the fact he is scum a great divider with an AG that kisses his ass You evidently are blind to it but America is in trouble with him at the helm
That there was anything wrong or political in the origins of the FISA request on Carter Page...for starters

That Sztrok and Page while no fans of Trump...engaged in no official acts that were politically motivated

the report details 17 errors, omissions, or falsehoods in the FISA applications. those were not official acts? lying to a FISA court is not a crime?

for FBI employees to plot to destroy a president is not a crime?

Oh look, does this mean you're ready to discuss what was actually in the report or just the parts Hannity wants you to see? Wanna discuss the fact that NONE of your/Trump's predictions about the AG report were true?

sure, lets discuss the 17 reported errors/falsehoods in the FISA applications, let discuss the emails between Strzok and Page, Lets discuss Comey and Lynch finding a way to let hillary off the hook for violating national secure data laws----------after an "accidental runway" meeting between bubba clinton and Lynch.

Yeah, lets discuss all of it, but you won't do that because your head alternates between obama's and hillary's ass.

Sure, we can talk about those errors. The IG said that they had no bearing on the overall investigation and that it was legally started. The errors do not change the fact that there was nothing untoward about the "oranges" of the Russia Investigation and that the FBI did their jobs when we were being threatened by an adversary and people within the Trump campaign had numerous contacts with those adversaries.

We can focus all day on the tree so poor Fishy wont realize there is an entire forrest around that one little tree.

The Barr/ Durham investigation is about to wrap up, lets wait for that. In the meantime lets review the FACT that Horowitz was an Obama appointee. I don't know if he has political motives, but we are entitled to know, don't you think?

In the meantime lets focus on the good economy, our once again strong capable military, and the very low unemployment rates around this Christmas season. the country is doing great, I give Trump some of the credit, you can credit obozo the kenyan if you want, but if you do that you also have to credit Bush.
I have decided, you are pathetically stupid.
Red I'm smarter than the generals ,the doctors the scientists and one professor said I was the dumbest student he ever had ,,,married 3 times cheating on all 3 My name is Donald Trump and you my friend can kiss my butt

you continue to verify my assessment of you------------------and you are too dumb to realize it.
As a trump supporter your assessment of me is as worthless as a fart in the wind
I have decided, you are pathetically stupid.
Red I'm smarter than the generals ,the doctors the scientists and one professor said I was the dumbest student he ever had ,,,married 3 times cheating on all 3 My name is Donald Trump and you my friend can kiss my butt

you continue to verify my assessment of you------------------and you are too dumb to realize it.
As a trump supporter your assessment of me is as worthless as a fart in the wind

OK, you are free to pass gas wherever you want. But no amount of dem/lib gas will change the outcome of the 2020 election. Trump will be president until 2025 no matter what you fools do or say.
And you might be right But that says nothing about the fact he is scum a great divider with an AG that kisses his ass You evidently are blind to it but America is in trouble with him at the helm

Did Holder and Lynch not kiss Obama's ass? Did every AG in history not work for the president at the time?

Trump talks like a normal american, he is sometimes blunt and tactless like all New Yorkers. I can understand not liking his style and persona, but if you don't like him you cannot like DeBlasio, or Bloomberg because they are also brash talking New Yorkers.

The DC establishment wants Trump out because he is exposing them, both parties, for their long time corruption, you should be happy about that.
That there was anything wrong or political in the origins of the FISA request on Carter Page...for starters

That Sztrok and Page while no fans of Trump...engaged in no official acts that were politically motivated

the report details 17 errors, omissions, or falsehoods in the FISA applications. those were not official acts? lying to a FISA court is not a crime?

for FBI employees to plot to destroy a president is not a crime?

Oh look, does this mean you're ready to discuss what was actually in the report or just the parts Hannity wants you to see? Wanna discuss the fact that NONE of your/Trump's predictions about the AG report were true?

sure, lets discuss the 17 reported errors/falsehoods in the FISA applications, let discuss the emails between Strzok and Page, Lets discuss Comey and Lynch finding a way to let hillary off the hook for violating national secure data laws----------after an "accidental runway" meeting between bubba clinton and Lynch.

Yeah, lets discuss all of it, but you won't do that because your head alternates between obama's and hillary's ass.

Sure, we can talk about those errors. The IG said that they had no bearing on the overall investigation and that it was legally started. The errors do not change the fact that there was nothing untoward about the "oranges" of the Russia Investigation and that the FBI did their jobs when we were being threatened by an adversary and people within the Trump campaign had numerous contacts with those adversaries.

We can focus all day on the tree so poor Fishy wont realize there is an entire forrest around that one little tree.

The Barr/ Durham investigation is about to wrap up, lets wait for that. In the meantime lets review the FACT that Horowitz was an Obama appointee. I don't know if he has political motives, but we are entitled to know, don't you think?

In the meantime lets focus on the good economy, our once again strong capable military, and the very low unemployment rates around this Christmas season. the country is doing great, I give Trump some of the credit, you can credit obozo the kenyan if you want, but if you do that you also have to credit Bush.
HOW tf can you say that? Bush handed a load of crap to Obama and Obama handed over a vastly improving economy to trump Bush gets credit for killing 10's of 1000;s of our guys
the report details 17 errors, omissions, or falsehoods in the FISA applications. those were not official acts? lying to a FISA court is not a crime?

for FBI employees to plot to destroy a president is not a crime?

Oh look, does this mean you're ready to discuss what was actually in the report or just the parts Hannity wants you to see? Wanna discuss the fact that NONE of your/Trump's predictions about the AG report were true?

sure, lets discuss the 17 reported errors/falsehoods in the FISA applications, let discuss the emails between Strzok and Page, Lets discuss Comey and Lynch finding a way to let hillary off the hook for violating national secure data laws----------after an "accidental runway" meeting between bubba clinton and Lynch.

Yeah, lets discuss all of it, but you won't do that because your head alternates between obama's and hillary's ass.

Sure, we can talk about those errors. The IG said that they had no bearing on the overall investigation and that it was legally started. The errors do not change the fact that there was nothing untoward about the "oranges" of the Russia Investigation and that the FBI did their jobs when we were being threatened by an adversary and people within the Trump campaign had numerous contacts with those adversaries.

We can focus all day on the tree so poor Fishy wont realize there is an entire forrest around that one little tree.

The Barr/ Durham investigation is about to wrap up, lets wait for that. In the meantime lets review the FACT that Horowitz was an Obama appointee. I don't know if he has political motives, but we are entitled to know, don't you think?

In the meantime lets focus on the good economy, our once again strong capable military, and the very low unemployment rates around this Christmas season. the country is doing great, I give Trump some of the credit, you can credit obozo the kenyan if you want, but if you do that you also have to credit Bush.
HOW tf can you say that? Bush handed a load of crap to Obama and Obama handed over a vastly improving economy to trump Bush gets credit for killing 10's of 1000;s of our guys

We can go on all day blaming past presidents. How about this: 58,000 good americans died for nothing in Kennedy and Johnson's Viet Nam "war". Nixon ended it by declaring defeat. Bush is responsible for ameican deaths in the stupid Iraq war because he wanted to get revenge on Saddam for putting a hit on Bush 41.

None of them are clean, DC is a dirt filled scum ridden hell hole where our elected reps get obscenely rich at our expense. Trump is trying to change some of that.
Oh look, does this mean you're ready to discuss what was actually in the report or just the parts Hannity wants you to see? Wanna discuss the fact that NONE of your/Trump's predictions about the AG report were true?

sure, lets discuss the 17 reported errors/falsehoods in the FISA applications, let discuss the emails between Strzok and Page, Lets discuss Comey and Lynch finding a way to let hillary off the hook for violating national secure data laws----------after an "accidental runway" meeting between bubba clinton and Lynch.

Yeah, lets discuss all of it, but you won't do that because your head alternates between obama's and hillary's ass.

Sure, we can talk about those errors. The IG said that they had no bearing on the overall investigation and that it was legally started. The errors do not change the fact that there was nothing untoward about the "oranges" of the Russia Investigation and that the FBI did their jobs when we were being threatened by an adversary and people within the Trump campaign had numerous contacts with those adversaries.

We can focus all day on the tree so poor Fishy wont realize there is an entire forrest around that one little tree.

The Barr/ Durham investigation is about to wrap up, lets wait for that. In the meantime lets review the FACT that Horowitz was an Obama appointee. I don't know if he has political motives, but we are entitled to know, don't you think?

In the meantime lets focus on the good economy, our once again strong capable military, and the very low unemployment rates around this Christmas season. the country is doing great, I give Trump some of the credit, you can credit obozo the kenyan if you want, but if you do that you also have to credit Bush.
HOW tf can you say that? Bush handed a load of crap to Obama and Obama handed over a vastly improving economy to trump Bush gets credit for killing 10's of 1000;s of our guys

We can go on all day blaming past presidents. How about this: 58,000 good americans died for nothing in Kennedy and Johnson's Viet Nam "war". Nixon ended it by declaring defeat. Bush is responsible for ameican deaths in the stupid Iraq war because he wanted to get revenge on Saddam for putting a hit on Bush 41.

None of them are clean, DC is a dirt filled scum ridden hell hole where our elected reps get obscenely rich at our expense. Trump is trying to change some of that.
Red except for that last sentence ,,you made sense Trump is a low life scumbag with one object in mind ,,to enrich himself and rule over America like his Pal Putin does
Yep, and they didn't write it off to legal expenses, did they?

And? You still haven't said what is not above board about Fusion GPS. Do you think the way they were hired was illegal in some way?

The money to hire them was laundered through a law firm, and was reported to the FEC as legal expenses. Why did they try to hide where the money went?


It was not "laundered". This is what potential money laundering looks like

Deutsche Bank Flagged Trump and Kushner for Potential Money Laundering: Report

Paying a law firm to hire an investigator is not laundering, its business.

Why in god's name would you need to pay a law firm, law firm rates to hire a company that does political research? Why wouldn't you simply hire the company that does political research? You think the Clinton campaign didn't know who Glenn Simpson and Fusion GPS were? Be honest for once! There's only one reason to make that hire through a third party law firm and incur that additional expense! You want to hide the fact that you're the one funding what Simpson and Fusion GPS are about to do! Going through the law firm makes it that much harder to trace what happened back to you.

Was the law firm hired with the sole purpose of hiring Fusion GPS?

Again...why would any rational person use a law firm to hire another company that has nothing to do with law? I wouldn't! I know what lawyers bill! You'd have to be a complete idiot if you did! So what possible reason would the Clinton campaign have for doing what they did OTHER than to hide the fact that they were paying for a political smear job on their opponent?
Would you use a lawyer to make arrangements to have your car repaired? Of course not! Why? Because the lawyer is going to charge you $500 an hour to make the call! So why would the Clinton campaign waste all that money going through a lawyer to hire Fusion GPS? I'm willing to listen to a rational explanation, let's hear it! The only one that seems obvious is that you don't want the transaction to be easily traceable to you. Hiding it behind a lawyer/client privilege is a great way to do that.
trump lied to you. And you fell for it. There are at least 8 heads that need to roll Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani, Energy Secretary Rick Perry, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, ex-national security adviser John Bolton, acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, Vice President Mike Pence, trump and I am including William Barr. There was no deep state. There was no coup. There is no witch hunt or hoax.

There was nothing but a bunch of trumps lies.

The time has come for trump.

In a huge blow to Trump, the DOJ watchdog found no evidence to support the claim that the FBI spied on his 2016 campaign
View attachment 292008

Sonam Sheth and Eliza Relman

The Justice Department's inspector general found no evidence to support President Donald Trump's claim that the FBI inserted spies in his 2016 presidential campaign, The New York Times reported on Wednesday, citing people familiar with a draft of the report.

Trump has repeatedly and baselessly alleged that the FBI inserted covert operators in his campaign.

He also alleged, without evidence, that former President Barack Obama had intelligence officials tap his phones, a claim the report is also expected to undercut.

Sources told The Times and The Washington Post that while the report undermines Trump's most extreme claims, it also faults the FBI for making bureaucratic mistakes when applying for a warrant to surveil Carter Page, a former Trump campaign aide.

The Justice Department's inspector general found no evidence to support President Donald Trump's claim that the FBI spied on his 2016 presidential campaign while investigating whether the campaign was conspiring with the Russian government to interfere in the election, The New York Times reported on Wednesday, citing people familiar with a draft of the report.

In a huge blow to Trump, the DOJ watchdog found no evidence to support the claim that the FBI spied on his 2016 campaign

Well, now the report is out, feel free to link where he said that. Should be a piece of cake for a genius such as yourself.


Wrong. Go to a search engine, type the words and find the links yourself if you don't want to admit trump said this.

Wow, I thought this thread was about the DOJ watchdog and his report doesn't support your BS. It says at least 4 people in the campaign were spied on.


His report says what was done was justified.

What it says is that there were 17 errors, omissions, or falsehoods in the FISA applications, Comey committed fraud on the FISA court. this is far from over.

What it says is that what trump claimed happened to him did not. It is over.
the tax cuts for small businesses and corporations are part of the reason for the low UE rate and the growth in the stock market. and yes, a 5% across the board tax cut saves more for a guy making 20 million than for a guy making 50 thousand. So what? and its also true that tax cuts have no affect on someone who is paying zero taxes (50% of america). again, so fricken what?

You didn't bother to read any of the links did you? The tax cuts did NOTHING.

The independent, non-partisan Congressional Research Service just released a report showing that the 2017 tax cuts for the richest Americans and corporations did not work. This confirms what anybody who has been looking at the data already knew. Investment did not boom and workers will not see the promised bump in pay . Instead, the federal government incurred massive deficits while wealth inequality increased to its highest level in three decades.

Tell us when and where Warren has ever had a crowd of 30,000 or more, give us the place and date and proof of the headcount.

Trump doesn't get that many people. He lies.

List of rallies for the 2016 Donald Trump presidential campaign - Wikipedia

so the current UE rates are faked? the DOW is faked? the wage report is faked? your 401K balance is faked?

you are a victim of the lying media.

as to Trump rallys, All you need to do is watch one, the cameras capture the crowds, or are the cameras lying too?
Unemployment was falling and wages were rising well before the tax cut. There was no discernible difference after the tax cut was passed.

Yes, the stock market went up but most of the gains were well before the tax cut too. In fact, since Jan 2017, the Dow is up like 3%ish per year. Furthermore, the benefits of a climbing market are very unevenly distributed. Half the country has no money in the market and those that do, almost 90% is owned by the top 10% of the country by wealth.

Just thought I’d introduce some facts.

Most of the activity in the stock market after the tax cut was companies buying their own stock back.

It wasn't because of new sales or because of new products or new investment.

Which is why the stock market has stayed mostly flat.

The tax cuts went to those who already had more money than they need in many lifetimes. They don't spend and invest enough in our economy. Mostly because there isn't enough of them. It's the middle class and poor who drive our economy. They create the demand for the products. If they don't have the money to spend, then the economy slows and suffers.

The tax cuts made the wage gap even worse while making our deficit and debt such higher.

It didn't do anything positive for America or our people.

total horseshit. taxes were cut for everyone that pays taxes, yes, if you paid zero you still pay zero, its hard to cut the taxes of the 50% who pay no taxes.
Are you in the 1% ?? If not you got squat
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That there was anything wrong or political in the origins of the FISA request on Carter Page...for starters

That Sztrok and Page while no fans of Trump...engaged in no official acts that were politically motivated

the report details 17 errors, omissions, or falsehoods in the FISA applications. those were not official acts? lying to a FISA court is not a crime?

for FBI employees to plot to destroy a president is not a crime?

Oh look, does this mean you're ready to discuss what was actually in the report or just the parts Hannity wants you to see? Wanna discuss the fact that NONE of your/Trump's predictions about the AG report were true?

sure, lets discuss the 17 reported errors/falsehoods in the FISA applications, let discuss the emails between Strzok and Page, Lets discuss Comey and Lynch finding a way to let hillary off the hook for violating national secure data laws----------after an "accidental runway" meeting between bubba clinton and Lynch.

Yeah, lets discuss all of it, but you won't do that because your head alternates between obama's and hillary's ass.

Sure, we can talk about those errors. The IG said that they had no bearing on the overall investigation and that it was legally started. The errors do not change the fact that there was nothing untoward about the "oranges" of the Russia Investigation and that the FBI did their jobs when we were being threatened by an adversary and people within the Trump campaign had numerous contacts with those adversaries.

We can focus all day on the tree so poor Fishy wont realize there is an entire forrest around that one little tree.

The Barr/ Durham investigation is about to wrap up, lets wait for that. In the meantime lets review the FACT that Horowitz was an Obama appointee. I don't know if he has political motives, but we are entitled to know, don't you think?

In the meantime lets focus on the good economy, our once again strong capable military, and the very low unemployment rates around this Christmas season. the country is doing great, I give Trump some of the credit, you can credit obozo the kenyan if you want, but if you do that you also have to credit Bush.
While I appreciate the honesty in crediting Obama I beg to differ on Bush.
He oversaw the cratering of our economy. There is virtually nothing there to credit him with
Well, now the report is out, feel free to link where he said that. Should be a piece of cake for a genius such as yourself.


Wrong. Go to a search engine, type the words and find the links yourself if you don't want to admit trump said this.

Wow, I thought this thread was about the DOJ watchdog and his report doesn't support your BS. It says at least 4 people in the campaign were spied on.


His report says what was done was justified.

What it says is that there were 17 errors, omissions, or falsehoods in the FISA applications, Comey committed fraud on the FISA court. this is far from over.

What it says is that what trump claimed happened to him did not. It is over.
Well, now the report is out, feel free to link where he said that. Should be a piece of cake for a genius such as yourself.


Wrong. Go to a search engine, type the words and find the links yourself if you don't want to admit trump said this.

Wow, I thought this thread was about the DOJ watchdog and his report doesn't support your BS. It says at least 4 people in the campaign were spied on.


His report says what was done was justified.

What it says is that there were 17 errors, omissions, or falsehoods in the FISA applications, Comey committed fraud on the FISA court. this is far from over.

What it says is that what trump claimed happened to him did not. It is over.
Billy the Bagman and his handpicked Inquisitor Durham will try to spin with inane and factually dubious smoke and mirrors... but yes.

those bullshit claims are over
We've never had a Kenyan president and trump inherited the economy. We cannot have 4 more years of trump.

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