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Another Lie debunked-IG report concludes FBI did not spy on trump campaign

Won't you look stupid if Durham comes up with real evidence they were involved.

Involved in what? Putin's propaganda fantasy?

What's funny as hell is the bidens are ass deep in corruption that is plain to see, and good ole uncle joe, the fucking moron, bragged about it because he was sure the election was a cake walk. Now that we have the ability to investigate these fuckers, you asshats sit around with your hands over your eyes as you whistle dixie.

Fucking idiots, the lot of you.

He bragged about it because it was actually something to brag about. He was getting rid of someone that, according to the United States and other western governments, was a corrupt prosecutor.
1. You thing extorting the Ukraine PM was something to brag about on videotape?! You're as stupid as Biden...

2.You asked for links - you got links...it you don't like getting what you asked for...and refuse to produce any of your own...as usual.

When you get facts you can't dispute you attempt to attack the source.


That's pretty funny considering that is exactly what Westwall and Redfish have done, attack every source from credible news organizations. Sorry, but you don't get to do that then post a link from a site nobody ever heard of or the Daily Caller.

These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.
  • Overall, we rate the Daily Caller strongly right biased based on story selection that almost always favors the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to numerous failed fact checks. The Daily Caller is a source that needs to be fact checked on a per article basis.
Daily Caller - Media Bias/Fact Check
Won't you look stupid if Durham comes up with real evidence they were involved.

Involved in what? Putin's propaganda fantasy?

What's funny as hell is the bidens are ass deep in corruption that is plain to see, and good ole uncle joe, the fucking moron, bragged about it because he was sure the election was a cake walk. Now that we have the ability to investigate these fuckers, you asshats sit around with your hands over your eyes as you whistle dixie.

Fucking idiots, the lot of you.

He bragged about it because it was actually something to brag about. He was getting rid of someone that, according to the United States and other western governments, was a corrupt prosecutor.
1. You thing extorting the Ukraine PM was something to brag about on videotape?! You're as stupid as Biden...

2.You asked for links - you got links...it you don't like getting what you asked for...and refuse to produce any of your own...as usual.

When you get facts you can't dispute you attempt to attack the source.


That's pretty funny considering that is exactly what Westwall and Redfish have done, attack every source from credible news organizations. Sorry, but you don't get to do that then post a link from a site nobody ever heard of or the Daily Caller.

These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.
  • Overall, we rate the Daily Caller strongly right biased based on story selection that almost always favors the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to numerous failed fact checks. The Daily Caller is a source that needs to be fact checked on a per article basis.
Daily Caller - Media Bias/Fact Check
Fact Check has proven to be bias based on debunked ''fact checking', but thanks for trying to distract from the facts I posted that you prove you can not debunk.. You just keep railing about the source. Failed diversion attempt.
Involved in what? Putin's propaganda fantasy?

What's funny as hell is the bidens are ass deep in corruption that is plain to see, and good ole uncle joe, the fucking moron, bragged about it because he was sure the election was a cake walk. Now that we have the ability to investigate these fuckers, you asshats sit around with your hands over your eyes as you whistle dixie.

Fucking idiots, the lot of you.

He bragged about it because it was actually something to brag about. He was getting rid of someone that, according to the United States and other western governments, was a corrupt prosecutor.
1. You thing extorting the Ukraine PM was something to brag about on videotape?! You're as stupid as Biden...

2.You asked for links - you got links...it you don't like getting what you asked for...and refuse to produce any of your own...as usual.

When you get facts you can't dispute you attempt to attack the source.


That's pretty funny considering that is exactly what Westwall and Redfish have done, attack every source from credible news organizations. Sorry, but you don't get to do that then post a link from a site nobody ever heard of or the Daily Caller.

These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.
  • Overall, we rate the Daily Caller strongly right biased based on story selection that almost always favors the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to numerous failed fact checks. The Daily Caller is a source that needs to be fact checked on a per article basis.
Daily Caller - Media Bias/Fact Check
Fact Check has proven to be bias based on debunked ''fact checking', but thanks for trying to distract from the facts I posted that you prove you can not debunk.. You just keep railing about the source. Failed diversion attempt.

That isn't a link to factcheck.org. Here, let me quote you.

"When you get facts you can't dispute you attempt to attack the source."

FYI, that's what they call being hoisted on your own petard.
Won't you look stupid if Durham comes up with real evidence they were involved.

Involved in what? Putin's propaganda fantasy?

What's funny as hell is the bidens are ass deep in corruption that is plain to see, and good ole uncle joe, the fucking moron, bragged about it because he was sure the election was a cake walk. Now that we have the ability to investigate these fuckers, you asshats sit around with your hands over your eyes as you whistle dixie.

Fucking idiots, the lot of you.

He bragged about it because it was actually something to brag about. He was getting rid of someone that, according to the United States and other western governments, was a corrupt prosecutor.
1. You thing extorting the Ukraine PM was something to brag about on videotape?! You're as stupid as Biden...

2.You asked for links - you got links...it you don't like getting what you asked for...and refuse to produce any of your own...as usual.

When you get facts you can't dispute you attempt to attack the source.


On Bidens and Ukraine, Wild Claims With Little Basis

Fact-checking all things Ukraine, Trump and the Bidens - CNNPolitics

Debunking 4 Viral Rumors About the Bidens and Ukraine

What Were The Bidens Doing In Ukraine? 5 Questions Answered
You forgot to mention the State Dept testifying telling Biden his son's working for Burisma was a Conflict of interest, that Biden blew them off, that they testified the Biden's should be investigated and be forced to testify under oath.

You forgot to mention Joe's videotaped confession.

Your propaganda leaves out a lot of proven fact, snowflake.
You forgot to mention the State Dept testifying telling Biden his son's working for Burisma was a Conflict of interest, that Biden blew them off, that they testified the Biden's should be investigated and be forced to testify under oath.

You forgot to mention Joe's videotaped confession.

Your propaganda leaves out a lot of proven fact, snowflake.

All of your rantings were covered in the links I provided. Propaganda is the Russian based conspiracy theories about Ukraine that y'all have been parroting.

Charges of Ukrainian Meddling? A Russian Operation, U.S. Intelligence Says
sorry snowflake, from Crowdstrike to Steele to FISA Court abuses to Joe's videotaped confession to the US IG's report your BS propaganda has been debunked and Dem crimes exposed.
Charges of Ukrainian Meddling? A Russian Operation, U.S. Intelligence Says

So of course Trumpers take Russian propaganda (which comes from their intel agencies) over the statements of our own intel agencies.

What planet do we live on folks?
yes, moron, I did open the link. the list consists of employees at left leaning colleges, the only significance of this list and the comments of those listed, is that they are 700 votes against Trump next year, if you think those 700 votes are going to keep Trump from winning, I have a bridge across the mighty Mississippi that I would like to sell you.

Hint: no one with any brains listens to left wing college profs who have no idea how the real world works.

If you clicked on the link then you could have seen all the names. The link to the list and where they work is all in the link in my signature. You obviously aren't savvy enough so I'll give you the direct link to all the names. Its well over 700 now.

Grid view - Airtable

I already looked at the list of names and places of employment------------I'm not impressed that a bunch of left wing academic loons want Trump out of office. These fools have no credibility.

No one is fooled by that BS, witchey--------------except maybe you.

It obviously got you riled up enough to dismiss them all as "liberal professors" ...which is just another case of you doing the sour grapes dance.

that's exactly what they are. Prove me wrong.
They aren't all "liberal professors" . Ever heard of Ken Burns? He signed it. Pulitzer prize-winning author Robert Caro also signed it. You make it way too easy to prove you wrong.

you are correct, so let me correct my categorization of those people-----------------all liberal trump haters. Happy now?

secondly, I don't care what those people think or say, their opinions are of no more value than those of my garbage man or the guy that cuts my grass.
Charges of Ukrainian Meddling? A Russian Operation, U.S. Intelligence Says

So of course Trumpers take Russian propaganda (which comes from their intel agencies) over the statements of our own intel agencies.

What planet do we live on folks?

Hmm, funny coming from someone who believed the Russian dossier paid for by the clinton campaign. What planet do you live on, fool?
Yeah....not so much. Just about everything you just said has been debunked.

Let's start with the fact of how Barry made a prominent member of CrowdStrike - a company linked to George Soros & Hillary - a member of his administration....

Let's then go to Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, former DNC Chairwoman who initially hired thre Pakistani spies who illegally accessed tera-bytes of classified House data from their server, who then hired Awan after this was discovered and the Pakistanis were banned from the House and House computers, how she not only gave them access to House servers again but also gave them access to all the DNC's e-mails, usernames, and passwords.....

....Let's talk about how not long after THIS the Democrats' personal e-mails began surfacing, exposing not only e-mails that contained racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic content but also revealed the DNC had stacked the deck against Sanders in their Primaries, had helped Hillary cheat in debates, funneled donations earmarked for other Dems in other races to Hillary's campaign, and eventually GAVE Hillary what she could not win - the DNC nomination.
** Donna Brazile, the next DNC Chairwoman, publicly admitted all of this happened.

...Let's talk about how when what DWS had done- rehiring Awan and giving him access to every DNC e-mail, username, & password - she was fired...and THAT SAME DAY she ran to the Hillary campaign and was immediately hired to join Hillary's team.

...Let's talk about how the Democrats masterfully switched into 'PR Spin' mode and began pushing the 'The Russians hacked our server' BS narrative to distract the American people (at least the sheep) from the fact that they had just been exposed for being a bunch of 'closet' racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semites AND had been exposed for rigging the 2017 Primaries / Election for Hillary!

...Let's talk about how the DNC refused to give up their server to prove they had been hacked by the Russians an instead agree to let CrowdStrike 'image' their entire server to analyze instead and how CrowdStrike - part of the Obama administration, tied to George Soros, tied to Hillary's team, and tied to HUGE donors and supporters of Hillary - was the ONLY ones to claim to have evidence that the Russians aired the Democrats' 'Dirty Laundry'!

Before you start screaming how this is all opinion and unsupported claims just go to the 'CrowdStrike' thread here and enjoy reading all the many links proving all of this...then come back and talk to me.

Crowdstrike? Still hanging your hat on an actual debunked conspiracy theory? Everything I posted was fact, backed up by our intelligence agencies. Nothing you said is supported by facts.

There is nothing debunked about that sweetcheeks. You pay too much attention to propagandists and not enough to actual legal professionals.

Everything about it has been.


Debunked Ukraine conspiracy theory is knocked down - again

got news for ya, posting a propaganda piece from the DNC mouthpiece Wash post proves nothing except your gullibility.

So now even the Associated press is propaganda to you? You really are irony deficient. You spout nothing but thoroughly and completely debunked conspiracy theories and believe the words coming out of Trump's cat anus mouth but call me gullible. Too rich...

I believe what my eyes see and my ears hear-------------after applying a BS filter no matter where it comes from. Propaganda today comes from many sources because political control is financially beneficial to those in control, and really thats all any of this has ever been about---------who gets rich at taxpayer expense. Are you honest enough to admit that?

Our system is flawed but it remains the best system in the history of the world. The Russian goal in 2016 was to divide the country and gets us screaming at each other------It looks like they succeeded.
Won't you look stupid if Durham comes up with real evidence they were involved.

Involved in what? Putin's propaganda fantasy?

What's funny as hell is the bidens are ass deep in corruption that is plain to see, and good ole uncle joe, the fucking moron, bragged about it because he was sure the election was a cake walk. Now that we have the ability to investigate these fuckers, you asshats sit around with your hands over your eyes as you whistle dixie.

Fucking idiots, the lot of you.

He bragged about it because it was actually something to brag about. He was getting rid of someone that, according to the United States and other western governments, was a corrupt prosecutor.
1. You thing extorting the Ukraine PM was something to brag about on videotape?! You're as stupid as Biden...

2.You asked for links - you got links...it you don't like getting what you asked for...and refuse to produce any of your own...as usual.

When you get facts you can't dispute you attempt to attack the source.


On Bidens and Ukraine, Wild Claims With Little Basis

Fact-checking all things Ukraine, Trump and the Bidens - CNNPolitics

Debunking 4 Viral Rumors About the Bidens and Ukraine

What Were The Bidens Doing In Ukraine? 5 Questions Answered
Im glad Biden publicly disclosed the DC Money Laundering Operation
If you clicked on the link then you could have seen all the names. The link to the list and where they work is all in the link in my signature. You obviously aren't savvy enough so I'll give you the direct link to all the names. Its well over 700 now.

Grid view - Airtable

I already looked at the list of names and places of employment------------I'm not impressed that a bunch of left wing academic loons want Trump out of office. These fools have no credibility.

No one is fooled by that BS, witchey--------------except maybe you.

It obviously got you riled up enough to dismiss them all as "liberal professors" ...which is just another case of you doing the sour grapes dance.

that's exactly what they are. Prove me wrong.
They aren't all "liberal professors" . Ever heard of Ken Burns? He signed it. Pulitzer prize-winning author Robert Caro also signed it. You make it way too easy to prove you wrong.

you are correct, so let me correct my categorization of those people-----------------all liberal trump haters. Happy now?

secondly, I don't care what those people think or say, their opinions are of no more value than those of my garbage man or the guy that cuts my grass.

Except they aren't. They are just people who study history for a living. I gotta say, I'm not at all sorry it bothers you so much that you have to play the "they were sour grapes anyway" game. : lol:
Crowdstrike? Still hanging your hat on an actual debunked conspiracy theory? Everything I posted was fact, backed up by our intelligence agencies. Nothing you said is supported by facts.

There is nothing debunked about that sweetcheeks. You pay too much attention to propagandists and not enough to actual legal professionals.

Everything about it has been.


Debunked Ukraine conspiracy theory is knocked down - again

got news for ya, posting a propaganda piece from the DNC mouthpiece Wash post proves nothing except your gullibility.

So now even the Associated press is propaganda to you? You really are irony deficient. You spout nothing but thoroughly and completely debunked conspiracy theories and believe the words coming out of Trump's cat anus mouth but call me gullible. Too rich...

I believe what my eyes see and my ears hear-------------after applying a BS filter no matter where it comes from. Propaganda today comes from many sources because political control is financially beneficial to those in control, and really thats all any of this has ever been about---------who gets rich at taxpayer expense. Are you honest enough to admit that?

Our system is flawed but it remains the best system in the history of the world. The Russian goal in 2016 was to divide the country and gets us screaming at each other------It looks like they succeeded.
You parrot whatever Trump says. He lies.

Russia's goal was to get Trump elected so he could do their bidding. They were definitely successful.

Russian Media Cheers Trump’s Moves in Syria: ‘Putin Won the Lottery!’

Trump Is Being Impeached Because He Keeps Doing What Russia Wants


Trump’s Confused Russia Policy Is a Boon for Putin
Confirmed: FBI Was Spying on the Trump Campaign

Earlier this week the New York Times published a story revealing the FBI was not only spying on the Trump campaign, but had at least one FBI informant embedded within it. Further, the piece .

Your article is over a year old and before the IG report. The IG report concluded there was no spying.
Then that means there was no collusion with Trump and Russia....as the IG report states!
Confirmed: FBI Was Spying on the Trump Campaign

Earlier this week the New York Times published a story revealing the FBI was not only spying on the Trump campaign, but had at least one FBI informant embedded within it. Further, the piece .

Your article is over a year old and before the IG report. The IG report concluded there was no spying.
Then that means there was no collusion with Trump and Russia....as the IG report states!

The IG report doesn't say that. Even the Mueller report didn't say that.
Confirmed: FBI Was Spying on the Trump Campaign

Earlier this week the New York Times published a story revealing the FBI was not only spying on the Trump campaign, but had at least one FBI informant embedded within it. Further, the piece .

Your article is over a year old and before the IG report. The IG report concluded there was no spying.
Then that means there was no collusion with Trump and Russia....as the IG report states!

The IG report doesn't say that. Even the Mueller report didn't say that.
Even the notorious American Bar Assoc. Says so....why do you continue to lie, you know you are going to get caught and your credibility goes UNDER ZERO!!!

Mueller finds no collusion with Russia, leaves obstruction question open
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation did not find sufficient evidence that President Donald Trump’s campaign coordinated with Russia to influence the United States’ 2016 election and did not take a clear position on whether Trump obstructed justice. ... Mueller concluded his .

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