Another lie debunked-The White House Transcipt

Here is the transcript of Trumps phone call to the Ukrainian president.

Trump call summary shows he pressed Ukrainian president to probe Biden

The time for Trump has come and you Trump supporters can't do a damn thing about it.

We don't need to.

The senate will take care of that for us.

If the senate decides not to convict if the evidence shows Trump violated his oath, the constitution and all manners of laws, the senate will be controlled by democrats in 2020.

More prognostications from the losers on the left.

The house is going to be made to look so stupid for this (as it already is)......and the democrats are already starting to tear themselves apart on this issue....the demos were supposed to win the senate in 2016 and again win it in 2018.

How'd that work out for you ?

Republicans took a record ass whipping in 2018. The majority of senate sears were not up for election. The time has come for Trump. Trump is trying to break the law now to get the whistleblower. 225 democrats support impeachment, everything you say is factually wrong.
The history of Hunter Biden's selling of the Biden name is simply that his only "skill" is in lobbying his father and other political cronies.

I guess it's time to investigate the Trump children.

Let me guess.

You want to impeach them too ?

Nope. But the issue is clear and no amount of your dumb ass comments changes that.

Please consult the mirror when mentioning dumbass comments.

You do that. Because I am right.
Here is the transcript of Trumps phone call to the Ukrainian president.

Trump call summary shows he pressed Ukrainian president to probe Biden

The time for Trump has come and you Trump supporters can't do a damn thing about it.

You Democrats are such a desperate and pathetic lot. You knew all along that you're going to lose again in 2020, so you had to come up with some cockamamie "Russian collusion" bullshit.

That completely failed, as did everything else you tried to unseat President Trump. So now you came up with some deep-state "whistleblower", who is in reality a liar and a saboteur.

You Democrat's tactics have become so repetitive and transparent, it's pretty easy to see why you'll fail again. And I'll be glad because between you and I, you people deserve to lose again.
Chris Wallace debunked that claim that whistleblower is part of deep state.

Papadopoulos knew the Russians were trying to give them dirt on Clinton and tried to set up a meeting instead of contacting the FBI. His choice to keep this information secret from the FBI, and to attempt to arrange a meeting is clear cooperation with Russia's plans. Collusion by definition.

Chris Wallace is a FOX News liberal mouthpiece and just part of the deep state as anyone on CNN and MSNBC. The so-called "whistleblower" is part of the deep state by definition. He or she isn't really concerned about exposing the truth, so much as they are wanting to see President Trump deposed.
Of course. There are serious questions about Biden's conduct in Ukraine and how criminal it may have been. Seems reasonable to want to provide any information they may have to our Justice Department.

Out of curiosity, why are you referencing the summary when you have the full transcript? Who wrote the summary, CBS?

This proves how cowardly the Trumpers are. The first line of the article:

""""The Trump administration has released the much-anticipated transcript summary of President Trump's phone call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, The White House provided that document. """

What? They didn't tell you that on Fox?
Here is the transcript of Trumps phone call to the Ukrainian president.

Trump call summary shows he pressed Ukrainian president to probe Biden

The time for Trump has come and you Trump supporters can't do a damn thing about it.

You Democrats are such a desperate and pathetic lot. You knew all along that you're going to lose again in 2020, so you had to come up with some cockamamie "Russian collusion" bullshit.

That completely failed, as did everything else you tried to unseat President Trump. So now you came up with some deep-state "whistleblower", who is in reality a liar and a saboteur.

You Democrat's tactics have become so repetitive and transparent, it's pretty easy to see why you'll fail again. And I'll be glad because between you and I, you people deserve to lose again.
Chris Wallace debunked that claim that whistleblower is part of deep state.

Papadopoulos knew the Russians were trying to give them dirt on Clinton and tried to set up a meeting instead of contacting the FBI. His choice to keep this information secret from the FBI, and to attempt to arrange a meeting is clear cooperation with Russia's plans. Collusion by definition.

Chris Wallace is a FOX News liberal mouthpiece and just part of the deep state as anyone on CNN and MSNBC. The so-called "whistleblower" is part of the deep state by definition. He or she isn't really concerned about exposing the truth, so much as they are wanting to see President Trump deposed.

Double bullshit.

You know Trumpies are getting really fucking desperate when they start blaming anchors on Fox Noise. LOLOLOOLOLOLOLLOLLLLLLLOL!
Here is the transcript of Trumps phone call to the Ukrainian president.

Trump call summary shows he pressed Ukrainian president to probe Biden

The time for Trump has come and you Trump supporters can't do a damn thing about it.

Ummm, the transcript show he asked the favor to look into Crowdstrike and later they were talking about Biden, so can you point where Trump said also do me another favor and look into Biden or I will withhold military aid?

You can not and the left will say " well he implied it when we read it " but the left also believed a Russian cosigned for one of Trump loans, so many of you on the left believe what you want to believe...
Here is the transcript of Trumps phone call to the Ukrainian president.

Trump call summary shows he pressed Ukrainian president to probe Biden

The time for Trump has come and you Trump supporters can't do a damn thing about it.

If that's not the entire Transcript you lose. In the entire Transcript he is asking for help on Crowdstrike and the server. You poor lost souls.

You're the ones who are lost. The whistleblower's claim matches up with the transcript released by Trump.
Trump has reached a point in his job where he's completely out of touch with reality and thinks he's impervious.
His staff of sycophants are terrified to disagree or advise him.
"The Emperor's New Clothes"....I suggest you read it, an excellent analogy.
CAMPAIGN AD: Republicans for the Rule of Law ad pressures GOP to condemn Trump for Ukraine call

September 30, 2019 11:29 AM
Republicans for the Rule of Law is launching a $1 million TV and digital ad campaign that looks to pressure Republicans to condemn President Donald Trump for urging Ukraine's president to investigate a political rival.

Read more here:

Exactly! Republicans should never investigate Dem corruption.

Dem corruption must remain hidden at all times. We need a law to explicitly state that, eh?
Of course. There are serious questions about Biden's conduct in Ukraine and how criminal it may have been. Seems reasonable to want to provide any information they may have to our Justice Department.

Out of curiosity, why are you referencing the summary when you have the full transcript? Who wrote the summary, CBS?
Because the transcript was clean.
Here is the transcript of Trumps phone call to the Ukrainian president.

Trump call summary shows he pressed Ukrainian president to probe Biden

The time for Trump has come and you Trump supporters can't do a damn thing about it.

If that's not the entire Transcript you lose. In the entire Transcript he is asking for help on Crowdstrike and the server. You poor lost souls.

You're the ones who are lost. The whistleblower's claim matches up with the transcript released by Trump.
Trump has reached a point in his job where he's completely out of touch with reality and thinks he's impervious.
His staff of sycophants are terrified to disagree or advise him.
"The Emperor's New Clothes"....I suggest you read it, an excellent analogy.

I'm sorry, it doesn't but you wouldn't know that because you haven't read it.
Here is the transcript of Trumps phone call to the Ukrainian president.

Trump call summary shows he pressed Ukrainian president to probe Biden

The time for Trump has come and you Trump supporters can't do a damn thing about it.

If that's not the entire Transcript you lose. In the entire Transcript he is asking for help on Crowdstrike and the server. You poor lost souls.

You're the ones who are lost. The whistleblower's claim matches up with the transcript released by Trump.
Trump has reached a point in his job where he's completely out of touch with reality and thinks he's impervious.
His staff of sycophants are terrified to disagree or advise him.
"The Emperor's New Clothes"....I suggest you read it, an excellent analogy.

I'm sorry, it doesn't but you wouldn't know that because you haven't read it.

Point out the discrepancies, or would you rather just look like an idiot instead?
The Congressional Intelligence Committees need to check out Trump's other speeches. I'm sure he keeps them hidden for reasons other than classified information contained in them.
Here is the transcript of Trumps phone call to the Ukrainian president.

Trump call summary shows he pressed Ukrainian president to probe Biden

The time for Trump has come and you Trump supporters can't do a damn thing about it.

If that's not the entire Transcript you lose. In the entire Transcript he is asking for help on Crowdstrike and the server. You poor lost souls.

You're the ones who are lost. The whistleblower's claim matches up with the transcript released by Trump.
Trump has reached a point in his job where he's completely out of touch with reality and thinks he's impervious.
His staff of sycophants are terrified to disagree or advise him.
"The Emperor's New Clothes"....I suggest you read it, an excellent analogy.

I'm sorry, it doesn't but you wouldn't know that because you haven't read it.

Point out the discrepancies, or would you rather just look like an idiot instead?

Well here's one. The whistle blower said:

Namely, he sought to pressure the Ukrainian leader to take actions to help the President's 2020 reelection bid. According to the White House officials who had direct knowledge of the call, the President pressured Mr. Zelenskyy to, inter alia:

The transcript says no such thing. Trump never mentioned an election. Trump never pressured him to help him with the election.

Opinions that you have are not facts.
Here is the transcript of Trumps phone call to the Ukrainian president.

Trump call summary shows he pressed Ukrainian president to probe Biden

The time for Trump has come and you Trump supporters can't do a damn thing about it.

You Democrats are such a desperate and pathetic lot. You knew all along that you're going to lose again in 2020, so you had to come up with some cockamamie "Russian collusion" bullshit.

That completely failed, as did everything else you tried to unseat President Trump. So now you came up with some deep-state "whistleblower", who is in reality a liar and a saboteur.

You Democrat's tactics have become so repetitive and transparent, it's pretty easy to see why you'll fail again. And I'll be glad because between you and I, you people deserve to lose again.
Chris Wallace debunked that claim that whistleblower is part of deep state.

Papadopoulos knew the Russians were trying to give them dirt on Clinton and tried to set up a meeting instead of contacting the FBI. His choice to keep this information secret from the FBI, and to attempt to arrange a meeting is clear cooperation with Russia's plans. Collusion by definition.

Chris Wallace is a FOX News liberal mouthpiece and just part of the deep state as anyone on CNN and MSNBC. The so-called "whistleblower" is part of the deep state by definition. He or she isn't really concerned about exposing the truth, so much as they are wanting to see President Trump deposed.

"Brennan Urges Deep State Spies to Use Altered Whistleblower Complaint Form To ‘Report Trump

Former CIA Director John Brennan has urged intelligence officials to use the new whistleblower form to report President Trump following the anonymous CIA officer who snitched on Trump’s call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

“A reminder to federal officials: There is no limit on the number of individuals who can use the whistleblower statute,” Brennan tweeted on Saturday.

“If you think you were involved in unlawful activity as a result of a directive from Mr. Trump or someone doing his bidding, now is the time to report it.”

Brennan Urges Deep State Spies to Use Altered Whistleblower Complaint Form To ‘Report Trump - Truth Unsealed

"Brennan Urges Deep State Spies to Use Altered Whistleblower Complaint Form to ‘Report Trump reports: The whistleblower form was changed within the last year shortly before the CIA officer filed a complaint against President Trump in August using second-hand gossip and fake news media reports as his ‘sources.’

The Deep State Intelligence Community secretly gutted the whistleblower form and now allows the complaint to be filed with second-hand knowledge — previously, whistleblowers were required to be eyewitnesses or to have first-hand knowledge of alleged misconduct.

Brennan Urges Deep State Spies to Use Altered Whistleblower Complaint Form to ‘Report Trump

September 30, 2019
Trump and his Supporters are the Real Whistleblowers
By Brian C. Joondeph

“Whistleblower” is the media’s word of the week. They still working tirelessly to overturn the 2016 election. Unfortunately, it’s the wrong word to describe the deep state operative accusing President Trump of “Collusion – Part Two,” namely conspiring with Ukraine to rig the 2020 election. Instead of whistleblower, the proper term is gossiper, as this person filed a complaint, likely written by others, about something he or she had been told, but had no firsthand knowledge of.

The National Whistleblower Center supports, “Efforts to expose and help prosecute corruption and other wrongdoing.” The Ukraine whistleblower is doing the exact opposite. In an ongoing, and thus far unsuccessful, effort to overturn the last presidential election, this so-called whistleblower is trying to hide corruption and wrongdoing by attempting to destroy the actual whistleblower, President Trump.

Rush Limbaugh, on his radio show this past Friday, made the case that Trump is the real whistleblower in Washington, DC. I contend that his supporters are as well, as they are by extension, part of the Trump movement, taking slings and arrows from friends and family over their steadfast support of Trump’s efforts to drain the swamp.

[. . .]

The bigger the target the whistleblower threatens, the more the pushback. The whistleblower has much to lose and hence they are afforded protections. Not so for President Trump. As he blows the whistle, Democrats, the media, and NeverTrump Republicans, such as recent losing presidential ticket Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, fight back.

[. . .]

This is no ordinary whistleblower action against a crooked company, but an action against the financial and political forces of the entire world. It’s a world war, without the soldiers and bombs. Actor Jon Voight recently posted a video on Twitter making the point, “War. This is war against truths. This is a war against the highest noble man who has defended our country and made us safe and great again.”​
There are many and varied questions about Biden. There seems to be a full-court press by the left to obfuscate and misdirect the public's eye away from it.

Because the issue was resolved and litigated years ago. Yes, Hunter was hired by Bursiima. No, Bursima was not being investigated by Shonkin. Yes, the entire west wanted Shonkin gone because he was corrupt.
We are discovering that the issue was resolved in a corrupt manner. The questions remain and will be asked, regardless of your opinion on the matter. The circus of impeachment revolves around the notion that Biden is being investigated (as the front runner of the Democrats) and I am not so certain that the DoJ isn't quietly investigating the man.

Regardless, these questions will be answered no matter how hard the media works to keep it buried.

No it was not. The question was answered years ago. You repeating debunked crazy is your problem and no one elses.
it was not answered, it was spun.
Of course. There are serious questions about Biden's conduct in Ukraine and how criminal it may have been. Seems reasonable to want to provide any information they may have to our Justice Department.

Out of curiosity, why are you referencing the summary when you have the full transcript? Who wrote the summary, CBS?

This proves how cowardly the Trumpers are. The first line of the article:

""""The Trump administration has released the much-anticipated transcript summary of President Trump's phone call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, The White House provided that document. """

What? They didn't tell you that on Fox?
Please reread the question. Or get someone to read it to you.

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