Another lie debunked-The White House Transcipt

Of course. There are serious questions about Biden's conduct in Ukraine and how criminal it may have been. Seems reasonable to want to provide any information they may have to our Justice Department.

Out of curiosity, why are you referencing the summary when you have the full transcript? Who wrote the summary, CBS?
Because the transcript was clean.
Yes, which is my point.

When read, the transcript is what it is. It cannot be spun by summary. I've seen many posters here claiming that Trump was asking the Ukrainian President for dirt on Biden.

Nowhere is that found in the transcript.
Of course. There are serious questions about Biden's conduct in Ukraine and how criminal it may have been. Seems reasonable to want to provide any information they may have to our Justice Department.

Out of curiosity, why are you referencing the summary when you have the full transcript? Who wrote the summary, CBS?
Because the transcript was clean.
Yes, which is my point.

When read, the transcript is what it is. It cannot be spun by summary. I've seen many posters here claiming that Trump was asking the Ukrainian President for dirt on Biden.

Nowhere is that found in the transcript.

This is beyond the never Trumpers, they can ONLY see what they want to see
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Of course. There are serious questions about Biden's conduct in Ukraine and how criminal it may have been. Seems reasonable to want to provide any information they may have to our Justice Department.

Out of curiosity, why are you referencing the summary when you have the full transcript? Who wrote the summary, CBS?
Because the transcript was clean.
Yes, which is my point.

When read, the transcript is what it is. It cannot be spun by summary. I've seen many posters here claiming that Trump was asking the Ukrainian President for dirt on Biden.

Nowhere is that found in the transcript.
Schiff did it on the House floor in chambers under oath.
Of course. There are serious questions about Biden's conduct in Ukraine and how criminal it may have been. Seems reasonable to want to provide any information they may have to our Justice Department.

Out of curiosity, why are you referencing the summary when you have the full transcript? Who wrote the summary, CBS?
Because the transcript was clean.
Yes, which is my point.

When read, the transcript is what it is. It cannot be spun by summary. I've seen many posters here claiming that Trump was asking the Ukrainian President for dirt on Biden.

Nowhere is that found in the transcript.

This is beyond the never Trumpers, they can ONLY see what they want to see
For many, they are desperate to deflect and turn everyone's eyes away from the real corruption. This, to my thinking, is why they have started this impeachment inquiry.

The discussion was getting to close to Biden and they needed to turn the conversation back to Trump. The problem is, it was a good tactic when they thought the transcript of the conversation was going to remain confidential. After all, no President has ever released transcripts of conversations with foreign leaders.

Suddenly, the transcript is on the open and their strategy is in the toilet, but they now have this impeachment thing hanging over their heads, not Trumps.

You can smell the desperation by their continued insistence that the transcripts show Trump blackmailing Ukrainian President with holding back military aide, except that isn't in there, Ukraine didn't know about the hold on aide, and in fact, the hold was in response to pressuring NATO to pay more of their share for supporting Ukraine.

I've seen wheels come off a bus before, but not while it was traveling at 100 mph, downhill, in a hurricane.
Of course. There are serious questions about Biden's conduct in Ukraine and how criminal it may have been. Seems reasonable to want to provide any information they may have to our Justice Department.

Out of curiosity, why are you referencing the summary when you have the full transcript? Who wrote the summary, CBS?
Because the transcript was clean.
Yes, which is my point.

When read, the transcript is what it is. It cannot be spun by summary. I've seen many posters here claiming that Trump was asking the Ukrainian President for dirt on Biden.

Nowhere is that found in the transcript.
Schiff did it on the House floor in chambers under oath.
I know. If a Republican had tried that, they'd be before the ethic committee and facing expulsion from Congress. That is the severity of his lies.
Here is the transcript of Trumps phone call to the Ukrainian president.
Trump call summary shows he pressed Ukrainian president to probe Biden

The time for Trump has come and you Trump supporters can't do a damn thing about it.

/----/ If the Case Against Trump Is So Strong, Why Do Democrats (Schiff) Have to Make It Up?

"It’s a piece by Derek Hunter at Townhall, and it is about one of the things I mentioned at the very beginning of the program, how all of this is lies. All of this is lies — and why? If the case against Trump is a slam-dunk, why do they have to lie about anything?

Anything! This is Mr. Hunter’s point. Here’s headline: “If the Case for Trump’s Impeachment Is So Strong, Why Are Liberals Lying About It?” Let me give you some pull quotes from the piece. Well, here’s how it opens: “Lying takes a lot of effort, telling the truth is easy. When you start lying you have to remember which lie you told [who], and as the truth begins to creep out, as it always does, you find yourself scrambling to twist it to fit back into your lie. Democrats, both in Congress and the media,” I’m so glad he words it that way." -- Rush
We are discovering that the issue was resolved in a corrupt manner. The questions remain and will be asked, regardless of your opinion on the matter. The circus of impeachment revolves around the notion that Biden is being investigated (as the front runner of the Democrats) and I am not so certain that the DoJ isn't quietly investigating the man.

Regardless, these questions will be answered no matter how hard the media works to keep it buried.

A couple of problems here. At best, your line of thinking is shaky. You really can't demonstrate that there was a benefit to Hunter Biden by holding up this money. The investigation was closed at that point. Biden was carrying out the directive of Pres. Obama and the EU in demanding the removal of this corrupt prosecutor.

But let's say there was something maybe going on. Awesome.

Trump still broke the law in trying to get the Ukrainians to do his dirty work.

Kind of like the Watergate breakin. Maybe the DNC was communicating with the North Vietnamese. But Nixon and his boys still broke the law in trying to prove it.
Yes, which is my point.

When read, the transcript is what it is. It cannot be spun by summary. I've seen many posters here claiming that Trump was asking the Ukrainian President for dirt on Biden.

Nowhere is that found in the transcript.

Again, it's not a transcript, it's a summary.

Let's hear the tape.

Today, we are finding out Pompeo was in the room. Funny that doesn't come up in the Transcript.
We are discovering that the issue was resolved in a corrupt manner. The questions remain and will be asked, regardless of your opinion on the matter. The circus of impeachment revolves around the notion that Biden is being investigated (as the front runner of the Democrats) and I am not so certain that the DoJ isn't quietly investigating the man.

Regardless, these questions will be answered no matter how hard the media works to keep it buried.

A couple of problems here. At best, your line of thinking is shaky. You really can't demonstrate that there was a benefit to Hunter Biden by holding up this money. The investigation was closed at that point. Biden was carrying out the directive of Pres. Obama and the EU in demanding the removal of this corrupt prosecutor.

But let's say there was something maybe going on. Awesome.

Trump still broke the law in trying to get the Ukrainians to do his dirty work.

Kind of like the Watergate breakin. Maybe the DNC was communicating with the North Vietnamese. But Nixon and his boys still broke the law in trying to prove it.
Okay, so again we see a deflection with Hunter. Hunter is not the focus of corruption. His father is. While Hunter Biden didn't have a clue about what was going on (at least at first), the problem is that his father did exactly what Trump is accused of. I've seen statements that other groups wanted this prosecutor fired. The veracity of those statements have yet to be proven, but one thing is certain. None of them threatened to withhold US aide to Ukraine if this prosecutor was not fired. That is pretty much the very definition of corruption. There really is only speculation on why Biden did this, but it is proven that Hunter was about to be named to the board of this corrupt company.

As for carrying out the directive of the President, I'm pretty sure that Obama would deny that given the nature of the interaction. Regardless of that, there is no "Trump trying to get the Ukrainians to do his dirty work". If you've read the transcripts, you have to really want something bad to see something that is not there. He never asked them to do 'his dirty work' but did ask them to look into the matter of wrongdoing by an American. Likely for the investigator into the Russian hoax.
Here is the transcript of Trumps phone call to the Ukrainian president.

Trump call summary shows he pressed Ukrainian president to probe Biden

The time for Trump has come and you Trump supporters can't do a damn thing about it.

You Democrats are such a desperate and pathetic lot. You knew all along that you're going to lose again in 2020, so you had to come up with some cockamamie "Russian collusion" bullshit.

That completely failed, as did everything else you tried to unseat President Trump. So now you came up with some deep-state "whistleblower", who is in reality a liar and a saboteur.

You Democrat's tactics have become so repetitive and transparent, it's pretty easy to see why you'll fail again. And I'll be glad because between you and I, you people deserve to lose again.
Chris Wallace debunked that claim that whistleblower is part of deep state.

Papadopoulos knew the Russians were trying to give them dirt on Clinton and tried to set up a meeting instead of contacting the FBI. His choice to keep this information secret from the FBI, and to attempt to arrange a meeting is clear cooperation with Russia's plans. Collusion by definition.

Chris Wallace is a FOX News liberal mouthpiece and just part of the deep state as anyone on CNN and MSNBC. The so-called "whistleblower" is part of the deep state by definition. He or she isn't really concerned about exposing the truth, so much as they are wanting to see President Trump deposed.

What do you know? I seriously doubt that you've even ever watched FOX News.
Here is the transcript of Trumps phone call to the Ukrainian president.

Trump call summary shows he pressed Ukrainian president to probe Biden

The time for Trump has come and you Trump supporters can't do a damn thing about it.

You Democrats are such a desperate and pathetic lot. You knew all along that you're going to lose again in 2020, so you had to come up with some cockamamie "Russian collusion" bullshit.

That completely failed, as did everything else you tried to unseat President Trump. So now you came up with some deep-state "whistleblower", who is in reality a liar and a saboteur.

You Democrat's tactics have become so repetitive and transparent, it's pretty easy to see why you'll fail again. And I'll be glad because between you and I, you people deserve to lose again.
Chris Wallace debunked that claim that whistleblower is part of deep state.

Papadopoulos knew the Russians were trying to give them dirt on Clinton and tried to set up a meeting instead of contacting the FBI. His choice to keep this information secret from the FBI, and to attempt to arrange a meeting is clear cooperation with Russia's plans. Collusion by definition.

Chris Wallace is a FOX News liberal mouthpiece and just part of the deep state as anyone on CNN and MSNBC. The so-called "whistleblower" is part of the deep state by definition. He or she isn't really concerned about exposing the truth, so much as they are wanting to see President Trump deposed.

Double bullshit.

You know Trumpies are getting really fucking desperate when they start blaming anchors on Fox Noise. LOLOLOOLOLOLOLLOLLLLLLLOL!

Pure projection, hillbilly. You know for a fact that you're going to lose in 2020.

Enjoy your second term of MAGA.
You Democrats are such a desperate and pathetic lot. You knew all along that you're going to lose again in 2020, so you had to come up with some cockamamie "Russian collusion" bullshit.

That completely failed, as did everything else you tried to unseat President Trump. So now you came up with some deep-state "whistleblower", who is in reality a liar and a saboteur.

You Democrat's tactics have become so repetitive and transparent, it's pretty easy to see why you'll fail again. And I'll be glad because between you and I, you people deserve to lose again.
Chris Wallace debunked that claim that whistleblower is part of deep state.

Papadopoulos knew the Russians were trying to give them dirt on Clinton and tried to set up a meeting instead of contacting the FBI. His choice to keep this information secret from the FBI, and to attempt to arrange a meeting is clear cooperation with Russia's plans. Collusion by definition.

Chris Wallace is a FOX News liberal mouthpiece and just part of the deep state as anyone on CNN and MSNBC. The so-called "whistleblower" is part of the deep state by definition. He or she isn't really concerned about exposing the truth, so much as they are wanting to see President Trump deposed.

Double bullshit.

You know Trumpies are getting really fucking desperate when they start blaming anchors on Fox Noise. LOLOLOOLOLOLOLLOLLLLLLLOL!

Pure projection, hillbilly. You know for a fact that you're going to lose in 2020.

Enjoy your second term of MAGA.

you knew for a fact obama was going to lose didnt you hillbilly -
Here is the transcript of Trumps phone call to the Ukrainian president.

Trump call summary shows he pressed Ukrainian president to probe Biden

The time for Trump has come and you Trump supporters can't do a damn thing about it.

We don't need to.

The senate will take care of that for us.

If the senate decides not to convict if the evidence shows Trump violated his oath, the constitution and all manners of laws, the senate will be controlled by democrats in 2020.

More prognostications from the losers on the left.

The house is going to be made to look so stupid for this (as it already is)......and the democrats are already starting to tear themselves apart on this issue....the demos were supposed to win the senate in 2016 and again win it in 2018.

How'd that work out for you ?

Republicans took a record ass whipping in 2018. The majority of senate sears were not up for election. The time has come for Trump. Trump is trying to break the law now to get the whistleblower. 225 democrats support impeachment, everything you say is factually wrong.
Here is the transcript of Trumps phone call to the Ukrainian president.

Trump call summary shows he pressed Ukrainian president to probe Biden

The time for Trump has come and you Trump supporters can't do a damn thing about it.

We don't need to.

The senate will take care of that for us.

If the senate decides not to convict if the evidence shows Trump violated his oath, the constitution and all manners of laws, the senate will be controlled by democrats in 2020.

More prognostications from the losers on the left.

The house is going to be made to look so stupid for this (as it already is)......and the democrats are already starting to tear themselves apart on this issue....the demos were supposed to win the senate in 2016 and again win it in 2018.

How'd that work out for you ?

Republicans took a record ass whipping in 2018. The majority of senate sears were not up for election. The time has come for Trump. Trump is trying to break the law now to get the whistleblower. 225 democrats support impeachment, everything you say is factually wrong.

41 seats was not a record ass whipping.

Not compared to the 63 seats the GOP gained in 2010 (thanks Obama).

A majority of senate seats is never up for contest in a single election.

225 democrats support impeachment....but they haven't voted.

Everything I say is factually wrong ??????

Do they pay you to look stupid...if so, not enough.
The history of Hunter Biden's selling of the Biden name is simply that his only "skill" is in lobbying his father and other political cronies.

I guess it's time to investigate the Trump children.

Let me guess.

You want to impeach them too ?

Nope. But the issue is clear and no amount of your dumb ass comments changes that.

Please consult the mirror when mentioning dumbass comments.

You do that. Because I am right.

Just showed that wasn't the case.

You need a bigger mirror.....dumbass.
Okay, so again we see a deflection with Hunter. Hunter is not the focus of corruption. His father is.

Actually, neither one of them are. Biden was carrying out the directive of his President and our allies... this corrupt prosecutor had to go before we would pledge a billion new dollars to prop up their economy.

As for carrying out the directive of the President, I'm pretty sure that Obama would deny that given the nature of the interaction. Regardless of that, there is no "Trump trying to get the Ukrainians to do his dirty work". If you've read the transcripts, you have to really want something bad to see something that is not there.

I've read the transcripts - which I am already sure aren't complete - and they read like a mob boss trying to shake down a store owner.

He never asked them to do 'his dirty work' but did ask them to look into the matter of wrongdoing by an American. Likely for the investigator into the Russian hoax.

YOu Trump Cultists live in your own reality.

Poll: 63% of voters say Trump asking Ukraine to probe Biden is a "serious" problem

Nearly two-thirds of the 504 voters polled in a new ABC News/Ipsos survey say that President Trump encouraging the president of Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden is a "serious" problem, including 43% of voters who think it's "very serious."

Why it matters: The request is at the heart of a whistleblower complaint that led Democrats last week to launch a formal impeachment inquiry — something they had previously held off on until public support had risen. Notably, 32% of Republicans found the conversation to be a "serious" or "very serious" problem, compared to 91% of Democrats.

  • 83% of voters polled responded that they were "not so surprised" or "not surprised at all" that Trump had made the request. Only 16% said they were surprised.
Okay, so again we see a deflection with Hunter. Hunter is not the focus of corruption. His father is.

Actually, neither one of them are. Biden was carrying out the directive of his President and our allies... this corrupt prosecutor had to go before we would pledge a billion new dollars to prop up their economy.

As for carrying out the directive of the President, I'm pretty sure that Obama would deny that given the nature of the interaction. Regardless of that, there is no "Trump trying to get the Ukrainians to do his dirty work". If you've read the transcripts, you have to really want something bad to see something that is not there.

I've read the transcripts - which I am already sure aren't complete - and they read like a mob boss trying to shake down a store owner.

He never asked them to do 'his dirty work' but did ask them to look into the matter of wrongdoing by an American. Likely for the investigator into the Russian hoax.

YOu Trump Cultists live in your own reality.

Poll: 63% of voters say Trump asking Ukraine to probe Biden is a "serious" problem

Nearly two-thirds of the 504 voters polled in a new ABC News/Ipsos survey say that President Trump encouraging the president of Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden is a "serious" problem, including 43% of voters who think it's "very serious."

Why it matters: The request is at the heart of a whistleblower complaint that led Democrats last week to launch a formal impeachment inquiry — something they had previously held off on until public support had risen. Notably, 32% of Republicans found the conversation to be a "serious" or "very serious" problem, compared to 91% of Democrats.

  • 83% of voters polled responded that they were "not so surprised" or "not surprised at all" that Trump had made the request. Only 16% said they were surprised.

Go get him Joe.

You losers will be sitting on the sidelines for decades.
Okay, so again we see a deflection with Hunter. Hunter is not the focus of corruption. His father is.

Actually, neither one of them are. Biden was carrying out the directive of his President and our allies... this corrupt prosecutor had to go before we would pledge a billion new dollars to prop up their economy.

As for carrying out the directive of the President, I'm pretty sure that Obama would deny that given the nature of the interaction. Regardless of that, there is no "Trump trying to get the Ukrainians to do his dirty work". If you've read the transcripts, you have to really want something bad to see something that is not there.

I've read the transcripts - which I am already sure aren't complete - and they read like a mob boss trying to shake down a store owner.

He never asked them to do 'his dirty work' but did ask them to look into the matter of wrongdoing by an American. Likely for the investigator into the Russian hoax.

YOu Trump Cultists live in your own reality.

Poll: 63% of voters say Trump asking Ukraine to probe Biden is a "serious" problem

Nearly two-thirds of the 504 voters polled in a new ABC News/Ipsos survey say that President Trump encouraging the president of Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden is a "serious" problem, including 43% of voters who think it's "very serious."

Why it matters: The request is at the heart of a whistleblower complaint that led Democrats last week to launch a formal impeachment inquiry — something they had previously held off on until public support had risen. Notably, 32% of Republicans found the conversation to be a "serious" or "very serious" problem, compared to 91% of Democrats.

  • 83% of voters polled responded that they were "not so surprised" or "not surprised at all" that Trump had made the request. Only 16% said they were surprised.
/—— / 63% of 504 voters is 307. Do you understand how lame that is? 307 out of 180,000,000 voters? Hells Bells, I could find 307 people who are not surprised at all that you steered the Titanic into the iceberg. What does that prove?
Your link is a bald faced lie. They weren’t likely voters. They were random adults. Methodology: This ABC News/Ipsos poll was conducted by Ipsos Public Affairs‘ KnowledgePanel® Sept. 27–28, 2019, in English and Spanish, among a random national sample of 504 adults
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There are many and varied questions about Biden. There seems to be a full-court press by the left to obfuscate and misdirect the public's eye away from it.

Because the issue was resolved and litigated years ago. Yes, Hunter was hired by Bursiima. No, Bursima was not being investigated by Shonkin. Yes, the entire west wanted Shonkin gone because he was corrupt.
We are discovering that the issue was resolved in a corrupt manner. The questions remain and will be asked, regardless of your opinion on the matter. The circus of impeachment revolves around the notion that Biden is being investigated (as the front runner of the Democrats) and I am not so certain that the DoJ isn't quietly investigating the man.

Regardless, these questions will be answered no matter how hard the media works to keep it buried.

I agree. I think the DOJ and Barr are the people Trump referred to when he asked the Ukranian President to look into it. I'd sure like to see that report.

Oh and if Biden hadn't opened his big mouth on National television about what he did for his son no one would have known. Moron.
Here is the transcript of Trumps phone call to the Ukrainian president.

Trump call summary shows he pressed Ukrainian president to probe Biden

The time for Trump has come and you Trump supporters can't do a damn thing about it.

You Democrats are such a desperate and pathetic lot. You knew all along that you're going to lose again in 2020, so you had to come up with some cockamamie "Russian collusion" bullshit.

That completely failed, as did everything else you tried to unseat President Trump. So now you came up with some deep-state "whistleblower", who is in reality a liar and a saboteur.

You Democrat's tactics have become so repetitive and transparent, it's pretty easy to see why you'll fail again. And I'll be glad because between you and I, you people deserve to lose again.
Chris Wallace debunked that claim that whistleblower is part of deep state.

Papadopoulos knew the Russians were trying to give them dirt on Clinton and tried to set up a meeting instead of contacting the FBI. His choice to keep this information secret from the FBI, and to attempt to arrange a meeting is clear cooperation with Russia's plans. Collusion by definition.

Chris Wallace is a FOX News liberal mouthpiece and just part of the deep state as anyone on CNN and MSNBC. The so-called "whistleblower" is part of the deep state by definition. He or she isn't really concerned about exposing the truth, so much as they are wanting to see President Trump deposed.

Double bullshit.

You know Trumpies are getting really fucking desperate when they start blaming anchors on Fox Noise. LOLOLOOLOLOLOLLOLLLLLLLOL!

To someone standing on the Red Team's five yard line, a teammate on the 35 seems awfully far to the left.

"I mean look at him, look how far left he is. He's thirty yards closer to the blue team's end zone than I am!"

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