Another lie debunked-The White House Transcipt

Of course. There are serious questions about Biden's conduct in Ukraine and how criminal it may have been. Seems reasonable to want to provide any information they may have to our Justice Department.

Out of curiosity, why are you referencing the summary when you have the full transcript? Who wrote the summary, CBS?
Ok, if there were questions about Biden in Ukraine, the FBI / DOJ should have taken care of it, instead of president himself.

But a former ambassador to ukraine calls "questions about Biden's conduct in Ukraine", utter bullshit.

Why does Trump need to threaten the whistleblower?
I don't know, maybe because the President usually is the official to conduct foreign policy?

The former prosecutor, as you call him, is the one what was ousted in favor of the prosecutor who decided to drop the investigation so that Ukraine could receive 1.2 billion dollars in US aid.

It seems that an affidavit from the former prosecutor is now available to the public.

Shall we see where that leads?
Do you usually buy the crook's version of the story, the one saying "I didn't do anything wrong?"

This is absolutely hillarious and ironic coming from a Democrat. Did you believe that Adam Schiff had proof on the Russian collusion thing? I bet you did. Where is that proof? You guys kill me.
Of course. There are serious questions about Biden's conduct in Ukraine and how criminal it may have been. Seems reasonable to want to provide any information they may have to our Justice Department.

Out of curiosity, why are you referencing the summary when you have the full transcript? Who wrote the summary, CBS?
Ok, if there were questions about Biden in Ukraine, the FBI / DOJ should have taken care of it, instead of president himself.

But a former ambassador to ukraine calls "questions about Biden's conduct in Ukraine", utter bullshit.

Why does Trump need to threaten the whistleblower?

As the President he has every right to ask those sort of questions. Why? Because he is the President.
Of course. There are serious questions about Biden's conduct in Ukraine and how criminal it may have been. Seems reasonable to want to provide any information they may have to our Justice Department.

Out of curiosity, why are you referencing the summary when you have the full transcript? Who wrote the summary, CBS?
Ok, if there were questions about Biden in Ukraine, the FBI / DOJ should have taken care of it, instead of president himself.

But a former ambassador to ukraine calls "questions about Biden's conduct in Ukraine", utter bullshit.

Why does Trump need to threaten the whistleblower?
I don't know, maybe because the President usually is the official to conduct foreign policy?

The former prosecutor, as you call him, is the one what was ousted in favor of the prosecutor who decided to drop the investigation so that Ukraine could receive 1.2 billion dollars in US aid.

It seems that an affidavit from the former prosecutor is now available to the public.

Shall we see where that leads?
Do you usually buy the crook's version of the story, the one saying "I didn't do anything wrong?"
depends on who you are calling a crook. the methods these days seem to be to call them a crook before we have evidence. not just the ukraine but lets look at the whistle blower complaint.

schiff tweeted about it a month ahead of time. how come he didn't "blow the whistle then"? I mean they altered our laws to make second hand info now ok so he didn't NEED the original person who saw all this to say a word. he can just say he heard this is true and they're all off and running.

which in effect is what they did. we *heard* about a whistleblower complaint and well all out IMPEACH mode. again. where is due process in any of this? we can't bypass our laws and formerly "blind" sense of justice because we don't like someone. that puts us all in danger of being "emotionally guilty" in someone elses eyes. in that light, we all are. in a court of law, that has no place at all but that's where we demand it goes to justify these emotions we can't seem to being under control.

these days i don't believe people are after justice in as much as emotional validation.
Of course. There are serious questions about Biden's conduct in Ukraine and how criminal it may have been. Seems reasonable to want to provide any information they may have to our Justice Department.

Out of curiosity, why are you referencing the summary when you have the full transcript? Who wrote the summary, CBS?
There are no questions about the Bidens. The transcript is what we need to pay attention to.

There are no questions about the Bidens.

I agree, Biden corruption is unimportant.
We must never expose Biden corruption.
We need laws to ensure Biden corruption remains forever hidden!!
Of course. There are serious questions about Biden's conduct in Ukraine and how criminal it may have been. Seems reasonable to want to provide any information they may have to our Justice Department.

Out of curiosity, why are you referencing the summary when you have the full transcript? Who wrote the summary, CBS?
Ok, if there were questions about Biden in Ukraine, the FBI / DOJ should have taken care of it, instead of president himself.

But a former ambassador to ukraine calls "questions about Biden's conduct in Ukraine", utter bullshit.

Why does Trump need to threaten the whistleblower?
I don't know, maybe because the President usually is the official to conduct foreign policy?

The former prosecutor, as you call him, is the one what was ousted in favor of the prosecutor who decided to drop the investigation so that Ukraine could receive 1.2 billion dollars in US aid.

It seems that an affidavit from the former prosecutor is now available to the public.

Shall we see where that leads?
Do you usually buy the crook's version of the story, the one saying "I didn't do anything wrong?"

This is absolutely hillarious and ironic coming from a Democrat. Did you believe that Adam Schiff had proof on the Russian collusion thing? I bet you did. Where is that proof? You guys kill me.
she wasn't referring to schiff with that line. one thing i notice a LOT today is we tend to take what people say about a situation and then apply that phrase to how WE see those situations.

IMHO it would be better to ask how she feels about schiff in this light and get her input so at least you start off w/o pre-determination.
There are many and varied questions about Biden. There seems to be a full-court press by the left to obfuscate and misdirect the public's eye away from it.

Because the issue was resolved and litigated years ago. Yes, Hunter was hired by Bursiima. No, Bursima was not being investigated by Shonkin. Yes, the entire west wanted Shonkin gone because he was corrupt.
Orange Trump bots keep repeating the same mess about Biden and his son. You can copy and paste your comment all day with links to these numbskulls and they will still believe the Trump lie.
Someone else just made the point that this is how the lie machine does its work. They repeat their bullshit endlessly until we get sick of correcting them over and over. It ought to be a crime.

You see how an idea spreads and becomes a worldview, and how the bearer, the individual, reaches out to form a community, and how an organization, then a movement grows from the individual. The idea is no longer buried in the heart and mind of an individual. Now there are four, five, ten, twenty, thirty, fifty, eighty, a hundred, and ever more. That is the secret of ideas; they are like a wildfire that cannot be restrained...
~ joeseph goebbels.

Knowledge and Propaganda (1928)

A cult of personality, or cult of the leader,[1] arises when a country's regime – or, more rarely, an individual – uses the techniques of mass media, propaganda, the big lie, spectacle, the arts, patriotism, and government-organized demonstrations and rallies to create an idealized, heroic, and worshipful image of a leader, often through unquestioning flattery and praise. A cult of personality is similar to apotheosis, except that it is established by modern social engineering techniques, usually by the state or the party in one-party states and dominant-party states. It is often seen in totalitarian or authoritarian countries.
~ wiki
The problem basically is those who are upset that Trump dared win the election will believe anything no matter what it is if there is the slightest chance of him being removed from office.
Then you have those that want him in office and will continue to support him.
Very few will look at what is said or done and consider the legal aspects.

In this case we have once again gone into full Russia, Russia mode.
You still find those today that would prefer a shattered economy then allow any praise to Trump. There are still people that believe that Mueller and all the democrats in his group sold out. All that because Trump dared to win an election against one of the worst candidates. Imagine what it will be like when he wins against the bad candidates again?
Of course. There are serious questions about Biden's conduct in Ukraine and how criminal it may have been. Seems reasonable to want to provide any information they may have to our Justice Department.

Out of curiosity, why are you referencing the summary when you have the full transcript? Who wrote the summary, CBS?
There are no questions about the Bidens. The transcript is what we need to pay attention to.
That’s suspicious!
Here is the transcript of Trumps phone call to the Ukrainian president.

Trump call summary shows he pressed Ukrainian president to probe Biden

The time for Trump has come and you Trump supporters can't do a damn thing about it.

You Democrats are such a desperate and pathetic lot. You knew all along that you're going to lose again in 2020, so you had to come up with some cockamamie "Russian collusion" bullshit.

That completely failed, as did everything else you tried to unseat President Trump. So now you came up with some deep-state "whistleblower", who is in reality a liar and a saboteur.

You Democrat's tactics have become so repetitive and transparent, it's pretty easy to see why you'll fail again. And I'll be glad because between you and I, you people deserve to lose again.
Here is the transcript of Trumps phone call to the Ukrainian president.

Trump call summary shows he pressed Ukrainian president to probe Biden

The time for Trump has come and you Trump supporters can't do a damn thing about it.

You Democrats are such a desperate and pathetic lot. You knew all along that you're going to lose again in 2020, so you had to come up with some cockamamie "Russian collusion" bullshit.

That completely failed, as did everything else you tried to unseat President Trump. So now you came up with some deep-state "whistleblower", who is in reality a liar and a saboteur.

You Democrat's tactics have become so repetitive and transparent, it's pretty easy to see why you'll fail again. And I'll be glad because between you and I, you people deserve to lose again.
Chris Wallace debunked that claim that whistleblower is part of deep state.

Papadopoulos knew the Russians were trying to give them dirt on Clinton and tried to set up a meeting instead of contacting the FBI. His choice to keep this information secret from the FBI, and to attempt to arrange a meeting is clear cooperation with Russia's plans. Collusion by definition.
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So Hunter Biden gets kicked out of the Navy for drug abuse, goes on to peddle influence thanks to his father's political office and later picks up a $50,000 dollar a month job in a sector that he has no experience in. Here is an interesting article that covers some of the issues raising questions regarding Hunter:

"When his father was selected as Barack Obama’s running mate in 2008, Hunter Biden terminated his lobbying registrations, which at the time included a company that had lobbied the staff of the Senate Judiciary Committee, on which his father had served, about xxx gambling issues."
Early that year, Mr. Archer, the Kerry family friend, and Hunter Biden were part of a wave of Americans who would come from across the Atlantic to help Burisma both with its substantive legal issues and its image. Their support allowed Burisma to create the perception that it was backed by powerful Americans at a time when Ukraine was especially dependent on aid and strategic backing from the United States and its allies, according to people who worked in Ukraine at the time.
Among the Americans brought in by Hunter Biden’s American business partners to help fend off the investigations (into was Blue Star Strategies, a consulting firm run by Clinton administration veterans that had done substantial work in Ukraine.

Definitely worth reading:

Biden Faces Conflict of Interest Questions That Are Being Promoted by Trump and Allies

In 2008 Hunter was in the news for influence peddling:

"R. Hunter Biden, the 38-year-old son of the Democratic vice-presidential nominee, Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., has quit working as a Washington lobbyist, a job that had sparked controversy given Senator Barack Obama’s denunciations of influence-peddling in the capital."

Campaign Says Biden Son Dropped Lobbying Clients
In 2013 Hunter embroiled in questionable practices involving China:

"In December 2013, the same month the fund was officially established, Hunter joined his father and one of his daughters on a trip to China. There, Hunter met up with Jonathan Li, the fund's China-based partner. The New Yorker reported that Li met Hunter at his hotel and shook hands with the vice president. Days after the start of the trip, Hunter had officially joined BHR's board, the Washington Post reports, raising questions about whether he had used his father's access for his own personal benefit."

Fact-checking Trump's claims about the Bidens in China - CNNPolitics

Of course. There are serious questions about Biden's conduct in Ukraine and how criminal it may have been. Seems reasonable to want to provide any information they may have to our Justice Department.

Out of curiosity, why are you referencing the summary when you have the full transcript? Who wrote the summary, CBS?
There are no questions about the Bidens. The transcript is what we need to pay attention to.
There are many and varied questions about Biden. There seems to be a full-court press by the left to obfuscate and misdirect the public's eye away from it.
No, there aren't. There is a diversion by the right wing media that you have decided to adopt.

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