Another nail in Trump's coffin about to be pounded...

The ACA replacement suggested by Trump is yet another fuck up.....

Follow this.......

Trump (going considerably back from his bullshit promise that his HC plan would cover EVERYBODY, be CHEAPER, and be BETTER) now laying out his new plan.

He proposes to allow pre-existing conditions to be insured, BUT has eliminated the mandate.....which anyone with a few functioning brain cells knows is WHAT insurance companies need to help defray the costs of insuring someone with diabetes.

But, it goes further.....Trump wants t give "tax credits" to the poor to help in paying for their health coverage........BUT, we should know that most of the poor pay little or NO taxes, so that these credits are meaningless....SWo these poor are royally screwed.

Wait until those coal miners in WVA and KY wwho "loved" Trump find out what he has done for them..........It'd be almost funny if it weren't so fucking sad.....

This is step in the right direction.

WVA and KY will be able to do thier own now that we won't be carrying the cost of the freeloaders in blue states.
Let the low IQ red state shit stains die

Red States Are Welfare Queens

The 7 Biggest Deadbeat States Who Mooch Off Taxpayers All Vote Republican

And once again we see a moronic talking point that proves nothing.

10% of a red state could be miserable uneducated left wingers who suck up most of those resources.

Or is Wisconsin now a red state ? (Almost 50/50) ?

Can you guys ever stop looking stupid ?
You mean that worthless cbo that crunched numbers and said the iraq war was going to be cheap......that same one and now you look forward to their numbers? You are one gullible pigeon.

How "true".....You should ONLY trust Trump, Fox, Breitbart and what the little messages tell you in Chinese fortune cookies.....LOL

As opposed to your little cat turds.
One wonders if The OP is even an American Citizen.

The ACA is a disaster and if you are calling it a nail in his coffin which is very ugly and hateful imagery, I am going to go out on a limb here and say it's going to be a wild success!
The ACA replacement suggested by Trump is yet another fuck up.....

Follow this.......

Trump (going considerably back from his bullshit promise that his HC plan would cover EVERYBODY, be CHEAPER, and be BETTER) now laying out his new plan.

He proposes to allow pre-existing conditions to be insured, BUT has eliminated the mandate.....which anyone with a few functioning brain cells knows is WHAT insurance companies need to help defray the costs of insuring someone with diabetes.

But, it goes further.....Trump wants t give "tax credits" to the poor to help in paying for their health coverage........BUT, we should know that most of the poor pay little or NO taxes, so that these credits are meaningless....SWo these poor are royally screwed.

Wait until those coal miners in WVA and KY who "loved" Trump find out what he has done for them..........It'd be almost funny if it weren't so fucking sad.....

The insurance companies will withdraw from this in a New York second. No insurance company will participate without a mandate, or subsidized losses.

Looks like nat4900 (Gnat) is trying to match wits with those "morons" who simply kicked his ass in the election.

Has no clue as to what that means.
Perfect description of The ACA. They ran as far and fast as they could from that.

The ACA replacement suggested by Trump is yet another fuck up.....

Follow this.......

Trump (going considerably back from his bullshit promise that his HC plan would cover EVERYBODY, be CHEAPER, and be BETTER) now laying out his new plan.

He proposes to allow pre-existing conditions to be insured, BUT has eliminated the mandate.....which anyone with a few functioning brain cells knows is WHAT insurance companies need to help defray the costs of insuring someone with diabetes.

But, it goes further.....Trump wants t give "tax credits" to the poor to help in paying for their health coverage........BUT, we should know that most of the poor pay little or NO taxes, so that these credits are meaningless....SWo these poor are royally screwed.

Wait until those coal miners in WVA and KY who "loved" Trump find out what he has done for them..........It'd be almost funny if it weren't so fucking sad.....

The insurance companies will withdraw from this in a New York second. No insurance company will participate without a mandate, or subsidized losses.
The insurance companies will withdraw from this in a New York second. No insurance company will participate without a mandate, or subsidized losses.'re 100% correct.....But such simple logic CANNOT be comprehended by right wing morons......

All that they're interested in is the fantasy that Trump repealed the ACA and they'll rejoice while wondering why their assholes are hurting.

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