Another nail in Trump's coffin about to be pounded...

The ACA replacement suggested by Trump is yet another fuck up.....

Follow this.......

Trump (going considerably back from his bullshit promise that his HC plan would cover EVERYBODY, be CHEAPER, and be BETTER) now laying out his new plan.

He proposes to allow pre-existing conditions to be insured, BUT has eliminated the mandate.....which anyone with a few functioning brain cells knows is WHAT insurance companies need to help defray the costs of insuring someone with diabetes.

But, it goes further.....Trump wants t give "tax credits" to the poor to help in paying for their health coverage........BUT, we should know that most of the poor pay little or NO taxes, so that these credits are meaningless....SWo these poor are royally screwed.

Wait until those coal miners in WVA and KY who "loved" Trump find out what he has done for them..........It'd be almost funny if it weren't so fucking sad.....
a tax credit may possibly help even for those who pay no income tax now...however the amount they are offering for older folks is $4000, and in a state like mine an insurance policy is around $12000 a year plus another $5 k out of pocket before they pay in full, each year, for someone older...

that $4 k just means the poorer older person in my State, will end up going without insurance...

SAME with the $2k a year for the younger person, it won't come close to the premium and policy costs for them here in Maine....

may be doable in the states that have cheaper insurance with lots of competition with big cities everywhere...NOT Here....

That;s a damn shame...all those people going back to not having insurance again...
The ACA replacement suggested by Trump is yet another fuck up.....

Follow this.......

Trump (going considerably back from his bullshit promise that his HC plan would cover EVERYBODY, be CHEAPER, and be BETTER) now laying out his new plan.

He proposes to allow pre-existing conditions to be insured, BUT has eliminated the mandate.....which anyone with a few functioning brain cells knows is WHAT insurance companies need to help defray the costs of insuring someone with diabetes.

But, it goes further.....Trump wants t give "tax credits" to the poor to help in paying for their health coverage........BUT, we should know that most of the poor pay little or NO taxes, so that these credits are meaningless....SWo these poor are royally screwed.

Wait until those coal miners in WVA and KY who "loved" Trump find out what he has done for them..........It'd be almost funny if it weren't so fucking sad.....

Is it a mandate, or a tax, Gruber?
The ACA replacement suggested by Trump is yet another fuck up.....

Follow this.......

Trump (going considerably back from his bullshit promise that his HC plan would cover EVERYBODY, be CHEAPER, and be BETTER) now laying out his new plan.

He proposes to allow pre-existing conditions to be insured, BUT has eliminated the mandate.....which anyone with a few functioning brain cells knows is WHAT insurance companies need to help defray the costs of insuring someone with diabetes.

But, it goes further.....Trump wants t give "tax credits" to the poor to help in paying for their health coverage........BUT, we should know that most of the poor pay little or NO taxes, so that these credits are meaningless....SWo these poor are royally screwed.

Wait until those coal miners in WVA and KY who "loved" Trump find out what he has done for them..........It'd be almost funny if it weren't so fucking sad.....
a tax credit may possibly help even for those who pay no income tax now...however the amount they are offering for older folks is $4000, and in a state like mine an insurance policy is around $12000 a year plus another $5 k out of pocket before they pay in full, each year, for someone older...

that $4 k just means the poorer older person in my State, will end up going without insurance...

SAME with the $2k a year for the younger person, it won't come close to the premium and policy costs for them here in Maine....

may be doable in the states that have cheaper insurance with lots of competition with big cities everywhere...NOT Here....

That;s a damn shame...all those people going back to not having insurance again...

No need to get upset about it. the whole thing is DOA.
We are armed!



That would be all that it would take to have you liberals pissing your Underoos.
No need to get upset about it. the whole thing is DOA.

Of course, you're correct........HOWEVER, this is the interesting part:

1. Trump, being the infantile idiot that he is, will take "revenge" on congressional republicans for rejecting his TrumpCare.....He'll exact his revenge through TWEETS

2. Congressional republicans may then finally have had enough of the orange charlatan and will turn on him.
the mandate for EMPLOYERS was not dropped, just the mandate for individuals

so my guess is 70% of the insurance mandate is still in place
No need to get upset about it. the whole thing is DOA.

Of course, you're correct........HOWEVER, this is the interesting part:

1. Trump, being the infantile idiot that he is, will take "revenge" on congressional republicans for rejecting his TrumpCare.....He'll exact his revenge through TWEETS

2. Congressional republicans may then finally have had enough of the orange charlatan and will turn on him.
You are one major moron...
The Republicans in Congress hate Trump; but they're also afraid of his big mouth.
Am I'm loving it.
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The ACA replacement suggested by Trump is yet another fuck up.....

Follow this.......

Trump (going considerably back from his bullshit promise that his HC plan would cover EVERYBODY, be CHEAPER, and be BETTER) now laying out his new plan.

He proposes to allow pre-existing conditions to be insured, BUT has eliminated the mandate.....which anyone with a few functioning brain cells knows is WHAT insurance companies need to help defray the costs of insuring someone with diabetes.

But, it goes further.....Trump wants t give "tax credits" to the poor to help in paying for their health coverage........BUT, we should know that most of the poor pay little or NO taxes, so that these credits are meaningless....SWo these poor are royally screwed.

Wait until those coal miners in WVA and KY who "loved" Trump find out what he has done for them..........It'd be almost funny if it weren't so fucking sad.....
a tax credit may possibly help even for those who pay no income tax now...however the amount they are offering for older folks is $4000, and in a state like mine an insurance policy is around $12000 a year plus another $5 k out of pocket before they pay in full, each year, for someone older...

that $4 k just means the poorer older person in my State, will end up going without insurance...

SAME with the $2k a year for the younger person, it won't come close to the premium and policy costs for them here in Maine....

may be doable in the states that have cheaper insurance with lots of competition with big cities everywhere...NOT Here....

That;s a damn shame...all those people going back to not having insurance again...

No need to get upset about it. the whole thing is DOA.
true, but they started so rock bottom, we may accept any plan above barely rock bottom... as acceptable...
ou are so full of shit, I'll bet you have brown eyes.

Well, may be time to go play with your little boats and rubber duckies in your bathtub.....LOL

I suppose you might be right, since I have destroyed what little you have tried to pull over the eyes of your fellow libs on this thread. I can go relax knowing my work destroying you is now complete.
Policy prices could come way down if Choice is available. I don't need penile enlargement or stomach stapled. Give me the bare bone, high deductible plan I used to have for $53/mo my cost. Employer paid at least 1/2?

Normal generic prescriptions were about $2.
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Hey, excrement brain!

I am a TYpe II diabetic. My insurance has paid for nothing but my medications for the past 15 years.

I suggest you look elsewhere for a boogie man.

I have also changed insurance companies about a dozen times and it is not considered a pre-existing condition for coverage.

Type 1 is much different than type 2 diabetes...these are the ones who will be hurt badly..( my son)
Hey, excrement brain!

I am a TYpe II diabetic. My insurance has paid for nothing but my medications for the past 15 years.

I suggest you look elsewhere for a boogie man.

I have also changed insurance companies about a dozen times and it is not considered a pre-existing condition for coverage.

Send a thank you note to Obama

Until very recently, the health insurance industry commonly referred to type 1 diabetes as an "automatic denial" condition. In many states it simply wasn't possible for T1s to buy individual health insurance for any amount of money. In states where you could, the insurance company could legally include a rider denying coverage for anything related to your diabetes. So you could get health insurance; for everything but your diabetes. And they could legally charge you more, too. Lots more.

In recent years, type 2s, especially those requiring insulin, also found individual insurance either prohibitively expensive or flat-out unavailable. As have folks with cancer, HIV/AIDS, and even asthma.

Basically, if you needed health insurance, they wouldn't sell it to you.
New 'Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan' Covers Us Un-Insurables

Fuckers.....I hate these people, and the dumb ass people who fucked it all up by supporting them
The ACA replacement suggested by Trump is yet another fuck up.....

Follow this.......

Trump (going considerably back from his bullshit promise that his HC plan would cover EVERYBODY, be CHEAPER, and be BETTER) now laying out his new plan.

He proposes to allow pre-existing conditions to be insured, BUT has eliminated the mandate.....which anyone with a few functioning brain cells knows is WHAT insurance companies need to help defray the costs of insuring someone with diabetes.

But, it goes further.....Trump wants t give "tax credits" to the poor to help in paying for their health coverage........BUT, we should know that most of the poor pay little or NO taxes, so that these credits are meaningless....SWo these poor are royally screwed.

Wait until those coal miners in WVA and KY wwho "loved" Trump find out what he has done for them..........It'd be almost funny if it weren't so fucking sad.....
You make it sound as though the nail is in the ACA coffin
Snowflakes try to make it sound like Trump is killing the ACA. It is dying on its own. If the GOP do nothing it will die, leaving Anericans with nothing.

That is a Huge lie they were feeding you lies easy...dumb ass people listening to these crooks...what ever fuck off.
Hey, excrement brain!

I am a TYpe II diabetic. My insurance has paid for nothing but my medications for the past 15 years.

I suggest you look elsewhere for a boogie man.

I have also changed insurance companies about a dozen times and it is not considered a pre-existing condition for coverage.

Type 1 is much different than type 2 diabetes...these are the ones who will be hurt badly..( my son)

ignore Tory, Eagle, he doesn't know what he is talking about.. I was a health insurance executive for most of 50 years, and we would deny ANY diabetic who was either a late enrollee, or applying for an individual policy. But, most everyone is covered by group health insurance, and we were not allowed to ask health questions on people who enrolled during the 30 day open enrollment.
You are one major moron...
The Republicans in Congress hate Trump; but they're also afraid of his big mouth.
Am I'm loving it.

Actually as you probably know yourself YOU'RE the moron.....

of course, I know that anyone with a brain dislikes Trump (so obviously you crave his touch..small hands an d all) .......
My observation was based on the TILTING point when republicans in congress say, "fuck it" lets throw this clown under the nearest bus.
You are one major moron...
The Republicans in Congress hate Trump; but they're also afraid of his big mouth.
Am I'm loving it.

Actually as you probably know yourself YOU'RE the moron.....

of course, I know that anyone with a brain dislikes Trump (so obviously you crave his touch..small hands an d all) .......
My observation was based on the TILTING point when republicans in congress say, "fuck it" lets throw this clown under the nearest bus.
Basically, open borders, cheap labor scum bags like you hate Trump.
Too bad, so sad.

If you LWNJ's don't like it, "go out and win some elections".


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