Another nail in Trump's coffin about to be pounded...

Way to go, GOP.

A pig with lipstick.

What a big ol' shock.
Just remember gang: After what BOTH parties have done to us, we STILL have SEVEN (7) different health care delivery/payment systems, NONE of which seamlessly communicates with the other.


  1. ACA
  2. Group
  3. Medicare
  4. Medicaid
  5. VA
  6. Worker's Comp
  7. Indigent
And we're STILL going to have people who can't get care. Only a bunch of politicians could come up with something this fucking stupid.
The ACA replacement suggested by Trump is yet another fuck up.....

Follow this.......

Trump (going considerably back from his bullshit promise that his HC plan would cover EVERYBODY, be CHEAPER, and be BETTER) now laying out his new plan.

He proposes to allow pre-existing conditions to be insured, BUT has eliminated the mandate.....which anyone with a few functioning brain cells knows is WHAT insurance companies need to help defray the costs of insuring someone with diabetes.

But, it goes further.....Trump wants t give "tax credits" to the poor to help in paying for their health coverage........BUT, we should know that most of the poor pay little or NO taxes, so that these credits are meaningless....SWo these poor are royally screwed.

Wait until those coal miners in WVA and KY wwho "loved" Trump find out what he has done for them..........It'd be almost funny if it weren't so fucking sad.....

This is step in the right direction.

WVA and KY will be able to do thier own now that we won't be carrying the cost of the freeloaders in blue states.
Except that the majority of the freeloaders are in the red states
The vast majority of freeloaders are in the inner cities. That's where all the free stuff and Democrats are.
Not true, most of them are in red states.

The ACA replacement suggested by Trump is yet another fuck up.....

Follow this.......

Trump (going considerably back from his bullshit promise that his HC plan would cover EVERYBODY, be CHEAPER, and be BETTER) now laying out his new plan.

He proposes to allow pre-existing conditions to be insured, BUT has eliminated the mandate.....which anyone with a few functioning brain cells knows is WHAT insurance companies need to help defray the costs of insuring someone with diabetes.

But, it goes further.....Trump wants t give "tax credits" to the poor to help in paying for their health coverage........BUT, we should know that most of the poor pay little or NO taxes, so that these credits are meaningless....SWo these poor are royally screwed.

Wait until those coal miners in WVA and KY who "loved" Trump find out what he has done for them..........It'd be almost funny if it weren't so fucking sad.....

This is step in the right direction.

WVA and KY will be able to do thier own now that we won't be carrying the cost of the freeloaders in blue states.

Just wait until the CBO crunches the numbers......
I'm going to LOVE it.

Yo scumbag


Enslaving the taxpayers is NOT a civil right.

Find an insurance policy that you like and purchase it.



Seems like you should be addressing this to Trump and his Merry Band of robbers. Doesn't it bother you that they just came up with a plan that will cut a check of up to $4,000 per year to anyone who makes less than $75,000, whether he pays taxes, or not?
The ACA replacement suggested by Trump is yet another fuck up.....

Follow this.......

Trump (going considerably back from his bullshit promise that his HC plan would cover EVERYBODY, be CHEAPER, and be BETTER) now laying out his new plan.

He proposes to allow pre-existing conditions to be insured, BUT has eliminated the mandate.....which anyone with a few functioning brain cells knows is WHAT insurance companies need to help defray the costs of insuring someone with diabetes.

But, it goes further.....Trump wants t give "tax credits" to the poor to help in paying for their health coverage........BUT, we should know that most of the poor pay little or NO taxes, so that these credits are meaningless....SWo these poor are royally screwed.

Wait until those coal miners in WVA and KY wwho "loved" Trump find out what he has done for them..........It'd be almost funny if it weren't so fucking sad.....

This is step in the right direction.

WVA and KY will be able to do thier own now that we won't be carrying the cost of the freeloaders in blue states.
Except that the majority of the freeloaders are in the red states
The vast majority of freeloaders are in the inner cities. That's where all the free stuff and Democrats are.
Not true, most of them are in red states.

Yep, republican South is the poorest part of the country.
And your running out of W's

BTW, illiterate deplorable, the word is YOU'RE, not "your"......LOL



Yo scumbag


Enslaving the taxpayers is NOT a civil right.

Find an insurance policy that you like and purchase it.
And your running out of W's

BTW, illiterate deplorable, the word is YOU'RE, not "your"......LOL



Yo scumbag


Enslaving the taxpayers is NOT a civil right.

Find an insurance policy that you like and purchase it.

You won't hear from buzzboy (Gnat)....

He only comes to the board to drop his little left wing turds and attempt to look smart.

Has not succeeded on the second count.
And your running out of W's

BTW, illiterate deplorable, the word is YOU'RE, not "your"......LOL



Yo scumbag


Enslaving the taxpayers is NOT a civil right.

Find an insurance policy that you like and purchase it.

Have you tried a strong enema???? LOL

Why ?

So he look as stupid as you ?

Thanks for not answering the question and showing us that you are nothing more than a left wing buttboy.
The ACA replacement suggested by Trump is yet another fuck up.....

Follow this.......

Trump (going considerably back from his bullshit promise that his HC plan would cover EVERYBODY, be CHEAPER, and be BETTER) now laying out his new plan.

He proposes to allow pre-existing conditions to be insured, BUT has eliminated the mandate.....which anyone with a few functioning brain cells knows is WHAT insurance companies need to help defray the costs of insuring someone with diabetes.

But, it goes further.....Trump wants t give "tax credits" to the poor to help in paying for their health coverage........BUT, we should know that most of the poor pay little or NO taxes, so that these credits are meaningless....SWo these poor are royally screwed.

Wait until those coal miners in WVA and KY wwho "loved" Trump find out what he has done for them..........It'd be almost funny if it weren't so fucking sad.....

This is step in the right direction.

WVA and KY will be able to do thier own now that we won't be carrying the cost of the freeloaders in blue states.
Except that the majority of the freeloaders are in the red states
The vast majority of freeloaders are in the inner cities. That's where all the free stuff and Democrats are.
Not true, most of them are in red states.

And that means what in a state like Wisconsin.

Pray tell....just how should we interpret your comment for a state like that ?

Or can you just admit you are to lazy to come up with talking points of your own.
Savings accounts won't cut it. Poor can't save hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Your demonstration of your lack of understanding of HSAs is amazing.

HSAs are intended to fill the deductible gap ... it provides a tax-free pool of money to offset the deductible. In addition, instead of having to scramble to make payments on your medical bills, the pool of money is invested, thus further driving down the cost of healthcare.

A sound healthcare insurance program will consist of a catastrophic insurance policy (covers above $10,000, for example) - thus, driving down the cost of insurance significantly - and an HSA in which a person makes monthly pre-tax (driving down cost) investments (which return a dividend - driving down cost). After a relatively short period of time, the HSA contains enough money to cover deductible healthcare costs, and eventually, it generates enough income (from investment) that you don't even need to put any more money in it.

HSAs do NOT require "hundreds of thousands of dollars" - that is complete nonsense - or, liberal generated scare tactics (depending on your motivation).
Savings accounts won't cut it. Poor can't save hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Ask the average Republican to explain an HSA, and how it makes health care more accessible or affordable.

They can't.
I'm the average Republican, and I'll be happy to explain HSAs - as they REALLY work, not as liberals want to portray them.

HSAs are a savings/investment vehicle in order to offset the first-dollar costs of healthcare.

1. An HSA is funded with pre-tax dollars (you don't pay taxes on the money put in it). That is an automatic 15% (or so) return on your investment. The maximum amount of tax-free money you can contribute to the HSA is $3350 (single) or $6100 (family) per year. You may, however, put as much post-tax money into an HSA as you wish.

2. The money put into an HSA is invested (as defined by the individual - you get to choose the investment vehicle) in order to gain a return on the money. If we assume an average of 5% return on your investment (a very reasonable expectation), your return on investment (ROI) is now 20%. You have cut the cost of your deductible by 20% (you're actually using money you earned from investing, plus the taxes you didn't pay).

3. If you put money into an HSA and don't use it, you can rollover the money (tax-free) into the next fiscal year. The money remains tax-free as long as it is in the HSA.

4. If you take money out of the HSA to cover healthcare costs, it remains tax free (as does any ROI you made).

5. If you take money out of the HSA (yes, you can do that) for some non-medical reason (you want to buy a new car), you must pay taxes on the money.

This program is especially attractive to young people/couples - those who have a reasonable expectation of low medical costs.

The national average for the cost of $5,000 deductible health insurance for a 20 year old is $1,050/year, while it is about $4,000/year for a 40 year old. So, a reasonable program for a 20 year old would be about $100/month for insurance, and $100/month into an HSA. After about 4 years, the HSA will be total-funded for a deductible of $5,000, and the $100/month investment can be transitioned to offset the increasing cost of insurance (because of increasing age).

It ain't rocket surgery, folks.

Oh, by the way .... if a young person (under 26) uses an HSA and a catastrophic healthcare policy, it actually can be cheaper than being a rider on Dad's policy (since Dad's rates are pro-rated based on HIS age, and the rider is a percentage of Dad's rate). The "until 26" Obamacare rider was actually a sop to insurance companies because they got money to cover people who probably wouldn't have bothered to cover themselves. But, you never hear that from liberals, do you?

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