Another nail in Trump's coffin about to be pounded...

Companies fled Your mandate and subsidies.

Living in a Lying fantasy land doesn't make what you said true. Reality reveals it's a lie.

That kinda means you are a liar.

That's a strange and recurring theme with Liberals.

The insurance companies will withdraw from this in a New York second. No insurance company will participate without a mandate, or subsidized losses.'re 100% correct.....But such simple logic CANNOT be comprehended by right wing morons......

All that they're interested in is the fantasy that Trump repealed the ACA and they'll rejoice while wondering why their assholes are hurting.
Hey, excrement brain!

I am a TYpe II diabetic. My insurance has paid for nothing but my medications for the past 15 years.

I suggest you look elsewhere for a boogie man.

I have also changed insurance companies about a dozen times and it is not considered a pre-existing condition for coverage.
Of course, my dear right wingers, Trump will blame the rejection of his HC "wonderful" plan on:

The media
The courts
......and maybe even this guy (lol)
The ACA replacement suggested by Trump is yet another fuck up.....

Follow this.......

Trump (going considerably back from his bullshit promise that his HC plan would cover EVERYBODY, be CHEAPER, and be BETTER) now laying out his new plan.

He proposes to allow pre-existing conditions to be insured, BUT has eliminated the mandate.....which anyone with a few functioning brain cells knows is WHAT insurance companies need to help defray the costs of insuring someone with diabetes.

But, it goes further.....Trump wants t give "tax credits" to the poor to help in paying for their health coverage........BUT, we should know that most of the poor pay little or NO taxes, so that these credits are meaningless....SWo these poor are royally screwed.

Wait until those coal miners in WVA and KY who "loved" Trump find out what he has done for them..........It'd be almost funny if it weren't so fucking sad.....

Those coal miners get their coverage through their employers. That's why the UMW exists.

My God, you bring new meaning to the term "ignorant".
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Hey, excrement brain!

I am a TYpe II diabetic. My insurance has paid for nothing but my medications for the past 15 years.

I suggest you look elsewhere for a boogie man.

I have also changed insurance companies about a dozen times and it is not considered a pre-existing condition for coverage.

Send a thank you note to Obama

Until very recently, the health insurance industry commonly referred to type 1 diabetes as an "automatic denial" condition. In many states it simply wasn't possible for T1s to buy individual health insurance for any amount of money. In states where you could, the insurance company could legally include a rider denying coverage for anything related to your diabetes. So you could get health insurance; for everything but your diabetes. And they could legally charge you more, too. Lots more.

In recent years, type 2s, especially those requiring insulin, also found individual insurance either prohibitively expensive or flat-out unavailable. As have folks with cancer, HIV/AIDS, and even asthma.

Basically, if you needed health insurance, they wouldn't sell it to you.
New 'Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan' Covers Us Un-Insurables
Employed coal miners get Health Insurance.

of course, we are discussing retired coal miners with the ensuing black lung disease .....but do carry on with your diversions.

Coal miners face impossible choices as health benefits are threatened
Coal miners face impossible choices as health benefits are threatened

Retired Coal Miners At Risk Of Losing Promised Health ... - NPR

You can't be bothered to read your own links, huh?

That has NOTHING to do with Obamacare. Not one damn thing!

Why are you so stupid?
Those coal miners get their coverage through their employers. That's why the UMW exists.

Hey, fuck head......What happens when those coal miners RETIRE at 40 because of black lung disease????

You didn't read your own links you retard! Shut up and do your homework! I hear there is a reading test tomorrow in Mrs. Johnson's 7th grade English class.
Be careful whom you call moron Nat. IMVHO this "tax credit" will reach $14K for low income family to use to buy health insurance. A credit, not a deduction. Cash payment is another word for it.
Employed coal miners get Health Insurance.

of course, we are discussing retired coal miners with the ensuing black lung disease .....but do carry on with your diversions.

Coal miners face impossible choices as health benefits are threatened
Coal miners face impossible choices as health benefits are threatened

Retired Coal Miners At Risk Of Losing Promised Health ... - NPR
Which, of course, you did not specify. Until now
The usual "no context" tactic.
You can't be bothered to read your own links, huh?

That has NOTHING to do with Obamacare. Not one damn thing!

Why are you so stupid?

Actually you're too dumb to even respond to........

Was it YOU who stated that you have T2 diabetes? Yes or No?

Did you say that you had NO PROBLEM getting HC insurance? Yes or No?t

Did I not point out that MOST insurers did NOT insure sick folks like you PRIOR to the ACA? Yes or No?

Go play with yourself in some corner......
Hey, excrement brain!

I am a TYpe II diabetic. My insurance has paid for nothing but my medications for the past 15 years.

I suggest you look elsewhere for a boogie man.

I have also changed insurance companies about a dozen times and it is not considered a pre-existing condition for coverage.

Send a thank you note to Obama

Until very recently, the health insurance industry commonly referred to type 1 diabetes as an "automatic denial" condition. In many states it simply wasn't possible for T1s to buy individual health insurance for any amount of money. In states where you could, the insurance company could legally include a rider denying coverage for anything related to your diabetes. So you could get health insurance; for everything but your diabetes. And they could legally charge you more, too. Lots more.

In recent years, type 2s, especially those requiring insulin, also found individual insurance either prohibitively expensive or flat-out unavailable. As have folks with cancer, HIV/AIDS, and even asthma.

Basically, if you needed health insurance, they wouldn't sell it to you.
New 'Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan' Covers Us Un-Insurables

You are so full of shit, I'll bet you have brown eyes.

I have been a diabetic for years and have NEVER had coverage denied, delayed, rated or anything else, and that was long before Obama's cursed name was ever heard.

You are barking up the wrong tree there coon hound!
i am EXTREMELY happy that this...of the LONG LIST of Trump LIES is being exposed PRIOR to the 2018 elections......and even the most moronic of right wingers will understand why I'm stating this.....LOL
It is all academic anyway. it will never get through the senate. RW republicans are outraged that the bill contains naked wealth redistribution in the form of tax credits to people who don't even pay taxes. From an ideological point of view this offends them twice as bad as mandates, because it means giving money to the poor that they have not earned---the ultimate sin to the far right, as well as taking away the penalties for failure to have health insurance. Sure, they are throwing a sop to insurance companies by letting them charge a 30% penalty for someone who fails to keep continuous coverage, then buys catastrophic coverage when he is ill, but insurance companies know damned well that if they could not afford insurance when they were well enough to work, then they sure as hell can't afford it when he is too sick to work and there is a 30% surcharge on the premium. they simply will not sign up.

Whoever came up with this was smoking dope.
You can't be bothered to read your own links, huh?

That has NOTHING to do with Obamacare. Not one damn thing!

Why are you so stupid?

Actually you're too dumb to even respond to........

Was it YOU who stated that you have T2 diabetes? Yes or No?

Did you say that you had NO PROBLEM getting HC insurance? Yes or No?t

Did I not point out that MOST insurers did NOT insure sick folks like you PRIOR to the ACA? Yes or No?

Go play with yourself in some corner......

Try reading what I wrote. I honestly believe that half of your problem is that you simply cannot read the English language.

No one could possibly be that stupid and interpret everything ass-backwards like you do. Are you sure you are not dyslexic or have some other affliction?
The ACA replacement suggested by Trump is yet another fuck up.....

Follow this.......

Trump (going considerably back from his bullshit promise that his HC plan would cover EVERYBODY, be CHEAPER, and be BETTER) now laying out his new plan.

He proposes to allow pre-existing conditions to be insured, BUT has eliminated the mandate.....which anyone with a few functioning brain cells knows is WHAT insurance companies need to help defray the costs of insuring someone with diabetes.

But, it goes further.....Trump wants t give "tax credits" to the poor to help in paying for their health coverage........BUT, we should know that most of the poor pay little or NO taxes, so that these credits are meaningless....SWo these poor are royally screwed.

Wait until those coal miners in WVA and KY wwho "loved" Trump find out what he has done for them..........It'd be almost funny if it weren't so fucking sad.....
You make it sound as though the nail is in the ACA coffin
Snowflakes try to make it sound like Trump is killing the ACA. It is dying on its own. If the GOP do nothing it will die, leaving Anericans with nothing.

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