Another of Trump’s Finest in Hot Water Accused of Being A Lying Lawbreaker

when fat boi started his political career with the racist lie that Obama wasn’t born in America, Fake Groucho got aroused.
When he continued showing his racist ways, he became a follower.
When he proved he’s literally incapable of telling the truth you were hooked.
He so reminded you of yourself and a love affair began.
The burden of proof is on Barry Hussein Sotroro Obama to prove that he was born in the USA and obviously that has not been satisfactorily addressed except by some democrat clown waving some document that nobody ever got a chance to examine. It's alleged that a young Obama claimed to be a legal alien to get a favorable tuition discount. The media was not curious enough to check and Media Matters only attacks republicans.
when fat boi started his political career with the racist lie that Obama wasn’t born in America, Fake Groucho got aroused.
When he continued showing his racist ways, he became a follower.
When he proved he’s literally incapable of telling the truth you were hooked.
He so reminded you of yourself and a love affair began.
You just called Hillary a Racist, her campaign staff brought that subject up, Trump just wanted to see proof no different then the Govt asks employers to get proof of citizenship and birth records. Is the Gov't policy racist?
Crying racist at every non issue is a form of racism is it not?
Wrong. One member of her staff brought it up in an email. As soon as Hillary found out about it she fired her. Your racist in chief carried that birther lie for 5 years. Of course you’re not honest enough to admit it.
You’re a deplorable. You’re incapable of telling the truth.
when fat boi started his political career with the racist lie that Obama wasn’t born in America, Fake Groucho got aroused.
When he continued showing his racist ways, he became a follower.
When he proved he’s literally incapable of telling the truth you were hooked.
He so reminded you of yourself and a love affair began.
The burden of proof is on Barry Hussein Sotroro Obama to prove that he was born in the USA and obviously that has not been satisfactorily addressed except by some democrat clown waving some document that nobody ever got a chance to examine. It's alleged that a young Obama claimed to be a legal alien to get a favorable tuition discount. The media was not curious enough to check and Media Matters only attacks republicans.
Obama personally presented his BC to the press and it was closely scrutinized.
Now you prove you’re a racist birther.
How low will you sink?
Qualifications for being a mod.
- racist
- make excuses for a chronic liar prez
- harass non DEPLORABLES
- make excuses for your behavior.
Can you produce the contract he signed?
The deal failed but did that negate him lying about negotiating with Russians in Moscow?
Countless times your pathologically lying candidate said” I have no business dealings in Russia.”
And you bought it.
Thanks for admitting that Trump had no business deals with the Russians. These debates are so much easier when turds like you simply admit that you're wrong
Are you really that stupid?
He was negotiating a business deal while he was telling you hillbillies “I have no business with Russia.’
He knew assholes like u would believe his biggest lies. There’s even a video of him admitting he’s trying to build a trump tower in Moscow. He knew you’d be a easily conned.
To have a business deal you have to have a signed contract, and you just admitted he didn't have one. Case closed.
Not if you’re negotiating a deal. He lied. You continue to make excuses for his lying.

Wrong. A deal means you have an agreement. Talking about a deal isn't a deal. Unless money has changed hands, you got nothing.
View attachment 209302
DEMS offer free schooling so I'm gonna ask for a class on Play-doh bunny making and how to break store front windows and set cars on fire behind a black hoodie and ninja mask, the classes they offer at Berkley.

DEMS are offering free houses, this has been done before in Philly, itvwas called Wilson Goodes Blunder handling the Move Org. and burning down a west philly neighborhood and replacing them with fresh overpriced row homes.
They can't even give away freebies on a budget they are so bad at handling money.

I hear Cortez wants to give away tax payers free money and pink unicorns by writing people checks in crayon who'd just vote for her supported candidates.
Crayons? Like the ones Trump used?
You just proved either your nature to lie in order to demonize someone you obviously wish you could be or proved you are gullible and your sources lie to demonize and you are just a pied piper following the hate mongers leading the march & twirling the baton at the front of the Trump syndrom parade.
PROVE YOUR POST THEN WHEN YOU DO AN AD HOMINEM RESPONE YOU can choose which of the 2 issues you suffer from.
The deal failed but did that negate him lying about negotiating with Russians in Moscow?
Countless times your pathologically lying candidate said” I have no business dealings in Russia.”
And you bought it.
Thanks for admitting that Trump had no business deals with the Russians. These debates are so much easier when turds like you simply admit that you're wrong
Are you really that stupid?
He was negotiating a business deal while he was telling you hillbillies “I have no business with Russia.’
He knew assholes like u would believe his biggest lies. There’s even a video of him admitting he’s trying to build a trump tower in Moscow. He knew you’d be a easily conned.
To have a business deal you have to have a signed contract, and you just admitted he didn't have one. Case closed.
Not if you’re negotiating a deal. He lied. You continue to make excuses for his lying.

Wrong. A deal means you have an agreement. Talking about a deal isn't a deal. Unless money has changed hands, you got nothing.
Negotiating a deal is BUSINESS. He said he had no business in Russia.
Your absurd excuses just get funnier by the minute.
He lied. Just one of his 4,229 lies.
You swallow his lies.
when fat boi started his political career with the racist lie that Obama wasn’t born in America, Fake Groucho got aroused.
When he continued showing his racist ways, he became a follower.
When he proved he’s literally incapable of telling the truth you were hooked.
He so reminded you of yourself and a love affair began.
You just called Hillary a Racist, her campaign staff brought that subject up, Trump just wanted to see proof no different then the Govt asks employers to get proof of citizenship and birth records. Is the Gov't policy racist?
Crying racist at every non issue is a form of racism is it not?
Wrong. One member of her staff brought it up in an email. As soon as Hillary found out about it she fired her. Your racist in chief carried that birther lie for 5 years. Of course you’re not honest enough to admit it.
You’re a deplorable. You’re incapable of telling the truth.
So in making displaced blame excuses you admited Hillary hires racist staff members, and your point was to dig deeper?
View attachment 209302
DEMS offer free schooling so I'm gonna ask for a class on Play-doh bunny making and how to break store front windows and set cars on fire behind a black hoodie and ninja mask, the classes they offer at Berkley.

DEMS are offering free houses, this has been done before in Philly, itvwas called Wilson Goodes Blunder handling the Move Org. and burning down a west philly neighborhood and replacing them with fresh overpriced row homes.
They can't even give away freebies on a budget they are so bad at handling money.

I hear Cortez wants to give away tax payers free money and pink unicorns by writing people checks in crayon who'd just vote for her supported candidates.
Crayons? Like the ones Trump used?
You just proved either your nature to lie in order to demonize someone you obviously wish you could be or proved you are gullible and your sources lie to demonize and you are just a pied piper following the hate mongers leading the march & twirling the baton at the front of the Trump syndrom parade.
PROVE YOUR POST THEN WHEN YOU DO AN AD HOMINEM RESPONE YOU can choose which of the 2 issues you suffer from.
I proved you a liar when you blamed a lowly Hillary staffer for one email.
While you ignore your racist liar carrying on a 5 year lie.
You’re an idiot.
You’re a deplorable.
Same thing.
when fat boi started his political career with the racist lie that Obama wasn’t born in America, Fake Groucho got aroused.
When he continued showing his racist ways, he became a follower.
When he proved he’s literally incapable of telling the truth you were hooked.
He so reminded you of yourself and a love affair began.
You just called Hillary a Racist, her campaign staff brought that subject up, Trump just wanted to see proof no different then the Govt asks employers to get proof of citizenship and birth records. Is the Gov't policy racist?
Crying racist at every non issue is a form of racism is it not?
Wrong. One member of her staff brought it up in an email. As soon as Hillary found out about it she fired her. Your racist in chief carried that birther lie for 5 years. Of course you’re not honest enough to admit it.
You’re a deplorable. You’re incapable of telling the truth.
So in making displaced blame excuses you admited Hillary hires racist staff members, and your point was to dig deeper?
Hillary ended it when she fired the staffer.
Trump carried on the racist lie for 5 years.
But you xcuse him and focus on Hillary.
Yup. You’re a dope.
Look at how the DEPLORABLES keep ignoring all the criminals trump hired.
He repeatedly said he hired the best people.
Yet not one member of the cult has the balls to call him out on that lie..
The only time fat boi has ever told the truth is when he said,” I can shoot someone on 5th Ave and not lose any supporters.”

Just look at how the cult doesn’t care about his corrupt cabinet. They can’t even discuss it.
Fat boi is the most corrupt one of all. Crooked Donnie.
You DEPLORABLES could gain a modicum of respect if you didn’t constantly divert and deflect all of Trump’s finest crimes and misdemeanors.

It gets real old being afraid to call a criminal a criminal.
We do not need or want your so called respect.

Yes you do. Because if people lose any more respect for your party, you are seriously going to lose the midterms in a big way, and your party will be permanently destroyed.

Even Republicans are disgusted by the thievery. That’s why so many are resigning and refusing to run.

Putting children in cages and stealing from the public purse is not what people voted for. They voted to drain the swamp. This is the most corrupt administration in history.

I’m enjoying this. Trump is failing around, lashing out with sanctions to bury the news.
Go brush the hate out of your teeth! Obama caged the children a picture was posted of caged children in 2014 and you blamed that on Trump! Guess who is losing respect? Nobody respects hypocritical liars!

Well since I am neither hysterical nor a liar, let’s start dealing with facts.

The children in the 2014 pictures were teenagers who crossed the border as unaccompanied minors. They weren’t screaming toddlers who had no idea what was happening. These were older children whose parents sent them to the US to get them away from the violence.

These children were only kept in that facility until they could be processed and other accommodations found - usually with relatives. The kids were old enough to carry and know information to help the process along.

Your focus on two photos, ignores the entire situation and pretends it isn’t really happening. Two photos out of the hundreds of photos that have been published.

You ignore admissions by the Trump Administration that they separated over 3000 children from their parents, some as young as 6 months Today, even with court orders and public outrage, 700 of children have not yet been returned to their parents, many of whom have already been deported.

The Trump Administration had no processes in place to keep track of these children or to reunite them with their parents. This week, Trump’s people actually asked the court to let the ACLU find the parents because they don’t know how. The judge told them to clean up your own mess.

As is typical of the Trump Administration’s dealing with problems affecting the poor and the helpless, this has all been handled with generous helpings of dickishness and cruelty. Sessions said that it was to deter Central Americans from seeking asylum. Statistics from the border tell us the program is not deterring anyone.

These families have been permanently harmed and I hope there is a massive class action suit at the end of it that costs the government bigly.
Most corrupt administration ever?
And we haven’t even heard the worst from Bob Mueller yet.

In an administration stocked with world-class grifters and ethically bankrupt officials whose tales of corruption dominate the headlines, it’s easy to forget that Wilbur Ross has been running scams since long before the Trump presidency was even a twinkle in Robert Mueller’s eye. Over the course of the past year, reports have emerged that the commerce secretary, among other things, lied about his net worth for at least a decade; was accused of financial crisis-era insider trading by European lawmakers; concealed his investments in a Russian shipping company with ties to Vladimir Putin; and allegedly bilked colleagues out of millions. But according to fresh allegations, screwing people out of their money appears to be less of a hobby for Ross and more of a lifestyle.

Don’t forget Wilbur helped run the bank of Cyprus where Manafort, Putin and probably Trump laundered money.
Trump hired the criminal Manafort probably because of his Russian connections. Probably did the same with Ross.

Report: Wilbur Ross Stole Money from Colleagues, Sweet’N Low from Restaurants — Vanity Fair
Trump’s is the most corrupt and incompetent ‘administration.’
Most corrupt administration ever?
And we haven’t even heard the worst from Bob Mueller yet.

In an administration stocked with world-class grifters and ethically bankrupt officials whose tales of corruption dominate the headlines, it’s easy to forget that Wilbur Ross has been running scams since long before the Trump presidency was even a twinkle in Robert Mueller’s eye. Over the course of the past year, reports have emerged that the commerce secretary, among other things, lied about his net worth for at least a decade; was accused of financial crisis-era insider trading by European lawmakers; concealed his investments in a Russian shipping company with ties to Vladimir Putin; and allegedly bilked colleagues out of millions. But according to fresh allegations, screwing people out of their money appears to be less of a hobby for Ross and more of a lifestyle.

Don’t forget Wilbur helped run the bank of Cyprus where Manafort, Putin and probably Trump laundered money.
Trump hired the criminal Manafort probably because of his Russian connections. Probably did the same with Ross.

Report: Wilbur Ross Stole Money from Colleagues, Sweet’N Low from Restaurants — Vanity Fair

Nothing there compares with Hillary the criminal yet, she walks free.....go figure.
Trump: I have no business dealings with Russia.
Meanwhile while he was repeating this over and over he’s was negotiating a Trump Tower Deal in Moscow.

Any member of the cult ever criticize him for this lie?
Can you produce the contract he signed?
The deal failed but did that negate him lying about negotiating with Russians in Moscow?
Countless times your pathologically lying candidate said” I have no business dealings in Russia.”
And you bought it.

Of course reasonable people (get it REASONABLE) bought it. No contract --- no dealings. Discussing possibilities of doing business is NOT "doing business"..
And we haven’t even heard the worst from Bob Mueller yet.

Yeah we have. He showboated the "indictments" of Russian trolls that spent less than 100 grand on internet ads. That's as worse as it's gonna get.

And seriously? Stealing Sweet n' Low packets? That's journalism? From unidentified sources? That IS the worst.. And what's a handful? Is that 3 or 4 or the entire SIX that are on the table?

National Enquirer minds NEED to know. :rolleyes:
Turns out the "russian connection" to navigator holdings is that ONE of their clients has owners friendly to Putin.
With that kind of "second removed" relationship, virtually EVERY business in Russia has ties to the Kremlin.

I'm not real impressed by "being accused" of insider trading in Europe. Was there ever an investigation? Indictment? Trial?

I think the "worst" you got from Vanity Fairies is the Sweet and Low heist. Remain Calm and put down the koolaid.

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