Another one bites the dust: Trump announces he is not running for President

Again....was that REALLY an issue a serious Presidential candidate should be foucsed on? REALLY?

Obama is focused on golf, and not doing a damned thing about the economy or three wars - so I fail to see your point here.

Yea....he seemed pretty focused on getting Bin Laden unlike his predecessor

Shhhhhh....we are no longer supposed to talk about Boooooooooooooooooosh, remember?

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02

"I am truly not that concerned about him."
- G.W. Bush, repsonding to a question about bin Laden's whereabouts,
3/13/02 (The New American, 4/8/02)
Again....was that REALLY an issue a serious Presidential candidate should be foucsed on? REALLY?

Obama is focused on golf, and not doing a damned thing about the economy or three wars - so I fail to see your point here.

Yea....he seemed pretty focused on getting Bin Laden unlike his predecessor

/Sigh… So even you don’t deny Obama was not focused on the wars and economy…. Man you fucking own yourself everyday even more than you did the day before.

You do realize they pulled Obama off the Golf course to get the “ok” to whack OBL right???... ahh nm, just tell me TM is on birth control so the world is not plagued by another hyper-retard (more retarded than a normal retard, like a hybrid – so you can brag about it-)made from both your bigoted stained DNA.
Not a surprise given his horrific polling numbers

Donald Trump has just released the following statement announcing he will not be running for the Republican nomination after all:

After considerable deliberation and reflection, I have decided not to pursue the office of the Presidency. This decision does not come easily or without regret; especially when my potential candidacy continues to be validated by ranking at the top of the Republican contenders in polls across the country. I maintain the strong conviction that if I were to run, I would be able to win the primary and ultimately, the general election.......
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Obama is focused on golf, and not doing a damned thing about the economy or three wars - so I fail to see your point here.

Yea....he seemed pretty focused on getting Bin Laden unlike his predecessor

/Sigh… So even you don’t deny Obama was not focused on the wars and economy…. Man you fucking own yourself everyday even more than you did the day before.

You do realize they pulled Obama off the Golf course to get the “ok” to whack OBL right???... ahh nm, just tell me TM is on birth control so the world is not plagued by another hyper-retard (more retarded than a normal retard, like a hybrid – so you can brag about it-)made from both your bigoted stained DNA.

So you glean your "facts" of what occurs in the White House from Michael Moore movies? Do you get your news from the Daily Kos?

Why don't you find out what the unemployment rate is today vs. the day Obama was sworn in, and check out the national debt, numbers of foreclosures, number of casualties since he took office and get back to us.

And knock of the unfounded "bigot" crap, you race-bating faggot.
I can wait to see the ass-whooping Democrats are going to get when they have to deal with the issues head-on with Trump.

I like Trumps tough talk on China and I love his business background, but I think he has too much baggage to win the generals (or primaries for that matter)!
Did anyone actually think this clown would run?

He just wanted viewership and attention. He did a good job of it, I'll give it to him. But he's still a clown.
Trump can focus on this breaking news...

The U.S. government is expected to hit the $14.294 trillion debt ceiling Monday, setting in motion an uncertain, 11-week political scramble to avoid a default.
Yea....he seemed pretty focused on getting Bin Laden unlike his predecessor

/Sigh… So even you don’t deny Obama was not focused on the wars and economy…. Man you fucking own yourself everyday even more than you did the day before.

You do realize they pulled Obama off the Golf course to get the “ok” to whack OBL right???... ahh nm, just tell me TM is on birth control so the world is not plagued by another hyper-retard (more retarded than a normal retard, like a hybrid – so you can brag about it-)made from both your bigoted stained DNA.

So you glean your "facts" of what occurs in the White House from Michael Moore movies? Do you get your news from the Daily Kos?

Why don't you find out what the unemployment rate is today vs. the day Obama was sworn in, and check out the national debt, numbers of foreclosures, number of casualties since he took office and get back to us.

And knock of the unfounded "bigot" crap, you race-bating faggot.

Did you really mean to quote me? I don't see in any way how what you said applies to me... Right down to where I called RW a "Bigot" not a "racist" in that post.
I can wait to see the ass-whooping Democrats are going to get when they have to deal with the issues head-on with Trump.

I like Trumps tough talk on China and I love his business background, but I think he has too much baggage to win the generals (or primaries for that matter)!

Like what for baggage ?

Can you post some examples ?

No one seems able to do so thusfar.

/Sigh… So even you don’t deny Obama was not focused on the wars and economy…. Man you fucking own yourself everyday even more than you did the day before.

You do realize they pulled Obama off the Golf course to get the “ok” to whack OBL right???... ahh nm, just tell me TM is on birth control so the world is not plagued by another hyper-retard (more retarded than a normal retard, like a hybrid – so you can brag about it-)made from both your bigoted stained DNA.

So you glean your "facts" of what occurs in the White House from Michael Moore movies? Do you get your news from the Daily Kos?

Why don't you find out what the unemployment rate is today vs. the day Obama was sworn in, and check out the national debt, numbers of foreclosures, number of casualties since he took office and get back to us.

And knock of the unfounded "bigot" crap, you race-bating faggot.

Did you really mean to quote me? I don't see in any way how what you said applies to me... Right down to where I called RW a "Bigot" not a "racist" in that post.

Sorry - I thought you were directing that at me. You weren't?
So you glean your "facts" of what occurs in the White House from Michael Moore movies? Do you get your news from the Daily Kos?

Why don't you find out what the unemployment rate is today vs. the day Obama was sworn in, and check out the national debt, numbers of foreclosures, number of casualties since he took office and get back to us.

And knock of the unfounded "bigot" crap, you race-bating faggot.

Did you really mean to quote me? I don't see in any way how what you said applies to me... Right down to where I called RW a "Bigot" not a "racist" in that post.

Sorry - I thought you were directing that at me. You weren't?

Lol, did I quote you?

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