Another One Bites The WH Dust

And she ties the Mooch for a SOLID 11 days on the job!

Only the BEST!

"Emily Miller, the Trump-loving spokeswoman for the Food and Drug Administration who was hired just eleven days ago, has already been fired.
The New York Times reports that FDA commissioner Dr. Stephen M. Hahn gave Miller the ax after she “fumbled communications about a blood plasma treatment for Covid-19.”

"Miller, a longtime gun rights activist and former journalist for the far-right One America News Network, has now tied the record for shortest tenure at a Trump administration job after former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci was similarly ousted after just eleven days."

Meanwhile, someone you adore like Fauci can look square in the camera and lie to the American people back in March about not needing a mask.

He later said he lied so as to save masks for health care workers.


Yea, lying democrats are what you call job security.
The whataboutism sure runs deep on this RW site. Do any of you stay on topic?
But after so many firings, one really needs to look to the competence of the person who hired them in the first place.
Seems to me that someone who is not afraid to fire incompetent workers is actually highly competent. Keeping incompetent people around is the exact opposite of competency. We all know that in DC the competency rate is quite low because it's all politics. Trump recognizes this which makes him highly competent as well.
And she ties the Mooch for a SOLID 11 days on the job!

Only the BEST!

"Emily Miller, the Trump-loving spokeswoman for the Food and Drug Administration who was hired just eleven days ago, has already been fired.
The New York Times reports that FDA commissioner Dr. Stephen M. Hahn gave Miller the ax after she “fumbled communications about a blood plasma treatment for Covid-19.”

"Miller, a longtime gun rights activist and former journalist for the far-right One America News Network, has now tied the record for shortest tenure at a Trump administration job after former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci was similarly ousted after just eleven days."

Meanwhile, someone you adore like Fauci can look square in the camera and lie to the American people back in March about not needing a mask. He later said he lied so as to save masks for health care workers. Yea, lying democrats are what you call job security.
The whataboutism sure runs deep on this RW site. Do any of you stay on topic?
Complain. Recently I had posts deleted for "derailing a thread", which is basically the "whataboutism" tactic.
But after so many firings, one really needs to look to the competence of the person who hired them in the first place.
Seems to me that someone who is not afraid to fire incompetent workers is actually highly competent. Keeping incompetent people around is the exact opposite of competency. We all know that in DC the competency rate is quite low because it's all politics. Trump recognizes this which makes him highly competent as well.
In D.C.? I thought he was draining the swamp, not restocking it. A truly competent executive wouldn't have hired all those losers in the first place.
Complain. Recently I had posts deleted for "derailing a thread", which is basically the "whataboutism" tactic.
Forum rules.....Not 'whataboutism' in a political debate setting such as this Forum where emotions often run high it's easy to go off topic. I think almost everyone here has done it and I'll bet almost everyone here has been sanctioned or warned at one time or the other. Man up and stop whining.
In D.C.? I thought he was draining the swamp, not restocking it. A truly competent executive wouldn't have hired all those losers in the first place.
Apparently you've never had to hire employees and fire a few because they did not perform as they advertised themselves. BTW who are "all those losers?"
In D.C.? I thought he was draining the swamp, not restocking it. A truly competent executive wouldn't have hired all those losers in the first place.
Apparently you've never had to hire employees and fire a few because they did not perform as they advertised themselves. BTW who are "all those losers?"
Fire a few? LOL!!! The losers are those he fired or don't you know how he feels about them? He doesn't hide his disdain, so I don't see why you can't see it. Must be those orange colored glasses.
And she ties the Mooch for a SOLID 11 days on the job!

Only the BEST!

"Emily Miller, the Trump-loving spokeswoman for the Food and Drug Administration who was hired just eleven days ago, has already been fired.
The New York Times reports that FDA commissioner Dr. Stephen M. Hahn gave Miller the ax after she “fumbled communications about a blood plasma treatment for Covid-19.”

"Miller, a longtime gun rights activist and former journalist for the far-right One America News Network, has now tied the record for shortest tenure at a Trump administration job after former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci was similarly ousted after just eleven days."

Meanwhile, someone you adore like Fauci can look square in the camera and lie to the American people back in March about not needing a mask. He later said he lied so as to save masks for health care workers. Yea, lying democrats are what you call job security.
The whataboutism sure runs deep on this RW site. Do any of you stay on topic?
Complain. Recently I had posts deleted for "derailing a thread", which is basically the "whataboutism" tactic.
The tactic gets excused if you are RW.
When you lie your dealt with quickly....

Actions have consequences... To bad you idiots haven't learned that...

The trouble is that she got caught. Trump needed a fall guy so she was one of two people fired. She was caught doing what Trump wanted her to do. Downplay the coronavirus. Shows the incompetence of Donald Trump.
"...longtime gun rights activist and former journalist..."

How was she even qualified for the post in the first place?
Democrats literally defend Hunter Biden running a Ukrainian gas company and don't think twice about. Maybe she got the same kinda deal?

Hunter Biden was not running the company. The Board of Directors does not run a company. They keep a eye on management to ensure it is maximizing profits.
And she ties the Mooch for a SOLID 11 days on the job!

Only the BEST!

"Emily Miller, the Trump-loving spokeswoman for the Food and Drug Administration who was hired just eleven days ago, has already been fired.
The New York Times reports that FDA commissioner Dr. Stephen M. Hahn gave Miller the ax after she “fumbled communications about a blood plasma treatment for Covid-19.”

"Miller, a longtime gun rights activist and former journalist for the far-right One America News Network, has now tied the record for shortest tenure at a Trump administration job after former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci was similarly ousted after just eleven days."

Meanwhile, someone you adore like Fauci can look square in the camera and lie to the American people back in March about not needing a mask.

He later said he lied so as to save masks for health care workers.


Yea, lying democrats are what you call job security.
The whataboutism sure runs deep on this RW site. Do any of you stay on topic?
Conservatives are masters of the red herring fallacy.

If they’re not engaged in failed attempts to deflect, they’re lying.

And there’s clearly no defense for Trump’s failed, dysfunctional ‘administration,’ the thread premise being yet another example.
This proves what a sh*t show this administration is running. I thought he was going to be bringing in all the best people!

This administration has proven itself fully capable of shooting itself in the foot, over and over. They don't vet. It's cronies and sycophants over competence. Or...maybe they genuinely can't attract anyone with ethics or competence.

richard painter, the ethics dude for george W. has bailed on the (R)s & donny's swamp because of their vile incompetance with everything they touch..

the ETHICS dude for george W.

let that sink in.
You mean "W", the man democrats said who lied about WMD's and was responsible for the Twin Towers falling?

We should believe him now?

Do tell.

Here is a question for ya, how many lives have been taken because of Trump going to war like an idiot?

Now take their ethics and shove it where the sun don't sine Mr Moral man.

180,000 and counting without a war.

This proves what a sh*t show this administration is running. I thought he was going to be bringing in all the best people!

This administration has proven itself fully capable of shooting itself in the foot, over and over. They don't vet. It's cronies and sycophants over competence. Or...maybe they genuinely can't attract anyone with ethics or competence.

richard painter, the ethics dude for george W. has bailed on the (R)s & donny's swamp because of their vile incompetance with everything they touch..

the ETHICS dude for george W.

let that sink in.
You mean "W", the man democrats said who lied about WMD's and was responsible for the Twin Towers falling?

We should believe him now?

Do tell.

Here is a question for ya, how many lives have been taken because of Trump going to war like an idiot?

Now take their ethics and shove it where the sun don't sine Mr Moral man.

180,000 and counting without a war.

Look at how this guy is so elated with the deaths of those many caused by incompetent Governors who put sick people in with the elderly...The progs are such a waste of cells, that should of been aborted...
This proves what a sh*t show this administration is running. I thought he was going to be bringing in all the best people!

This administration has proven itself fully capable of shooting itself in the foot, over and over. They don't vet. It's cronies and sycophants over competence. Or...maybe they genuinely can't attract anyone with ethics or competence.

richard painter, the ethics dude for george W. has bailed on the (R)s & donny's swamp because of their vile incompetance with everything they touch..

the ETHICS dude for george W.

let that sink in.
You mean "W", the man democrats said who lied about WMD's and was responsible for the Twin Towers falling?

We should believe him now?

Do tell.

Here is a question for ya, how many lives have been taken because of Trump going to war like an idiot?

Now take their ethics and shove it where the sun don't sine Mr Moral man.

180,000 and counting without a war.

Look at how this guy is so elated with the deaths of those many caused by incompetent Governors who put sick people in with the elderly...The progs are such a waste of cells, that should of been aborted...
Yeah! That's what American needs in a time of crisis! Not "the buck stops here" but "It's that guys fault". :rolleyes:

It is Trump's mishandling of this epidemic that is causing close to 1,000 deaths per day. That's two 9/11s per week. If Trump had done what other countries (who now have COVID under control) did at the beginning, thousands of Americans need not have died. A national mask mandate now would save thousands of lives. Trump is not the leader we need in a pandemic.
Fire a few? LOL!!! The losers are those he fired or don't you know how he feels about them? He doesn't hide his disdain, so I don't see why you can't see it. Must be those orange colored glasses.
Yes I had to fire some people and it isn't funny or enjoyable in the least. Why would you laugh at that? I don't see things that don't exist like you do. Because I don't have "Orange Man Bad Syndrome" (OMBS) along with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).
But after so many firings, one really needs to look to the competence of the person who hired them in the first place.
Why don't you look into that and get back to us with some factual, researched data? You know, like WHY they were fired, even IF they were fired (you can't trust the MSM), if they were Obama left overs, etc. You know....real facts instead of your OMBS. Run along now.
This proves what a sh*t show this administration is running. I thought he was going to be bringing in all the best people!

This administration has proven itself fully capable of shooting itself in the foot, over and over. They don't vet. It's cronies and sycophants over competence. Or...maybe they genuinely can't attract anyone with ethics or competence.

richard painter, the ethics dude for george W. has bailed on the (R)s & donny's swamp because of their vile incompetance with everything they touch..

the ETHICS dude for george W.

let that sink in.
You mean "W", the man democrats said who lied about WMD's and was responsible for the Twin Towers falling?

We should believe him now?

Do tell.

Here is a question for ya, how many lives have been taken because of Trump going to war like an idiot?

Now take their ethics and shove it where the sun don't sine Mr Moral man.

180,000 and counting without a war.

Look at how this guy is so elated with the deaths of those many caused by incompetent Governors who put sick people in with the elderly...The progs are such a waste of cells, that should of been aborted...

Good thing tRump stepped up to the plate for the American people.

And she ties the Mooch for a SOLID 11 days on the job!

Only the BEST!

"Emily Miller, the Trump-loving spokeswoman for the Food and Drug Administration who was hired just eleven days ago, has already been fired.
The New York Times reports that FDA commissioner Dr. Stephen M. Hahn gave Miller the ax after she “fumbled communications about a blood plasma treatment for Covid-19.”

"Miller, a longtime gun rights activist and former journalist for the far-right One America News Network, has now tied the record for shortest tenure at a Trump administration job after former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci was similarly ousted after just eleven days."

Earth-shattering stuff!

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