Another question, how come liberals are so upset that information was leaked about the corrupt DNC?

It never makes any sense to me..Don't liberals want to be educated on their choices on who is running for president, who cares if the information came from our press or from foreginers ..

Don't you want the information?

If not why?

Do you wish that someone had illegally obtained all of Trump's tax returns, and released them before the election?

Why not, maddow did get his tax records and he paid 40 million dollars one year.
Obama separated the country but that didn't matter to you. The difference is the right doesn't show our asses when we don't get our way. But the left sure as hell does.

What do you claim the Russians did? How many more years shall we waste on this? Until next election?

How many years about the Bengazi trials that went no where ( also movie just before the election )..

Seemed to quiet down after the election...why you say? because it was a political ploy...

At it is a proven fact that the Russian's hacked both of the Right and Left...but only leaked the DNC emails..
Huh? You aren't very well up to speed. The Benghazi HEARINGS, not trials, are how we found out about Hillary's email and server issues. It may have cost her the election.

I believe it was the DNC hacking that let the people down, but people were concerned about her emails before that...
It all contributed to it..

Now don't you think if we saw some of the Reince Priebus emails , we would be seeing some pretty scummy ones against trying to get Trump out too?
But it was only the DNC that was leaked,why is that do you think?
I just said why, you can't READ. The dumbfuck Podesta clicked on a phishing link and gave out his dumb password (password). I wasn't even really a hack. And you are ignoring the point that the GOP wasn't playing the same games. How many times does it need to be repeated? There was no predetermined nominee or collusion with the press. Had nothing to do with in party scumminess.

And there's no evidence it altered the election in any way. Bernie voters felt left out and blacks didn't show up. Hillary hacked her own election.

Put Wassermen in that category too ... but it didn't help for Comey to come out the week before to say they are re-opening the it is hush hush, old news..we will see..

Why doesn't it bother you that the Russians were even able to hack and send in their Fake news bots...?
No matter what party that you are from we should all be concerned about that..

How Russian Twitter Bots Pumped Out Fake News During The 2016 Election
It doesn't bother me because the left wing in this country spews fake news all day long every day.
It never makes any sense to me..Don't liberals want to be educated on their choices on who is running for president, who cares if the information came from our press or from foreginers ..

Don't you want the information?

If not why?

The issue isn't what was released. It was the selectivity of what was released, and the careful managing of the campaign of disinformation against Clinton.

It's the careful manipulation of public opinion of Hillary Clinton, based on lies and disinformation. Watching this election campaign was like watching 1984 come alive. The lies, the propaganda, and the chanting at Trump rallies.

That Trumpbots don't care how he was elected as long as he was elected shows how little regard Americans really have for the Constitution or their country.

I'd like to see what they found when they hacked the RNC. Given the push for a brokered convention and the desperate attempt to stop Trump, I expect that the RNC private emails would have been even more damning, but those weren't leaked.
It never makes any sense to me..Don't liberals want to be educated on their choices on who is running for president, who cares if the information came from our press or from foreginers ..

Don't you want the information?

If not why?

The issue isn't what was released. It was the selectivity of what was released, and the careful managing of the campaign of disinformation against Clinton.

It's the careful manipulation of public opinion of Hillary Clinton, based on lies and disinformation. Watching this election campaign was like watching 1984 come alive. The lies, the propaganda, and the chanting at Trump rallies.

That Trumpbots don't care how he was elected as long as he was elected shows how little regard Americans really have for the Constitution or their country.

I'd like to see what they found when they hacked the RNC. Given the push for a brokered convention and the desperate attempt to stop Trump, I expect that the RNC private emails would have been even more damning, but those weren't leaked.
i'd like to see it too. anyone breaking the law - get rid of them. no defense, no "situational anger must be served".

we should all be held to the same laws.

now if you're trying to compare anger - the left is livid on information shared to the russians exposing an ally, or w/o their permission.

but back in 2011, no one gave a damn about it when obama gave up brittish nuke secrets as a bargaining chip, not just to help fight terrorism.

WikiLeaks cables: US agrees to tell Russia Britain's nuclear secrets

selective anger help this divide maybe?
It never makes any sense to me..Don't liberals want to be educated on their choices on who is running for president, who cares if the information came from our press or from foreginers ..

Don't you want the information?

If not why?

The issue isn't what was released. It was the selectivity of what was released, and the careful managing of the campaign of disinformation against Clinton.

It's the careful manipulation of public opinion of Hillary Clinton, based on lies and disinformation. Watching this election campaign was like watching 1984 come alive. The lies, the propaganda, and the chanting at Trump rallies.

That Trumpbots don't care how he was elected as long as he was elected shows how little regard Americans really have for the Constitution or their country.

I'd like to see what they found when they hacked the RNC. Given the push for a brokered convention and the desperate attempt to stop Trump, I expect that the RNC private emails would have been even more damning, but those weren't leaked.

What lies do you speak of?

The DNC corruption that Debbie had to step down?

All the e mails she wiped clean ?

Her private server?

Her black berry and the ones she smashed?

Those truths? What lies?


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