Another racist democrat.

The double standard exists by defending black racists while condemning their white counterparts. Nah mean?
Where have I defended anyone...I am simply asking how it is racist.
She made it so a long time ago when she called riots and looting "our race war."
It couldn't have been that long ago. I don't recall her saying that, but it wouldn't surprise me.
If she did, would that make her a racist? Would your argument have been turned against you regarding a white person saying the same thing?
Well yeah...if she was advocating a race war like the teapers on this forum...of course it would be racist.
In an interview with MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell just hours after the announcement, Nadal accuses the police department and state government of systematic racism.

In her statement, she also criticized St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Bob McCulloch for failing to get an indictment from the grand jury.

The senator also went on to say:

“This is St. Louis’s race war. We didn’t have a race war like other cities throughout the country. This is our race war. And people have to be open, and they have to be honest. And they have to earnest. And they have not been earnest for decades.”

Maria Chappelle-Nadal used the term “race war” a number of times to express her sentiment of the situation and overall handling of the case from the start. She has even slammed fellow democrat and Missouri Governor Jay Nixon.
Nutzack never fails to give me a chuckle, especially when he tries to defend hate directed at whitey. I'm glad he's here.
Nutzack never fails to give me a chuckle, especially when he tries to defend hate directed at whitey. I'm glad he's here.
What hate? Why can't you explain it!
What is ow the racists on this forum set the bar to call a black person a racist. If the script was switched...they would say the libs were being ridiculous.

Racist mentality is funny.

Just another race baiting thread by a racist.
The double standard exists by defending black racists while condemning their white counterparts. Nah mean?
Where have I defended anyone...I am simply asking how it is racist.
She made it so a long time ago when she called riots and looting "our race war."
It couldn't have been that long ago. I don't recall her saying that, but it wouldn't surprise me.

It was in the link, all you had to do is read it.
"LET ME BE CLEAR," she screamed on Twitter. "When you exercise your #WhitePrivilege, don't think I'm not going to remember. I will use it for the future. Uncomfortable?"

What the hell does that even mean?

But how is it racist...because she thinks white privilege exists? Pretty mild compared to what your ilk spews.

Do you believe white privilege exists?
I'll bet Nutzack is frantically searching the forum for reinforcements about now.
What is ow the racists on this forum set the bar to call a black person a racist. If the script was switched...they would say the libs were being ridiculous.

Racist mentality is funny.

Just another race baiting thread by a racist.
The double standard exists by defending black racists while condemning their white counterparts. Nah mean?
Where have I defended anyone...I am simply asking how it is racist.
She made it so a long time ago when she called riots and looting "our race war."
It couldn't have been that long ago. I don't recall her saying that, but it wouldn't surprise me.

It was in the link, all you had to do is read it.
I quoted the tweet...dont see it.
I'll bet Nutzack is frantically searching the forum for reinforcements about now.
:lol: you don't know me very well. I am asking a simple question...none of you can answer it.
What did I tell ya? :lol:
Why is her statement racist? Plerase explain.

(Oh...and Gunny and yourself are KNOWN racists on this forum and the two of you always start race baiting threads. You are what you are...embrace it.)
You are a liar. You have yet to link to a single instance of me being a racist.
Racist thinks I am going to search the forum to quote him. Are you serious?

Nice race baiting thread, though.
What did I tell ya? :lol:
Why is her statement racist? Plerase explain.

(Oh...and Gunny and yourself are KNOWN racists on this forum and the two of you always start race baiting threads. You are what you are...embrace it.)
You are a liar. You have yet to link to a single instance of me being a racist.
Racist thinks I am going to search the forum to quote him. Are you serious?

Nice race baiting thread, though.
You can not even in this thread quote where i said anything racist. Much less any other thread.
Here's ANOTHER RACIST DemocRAT, but this drunken, broke, murderer wants to be our next president...DemocRATS, the party of the KKK!


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