Another racist democrat.

No baiting at all it is a linked thread directly to the NEWS source. You haven't even got the gonads to admit when you are wrong. She declared they were in a race war which according to you would prove she is a racist, then when confronted with the fact she said it you pretend she did not, it is IN the news story.
You expect me to click on links you are a racist. Who knows where I will be taken or if it is a virus to take out black people's computers.
Paranoid, are we? :lmao:
Stupid are we? Notice I quoted text from the link...buffoon.
Yes, you are. can do beter than that. Admit it, that was weak. I am disappointed with you.
Hey, what can I say? That's what happens when you argue with an idiot. No offense.
You want to know what is even funnier, Carib...I stated a thread a few weeks back and clearly stated what I thought about Gunny...the idiot even thanked me.

Someone needs an enema.
Yeah I don't know the guy.

I'm black, been married to a white guy going on 31 years now. Raised 4 mixed children. I'm not down with racism no matter the color of the racist, and the Democratic State Senator in the OP definitely made racist comments. There's no shame or embarrassment in simply telling it like it is.
You want to know what is even funnier, Carib...I stated a thread a few weeks back and clearly stated what I thought about Gunny...the idiot even thanked me.

Someone needs an enema.
Yeah I don't know the guy.

I'm black, been married to a white guy going on 31 years now. Raised 4 mixed children. I'm not down with racism no matter the color of the racist, and the Democratic State Senator in the OP definitely made racist comments. There's no shame or embarrassment in simply telling it like it is.

Such a smart woman you are Carib!

Blacks are just as racists as whites, as the DemocRAT Rep. proved!

Where have I defended anyone...I am simply asking how it is racist.
She made it so a long time ago when she called riots and looting "our race war."
It couldn't have been that long ago. I don't recall her saying that, but it wouldn't surprise me.
If she did, would that make her a racist? Would your argument have been turned against you regarding a white person saying the same thing?
Well yeah...if she was advocating a race war like the teapers on this forum...of course it would be racist.
In an interview with MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell just hours after the announcement, Nadal accuses the police department and state government of systematic racism.

In her statement, she also criticized St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Bob McCulloch for failing to get an indictment from the grand jury.

The senator also went on to say:

“This is St. Louis’s race war. We didn’t have a race war like other cities throughout the country. This is our race war. And people have to be open, and they have to be honest. And they have to earnest. And they have not been earnest for decades.”

Maria Chappelle-Nadal used the term “race war” a number of times to express her sentiment of the situation and overall handling of the case from the start. She has even slammed fellow democrat and Missouri Governor Jay Nixon.

wow......that is so dull and not racist in any sense of the term....
Good job at being a moron
You are a liar. You have yet to link to a single instance of me being a racist.
Racist thinks I am going to search the forum to quote him. Are you serious?

Nice race baiting thread, though.
You can not even in this thread quote where i said anything racist. Much less any other thread.
It is a race baiting thread. Typical of yourself. Just because you are a race traitor...that doesn't mean you aren't a racist.
No baiting at all it is a linked thread directly to the NEWS source. You haven't even got the gonads to admit when you are wrong. She declared they were in a race war which according to you would prove she is a racist, then when confronted with the fact she said it you pretend she did not, it is IN the news story.
You expect me to click on links you are a racist. Who knows where I will be taken or if it is a virus to take out black people's computers.

Wow, you're a racist moron! Keep the foil hat wrapped tight around your head and you should be fine.
You can not even in this thread quote where i said anything racist. Much less any other thread.
It is a race baiting thread. Typical of yourself. Just because you are a race traitor...that doesn't mean you aren't a racist.
No baiting at all it is a linked thread directly to the NEWS source. You haven't even got the gonads to admit when you are wrong. She declared they were in a race war which according to you would prove she is a racist, then when confronted with the fact she said it you pretend she did not, it is IN the news story.
You expect me to click on links you are a racist. Who knows where I will be taken or if it is a virus to take out black people's computers.
lol. Excellent. :p
You want to know what is even funnier, Carib...I stated a thread a few weeks back and clearly stated what I thought about Gunny...the idiot even thanked me.

Someone needs an enema.
I don't thank people. So another lie.
Was a lot of Democratic racists at one time. Then Truman began the process of slowly reducing the number of racists in his party and many of the racists left, and with no where to go, became Republicans.
Was a lot of Democratic racists at one time. Then Truman began the process of slowly reducing the number of racists in his party and many of the racists left, and with no where to go, became Republicans.
Truman got rid of a lot of those hateful racists when he dropped a couple of atomic bombs on Japan.
Was a lot of Democratic racists at one time. Then Truman began the process of slowly reducing the number of racists in his party and many of the racists left, and with no where to go, became Republicans.
They didn't mind Bob Byrd staying though. I wonder why. is it racist? Sophomoric..idiotic...shit stirring...but what is racist about her statement?
She is attacking people based solely on their race. It's the definition of racist.
saying white privilege isnt racist...Fuck you people cling to the dumbest shit.
Racist or not, it's a ridiculous concept.
no it isnt. its an opinion.
All racism is an opinion.

What, EXACTLY, IS white privilege? is it racist? Sophomoric..idiotic...shit stirring...but what is racist about her statement?
She is attacking people based solely on their race. It's the definition of racist.
saying white privilege isnt racist...Fuck you people cling to the dumbest shit.
Racist or not, it's a ridiculous concept.
no it isnt. its an opinion.
All racism is an opinion.

What, EXACTLY, IS white privilege?
uh huh

its not racism
She is attacking people based solely on their race. It's the definition of racist.
saying white privilege isnt racist...Fuck you people cling to the dumbest shit.
Racist or not, it's a ridiculous concept.
no it isnt. its an opinion.
All racism is an opinion.

What, EXACTLY, IS white privilege?
uh huh

its not racism
What, EXACTLY, IS white privilege?
You want to know what is even funnier, Carib...I stated a thread a few weeks back and clearly stated what I thought about Gunny...the idiot even thanked me.

Someone needs an enema.
Yeah I don't know the guy.

I'm black, been married to a white guy going on 31 years now. Raised 4 mixed children. I'm not down with racism no matter the color of the racist, and the Democratic State Senator in the OP definitely made racist comments. There's no shame or embarrassment in simply telling it like it is.
He's not really a racist...just suspect and an old fart with no sense of humor.
It is a race baiting thread. Typical of yourself. Just because you are a race traitor...that doesn't mean you aren't a racist.
No baiting at all it is a linked thread directly to the NEWS source. You haven't even got the gonads to admit when you are wrong. She declared they were in a race war which according to you would prove she is a racist, then when confronted with the fact she said it you pretend she did not, it is IN the news story.
You expect me to click on links you are a racist. Who knows where I will be taken or if it is a virus to take out black people's computers.
lol. Excellent. :p
You want to know what is even funnier, Carib...I stated a thread a few weeks back and clearly stated what I thought about Gunny...the idiot even thanked me.

Someone needs an enema.
I don't thank people. So another lie.
Actually, mistaken identity...I always confuse you racists. I confused you with Ernie, racist boy, S.

But you are still a racist. And a race baiter. Are you trying to recruit with these ridiculous threads? If you applied the same definition to racist to whites vs blacks or libs vs might have some valid points.

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