another real hate crime--black on white

just trying to show everyone the TRUTH about hate crimes/RACE/etc:
THIS is brutality......THIS is hate...THIS is a black on white attack ....
blacks commit hate crimes at twice the rate of whites
blacks murder whites at TEN times vice versa
  • A woman was hit in the head with a brick as she walked near Grand Central Terminal on Thursday afternoon
Have you ever noticed how differently the American Press covers White on Black Crime compared to Black on White crime?
White on Black crimes are always made into a racial incident and Black on White crimes are never made into a racial incident.
The Corrupt Democrats have to maintain their narrative of hate to maintain their power.
If a black kills a black, Democrats ignore it completely.

Yea, but republicans are in an uproar.
We don't like crime. Democrats do because it keeps blacks poor and dependent. Blacks are group thinkers that choose to be slaves.

Right wing propaganda.
just trying to show everyone the TRUTH about hate crimes/RACE/etc:
THIS is brutality......THIS is hate...THIS is a black on white attack ....
blacks commit hate crimes at twice the rate of whites
blacks murder whites at TEN times vice versa
  • A woman was hit in the head with a brick as she walked near Grand Central Terminal on Thursday afternoon

Tell me this when this guy is arrest, prosecuted and sentence how many black folks will try to defend his actions? I'll tell you, 0. Now flip the script and folks like you would come out the wood work trying to justify a white man hitting a black woman in the head with a brick.
. fkd up!!!!!! hahahhahahahahahhahaha
you post NO proof of your babble crap is YOU blacks that defend criminals all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NO it's you racist, right wingers who defend ANYONE white man that UNJUSTLY murders someone black.
wrong----undeniable = you people go apeshit defending jackass criminals
etc etc
ALL criminals

You're a freaking idiot, when someone black murders someone black, white, hispanic, etc. you don't see black folks trying to defend someone black when they murder someone. Now flip that like the case in Georgia where 3 white racist murder an unarmed black man jogging down the street and folks like you run to their defense. Or a coward like Zimmerman a grown man murders a 160lb, 17 yr old teenager and scum like you celebrate when he gets off.
Black people aren't very diverse unlike Hispanics. Most of them are criminals and you should be scared of them. Only like 1 in 10 black people aren't sheepple thugs. They need to work on being more diverse.

With all due respect, surely more than 10% of the ethnicity under consideration have behavior that is as good as or even better than the behavior of the other ethnicities that make up this strange nation.

Of course, I do not know the exact percentage, but it could NOT possibly be as low as 10%; otherwise, it would be impossible to work anywhere or eat anywhere or walk down the street anywhere.

No doubt most people know of a letter carrier or store clerk or healthcare worker or even neighbor who is of that ethnicity and who is very nice, maybe nicer than people of other ethnicities.

But it is true that an unusually high percentage of their young people are very defiant and violent. These are the ones who scare people and who give the whole ethnicity a very bad reputation.

Personally, I do not see any solution to this problem. In fact, I think that it will get worse in the coming decades. It is simply a tragic fact of life in this nation, which is now reaping the consequences of allowing something that started in 1619.
just trying to show everyone the TRUTH about hate crimes/RACE/etc:
THIS is brutality......THIS is hate...THIS is a black on white attack ....
blacks commit hate crimes at twice the rate of whites
blacks murder whites at TEN times vice versa
  • A woman was hit in the head with a brick as she walked near Grand Central Terminal on Thursday afternoon

Tell me this when this guy is arrest, prosecuted and sentence how many black folks will try to defend his actions? I'll tell you, 0. Now flip the script and folks like you would come out the wood work trying to justify a white man hitting a black woman in the head with a brick.
. fkd up!!!!!! hahahhahahahahahhahaha
you post NO proof of your babble crap is YOU blacks that defend criminals all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NO it's you racist, right wingers who defend ANYONE white man that UNJUSTLY murders someone black.
EGarner --THIRTY arrests

Yea strangled to death for selling loose cigarettes. The crime of the fucking century.
Black people aren't very diverse unlike Hispanics. Most of them are criminals and you should be scared of them. Only like 1 in 10 black people aren't sheepple thugs. They need to work on being more diverse.

With all due respect, surely more than 10% of the ethnicity under consideration have behavior that is as good as or even better than the behavior of the other ethnicities that make up this strange nation.

Of course, I do not know the exact percentage, but it could NOT possibly be as low as 10%; otherwise, it would be impossible to work anywhere or eat anywhere or walk down the street anywhere.

No doubt most people know of a letter carrier or store clerk or healthcare worker or even neighbor who is of that ethnicity and who is very nice, maybe nicer than people of other ethnicities.

But it is true that an unusually high percentage of their young people are very defiant and violent. These are the ones who scare people and who give the whole ethnicity a very bad reputation.

Personally, I do not see any solution to this problem. In fact, I think that it will get worse in the coming decades. It is simply a tragic fact of life in this nation, which is now reaping the consequences of allowing something that started in 1619.
America is founded on racism 1619 BS.

You ain't black if you don't submit to democrats and 9/10 of blacks choose slavery.

Hispanics are much more diverse and because of that are superior to blacks and perform much better in modern society.
just trying to show everyone the TRUTH about hate crimes/RACE/etc:
THIS is brutality......THIS is hate...THIS is a black on white attack ....
blacks commit hate crimes at twice the rate of whites
blacks murder whites at TEN times vice versa
  • A woman was hit in the head with a brick as she walked near Grand Central Terminal on Thursday afternoon

Tell me this when this guy is arrest, prosecuted and sentence how many black folks will try to defend his actions? I'll tell you, 0. Now flip the script and folks like you would come out the wood work trying to justify a white man hitting a black woman in the head with a brick.
. fkd up!!!!!! hahahhahahahahahhahaha
you post NO proof of your babble crap is YOU blacks that defend criminals all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NO it's you racist, right wingers who defend ANYONE white man that UNJUSTLY murders someone black.
EGarner --THIRTY arrests

Yea strangled to death for selling loose cigarettes. The crime of the fucking century.
---hahahhahahahh--you are DEFENDING a jackass criminal
Freudian Slip
Caravans of Hispanic socialist will be arriving soon and blacks will be expected to share their crumbs with the invaders who will so do away with them entirely.
Black people aren't very diverse unlike Hispanics. Most of them are criminals and you should be scared of them. Only like 1 in 10 black people aren't sheepple thugs. They need to work on being more diverse.

How many black people does your racist, white ass know personally?
Black people aren't very diverse so if you know a few, you know them all. If they were more diverse like Hispanics, they wouldn't have such problems.

You can't make this shit up folks, now this racist moron is basically claiming ALL black folks are alike.
Is that racist?

I just believe like Joe Biden, blacks aren't very diverse unlike Hispanics.

If I'm racist, so is Biden.

Racist as hell, that is like me saying all white folks are racist. That is asinine.
You basically do.
Caravans of Hispanic socialist will be arriving soon and blacks will be expected to share their crumbs with the invaders who will so do away with them entirely.

The caravans are already on their way, in anticipation of the new easy refugee policy of the pending Biden Regime. Anyone who makes any claim of "refugee" status will be admitted to America and given a court date 4 years into the future.
Caravans of Hispanic socialist will be arriving soon and blacks will be expected to share their crumbs with the invaders who will so do away with them entirely.

The caravans are already on their way, in anticipation of the new easy refugee policy of the pending Biden Regime. Anyone who makes any claim of "refugee" status will be admitted to America and given a court date 4 years into the future.
The invading socialist plan to share the resources Democrats promise all their slaves till they are gone.
The article makes no mention of racism as a motive for the crime. While the article mentions this woman's job, there is nothing to tie her job to this assault or to indicate that he even knew her. Maybe he's a crazy. Crazies do have a tendency to attack people for no reason.
just trying to show everyone the TRUTH about hate crimes/RACE/etc:
THIS is brutality......THIS is hate...THIS is a black on white attack ....
blacks commit hate crimes at twice the rate of whites
blacks murder whites at TEN times vice versa
  • A woman was hit in the head with a brick as she walked near Grand Central Terminal on Thursday afternoon
She works for Cuomo. These are the people she and her ilk support, thug criminals.
just trying to show everyone the TRUTH about hate crimes/RACE/etc:
THIS is brutality......THIS is hate...THIS is a black on white attack ....
blacks commit hate crimes at twice the rate of whites
blacks murder whites at TEN times vice versa
  • A woman was hit in the head with a brick as she walked near Grand Central Terminal on Thursday afternoon
She works for Cuomo. These are the people she and her ilk support, thug criminals.
GOOD call!!!!
da fuck you talkin bout? He ain’t commit no hate crimes. Dat bitch had a
Mosquito on her dome. Dat shit finna bite her right through her weave, nah mean? Dat brother just tryin to kill dat mosquito and help an Ol’ bitch, nah mean? He dindu nuffins!
Ayo ayo. Hol up.
I bet that bitch called dat brother the “n-word”, nah mean? She be axin for it, nah mean? Dat man was doin his own thing, just chillin on the corner grindin an shit. Brother was doin mathematic equations an shit, working on his string theory equations an shit, and this hoe done did some racist shit and made dat brother wild out, yo.
He was just being a good boy, not doin nuffins, now da raciss police be enslaving a brother. Sheeeeit.
Dag, yung’n! You been done hit dat shit, nigga!
just trying to show everyone the TRUTH about hate crimes/RACE/etc:
THIS is brutality......THIS is hate...THIS is a black on white attack ....
blacks commit hate crimes at twice the rate of whites
blacks murder whites at TEN times vice versa
  • A woman was hit in the head with a brick as she walked near Grand Central Terminal on Thursday afternoon
Merry Christmas.
just trying to show everyone the TRUTH about hate crimes/RACE/etc:
THIS is brutality......THIS is hate...THIS is a black on white attack ....
blacks commit hate crimes at twice the rate of whites
blacks murder whites at TEN times vice versa
  • A woman was hit in the head with a brick as she walked near Grand Central Terminal on Thursday afternoon

Tell me this when this guy is arrest, prosecuted and sentence how many black folks will try to defend his actions? I'll tell you, 0. Now flip the script and folks like you would come out the wood work trying to justify a white man hitting a black woman in the head with a brick.
. fkd up!!!!!! hahahhahahahahahhahaha
you post NO proof of your babble crap is YOU blacks that defend criminals all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NO it's you racist, right wingers who defend ANYONE white man that UNJUSTLY murders someone black.
wrong----undeniable = you people go apeshit defending jackass criminals
etc etc
ALL criminals

You're a freaking idiot, when someone black murders someone black, white, hispanic, etc. you don't see black folks trying to defend someone black when they murder someone. Now flip that like the case in Georgia where 3 white racist murder an unarmed black man jogging down the street and folks like you run to their defense. Or a coward like Zimmerman a grown man murders a 160lb, 17 yr old teenager and scum like you celebrate when he gets off.
Jogging down the street. Lol.
He was robbing shit, got confronted, and his dumb ass tried to attack the armed people confronting him.
Now he’s good.
Probably another black male who feels entitled to attack a white person.

Yes..crime. It happens. Find the guy, arrest him and prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law. Leave the overt racism at the door.
What racism? Why would we ignore the fact that black violence is uniquely rampant? How does sweeping this ugly fact under a rug help anyone? Should people have said nothing when the KKK was hanging people?

Shining a light on darkness is how we ended the KKK. We shamed them out of existence. That could have never happened if we didnt shout to the moutain tops how vile they were.

Its time to start shouting about black violence, but it wont work if people are out there making excuses for and defending it.

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