Another reason for disliking Obama... he's a narcissist and thinks he's better then everyone else!

That is just wrong.....LMFAO
Of course small minded people don't understand the significance of the little details!
These little petty concerns of Obama...owww... M&Ms I don't like them... just like a little kid.
Grow up you little kids! Ignore the problem of having "M&Ms" in your mix and don't make a big deal but this IS an example of what Obama thinks are so important... "don't give me M&Ms!!! What a little putz!
Of course small minded people don't understand the significance of the little details!
These little petty concerns of Obama...owww... M&Ms I don't like them... just like a little kid.
Grow up you little kids! Ignore the problem of having "M&Ms" in your mix and don't make a big deal but this IS an example of what Obama thinks are so important... "don't give me M&Ms!!! What a little putz!
Well considering Air Force One is has been stocked with the President's favorite candy, peanut M&M's, since he began his Presidency, I'd say you have no idea what your talking about as usual healthmyths.
So, is this the daily outrage? Obama doesn't like M&M's? Stop the presses!
I believe that's an impeachable offense. Add it to the list.

37) Took M&Ms out of bag of trail mix and would not eat them.

38) Believes people around him who do their jobs poorly are a hindrance. What an ego!

Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates was asked what question he would ask potential presidential candidates, he said the greatest presidents were all men who “never considered themselves the smartest guy in the room.”

Gates said, “I think the question is, what kind of people do you want around you to advise you? I think that the — there is a great quote from Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. about FDR. He said he had a second rate intellect but a first rate temperament. I think if you look at our greatest presidents, Washington, Lincoln, both Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Reagan, they were people who had a first class temperament, and so they never considered themselves the smartest guy in the room, but they wanted the smartest people around them and they could take their advice, shape it on their own instincts and own views. I think the kind of people that a candidate wants advising him or her is critically important. The rest of it is, I think, you know, you can’t predict the problems that a president will face.”

Now compare the above SEASONED EXECUTIVE's observation compared to Obama's narcissistic opinion of himself:
“I think I could probably do every job on the campaign better than the people I’ll hire to do it,”
he said. “It’s hard to give up control when that’s all I’ve known.”

Obama said nearly the same thing to Patrick Gaspard, whom he hired to be the campaign’s political director.
I think I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,”
Obama told him.
“I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.”
Again... compare the attitudes of the GREAT Presidents that had much bigger and more impactful decisions to make with this pin head!
As opposed to the last Republican president who was a dumbass and surrounded himself with other dumbasses and sociopaths? I'd rather deal with someone with an ego.

Of course you would! YOU want a rock star as president ...someone who doesn't want to be bothered with big details when there are
so many more pressing problems like "owww... M&Ms get them out of my sight!
As far as Bush... guess you don't remember THESE EVENTS happening and what a traumatic affect they would have if Obama
had been president who was more concerned with the poor Muslims that died piloting the planes!
Obama would have said it was OUR FAULT those poor muslims attacked the USA!
YEA... all the while concerned with making sure there were NO M&Ms in his sight!!!

A recession started before Bush ......
1) Are you aware that a recession started under Clinton and became official 3/01 ended 11/01?
Source: - It s official 2001 recession only lasted eight months

A Major $5 trillion market loss
2) Are you aware that the bust occurred and cost $5 trillion in losses?
According to the Los Angeles Times, when the dot-com bubble burst, it wiped out $5 trillion dollars in market value for tech companies. More than half of the Internet companies created since 1995 were gone by 2004 - and hundreds of thousands of skilled technology workers were out of jobs.
Source: The dot-com bubble How to lose 5 trillion Anderson Cooper 360 - Blogs

The worst attacks on the USA in History.. 3,000 deaths!!!
3)Obviously most of you are UNAWARE 9/11 cost 3,000 lives, $2 trillion in lost businesses,market values assets.
Jobs lost in New York owing to the attacks: 146,100 JUST in New York.
Year 2001: September 11 Terrorist Attacks
The 9/11 terrorist attacks were the events that helped shape other financial events of the decade. After that terrible day in September 2001, our economic climate was never to be the same again. It was only the third time in history that the New York Stock Exchange was shut down for a period of time. In this case, it was closed from September 10 - 17. Besides the tragic human loss of that day, the economic loss cannot even be estimated. Some estimate that there was over $60 billion in insurance losses alone. Airlines didn't fly for 3 days!
Approximately 18,000 small businesses were either displaced or destroyed in Lower Manhattan after the Twin Towers fell. There was a buildup in homeland security on all levels. 9/11 caused a catastrophic financial loss for the U.S.
Source: The Top 10 Financial Events of the Decade
Year 2001...
The 2001 anthrax attacks in the United States, also known as Amerithrax from its Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) case name, occurred over the course of several weeks beginning on Tuesday, September 18, 2001, one week after the September 11 attacks. Letters containing anthrax spores were mailed to several news media offices and two DemocraticU.S. Senators, killing five people and infecting 17 others. According to the FBI, the ensuing investigation became "one of the largest and most complex in the history of law enforcement".[1]

4) $1 trillion in losses due to the WORST Hurricane SEASONS in history.
The worst, Katrina made landfall in Louisiana as a Category 3 in 2005. It took 1,836 lives and caused $81.2 billion in damages. It quickly became the biggest natural disaster in U.S. history, almost destroying New Orleans due to severe flooding.

Rank Disaster Year Deaths Damage* $250 Billion in damages in the 8 disasters of the top 15 disasters in history!
1. Hurricane Katrina (LA/MS/AL/FL) 2005 1833 $133,800,000,000
6. Hurricane Ike (TX/LA/MS) 2008 112 $27,000,000,000
7. Hurricane Wilma (FL) 2005 35 $17,100,000,000
8. Hurricane Rita (TX/LA) 2005 119 $17,100,000,000
9. Hurricane Charley (FL) 2004 35 $16,500,000,000
12. Midwest Floods 2008 24 $15,000,000,000
13. Hurricane Ivan (FL/AL) 2004 57 $13,000,000,000
14. 30-State Drought 2002 0 $11,400,000,000
Costliest U.S. Weather Disasters Weather Underground

a) 400,000 jobs due to Hurricanes Katrina/Rita ,
b) 2,800,000 jobs in alone due to 9/11,
c) 300,000 jobs lost due to busts...
In spite of nearly $8 trillion in lost businesses, market values, destroyed property.. IN SPITE of that:

AFTER the tax cuts Federal Tax REVENUES Increased an average of 9.78% per year!!!
Government Revenue Details Federal State Local for 2008 - Charts
The President of the world's most exceptional country in all of human history should wear sackcloth and vacation in the White House back yard, goddammit! Hot dogs and Pabst, nothing more!

Well. Some M&Ms, too. Goes without saying.
Of course small minded people don't understand the significance of the little details!
These little petty concerns of Obama...owww... M&Ms I don't like them... just like a little kid.
Grow up you little kids! Ignore the problem of having "M&Ms" in your mix and don't make a big deal but this IS an example of what Obama thinks are so important... "don't give me M&Ms!!! What a little putz!
Well considering Air Force One is has been stocked with the President's favorite candy, peanut M&M's, since he began his Presidency, I'd say you have no idea what your talking about as usual healthmyths.
NOTE if you have the attention span READ the below!!!

Did you read this again from Reggie Love Obama's love slave???
Here's what it's like when President Obama gets mad
In a new memoir, " Power Forward: My Presidential Education ," Love discusses being by Obama's side "on the campaign trail when no one believed in him" and in the "seconds before stepping onstage to be sworn in as the 44th President of the United States of America." Though most of the stories are positive, Love also shared stories of what it was like to upset the president.

"Listen, Reggie, I think you're a great guy. But, (Obama paused and leaned forward) if you're not up to doing this job, I can get someone else to do it. You have one job and if I have to worry about all this stuff, then you're not making it easy for me to do my job.

While on the flight Love offered Obama the bag of trail mix.
"The senator opened the bag of trail mix I'd bought and proceeded to pick out every M&M, holding them all in his palm like pieces of candy-coated toxic waste. 'I'm not going to eat these,' he said while pushing his hand in my general direction. 'Do you want them?' he asked, wrinkling his nose. 'No thank you, sir,' I answered, then made the first of what would be thousands of notes to self: No candy with the trail mix.
Here s what it s like when President Obama gets mad - Yahoo Finance

Just a real shame this idiot is representing the USA...totally disheartening!
First there was that asshole Bush, Sr. who pouted and said he was President and that meant he didn't have to eat broccoli if he didn't want to.

And now this spoiled brat Barack HUSSEIN SoeterOREO won't eat M&Ms, a nutritious part of every breakfast.

I tell you. If people don't start paying attention to this disheartening stuff, we will keep getting the government we deserve.
Of course small minded people don't understand the significance of the little details!
These little petty concerns of Obama...owww... M&Ms I don't like them... just like a little kid.
Grow up you little kids! Ignore the problem of having "M&Ms" in your mix and don't make a big deal but this IS an example of what Obama thinks are so important... "don't give me M&Ms!!! What a little putz!
Well considering Air Force One is has been stocked with the President's favorite candy, peanut M&M's, since he began his Presidency, I'd say you have no idea what your talking about as usual healthmyths.
NOTE if you have the attention span READ the below!!!

Did you read this again from Reggie Love Obama's love slave???
Here's what it's like when President Obama gets mad
In a new memoir, " Power Forward: My Presidential Education ," Love discusses being by Obama's side "on the campaign trail when no one believed in him" and in the "seconds before stepping onstage to be sworn in as the 44th President of the United States of America." Though most of the stories are positive, Love also shared stories of what it was like to upset the president.

"Listen, Reggie, I think you're a great guy. But, (Obama paused and leaned forward) if you're not up to doing this job, I can get someone else to do it. You have one job and if I have to worry about all this stuff, then you're not making it easy for me to do my job.

While on the flight Love offered Obama the bag of trail mix.
"The senator opened the bag of trail mix I'd bought and proceeded to pick out every M&M, holding them all in his palm like pieces of candy-coated toxic waste. 'I'm not going to eat these,' he said while pushing his hand in my general direction. 'Do you want them?' he asked, wrinkling his nose. 'No thank you, sir,' I answered, then made the first of what would be thousands of notes to self: No candy with the trail mix.
Here s what it s like when President Obama gets mad - Yahoo Finance

Just a real shame this idiot is representing the USA...totally disheartening!
It's embarrassing how butthurt this article makes you.
I couldn't stand him as a Senator and can stand him even less as President

he has no consciences, he's a proven liar, he's a cold uncaring human being

He's brought a lot of hurt and damage on us
Obama is far better than most Americans. Sorry little man.

Of course you believe that because you obviously NEVER read the below from his book LIKE I HAVE!!!
"Dreams from My Father"...
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

Obama was counting on LIPs i.e. "Stupidity of American Voters" to believe he wasn't an angry black man!
He has tricked you with tactics! And of course you won't admit it you were fooled because that is the nature of people with lesser intelligence
A) not get enough knowledge to make your own mind up..
B) and like the dodo bird never think for yourself... you depend on Obamas of the world to form your thinking! You don't think for yourself
and consequently Obama knows he can fool you with tricks and tactics!
Of course small minded people don't understand the significance of the little details!
These little petty concerns of Obama...owww... M&Ms I don't like them... just like a little kid.
Grow up you little kids! Ignore the problem of having "M&Ms" in your mix and don't make a big deal but this IS an example of what Obama thinks are so important... "don't give me M&Ms!!! What a little putz!
Well considering Air Force One is has been stocked with the President's favorite candy, peanut M&M's, since he began his Presidency, I'd say you have no idea what your talking about as usual healthmyths.
NOTE if you have the attention span READ the below!!!

Did you read this again from Reggie Love Obama's love slave???
Here's what it's like when President Obama gets mad
In a new memoir, " Power Forward: My Presidential Education ," Love discusses being by Obama's side "on the campaign trail when no one believed in him" and in the "seconds before stepping onstage to be sworn in as the 44th President of the United States of America." Though most of the stories are positive, Love also shared stories of what it was like to upset the president.

"Listen, Reggie, I think you're a great guy. But, (Obama paused and leaned forward) if you're not up to doing this job, I can get someone else to do it. You have one job and if I have to worry about all this stuff, then you're not making it easy for me to do my job.

While on the flight Love offered Obama the bag of trail mix.
"The senator opened the bag of trail mix I'd bought and proceeded to pick out every M&M, holding them all in his palm like pieces of candy-coated toxic waste. 'I'm not going to eat these,' he said while pushing his hand in my general direction. 'Do you want them?' he asked, wrinkling his nose. 'No thank you, sir,' I answered, then made the first of what would be thousands of notes to self: No candy with the trail mix.
Here s what it s like when President Obama gets mad - Yahoo Finance

Just a real shame this idiot is representing the USA...totally disheartening!
It's embarrassing how butthurt this article makes you.

Your comment proves so well why Obama KNEW he could lie to people like you because YOU don't want to read, think and come to
your own conclusions... YOU WANT to be fooled as Obama wrote he does..
"Dreams from My Father"...
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

You are proving Obama's point!
You realize that Obama like other pompous elitist really think people like you are to be pitied.
To be taken care of and that you really can't take care of yourself because as Obama has told us he knows more then you!
You are part of the "fly-over" country. You are not as intelligent as Gruber points out you are part of the "Stupidity of The American Voter"!
Obama hired this guy and as a result he by approval of Gruber agreed with Gruber's assessment of people like YOU!

“I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.”
Obama had always had a high estimation of his ability to cast and run his operation.
When David Plouffe, his campaign manager, first interviewed for a job with him in 2006, the senator gave him a warning:
“I think I could probably do every job on the campaign better than the people I’ll hire to do it,” he said. “It’s hard to give up control when that’s all I’ve known.”
Obama said nearly the same thing to Patrick Gaspard, whom he hired to be the campaign’s political director.
“I think I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,”

Obama told him.
“I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.”
Obama Derangement Syndrome:

- The acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the statements -- nay -- the very existence of Barack Obama.

- When a person stops disagreeing with Obama on political policy and believe every single policy decision that he makes is part of a sinister conspiracy to weaken or destroy America and possibly the world.

- The state of paranoia in which people fear President Obama so much, they stop thinking logically and stop using common sense. Usually a direct result of watching too much Fox News.

Announcer: This is Skeeter.

Skeeter: Kenyan, Muslim, Communist, Socialist.

Announcer: Skeeter is suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Skeeter: He bowed to other world leaders. He had a hip-hop barbecue.

"Obama will confiscate guns, bring the Muslim brotherhood to power in America, Take all his orders from Putin, declare war on Israel, become a permanent dictator, maybe even become the anti Christ and set up a one world government...But I just disagree with the guy. How an I suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome?"

Urban Dictionary Obama Derangement Syndrome
Last edited:
So, is this the daily outrage? Obama doesn't like M&M's? Stop the presses!
Yea it should have been known to LIPs like you that this idiot in chief was such a child!
There are many many examples like these that show his juvenile behavior and some of which ARE A DIRECT cost to us as taxpayers!
Case in point:
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it obtained records from the U.S. Department of the Air Force revealing that the Obama family’s 2014 Christmas vacation to Honolulu, Hawaii, cost taxpayers $3,672,798 in flight expenses alone. Christmas in Hawaii is an annual tradition for the family and their most recent visit, from December 19, 2014, to January 4, 2015, marked their seventh Hawaiianvacation. The documents came from the Department of the Air Force in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed on January 5, 2015. Costs for the trip to Hawaii, to the West Coast, and to Martha’s Vineyard last year, cost nearly $3 million alone in transportation.

According to the documents, the Obama’s spent 17.8 hours in the air round-trip at $206,337.00 per hour, bringing the total cost to taxpayers to $3,672,798.60. Judicial Watch Obama Family s 2014 Christmas Vacation in Hawaii Cost Taxpayers 3 672 798 in Transportation Expenses - Judicial Watch

YUP millions of dollars so Obama could play golf! How selfish! How juvenile. How déclassé! He wasted millions of our tax money to play golf!
So yes idiotic childish demands like "I don't like M&Ms" perfect examples of a kid loose with a piggy bank and we are paying for it!

Why didn't he go to his home in chicago for the holidays as Bush did MORE times then Obama has been to his Chicago home!
Why was it necessary to run up millions in hotels,etc. just for him to play golf?
How selfish! What a little kid ..."I don't like M&Ms" !
...And he takes VACATIONS too? Does his evil know no bounds? Only an evil secret Muslim commie would rather go vacation in Hawaii than Chicago.

... in the wintertime ...

But healthmyths is correct that Bush took many more vacations than President Obama has.

Nancy Reagan used to tell the WH cook not to give Ronnie chocolate - no matter how many tantrums he threw. And, as we all know, he loved his pure sugar, child's candy, jelly beans.

More about president's food preferences here -

TheFood Timeline--Presidents food favorites
Barack Obama: Nachos and guacamole, chili, burgers, Green Dragon and Black Forest Berry Honest Tea, Planter’s trail mix, pistachios, almonds, water, Dentyne Ice, Nicorette, MET-Rx protein bars, apples, broccoli, and spinach.

George W. Bush: Biscuits, chicken pot pie, grilled cheese sandwiches made with Kraft singles and white bread, huevos rancheros, and deviled eggs.

Bill Clinton: Soft tacos, chicken enchiladas, chili con queso, cheeseburgers, ribs, cinnamon rolls, lemon chess pie, peach pie, sweet potato casserole, Egg McMuffins, and Kool-Aid. “Heavy on the meat, dessert at every meal and tiny amounts of vegetables, the tinier the better.”—Marian Burros, “Bill Clinton and Food” for The New York Times.

George H.W. Bush: Pork rinds, popcorn, beef jerky, hot dogs, Butterfingers, and ice cream.

Ronald Reagan: Macaroni and cheese, meatloaf, hamburger soup, roast beef hash, Yorkshire pudding, well-done steak, beef and kidney pie, swordfish, baked apples, monkey bread, and Jelly Bellies.

Jimmy Carter: Ham with redeye gravy, baked grits, cornbread, pork chops with cornbread stuffing, fried apples, red beans and rice, ham and cheese sandwiches, spicy spare ribs, collard greens, kale, okra, zucchini, butter beans, fried corn, and peanuts.

Gerald Ford: Waffles with strawberries and sour cream, german apple pancakes, white bread, prime rib, new potatoes, green beans, ice cream, spaghetti and meatballs, liver and onions, lean pork chops, and lemon pudding.

Richard Nixon: Fresh fruit, avocadoes, gazpacho, cucumber mousse, cold poached salmon, cold shrimp and crab, cottage cheese, Rye Crisp, wheat germ, macadamia nuts, corned beef and cabbage, steak, spaghetti with meatballs, meatloaf, and beef stroganoff.

Lyndon Johnson: Chipped beef, biscuits with ham or deer sausage, lamb hash, chicken chow mein, chop suey, spinach soufflé, salad chopped fine and eaten with a spoon, barbecued spare ribs, cold tapioca pudding, and fudge.

John F. Kennedy: Broiled bacon, New England chowder, lamb chops, steak, fish on Fridays, mashed potatoes, baked beans, corn muffins, grilled cheese sandwiches, quiches, soufflés, and beer. “President Kennedy was a small eater; he often had to be reminded that it was dinner time… politics always took preference over food.” — The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library

Dwight D. Eisenhower: Roast stuffed breast of veal, beef stew, oxtail soup, chicken noodle soup, rare steak, quail hash, trout, corn pudding, string beans, succotash, fluffy turnips, and prune whip.

More president's at the link.
Okay, add it to the litmus test for Presidential candidates on which they must score 100% purity.

834) Do you like M&Ms?
Of course small minded people don't understand the significance of the little details!
These little petty concerns of Obama...owww... M&Ms I don't like them... just like a little kid.
Grow up you little kids! Ignore the problem of having "M&Ms" in your mix and don't make a big deal but this IS an example of what Obama thinks are so important... "don't give me M&Ms!!! What a little putz!
Well considering Air Force One is has been stocked with the President's favorite candy, peanut M&M's, since he began his Presidency, I'd say you have no idea what your talking about as usual healthmyths.
NOTE if you have the attention span READ the below!!!

Did you read this again from Reggie Love Obama's love slave???
Here's what it's like when President Obama gets mad
In a new memoir, " Power Forward: My Presidential Education ," Love discusses being by Obama's side "on the campaign trail when no one believed in him" and in the "seconds before stepping onstage to be sworn in as the 44th President of the United States of America." Though most of the stories are positive, Love also shared stories of what it was like to upset the president.

"Listen, Reggie, I think you're a great guy. But, (Obama paused and leaned forward) if you're not up to doing this job, I can get someone else to do it. You have one job and if I have to worry about all this stuff, then you're not making it easy for me to do my job.

While on the flight Love offered Obama the bag of trail mix.
"The senator opened the bag of trail mix I'd bought and proceeded to pick out every M&M, holding them all in his palm like pieces of candy-coated toxic waste. 'I'm not going to eat these,' he said while pushing his hand in my general direction. 'Do you want them?' he asked, wrinkling his nose. 'No thank you, sir,' I answered, then made the first of what would be thousands of notes to self: No candy with the trail mix.
Here s what it s like when President Obama gets mad - Yahoo Finance

Just a real shame this idiot is representing the USA...totally disheartening!
It's embarrassing how butthurt this article makes you.

I couldn't stand him as a Senator and can stand him even less as President

he has no consciences, he's a proven liar, he's a cold uncaring human being

He's brought a lot of hurt and damage on us

You weren't even aware of him as a senator and still know nothing of his accomplishments.

He's definitely more competent than most Republicans, if not all. He is the president. Worse for them? He's half black.
As usual LIPs/Obamatrons ONLY see the 'BIG PICTURE" The GRAND PLAN"! The 5 year Plan!
Fortunately for those of us NOT as smart as Obama BUT do have obviously MORE common sense the the LIPs/Obamatrons who continue to take the gas Obama emits like a frog in water heating up but they don't notice... we are the ones that do the work.
We are the ones that have to be concerned with the little "details" i.e. Reggie Love' the M&M security guard!
Yea fortunately for us that pay the way for the Light-headed Luddlys of the world to exist i.e. Luddly being on food stamps, free internet, etc.
are recognizing what this poll shows and that the LIPS/Obamatrons have to ignore to maintain their ignorance that they've been had!
The Luddlys are outnumbered by those of us that work nearly 3 of us to 1 Luddly in all categories of the below poll!
And almost 4 to one Luddly in trusting Obama! 80% of Americans don't trust him!

As usual LIPs/Obamatrons ONLY see the 'BIG PICTURE" The GRAND PLAN"! The 5 year Plan!
Fortunately for those of us NOT as smart as Obama BUT do have obviously MORE common sense the the LIPs/Obamatrons who continue to take the gas Obama emits like a frog in water heating up but they don't notice... we are the ones that do the work.
We are the ones that have to be concerned with the little "details" i.e. Reggie Love' the M&M security guard!
Yea fortunately for us that pay the way for the Light-headed Luddlys of the world to exist i.e. Luddly being on food stamps, free internet, etc.
are recognizing what this poll shows and that the LIPS/Obamatrons have to ignore to maintain their ignorance that they've been had!
The Luddlys are outnumbered by those of us that work nearly 3 of us to 1 Luddly in all categories of the below poll!
And almost 4 to one Luddly in trusting Obama! 80% of Americans don't trust him!

View attachment 37701

Lean down, put your head between your knees and take a few deep breaths before you pop a seam.

Then, please post a link.


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