Another reason for disliking Obama... he's a narcissist and thinks he's better then everyone else!

A narcissist worth his salt does NOT "think he's better than anyone else".

He KNOWS he's better than anyone else.

Along with knowing numerous other things that are revealed to Him by The Visions and The Voices.
I must have missed the times that Barry has shown "remorse and humility" Sil...did it happen quickly? I might have blinked...
I don't know the guy personally (Obama) but from what I've seen he doesn't quite fit the mold of a malignant narcissist. It's not a name anyone should throw around too lightly BTW. Real actual malignant narcissists are like diet serial killers. They kill their victims psychologically, usually, but sometimes they cross over to actual murder.

Obama has shown signs of remorse and humility. A narcissist never does. EVER. I personally think he is underqualified/overwhelmed and just is a self-absorbed party boy at heart. Though some of those "I'm the second coming of Dr. Martin Luther King" singsong speeches he does come really close to the fine line..

Who used the term "malignant narcissist"?
A narcissist is someone who is totally engrossed in themselves, they believe they are superior to others, they have a huge sense of entitlement, they want praise and admiration, they make themselves the centre of attention, they are selfish and they manipulate others for their own gains.
Malignant narcissism. Narcissist personality disorder.

Let's compare Obama to the above characteristics:
"A narcissist is someone who is totally engrossed in themselves"
So how does Obama stack with other presidents in the use of personal pronouns?
Source: Speeches The Weekly Standard
Obama # 2 on all time list!
Now I would believe this survey more then this one offered by the liberal Rachel Maddow...
No Obama s Pronouns Don t Make Him A Narcissist - BuzzFeed News
and the main reason is the below survey acknowledged Buzzfeed's biased survey BUT Buzzfeed didn't offer this survey.
So between the two there seems more honesty with the Weekly standard by sharing Buzzfeed's biased survey.

Speeches The Weekly Standard
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