Another reason we are going to be broke


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2009
The Michigan Supreme Court has ruled that health insurance companies can base part of your premium rate on your credit score.

Any wonder we have problems in Michigan?
Do you realize it costs $50,000 per prisoner, per year ,in state penitentiaries?
Why would we as a nation pay more to lock people up than they could legitimately earn? It would be less than half of that to put them on welfare.
You want to cut spending, there would be a good place to start.
Do you realize it costs $50,000 per prisoner, per year ,in state penitentiaries?
Why would we as a nation pay more to lock people up than they could legitimately earn? It would be less than half of that to put them on welfare.
You want to cut spending, there would be a good place to start.

Your random post leads me to believe you are a troll or just a moron. Your right however, we should just shoot them at less than a buck a round and be done with them.
Do you realize it costs $50,000 per prisoner, per year ,in state penitentiaries?
Why would we as a nation pay more to lock people up than they could legitimately earn? It would be less than half of that to put them on welfare.
You want to cut spending, there would be a good place to start.

Your random post leads me to believe you are a troll or just a moron. Your right however, we should just shoot them at less than a buck a round and be done with them.

Yeah you are right, I am a moron. But much less of one than politicians that take your money. You posting was labeled “Another reason we are broke”, and sorry “WE” don’t all live in Michigan. The United States has the highest documented incarceration rate in the world. Didn’t realize this was an exclusive bitch about your state. Sorry if I stepped on you dick.
Do you realize it costs $50,000 per prisoner, per year ,in state penitentiaries?
Why would we as a nation pay more to lock people up than they could legitimately earn? It would be less than half of that to put them on welfare.
You want to cut spending, there would be a good place to start.

Your random post leads me to believe you are a troll or just a moron. Your right however, we should just shoot them at less than a buck a round and be done with them.

Yeah you are right, I am a moron. But much less of one than politicians that take your money. You posting was labeled “Another reason we are broke”, and sorry “WE” don’t all live in Michigan. The United States has the highest documented incarceration rate in the world. Didn’t realize this was an exclusive bitch about your state. Sorry if I stepped on you dick.

You want to start a thread about why someone you know shouldn't be in prison, go for it. We have one of the world's highest drug use rates too. Maybe you should bring that down and the other will follow.
There are so many things wrong with American fiscal policy, it's pretty hard to point at any one thing that would have a significant impact.

The whole fucking system needs to be scrapped. It's time to start over with all our fiscal policies.
There are so many things wrong with American fiscal policy, it's pretty hard to point at any one thing that would have a significant impact.

The whole fucking system needs to be scrapped. It's time to start over with all our fiscal policies.

I suggest using that line of thought on your wardrobe, fiscal policy is probably more of an incremental thing.
Do you realize it costs $50,000 per prisoner, per year ,in state penitentiaries?
Why would we as a nation pay more to lock people up than they could legitimately earn? It would be less than half of that to put them on welfare.
You want to cut spending, there would be a good place to start.

On paper that is a good argument. But when you take a close look at who most of these people are that are in our prisons, I'm not so certain we want those people on the street period.
The Michigan Supreme Court has ruled that health insurance companies can base part of your premium rate on your credit score.

Any wonder we have problems in Michigan?

That's odd, because a few years ago, Geico sent me a letter informing me that my rates were going UP, because they had been using my EXCELLENT credit score for an additional discount, and Maryland decided that they couldn't base rates on your credit scores! So in that situation, my rates went up!
The opinion of the court starts off by explaining the practice at the center of the controversy:

As explained in a 2002 report from then-OFIS Commissioner Frank Fitzgerald, “insurance scoring” or “insurance credit scoring” is “the use of select credit information to help insurance companies establish automobile and homeowners premiums.”

I'm not sure this should be in the health insurance forum.
Just give me the OPTION to buy in to Medicare at a rate based on my age!

Any guesses as to WHY the insurance industry refuses to let a public option sit on the table long enough for the public get a look at it?
Do you realize it costs $50,000 per prisoner, per year ,in state penitentiaries?
Why would we as a nation pay more to lock people up than they could legitimately earn? It would be less than half of that to put them on welfare.
You want to cut spending, there would be a good place to start.

:eusa_think: I never thought about it quite that way.....

Since We, The People have a rule that folks should be able to live on $694.00 / month, we could pay six to be lazy at home for the cost of incarcerating one.

I ass-u-me that we'd be turning the pot-heads and prostitutes loose and keeping the tweakers and violent fuckers right where they are, eh?
Sentence the violent ones to death with a single appeal within six months. In order to keep the criminal justice system totally screwed up, I suggest you have the druggies grow pot in prison for medical use. Let the prostitutes service prisoners.

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